Forum Replies Created

Uk Nhs Accutane Help

Hi everyone, i have my first derm appointment in a couple of weeks. Im pretty sure im going to be prescribed accutane due to the number of other treatments my gp has tried and now the scarring being ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Accutane In The Uk - Questions

i've been suffering from acne for what seems like a lifetime, jut as my skin clears i have a huge breakout again, which has left me pondering accutane? i would go through the NHS as i cant afford pr...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Will My Marks Heal By Summer?

hi mate, unfortunately im similar to you with the red marks, although im still fighting a few pimples i get with the regimen. unfortunately i highly doubt they'll be gone by summer, and will likley ge...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Alternative To Benzoyl Peroxide To Avoid Further Pigmentations

I have the AHA from the site and use it over top of the benozyl once every couple of nights? is this about right? red/brown marks are my biggest problem and apparently benozyl worsens them a lot and m...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
Alternative To Benzoyl Peroxide To Avoid Further Pigmentations

hi, i was wondering if anyone knew of any good alternatives to benozyl peroxide, the stuff works great for active spots but its preventing my old red marks from fading or having a chance to fade

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
Effectivness Of Dan's Cleanser And Moisturiser Best Place To Buy For Uk

hi, i currently use dans bp (which is great) but alternative cleanser and moisturiser as it costs a lot to ship or buy from the UK. i wonder if either make a huge different in reducing spots or red ma...

In forum products

9 years ago
Acne Destroying Me Mentally

Hi, im quite new to the boards and just wanted to post to get things out of my mind and see if people suffer in the same way. I suffered from mild acne for about a year or 2 and it was nothing that re...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
New Poster, Regimen Help/advice

Hi, I've suffered from mild and moderate acne for a couple of years now and i've tried many over the counter and prescription treatments, pretty much everything but accutane which i really dont want t...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago