Forum Replies Created

How Long Did It Take You Guys To Clear Up On The Regimen?

im not clear yet, on week 13 but i've started noticing positive impovements on week 12. no more red, ichy or anything. Just have to be patient.

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
Using Too Much Moisturizer?

u can try using 1 pump of moisturiser after bp, then wait for that to dry and then add an additional one pump on top.

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
Using Too Much Moisturizer?

It should absorb pretty quickly. Just make sure before applying any moisturiser that the bp on ur face is completely dry. I usually wait the full 15 mins as it does help absorb moisturiser. And when u...

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
The Regimen For Oily Skin?

ahaha well this regimen will definitely cause dry skin. which i hate more then anything.   but if you dont have much acne. then i'd say to use moisturiser. This may sound odd to use moisturiser e...

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
For The Ladies...

I totally agree

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
Masturbation-Acne Experiement 20102015

you guys should try masterbating 10days in a row and compare to 10days without makes it easier shorter and ya..

In forum Personal logs

12 years ago
The Awkward Moment When... (Play It Fun)

ahha that awkward moment when your face is sorta tan because of BP and your buddy ask you if you went tanning recently

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
The Awkward Moment When... (Play It Fun)

that awkward moment when you had a major breakout and your hairstylist ask you what happen to your face, having no idea what to say in the next 10mins during the haircut except for i dont know. AHAHA...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
On The Road To Clear Skin Once Again On Dkr!

humm.. im seeing very similar results as you, and i thought it was just me, what a relief. Anyways Good luck and keep it up.

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
Moisturizers other than Dan's new moisturizer

hey im also from vancouver. i've tried this product called complex 15, which can be found anywhere from london drugs to shoppers drug mart and it was pretty good i thought. mayb you might want to che...

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

12 years ago
On The Road To Clear Skin Once Again On Dkr!

NICE! i love reading your updates. keep it up. i'll be on my 4th week soon. time flys

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
benzoyl peroxide and the sun. possible?

In my opinion, i think spf moisterizer should be used everyday, rain or shine because there will always be UV'a and UV'b rays that are invisable to the naked eye and this light will damage ur skin. So...

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago
Moisturizer Balling Up; Neck Is Red And Irritated

jojoba OIL! nuf said

In forum The Regimen

12 years ago

Change ur underwear!!

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

13 years ago