Forum Replies Created


Delna, How is your face now?

In forum Scar treatments

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

How am I similar to you? You got acne in you mid-20s? Are you female?

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

Someone, I have a partner, and we've been together six years. Why do you think how much sex you have would have anything to do with it?

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

I'm not sure what everyone else is doing. But here is my routine, and I've been doing it for about three weeks now, with no breakouts. At night, I make the epsom salt solution. I think the salts a...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

Melly, Not using bp at all. I tried it for about two weeks and ended up with skin as dry and thin and wrinkly as an old woman. The epsom salts are working well. I've been doing them for about two...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

lafasta, I'm glad to hear you're getting results. I've been doing it for about two weeks now, and I don't have any zits, but lots of whiteheads. but I've always had lots of them. How long did yo...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

Just wanted to finish my thought.... I've had these persistant whiteheads for like a year. Then about 6 mos. ago, I started to get a couple of zits at a time and just as they were going away, I'd...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

lafasta, I don't really measure, but I would guess I use maybe a 1/4 cup of epsom salts, and then just enough liquid to make it slushy - part warm water and part ACV. Like just a splash of each. T...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

Lafasta, I've been doing it for about a week now with good results. The first two days I only used water and 1/2 as much epsom salts as water, and I didn't really see anything happening. Once I ad...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

Sorry, didn't mean to re-add ukochana's post. I just wanted to say I've been using the epsom salts - with a few tweaks - and they are working well. I use a more concentrated solution than ukochana s...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

Well, I've been a lurker for a while, and finally decided to share my experiences with everyone. I've been suffering from chronic mild to moderate acne for the past ten years, and I've tried everythi...

In forum Diet & holistic health

19 years ago