Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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December 5, 2013
Lemon Juice


clears acne
reduces scars


stings a bit when put on

This product (in combination with drinking lemon juice) has really helped with my acne. I know that it does not work for everyone but if you are like me (a teenager who had acne that was first very light just on the forehead and then increased in severity over time) then definitely give this a go. I apply the lemon juice straight to the affected areas at night and leave it on over night and i ask drink a cup of water with about a tablespoon of lemon juice in it. If you have sensitive skin maybe dilute the lemon juice you put on your face or do not leave it on for so long. Hope this helped
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November 20, 2013


clears marks
lightens skin


drys skin

i had hyperpigmentation from acne, in 2 weeks, this stuff cleared 80%. i cannot believe the results!
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November 14, 2013
Amazing so far.


Stings at first

I've started applying lemon juice on mostly my forehead to get rid of those stupid whiteheads since Monday every night before i go to sleep. All I can say is that it's kind of improving it. I know nothing can't happen right away so I'm going to give it two weeks to see if it'll really work. I also started to drink warm water with freshly squeezed lemon once a day too. Hopefully this helps with the whiteheads I have on my forehead!
September 22, 2013
Miracle Cure.


Got rid of my acne completly!
Redness began fading within days!

I have been on Accutane which cleared me completely, but then after they came back I tried everything (like before) to no avail. Although, during the summer, 2 weeks before sixth form, with a face full of red acne, I started to use lemon as often as I could (usually all day - apart from if I was going out). 2 weeks later, when I went back to school I was acne free. I still use it now and completely love it! I also drink water and lemon as often as I can. Also, if you buy a lemon and only use a slice a day, it'll last ages! Try it, but give it a little time!
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September 6, 2013
Helps with inflammation but do not use every day


helps inflammation
can help fade dark spots


stings but you get used to it
not for everyday use
makes skin sensitive to sunlight so only use at night

If used only a couple of times a week, it can help with inflammation and skin tone. But I used to use it every day and eventually it aggravated my acne, so now I only use it when I have infected acne or lots of hyperpigmentation. Make sure you buy the 100% lemon juice type, and dilute it with water if it's too strong for you.
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August 18, 2013
Lemon juice


Definitely works
Less redness
Reduces pimple size


Dry skin if used too often

Firstly just a bit of background history on my acne. I am 21 years old and never had acne until I was about 19. I have no idea why I started getting it, could be stress , but all I know is it has really started to seriously affect my life! My confidence has completely gone and Im nearly always in a bad mood because I feel so ugly! It has affected many aspects of my life. ANYWAY! I've tried all topical creams possible. I guess we can all agree that they help to calm things down but of course don't completely get rid of acne. I read on here that lemon juice helps so I have it a go. I was really pleased! The first time I put it on, I noticed my skin inflamattion and redness had reduced a lot within half an hour. I rub the lemon directly onto my face, it is quite drying but I guess I'd rather dry skin than oily pimples. I also started to add a cup of fresh lemon juice to 1.25 litre water bottle , but I don't think I did it enough times to notice a change.. It's hard to drink but I really believe cleansing from the inside with Lemon juice would be greatly beneficial too. I rub my face with lemon once every two days and I really believe it helps. I've also started to take bio zinc 3x25mg a day) hopefully ill notice a difference with that too. I also started taking birth control pill yaz about 2 and a half months ago, I am still waiting to see results from that.
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July 18, 2013
works over night!


over night results
helps with scarring



it works immediately and heals over night. the stinging is a little irritating but overall its worth the temporary pain.
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July 14, 2013
Not sure if working or not.


Reduces redness after a while
Reduces scars
Doesn't cause irritation


Little scabby whiteheads popping up
Sting like hell on fresh pimples
Takes a while to work

So I have had chin acne for the last 3 years. Just on my chin no where else. So I guess it's hormonal. Anyway I have tried every single product you can think of including antibiotics. The only thing that worked was erythromycin (acne eventually came back). It really wrecks your confidence. I decided to give lemon juice a try and I have heard good things about it. I'm three days into it, applying it overnight, it has cause some unusual whiteheads, no pus in them it's just scabs and there's about 10 of them. The redness is slowly going down I think, and some marks have disappeared. All in all I think to working will find out after a couple more days.
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June 28, 2013
Not for sensitive skin, but will give you the effects of AHA




Irritating to sensitive skin types

I would recommend this product in conjunction with your daily toner if you use one.. Alone I believe it would be a little to irritating, especially if you use any other products. It's good for promoting new skin cells, and fading red marks.. but personally I would wait till your acne problem was under control, and your skin was stable before using this product.
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June 24, 2013
"It feels like the world is ending on your face"


Probably does eventually work if you use it every day
Smells nice


Citric acid is the AHA involved - lactic acid and glycolic are much more effective and less irritating
Irritation = Acne

Ever wondered what it would feel like to pour petrol on your face and throw a match on it? Try Lemon Juice!