Forum Replies Created

Regulating cycle while on spironolactone (without bcp)?

That's how I figured out my acne was hormonal! Every time I got pregnant my acne went away and stayed away until I quit breastfeeding! I've used vitex in the past but I'm not sure what to do at this p...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Regulating cycle while on spironolactone (without bcp)?

I've been on 100-150mg of Spiro for nearly 2 years and it has been a miracle drug for me. My husband and I are ready to start trying for baby #4 and my derm told me I could stay on it until I get a po...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

I had a little breakout a few days ago under my mouth. Partially my fault. I thought my skin could use a break so I washed my face and went to bed without putting anything on it and I had a few surpri...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Carpe, (what's your name if you don't mind sharing? I am Ashley.) I am so glad you've gotten some encouragement from it. I felt encouraged myself putting it together for you so I guess I needed the re...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Here are some verses that I love!   1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

I hear you. I've not been on Spiro but I had a similar thing the first time I did a course of Accutane, and I've also got the history of severe depression (I'm finally coming off my venlafaxine/Effexo...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

How long have you been on Spiro? Your skin is looking great!!! I see your taking 100mg of Spiro, I'm thinking of asking my derm to up mine to 75mg. My skin is doing better as far as the break outs ...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Why Me? Why Us?

So glad it seems to be working for you! Looks like we all started Spiro around the same time. Are you on an antibiotic too? What about an antidepressant? Just asking because I am on Zoloft.

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Where is it? Can you link me? Please read my posts "Why me? Why us?" I know what you are going through with Spironolactone. Please hang in there. It could be life changing for you.

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

I have been using Clinique concealer and Physician's Formula mineral powder and blush. I dont like wearing foundation but I knew I'd feel better with a little more coverage. I've tried some expensive ...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

I am so happy with my skin today. It hasnt been this clear and smooth in a long time. I have a little cyst trying to form on my chin and I still have the cluster under my jaw but overall my skin hasnt...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

I had a small breakout yesterday. Not terrible but enough to make me discouraged. I guess it's two steps forward and one step back. I have to keep reminding myself that it's at least better than it wa...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Thanks for the encouragement Tracy. I dont know if my derm does injections. He has never once mentioned them but I havent asked. The cysts I have are pretty small but large enough to itch and irritate...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

I've done so much! I am using Ziana which is a retinoid and Dan's BP. I was using PC's CLEAR Extra Strength BHA too but I stopped and went back to Dan's AHA lotion which I think is a better fit for my...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

So I've dropped Paleo the last few days. I have binged on chocolate, gluten, coffee and even had some icecream. It was glorious. And my face has been clearer the last 2 days than it has in weeks! Pray...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

That sounds nice. Being able to eat whatever you want. I HATE my diet restrictions. I wouldn't mind it nearly as much if I could tell it was making a noticeable difference in my skin but I don't feel...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Tracy -how long were you on the Keflex? I am not thrilled about being on an antibiotic and I don't feel like the Doxy is doing much but I'd be willing to try Keflex. My derm doesn't like to prescribe...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

WishClean I just realized that you are the one who Inositol has helped! It worked fairly quickly for you, correct? My anxiety/depression issues are definitely related to my cycle also and I have had l...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Yeah, I've read the big thread on inositol and the research that has been done on women with pcos. Vitex & DIM seemed to work for a brief period and then I broke out again worse so that's how I en...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Thanks sooo much. I really appreciate the responses. Iwould love to follow your progress too Carpe. I feel like the same is happening to me. Lots of clogged pores that are seeming to come out one by o...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Thanks so much for the encouragement. How severe was your acne? I break out around my mouth, chin and jawline. And some on my forehead and between my eyes. My cheeks are clear.

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Prolactin And Acne

Both times I've nursed babies my skin was the clearest it's ever been. Acne always comes back after I wean. It seems to help keep me clear by keeping my cycles away but I don't know for sure what horm...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
List Of Doctors Who Prescribe Spironolactone

Dr Nelson 3030 N St # 430, Beaumont, TX 77702(409) 899-2500

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spiro User, Need Encouragement!

Hi there! I am a new member of but I've been browsing this site for years. I've tried just about everything except Accutane at this point. My history- I am about to turn 30, my acne began...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago