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Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I took Niacin a few months ago for a couple weeks and it seemed to be working. After going on a week long vacation and forgetting my Niacin I got off track with taking it and just stopped.   My ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I still try and eat well, a low GI diet. No sugars, no complex carbs, no bad oils (only coconut and extra virgin olive oil. Mainly just Good Fats (from meats), and vegetables. I don't want to be br...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I have been taking IHN For about 3 weeks now. It was working great for the first 1.5 weeks but I got a massive breakout the other day. I am not sure if it was because I ate a huge amount of sugary jun...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

hmmm... i havent felt dried out really... but i have very oily skin to begin with and i actually think the niacin is helping that problem. So maybe it is making my skin drier but it doesnt seem that w...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I havent posted in a while because I was on vacation in costa rica... but... I have been taking inositol hexaniacinate (500 mg a day) no flush niacin for about 2 weeks now. After about 2 days of taki...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Although it has only been one day I had to report back. I took 1 500mg no flush niacin yesterday. This morning my face doesn't look oily like it usually does and my red marks seem like they have faded...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

Hello everyone. I have been reading up on this thread and though I would try Niacin for myself. I am a 23 year old female and have acne for 10 years. I have oily skin, and hormonal acne that usually o...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Treating Hormonal Acne Naturally

I agree with bugsbunny. I stopped drinking milk last month and my acne has totally vanished. I had hormonal cystic acne which would leave tons of red marks! I have not gotten one pimple since I stoppe...

In forum Adult acne

15 years ago