Moisturizer Balling...
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Moisturizer Balling Up; Neck Is Red And Irritated


Posted : 02/10/2012 11:01 am

I've been on the Regimen for 3 months, and my face is completely clear. However, I am having some issues with DK's moisturizer balling up and flaking off, usually around 15 minutes after I apply it. Has anyone had this problem? Any advise for how to deal with it? I think it's because my skin is still pretty flaky from the BP, and the moisturizer is loosening the flakes.


Here's another problem I'm having; over the past few weeks, the front of my neck has gotten progressively red, extremely itchy, and irritated. It looks like I have poison ivy or something. I don't use the Regimen on my neck, but I did start using moisturizer on it in an attempt to soothe my skin. It is so bad that even my hair touching my neck is very painful. I've been using tons of jojoba oil on my face. I use it every 2-3 days as an exfoliating massage before I cleanse. I also use a few drops before the BP, and I use 5-6 drops mixed in with my moisturizer. I'm wondering if the oil is somehow migrating to my neck from my face, carrying the BP with it??? Any advise would be appreciated.


Posted : 02/10/2012 2:57 pm

I had this same problem. I don't do the regimen on my neck, but I think it was caused from the BP running down during my showers. I didn't change anything and the problem went away eventually. Make sure you use a good moisturizer on your neck and make sure you wash your neck when showering to avoid any irritation.


Posted : 02/10/2012 5:54 pm

jojoba OIL! nuf said


Posted : 06/02/2012 5:39 am

It all depends on how long you leave in between applying the BP and the AHA and then the jojoba. I get the balling sometimes if i have put too little BP or haven't let the BP dry enough before applying the AHA


Also, oil naturally removes dirt and other substances from your skin if rubbed in too thoroughly, maybe that is your problem (ie Oil Cleansing Method)


Posted : 06/04/2012 3:56 pm

I had the same problem with my neck. I realized I put BP on my chin area, which would come in contact with my neck when I looked down or something like that. Seriously. When I started trying to not have my chin touch my neck, my redness went away.


Posted : 02/27/2014 11:42 am

Does this problem still happen to you ? And if not how did you make it go away ?
