Forum Replies Created

A Desperate Plea For Help My Son Has Severe Acne

I am so sorry for my delay in responding… I have not forgotten about all you wonderful people [some of you may not be so wonderful but hard to forget!] It has been a crazy 6 months since I first plead...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
It's Time To Get Rid Of My Acne.

Hey man I figured i would reply because we sound very much alike.. I am 18 years old, have had moderate acne for 2 years or so, and i completely understand the insecurities you are going through. Peop...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago

Im on Epiduo which is 2.5% BP and I occasionally experience some redness too. This occurred when i would over apply the gel and use more than i should... and when i accidently got some around my cheek...

In forum products

10 years ago
How Many Of You Get That Sick Feeling?

Haha wow Fare Thee Well I am in awe of your reply. Comparing acne to life threatening diseases like cancer and HIV/AIDS makes no sense whatsoever. This is and is a place to learn and more im...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
What Is Causing My Breakout?

Sunny Sarah, Definitely sounds like the 2nd reason to me, your skin is just used to that cleanser so the change made it flair up that all. I wouldnt worry much about it though sounds like you have re...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
How Many Of You Get That Sick Feeling?

Hoorahmiz, I know exactly what you mean by take it for granted. I have friends who have never washed their face in their lives and have perfect skin without taking care of it whatsoever. Me on the o...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago

Hi shurra! I actually got prescribed doxy 100mg once a day AND epiduo by my derm when I went for the first time in my life in december... I used both until I ran out of my prescription after 4 weeks...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Help With Regimen

Hi! You should definitely not give up after 10 days! I have been on Epiduo (2.5 BP) for 7 weeks and am finally getting clear.. I'm not saying yours will take this long but if you stick it out, it wil...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Acne On Cheaks

Besides your regular acne regimen, I recommend washing your pillow case on a weekly basis! Lots of dirt can build up here and cause acne. I have even wrapped my pillows with clean towels!

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Hating Life And Acne

Hi Guzzi, I am 18 years old, male, and understand what you are going through.. Acne has done exactly this to me, CONSUMED my life. Zero confidence, zero self-esteem. I know you said its ages until yo...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
A Desperate Plea For Help My Son Has Severe Acne

OneProudMumma, This topic drew my interest because I think I can give you some advice from someone around his age, and skin type. I am 18 years old and have had acne since 17 (i was a late bloomer) o...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago