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bumps with clear fluid that dont pop?


Posted : 06/23/2016 1:31 am

The post is written in very a good manner and it entails much useful information for me. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post.


Posted : 06/23/2016 9:23 am

I started getting these in my 50s, I didn't have acne in my teens. Mine start as a small painful hard lump under the skin which comes to the surface quickly. The pimple and redness is finite, small, about 1/8".There is no head or pus inside, only a clear liquid that drains if I either lance with a needle or, if left alone, seems to leak out of several pores. The bumps get red when they come to the surface, then look like a very small skin ulcer, then get a crusty scab and take at least a week to heal, but the pimple redness/hardness remains. I seem to get several in a row but I can go several months without having any.I only get them on the skin on my lower cheeks, down both sides of my mouth to just under my chin/jaw. (I don't mean touching my lips like a cold sore. If I were a guy, this is the area where a fu man chou moustache would be.)

I have researched these for a long time and can't find what they are online. I know they are NOT acne rosacea or seborrheic eczema or carbuncles or 'regular' (poppable) pimples with white matter inside. They don't come from an unclean pillow case as someone stated above!

Here's what I associate mine with:
-If I eat a lot of gluten, as I did the last week on a camping trip, that seems to cause a break-out.I'm not completely gluten-free, but have decreased it greatly over the past 2+ years.
-When I don't drink 8+ glasses of water a day (blaming it on the camping trip again.)
-Although I'm in menopause, I still get monthly cramps like I did when ovulating. Almost always these pimples occur at the same time, making me think they're hormone-related.


Posted : 06/28/2016 5:16 pm

I have these large painful bumps with serum in them on my scalp??? The 5th dermatologist thinks it could be hives. He wants to biopsy one when it is new. Kind of hard if they come during the night or he's busy. But I'll try. They cause hair loss but would be better if I kept my hands off them. Cuz after the serum comes a scab. Biopsy on a scab bed one just shows inflammation. Have tried most antibiotics and topical S, but still have 5 or 6????????


Posted : 07/10/2016 10:49 am

I was happy to come across this posting..I am right in there with all of you..been to Dr's. Bx's, no one can give it a name, been told stress, etc and more... I believe it's internal def of something!!??.. I am 56 & this has been going on now for 2 years..has anyone had a gastric bypass? I am 10 years out very successful..just one of a medical profession can relate that to date..but something is going on..I have never had acne issues of any sort until now...I don't relate this to head..lists of fluid...painful..everything you guys have said. SAD.


Posted : 07/24/2016 6:11 pm

Having these bumps for about 5 years now. im 52 years old. Pure speculation but they seemed to have occurred after the Fukushima disaster. Im on the west coast. Paranoia maybe? or not...


Posted : 09/23/2016 8:41 am

Check out "Blind Pimples". It sounds like we all have the same problem.


Posted : 11/23/2016 6:49 pm

Demodex mites ? Lavender Tea tree oil helps ... So gross thinking about it but it makes sense.


Posted : 12/01/2016 4:29 am

So, I'm going to give you all why this is happening. I too suffered from this issue, and like many of you searched Google and spoke to numerous doctors. Let me start by explaining exactly what I have and what makes my perspective unique.

I have suffered from Acne, did the acutane thing way back in 1999 and cured it for the most part. I also have psoriasis, like this issue no one knew a cure or treatment for that either until much more recently, so I have been on similar hunts for answers.

Now I'll describe exactly what I have. The pimple-like liquid filled pockets from hell come in 2 forms for me. 1- very small ones, that once I pop one more show up, and they fill and grow slightly with a life cycle of a week to months. 2- medium sized deep pockets, that once bothered and/or popped grow, widen, and a refilling occurs in seconds. Some of these can grow huge (1 inch in diameter or more at times), and the amount of putrid, somewhat wet yet fast drying liquid that can come out of these ones is mind boggling. These can last a few days, if I really go at them, or even months until they are fully gone. Now her is something in my case that many of you failed to mention. I can get these anywhere. Face, arms, legs, chest, etc.

First the disappointing part, trust me there is no diagnosis for these yet. The truth of it is that there are too many diseases, and conditions for doctors to figure them all out. So while your dermatologist is trying to find something that has already been classified, named, and treated; and you are looking up disease after disease,just to find that one variable that makes this issuedifferent, the factisthat this isdifferent. But, that doesn't mean there isn't a reason and a solution.

My lastest finding for what I thought this could be led me to a type of Pemphigoid, go ahead look it up. The blisters in this type ofautoimmune disorder act exactly as ours do. The differences though are in how theycontinue on to get worse, how big they actually get, and that they Spread at deadlyrates.

But part of the medical post that I read made it all click. Many of you, including me,have mentioned things like caffeine, sugar, stress, etc. I have noticed that if I have a huge amount of coffee or RedBull, or I eat a lot of sugar I am more prone to bad breakouts. AND NO I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CUT THOSE THINGS OUT. But, I noticed that energy seems to be a common theme i.e. Hormones, caffeine, stress, adrenaline. These all have similar bi-products. I have no clue which bi-product is causing this, or even if it's from the rise in heart rate, or actual chemicals that create the heart rate to go up. But I know that a bi-product of that causes our bodies to have excessof something that needs to be removed.

Here is what I am suggesting, when we drink too much coffee, or stress out, eat a whole box of sugary candy, orhormones go nuts and we don't have enough ways to excrete the bi-product it comes out through our pores. For most of you it chooses the route of the face, and for me it finds the fastest route it can. When we pop the place where it builds up, it flows like steam finally finding an escape route. And it continues to use that escape route until it dries up or gets shut down.

Here'smy crazy idea of a solution. I'm from Philadelphia, but live in Orlando. Recently as the weather has gotten dry... Finally... I started becoming way more thirsty. So instead of a quad espresso and various other drinks throughout the day,I noticed I was drinking a lot of water. I also noticed that I had to go to the bathroom more often. In past three weeks my skin cleared up. What I'm getting at is that no matter what the cause of the crazy chemical that's coming from our pours. The problem is a mixture of creating too much of it, and not having a way to secrete all of it it (in my case dehydration). Most of us these days use anti-perspirant blocking another major way to get it out as well. Please test my theory. Over the next 2 weeks every time you do something that creates or adds energy, or raises your rate drink 2 bottles (or glasses) of water. For some you that may be a lot of water, but don't go overboard. Remember you just have to do enough to get the crap flowing that way instead of the other. It's gonna be different for everyone. I really hope I am right. Let me know. Find me on Facebook using my email: rodenbacha AT gmail DOT com. Mention this group in a message so I know to accept the friend request.

Kana7 liked

Posted : 12/10/2016 8:19 am

On Friday, April 03, 2015 at 7:48 AM, zoltar said:

I never had pimples as a kid...perfect skin....I am 63 now, and for the past 20 years of so, I have had periodic outcroppings of hard lumps underneath the skin in my chin area....They begin to feel tight and slightly annoying I squeeze the lump between my fingers till the skin tears and claer licquid oozes out....I do it over and over till they feel depleted of liquid. The liquid returns (usually in the early evening)..I repeat the squeezing process..for a few days till the lump gives up, and I win for the moment...I end up with a few scabbed over lesions, but they heal quickly and I cover them with calomine lotion, as a concealer. My face goes back to normal..till a few months go by and they may reappear....(usually in the exact same spots)..The clear fluid sometimes seems to be never ending..but I can't stand the tightness under my skin.....I would rather tear the skin off than feel the tightness...

I believe it is called sebacious fluid, or sebum...It may be caused from a diet too rich in sugars, as mine is .I don't recommend my "szueese em till they give up" method...but I can't stand to leave them alone...which would avoid the skin breakage and they might even go away on their own..but I'll never know, because I am too intollerant of any skin imperfections.

Mysterious liquid lunps...with no name...You baffle us.


I have the exact same problem, beside that I used to have acne as a teenager. What are these things?! I get them on my nose and in my beard too, they are ruining my life!

Sometimes the best thing is to pop them but the swelling that occurs make my nose look deviated and swollen. It doesn't matter if I squeeze or not because they'll get red and inflamed just by touching them oe washing my skin in the shower. No doctor can help me and never have they showed any bacterial, fungal or viral signs when tested.

I've been skipping sugar and crap food for a year and nothing has changed. I'm not allergic to anyhting like gluten.

I get these tiny spots often on the same place... and they develop quickly!

I'd rather have acne that heals than these fuckers with clear fluid...


Posted : 12/23/2016 6:22 am

I have spent a lot of time hunting for an answer :(
I cane accross a forum a while back which said maybe these cyst type pimples are linked to nightshade sensitivity, I stopped eating potatoes and tomatoes and the improvement in my Heath in general has been outstanding, when I do have tomatoes and potatoes I flair up with massive breakouts on my chin and feel lethargic and so angry and moody, I absolutely love tomatoes and potatoes so I slip up a lot but I feel wonderful when I avoid them all together 


Posted : 01/21/2017 1:31 am

Same issue for about four years. Went to multiple derms without a diagnosis. Randomly stopped taking my ADHD stimulant med. Skin cleared up. Went back on and bumps returned. It wasnt related to the tendency for some people to pick their skin with stimulants. The bumps just stopped appearing. Have gone on and off meds with same results every time. My docs knew I was taking that medicine and never once called it out as a possible root cause. Make sure to look at all your medications.


Posted : 01/27/2017 10:18 am

I am 49 and have had these for over 25 years. Some times its worse than others and some times I can go for quite a while without and episode. I little bump forms like a pimple, then breaks open and clear sticky fluid comes out. Weird thing is I usually always get them in the same spots. For me its right temple and chin. Sometimes other areas but can count on these areas. I have read and my try some of the options you all have mentioned. As for me years ago I started using hydrogen peroxide and found that this dramatically speeds up the duration. At first they can last 2 to 3 weeks before they go away. The hydrogen peroxide removes all the fluid and instead of the crusty yellow scab it stay drier. That can crack open sometimes and bleed just a little but clear up much faster. Thought I would grow out of these years ago but I guess not. Worried many times of cancer of some crazy VD but just live with them now. Thanks for helping me know I'm not alone.


Posted : 01/29/2017 5:49 am

I have two of these on my butt!! They sort of appeared over night but it hurts to sit down and these things need to go!!


Posted : 01/30/2017 3:19 am

Hi, i have been dealing with this for a year andam not a doctor but am a mechanical engineer.
The issue is believed to be caused by fungal infectionof candida in gut brought on by a certain chemical fast food producers use to make the bread which is also used to make plastic. This chemical is illegal in other countries to be used in food.

Mutation of skin needs to be electro cauterized or chemically removed or the gram negative infection will occur after internal problems are resolved and you pick at it , otherwise it will remain and continue to mutate into a larger solid mass.
Internally, in order to solve the problem, one must do a liver cleanse which will indeed cause other pains. The next step is to take doxycycline twice dailywith fluconazole once per week for 6 weeks. Do take 10billion probiotics concurrently.

For long term bump, trying to apply ichthammol would benefit in a case of deep lesion to get center black mass out that is formed in deep center after time.

Please dont eat fast food including subway bread.

Thank you and good luck.


Posted : 02/04/2017 4:43 pm

GUYS I THINK you all suffer from CANDIDA on skin .....candida is bacteria we all have on skin....we get problems when it's balance is demolished. CANDIDA is bacteria that feeds of sugar that you consume and gluten...(sodas,sweet coffees ....etc all that is sweet even honey....sweet sauces,alcohol breaks into sugar too)so a diet of no sugar and gluten (that breaks down into sugar) will cure you. But not overnight....after months and years of eating healthy. It also helps if you loose weight....


Posted : 02/09/2017 4:55 am

Hello fellow acne sufferers. I've also been plagued with these insane clear fluid bumps. I've been getting them now on and off for the past 10 years. But they've gotten progressively worse over the past 3 years. As with many of you, my dermatologists & doctors have no clue what they are or what causes them. I've found that if I pop them/squeeze out most of the fluid they'll just fill right back up within minutes! Then they'll just scab over for weeks. If I don't touch them at all those they stay even longer! The only thing that I've found that works for me is internal medicine such as antibiotics (amoxacillin, levoflaquin, etc. Not sure if I spelled that right). But the minute I stop taking them they pop back up! It's a nightmare! They scar ur face up like crazy! And they usually seem to continue coming back in or around the same places on my face; i.e- Temples, Chin, forehead by hairline, and outter cheeks. And also I've noticed that if I pop them prematurely, a few days later a white head shows up.. most likely from the spread of bacteria from my dumbass ass fuckin with them. Plus I've noticed that if I eat junk food, smoke alot, don't drink enough water/fluids, and just overall have alot of toxins in my body, they show up. Maybe it's toxins caught/trapped under the skin and ur body's treating it as an infection? Not sure. But I definitely see a correlation. Like I said tho, the only thing that seems to work 4 me is internal treatment/medication such as antibiotics. It sucks.


Posted : 03/17/2017 5:04 pm

I can't believe this topic has been going on for nearly 8 years, and nobody mentioned that these are possibly Herpes Type 1 for some of the posters here.

I just had this happen... had the exact same lesions you're all talking about (blisters, clear fluid, kind of like cystic acne but nothing helps, etc...) - found this thread & read everything online about these mystery blisters that were on my chin (chin only - not my lips) and my doctor did a swab with a culture. It was HSV-1. (Herpes type 1). 50-80% of the population has this virus. I then went to a dermatologist because I already had the appointment set up and thought he'd have more advice , and he also said that he would've assumed it was HSV1 without the culture too... and it doesn't need to be on the lips to be a herpes - like the typical "cold sore" . He just told me to finish the valtrex and wait it out.

Also, the cyclical nature of them coming back over and over is the nature of herpes. Maybe it's not the case for all of you, but it was the case for me and the lesions are precisely as described here. I tried everything on these lesions too and nothing helped. I had none of the classic burning pain or itching associated with herpes either. Just weird pimples that oozed clear fluid and would pop and the n crust and then pop again. I am on valtrex for 10 days though it isn't helping much because I started too late - thinking it was regular acne first (acnanya didnt work) then "fungal acne" (lotrimin on them didn't help) or "impetigo" (bactroban on them didn't help with augmentin) or general healing topicals (biafine didn't help).'s not responsive to much...even valtrex is not helpful unless it is started immediately.

There's a small possibility they can be a drug allergy (like to a drug like Lamictal - then you should stop immediately).... but you'd be warned of this allergy ahead of time.


Posted : 03/26/2017 8:41 pm

I got the answer. It is a type of acne, and I have no name. If you apply ice, and pressure to it for about 5 minutes, the fluids will drain out. After cleaning it, I put a bandage on, and it scabbed and healed. That is my experience at least. Tell me if I am doing something wrong that I could do better, but it seems to work.


Posted : 03/27/2017 7:08 am

I have another theory.

First, I would be highly doubtful that everyone who has posted in this (8 year+ running) thread has the same condition. Lesions such as those described by most posters could be cause by several conditions, individual specific, however for the most part it is cystic acne. The type that youshouldn'tbe squeezing. Allow me to explain.

The cyst forms beneath the dermis, hence to actually 'pop' it, you need to break the full thickness of the skin. Unfortunately as the skin is (relatively) thick, this will never happen without significant trauma. With this trauma come serous exudate (the clear/yellowy fluid most are speaking of). If you are getting this fluidwithoutsignificant squeezing, picking or scratching , etc, then it is likely something else (a burn, boil or other type of cyst. Yes herpes is a possibility, however sores generally only form around mucous membranes and surrounding areas - nose, mouth, lips, and not cheeks, forehead, etc). But if you get them quite often, treat as acne. Don't squeeze, apply a topical antibiotic. Stay away from harsh agents like benzoyl peroxide because they won't work that deep. Essentially all normal treatments won't do a lot, but still keep your skin clean and hydrated.

Diggledire, ice will sooth inflammation, the pressure will likely initiate a greater internal response to removing the debris from the inside. Just be careful as you could make them a lot worse and achieve the same result without the trauma.

I know it's difficult to leave these guys alone, but you have to try. Some will heal after a week or two, some will last months, some won't go away at all without medical intervention. Because they are beneath the dermis, the skin can't naturally 'eject' them so that's why they take longer to heal. If you're someone who absolutely can't leave them alone, you can use a hypodermic needle to pierce it, but I would discourage you from doing this yourselves because there is so much risk (general infection, contacting a facial nerve, blowing through and infiltrating the surrounding space with the cyst contents, not inserting it deep enough and causing significant trauma when you squeeze, etc). This type of acne is typically quite 'strong', that is, even with a hypo needle, sometime they are quite difficult to pierce, requiring significant (controlled) pressure and usually quite a bit of pain. Yes you can try to numb the area with a topical antiseptic with incorporated analgesia (lignocaine), but if you were going to do this, just numb the area for comfort and wait to see if it resolves spontaneously. If not, see your dermatologist.


Hope I've provided some insight.



Posted : 04/27/2017 1:12 pm

I may have an answer. A few of you have hit on this topic so here it goes. I have never had these until about a year ago. I get them on the back of my neck and my collarbone. The one thing that changed was........... I had to be put on a hormone replacement therapy. I had a brain tumor on my pituitary gland 15yrs ago. They cut it off and put in a shunt. It wasn't until a yr ago (after suffering for 14yrs) that my urologist ( I had a kidney stone) found out I wasn't producing much testosterone at all. My body was only making 63 and normal lvl is 600-800. So i am now taking 800ml every month and thats when these bastages showed up. So i would say yes they are hormone related. So there is a start now lets find a cure!!!


Posted : 05/08/2017 5:43 am

I break out quite often with these on my chin. I believe stress is one reason for this breakout. I feel them coming because they hurt and when they do they last forever and never come to a head. Had one burst during a hot shower one time. Liquid started dripping down my chin. Otherwise they just sit there for week even months. It is quite embarrassing. I feel so self conscience. I get so frustrated that i squeeze them but they just ooze liquid to where i always have a crusty top to them from the liquid drying up. Quite often they turn into scabs and those last forever as well. I found a baking soda paste helped draw out the liquid so i use that method. Does help. Wish there was an instant cure for them and no one had to deal with this painful eye sore


Posted : 05/09/2017 6:25 am

I just tried Tea Tree Oil and i found it helped overnight.


Posted : 05/09/2017 7:45 am

the only successful method i have found that works is to use an aspirin on the affected area over night.

it reduces the inflammation and redness.

in my experience all other creams / washes do nothing and the worst thing you can do is squeeze these lumps.


Posted : 05/09/2017 3:05 pm

These.... are cysts. Cysts don't always come to a head. Mine don't. They're deep undergrounders that take probably 3 weeks to go away from start to end, and 9 times outta 10 it leaves an indented crater mark.

I'm going to tell you, and everyone else on this forum the magical product to zap these suckers virtually immediately. Nope, it's not sulfur, it's not a mud mask, it's not ACV, BP, not a medication, not honey, not a cold pack, not a lancer.


I have suffered from these things for the past 8 years and I have tons of scarring from them. They have ruined my face, and only YESTERDAY did I stumble upon Prid. It's a homeopathic drawing salve. I'm not sure what I was expecting with it, but when I tell you it worked a legit miracle, it really did. You're supposed to wash your face, and put a layer of this stuff on and then a band aid on top. I had a massive one on my chin yesterday, I slept with Prid on overnight and today the cyst is GONE. My skin is completely flat. Whatever is in this salve, drew all the liquid right up and out. I have a very angry red mark, the skin is not clear, it's almost like the cyst is angry that it was combated and is trying it's best to still be a pain in the ass on my face but the nodule under the skin is gone and best of all? It didn't leave an indented crater behind.

It was oozing a little bit this morning (the clear fluid) but I used a styptic pencil and it stopped it in 10 seconds.

Get it here:


Posted : 05/10/2017 5:51 am

This thread contains multiple possibly unrelated problems.
Some of you may have a oozing yellow crusting problem on the face. [Edited link out]
