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Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

A new interesting addition. I added 3 almonds which I grated into powder!!! Not sure about the results yet.

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

I would say it is definately a combination of both.

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

really interesting theory. i might have to try it since it's a rather cheap one haha. question you think it would help on the back too? do you put it on your scalp? O-o that j...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

When I put it on for the day, I only use about 2 peas worth of yogurt for the entire face. And I gently massage it in for about 2-3 minutes and then it is absorbed, like a moisturizer. There is no res...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

how long do you leave it on as a mask? how long til you see a difference? any particular brands you like...? im quite interested Any plain yogurt (i.e no falvor/natural) will do the trick. I leave...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

The yogurt with baking soda was not much different from the plain yogurt mask. Although immediately after washing it off my skin seemed irritated and itchy. All the marks and pimples were also much re...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

I honestly don't know exactly about the role of baking soda and why this mixture should be used just once a week, but my guess is using a treatment very often makes your skin get used to it and the ef...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

I have the baking soda and yogurt mask on right now. It feels more tingly, even slighty stingy than the pure yogurt mask. I will get back with results tomorrow.

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

If you have mild acne, yogurt helps. I've heard it from an old lady and it's a traditional method of helping acne prone skin. I'd used to use it once a week as a mask several years ago and my face was...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

Yep, the aspirin exfoliates and olive oil moisturizes. It works quite well.

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

I just noticed you can add anything to the yogurt mask. Ive added olive oil, aspirin, tea tree oil and its worked even better. Hows it going for everyone else?

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

i did it on my whole face now. I did it before i had a shower, it felt like it was drying and it made my face feel a bit tight. Once i dried off, my face still felt a bit tight, so i moisturised. Wil...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

i did it on my whole face now. I did it before i had a shower, it felt like it was drying and it made my face feel a bit tight. Once i dried off, my face still felt a bit tight, so i moisturised. Wil...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

No offense but you guys sound silly smearing food all over your faces I would much rather have food on my face than harsh chemicals. I believe that BP might even be strong enough to bleach clothes...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

Sorry! I really have no reason to assume you are a guy, I just had a very very strong gut feeling. Nice to hear youve seen even the slightest improvement. Keep going

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

Oh hehe, its finnish. He was simply asking what brand of yogurt I was using. Im using turkish yogurt, while he (i assume hes a he) just bought bulgarian yogurt.   It really doesn't matter what b...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

I'mHeather and UKLady: Why do you add honey in it and not use yogurt only? Are your skins naturally oily or dry? DNG: Mitä jugurttia sä tarkkaen ottaen käytät? Ite käytän Bulgarian jugurttia. Oon ...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

Doesn't anyone else hate these self-proclaimed "doctors" that come on here telling YOU exactly what you need to fix your skin? Freakin' morons.. I vote for ban. Please move to "Haters Section" ...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
The All Natural Regimen

Amen to this thread!!!   As soon as I dropped all even remotely irritating products, and all cleansers I became clear in no time. I haven't cleansed in a month.

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

I have been doing it for about a month now. Unfortunately I don't have any before and after pictures, as it wasn't a period of my life I wanted to remember for ever   I dont know if it works for...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

No, haha thats not me in the picture. Its tishtashtosh She started arguing about how my acne wasn't bad at all, when hers is barely noticeable... Quite pathetic.   Yeah all I use is water and yo...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

What type and flavor of yogurt? Haha, no flavor... just plain natural yogurt. Cool, thanks for the input, it's worth a shot, did you notice a difference for red marks DNG? Olive oil is awesome ...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

I doubt yogurt works best than benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Agree and a half. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid both F'd me in the A. I was in a vicious cycle, more product -> more b...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Yogurt for mild and moderate acne!

Hello again sorry for the dramatic headline hehe. This method has gotten me clear and I have been off forums.   It could not be more simple.   Skip ALL products. All you need is water and.....

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Milk...Is there a connection with acne?

You really have nothing to lose by stopping dairy for a while to see what happens.

In forum Diet & holistic health

16 years ago