Forum Replies Created

Positive Accutane Experiences

I have been Accutane free for almost 2 years now and my skin still looks great. Sure I get the occasional small pimple around my time of the month but it goes away within days. Accutane is definatel...

In forum Prescription acne medications

14 years ago
Dent from Cortisone shot

I think it depends on your skin really. I am 27 years old and have a nice dent on my hairline from an injection that I got about 8 months ago. The dent has filled in a bit but not much. This should...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
breakout from flax seed??

I believe flaxseed is what brought on my cystic acne. By the time I realized it was the flaxseed that was causing my skin to breakout it was too late. I had bad cystic acne and started to get bad sc...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago

You skin is clearing up very nicely! Hope your lips start to feel better soon. Have you talked to a derm about that? They might be able to write you a prescription for some medicated lip stuff. Ma...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

15 years ago
Getting a piercing while on accutane?

Personally I would wait until about 3 months after your Accutane course to get anything pierced. Something like a bellybutton or a catrlidge piercing already takes forever to heal and when you are on...

In forum Prescription acne medications

15 years ago
Does anyone else HATE getting HAIR CUTS?

I hate getting a haircut just because I love my long hair and they almost always cut too much off. I get my haircut maybe 1 time a year and it takes me about 2 months to talk myself into getting it d...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

15 years ago
Craziest thing you've ever done for your acne?

When I had cystic acne I would use needles to pop the cystic acne. I have a nice scar on my cheek from doing so. THANK GOD FOR ACCUTANE!

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

15 years ago
Does anyone else HATE getting HAIR CUTS?

I hate getting a haircut just because I love my long hair and they almost always cut too much off. I get my haircut maybe 1 time a year and it takes me about 2 months to talk myself into getting it d...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

15 years ago
Girls: did Accutane change your period?

Before my accutane course my period was all willy nilly and during my course it became regular. During my course my period would last 4-5 days and now that I am off it lasts 2 days max (thank god!) ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

15 years ago
The Accutane Log of a 14 year old

Good luck Ryan! Drink lots of water!

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

16 years ago
The Log and Times of the River City Ranger (Returns to Spectravision!!!)*NEW PIC 5/30*

I don't know if I have said this before but reading your log helped me make my final decision on taking accutane. I read your log on a Friday and thought about you and your log all weekend long, pret...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

16 years ago
cortisone shot!

It is normal for the cyst to be bright red after injected, it should go down soon. The last time I got one injected it went away within 2 days flat. It hurt so bad after I got it done too, it was ri...

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago
cortisone shot!

take an ibuprofen that usually helps me with the pain and the swelling after an injection. I am sure putting ice on it would be fine as well but will probably make your skin all red.

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago
The "Post What You Ate Today" Thread!

Sugar free red bull and a oats and honey granola bar <-------breakfast of champions!!!!!

In forum Diet & holistic health

16 years ago
The "Post What You Ate Today" Thread!

* so far this morning I ate 4 whey protein powder pancakes...each has 3 12 carb ALREADY in the morning.... my whey protein powder pancake recipe = 1 scoop protein powder ( any flavor) 1/...

In forum Diet & holistic health

16 years ago
Too Scared to take my Makeup off

He will not care obviously he loves you as he has spent a year of his life with you. Get over your fear and enjoy your time with him. Maybe talk to him about how you are embarassed for him to see yo...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

16 years ago
The Log and Times of the River City Ranger (Returns to Spectravision!!!)*NEW PIC 5/30*

Wow your skin looks really great and your log is awesome too, thanks for having such a great attitude it has really helped me put things into perspective. Oh yeah and your little picture RCR loves Je...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

16 years ago
Accutane's effect on sex drive

I would most definately talk to my derm about the issue you are having. You are right being a 21 year old male your sex drive should be through the roof. Just ask and if it is the tane I would recom...

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago