Forum Replies Created

is microneedling effective in treating acne scars?

2 hours ago, beautifulambition said: @420blazeitfgt I have and I have given thousands of people advice on here. As other users have said it's the type of scarring and severity that matters. Don't...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
6 months of being on accutane ( with pictures )

so i just finished 6 months of being on this med. I still have 3 months to go. But i just wanted to share my progress x) the first two pictures is when i got the IB( the 3rd month ) and it was literal...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago
is microneedling effective in treating acne scars?

On 14/04/2017 at 9:49 AM, Grooving Till Old, Till Dust said: I have done it but it wasn't professionally done by a doctor; I did a few at home treatments. That was almost a year ago and I cant ...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
is microneedling effective in treating acne scars?

i did a lot of research and found out that microneedling is much more better and safer that lasers and chemical peels. I also read positive reviews on it. So, is there anyone here who have done this t...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
someone please help me.

im doing 9 months of accutane and now im on month 6, my skin has improved alot but i have alot of hyperpigmentation left, like alot. i hate it so much and i just want to get rid of it, but i don't wan...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

7 years ago
is there anything that helps with skin texture?

i have some small scars but those are not my main problem, what i hate is those little bumps left from acne.. they make my skin texture so bad  if i only had those small scars it wouldn't ...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
is it going to get worse again? please tell me.

5 minutes ago, cp11447 said: I hope so  and no I just made a post kind of with my history... but I had like three pimples TOPS on my face around my period in high school so my derm ha...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
is it going to get worse again? please tell me.

2 hours ago, cp11447 said: I don't want to scare you at all. i can't stress enough that everyone is different. Ive been on 60 mg the entire five months and I'm 5'7" and weigh 110. My skin seems...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
is it going to get worse again? please tell me.

11 hours ago, cp11447 said: Hey Im five months into my course and my skin got better and has gotten way worse again. Just know sadly it is possible what? what happened? is it because you inc...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
is it going to get worse again? please tell me.

9 hours ago, AlexxelA said: It's okay. That is normal for someone who is doing an accutane course. Your cumulative dosage at the end of your course should be around 120 - 150 mg/kg. You are sti...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Why did I go from clear skin to consistent breakouts while still on accutane?

you said you left your last box in a hot car.. is it the same time you started breaking out again? how many pills were in it? do you still take the pills from the same box now?

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
is it going to get worse again? please tell me.

9 minutes ago, AlexxelA said: I remember reading a story from a dermatologist who was talking about one of his accutane patients. His patient did not seem to improve at all for four months. The...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
is it going to get worse again? please tell me.

i just finished 4 months of taking accutane and i still have another 4 months to go. my skin isn't clear yet but there is a huge improvement! my question is: will my skin get worse again or it will ju...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
my story.... :/can't live with it anymore...

how did accutane fuck up your skin? it actually looks so clear and you would have gotten those scars in the future anyway. it's just that accutane got rid of your acne in a short period of time and if...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
is accutane working? (pics)

11 hours ago, Adeel2111 said: Yeah, i see It is so much better than before, trust me or not (you should). It worked so nicely on you, im glad for you The thing is, everybody reacts diffe...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago
is accutane working? (pics)

6 hours ago, Adeel2111 said: Holy... your skin is so good now! Congrats! I feel like going on accutane myself but ugh... those side effects :0 it's getting better but i'm not completely cl...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago
how long does it take for accutane to clear you up completely?

my face looks better than it was but i still break out.. i want to know when will i stop breaking out, and i'm asking this because im worried about getting more scars from each pimple i get they're v...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
is accutane working? (pics)

yup. i took it a week ago

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago
is accutane working? (pics)

1 hour ago, AcneProne22 said: My pimples take forever to go away too. It wasnt like that before it sucks.. do u think its starting to work? from the pics

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago
dear acne

dear acne..thank you for destroying my life, my being. for making me feel like i'm nothing. i tried to ignore you and act like it doesn't matter, i wanted to fight you..i wanted to believe that im bea...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
is accutane working? (pics)

im 3.5 months in. it got better but im still breaking out and i don't know why.. also, the pimples i get on accutane take forever to go away, it's so frustrating

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago