Ok well I have been clear for a little with my new regime but I've been breaking out again...
But I dont have any white heads or anything like that. All I get are these bumps underneath the skin. They never, not once come to a head. They ar just bumps that hurt like hell. If I try to pop them only clear liquid comes out.
What the hell is that?
I know what Cysts and nodules are. I used to get them and for the most part they always come to a head, sooner or later.
It may be fungus. http://www.acne.org/messageboard/Small-bum...us-t164964.html
Try Nizoral 1% OTC for a week and see if that helps.
I get these all the time, Its probably the thing i get on my face the most.
I can feel it coming, then the area turns red.. then the bump starts to come up, it hurts like hell and like you, if i try and pop it just clear fluid comes out.
I have tried everything to clear them up but theres really nothing that works for me, i know your not meant to use it on your face but i use hydricortizone cream, put a blob on and leave it to soak in, it takes down the swelling a bit.
I have applied bp, it does take the swelling down slightly but also makes the lump red and dries the skin on the top a lot which then turns into a scab.
I now just have to try and leave them alone, i find if i dont try and pop and just let it run its course it does go down after a week or so, painful tho but nothing else works
I hope you find an answer, if you do please let me know and i can try it too!
These are pretty much the ONLY kind of pimples I get, and they're a huge pain in the ass. Inflammatory acne is easy enough to get rid of, as it responds well to benzoyl peroxide and acids (in my experience), but these things are stubborn and immortal. Nobody seems to have a name for them either.
How long do yours last? I have some on my face right now that are over a month old and the same size they were when they first formed. Still, it's definitely a bad idea to pick at these because they're so deep under the skin - you'll end up smearing bacteria around and creating scars. The only good thing about them is that they don't look 'bumpy' and don't look as red and inflamed as other types of acne.
There doesn't seem to be a solution for them, apart from waiting them out. Somebody on the boards suggested an antibiotic cream like Neosporin/Polysporin after icing, but I've tried this and it didn't seem to do much. I spot-treat with a clay mask overnight, because it at least keeps them from getting bigger.
I've read that this sort of acne needs to be treated internally, because it's so deep under the skin that no topical can really reach it.
I agree they are so stubborn I have been on accutane for 8 days and some of them are finally coming to the surface
Guys i think I might have the answer to these bumps...OK Well I did some research and I think they might be a type of rosacea. Nodules and cysts type of pimples.
anyways I went out and after crazy research I ran into this product called Prosacea. I have used it for about 4 days now and the redness around the bumps has almost gone away and the bumpos seem to be going away. I think the best thing to do is just not touch these fuckers at all.
Also a quick advice. do not use Cortisone creams. i started using them because they helped with inflamation but if it is type of rosacea/acne like I think then this will aggrevate the flare up. Also stay away from Bp.
I'm still in the exprimental stage right now..But this is the only thing that is sworking for those nasty bumps that dont pop.
These are pretty much the ONLY kind of pimples I get, and they're a huge pain in the ass. Inflammatory acne is easy enough to get rid of, as it responds well to benzoyl peroxide and acids (in my experience), but these things are stubborn and immortal. Nobody seems to have a name for them either.
How long do yours last? I have some on my face right now that are over a month old and the same size they were when they first formed. Still, it's definitely a bad idea to pick at these because they're so deep under the skin - you'll end up smearing bacteria around and creating scars. The only good thing about them is that they don't look 'bumpy' and don't look as red and inflamed as other types of acne.
There doesn't seem to be a solution for them, apart from waiting them out. Somebody on the boards suggested an antibiotic cream like Neosporin/Polysporin after icing, but I've tried this and it didn't seem to do much. I spot-treat with a clay mask overnight, because it at least keeps them from getting bigger.
I've read that this sort of acne needs to be treated internally, because it's so deep under the skin that no topical can really reach it.
One thing that has helped me out a little with these. And I used it on accident because I thought it was all regualr acne. I started taking Zinc, and it has helped with these type of acne/rosacea. But it takes alot of stuff to get rid of these which I'm still trying to figure out. So much trial and error.
They last 1-2 weeks approx...
I believe I have something simular to what is described. I have found that if I take some lye soap (or Bath and Beyond liquid hand soap) and dab it on the dumps in the evening, let it dry, and in the morning wash it off it drys the clear fluid up. A few days of this (maybe a week if I've let it go to long and have a lot of the fluid filled bumps), resisting the drive to mess with the bumps during the daytime, they clear up.
If I take RX for fluid retention it also clears up the bumps but I view the soap method as healthier. As long as it works I'd prefer a little dried soap on my face to taking a RX.
One additional note. The lye soap worked best for me. If you use a hand soap (I use bath and beyond brand) there was one scent that almost created a chemical burn by leaving it on over night. I used it one night, washed it off and simply went to a different scent and had no problem. If you try my method and get a reaction to the soap don't give up, just change the scent till you find one that works. When I have lye soap it is my preferred treatment. Cheap, isn't going to harm you if it doesn't work.
This is by far the worst type of acne I get (I also have blackheads and simple clogged pores). I rarely get "normal" pimples. I don't know how to treat them, I've tried everything. My face is so scarred from years of these damn things, I am really thinking about resurfacing (it's so bad I don't even know if that would help). But I still get them, having a breakout now. Mainly around my hairline, my cheeks near my ears, and sometimes chin. They are usually semi-deep and hard to even break open and when I try it's painful but I have never found them to go away on their own I would love to know the technical term for these.
So depressing. I would still be pretty if it wasn't for my acne-face
By the way, I'm 36, started noticing acne around 16ish but it wasn't real bad. What happened was I started taking bc pills at age 22 and it tremendously helped my skin. I took them for like 12 years, sometime trying to stop but always going back on because my skin would go ballastic. Well finally I said I'm going off no matter what the consequences (due to other health problems, and I read bc pills can cause folate deficiency). Anyways, my skin has been destroyed after being off hormones now for a couple years, it's a nightmare.
I took Acutane about 10 years ago and hadn't broken out until a few months ago. I get the same thing, a bump with just clear liquid. I tried so many different things; Bare Escentuals Blemish therapy Works!
It has sulfer, which sucks out impurities like a vacuum and it's a powder. so it helps to dry the liquid.
It has almost like a concealer color but lighter and you can put it on under and over your make up.
I use it so much my boyfriend asked if there were stocks he could invest in for this product. haha!
I don't work for Bare Escentuals but have been in the beauty industry for 13 years and I've tried everything including Acutane. It's only like $20. Good luck!
It probably is a type of Rosacea, which I do have. This product uses Sulfer in it's natuaral form and is great for sensitive skin. The "concealer" sort of color is there to take down the redness. You might want to look it up. That is the Exact problem why these things can get worse, most people try to use harsh products like peroxide, which aggravate the acne and make it more red. I will have to look into that Prosacea. I am not familiar. Another important thing to remember is SUNSCREEN! Especially if you have or are on accutane or have rosacea. A lot of people don't want to use it because they think it will cause a break out. It won't!
Yeah, I've had these before as well. They seem to be (for me at least) rarer than normal whiteheads. However, they also hurt more and seem to go deeper. I have a bad habit of popping them, and when I finally manage to do so, only clear liquid comes out. It also NEVER seems to end. Another interesting fact; the liquid doesn't come out from only one pore. It oozes out of several, coalescing into quite a big drop.
Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I would find these specific types of pimples slightly wet.
And wow, does my post sound disgusting. Anyway, I haven't found a good way to be rid of these. Just ignore them, I guess.
I came across this thread while searching the same problem. I've battled with these for years. I tried prosacea and bare escentuals blemish treatment and they dried it out overnight. Usually its a week or more of the fluid building and a week for the scab to heal. I've tried every kind of topical acne treatment and nothing dried it out like these two things so sulfer was the answer for me.
I haven't found anything to completely prevent these but I've noticed they are worst when I drink diet coke. It seems weird but it never failed that everytime I had a diet coke, which was rare, I got a bad flair up. I'm a caffeine junky and my 4 shot mocha espressos seemed to add to the problem as well as lack of sleep. I also take a hair, skin and nails supplement that has methylsulfonylmethane (msm) in it which seems to help my skin overall.
Thank you all for sharing, I probably wouldn't have known to try the sulfur otherwise
I have had this on my cheek and nose and they are a pain. Just clear fluid what ever you do.
Went to dr. and they believed it was a staff infection. Now I have one on my nose again and I am
taking Doxycycline 100mg a day. It does help and quicken the healing process.
Did your cysts go away for good or did they return?
I came across this thread while searching the same problem. I've battled with these for years. I tried prosacea and bare escentuals blemish treatment and they dried it out overnight. Usually its a week or more of the fluid building and a week for the scab to heal. I've tried every kind of topical acne treatment and nothing dried it out like these two things so sulfer was the answer for me.
I haven't found anything to completely prevent these but I've noticed they are worst when I drink diet coke. It seems weird but it never failed that everytime I had a diet coke, which was rare, I got a bad flair up. I'm a caffeine junky and my 4 shot mocha espressos seemed to add to the problem as well as lack of sleep. I also take a hair, skin and nails supplement that has methylsulfonylmethane (msm) in it which seems to help my skin overall.
Thank you all for sharing, I probably wouldn't have known to try the sulfur otherwise
Just wanted to know how you are doing now, it has been a few months since you posted this? Are you still using the same regimen? How are your cysts responding now?
I have been suffering from these things since I was about 17 years old. I am now 44 and they are worse than ever. I had four clear-ish years in college. Actually my skin went from haggard with sores pre-college to pore-less for about four years. One of those things would come out of nowhere every month or two and remain for three days maybe(When I got one I would steam them constantly--maybe sweated the thing out). In high school I had no problems-nothing that hurt anyway. Now i just think that I had the same thing but it hadn't swollen up yet as I used to pick at my face all the time but I didn't have marks-only if i became to aggressive over what other people would call "nothing".
I really can't find any reason to this. I DID NOT take care of my skin in College. I slept in my make-up, smoked,and didn't use anything special on my face just soap. I would sometimes use clay masks.NO acne treatments at all. In fact I had never been capable of using them as my skin was too sensitive. They would leave burn marks etc..
In the past seven years they became HUGE. They appear so quickly that as soon as I feel the pain (which is always strange because there is NOTHING there to be causing pain-yet-just flat normal looking skin)I know that within a couple of hours there will be a huge lump that will split open and begun to leak fluid.(water) on its own. Usually there is no pus-just maybe what was caught in the congestion to begin with. But as others have said they are in the same spots repeatedly. About 8 years ago I had some relief from a Doxycycline and Retin A regime. I was clear and treatment free within 6 months.Most of my worst scars had disappeared as well. Then......It started again,and the miracle treatment no longer worked even though my doctor and I went to a stronger treatment.Now water cysts are worse than ever.
I have been to numerous dermatologists about this and the above treatment was the best that they could offer me. One actually asked ME what was in those things as he always sees me with scabs and has asked me to come in for cortisone shots the next time it happens. I get so many it would be REALLY expensive to do.
To relieve the pressure I buy acupuncture needles and stab as necessary. It helps with scarring and hitting that nerve that is driving me crazy helps me mentally. What I find strange is that even when the skin is lying flat without anything "in it" so to speak-I can still be suffering the same pain as when there is a large inflammation. I do think that this is some sort of nerve problem. my grandmother once told me that she thinks that"It was coming from the inside". An overexcited nerve ending???A immune response to a non-existent injury?
The next thing that I am going to try is a topical pain reliever. Maybe if the pain was relieved the lump wouldn't appear. These bumps are so painful that they are unresponsive to Vicodin. I discovered this when I had an injury to my hand and had a prescription. After taking the Vicodin my hand stopped hurting but my face hurt the same! Neuropathies do not respond much to opiates.( I have suffered from neuropathic pain with no relief from Vicodin but found relief in antidepressants-- which supports my feeling that it could be related to a nerve problem) But I haven't found an Doctor or article to support this theory.
Sorry that this doesn't help. But maybe someone else might have some ideas...
I had been to at least 10 dermatologist with the same problem with bump with fluid. It came over night while at a outing, I was at a motel and it started after that. I don't know how it started, I just don't remember having them before. I think that I have the medicine that is really helping me. I am not saying they have gone away totally, but this medicine has really turned it around. First do not touch them or they will move around, it seems that the fluid causes more. Sometimes they heal on top, but they stay under the skin and if you irritate them they will pop up. I had one under the skin for a year. The medicine I take is spironolactone 50mg twice a day. Then the cream to use every day is tretinoin cream .025. If you barely touch them they will swell so don't even scratch your face or it will swell. The doctor does not know what it is either. I have had biopsies and scraping and they still do not know. I even tried fungus meds and meds for scabies and neither touched it. I hope this helps. Do not squeeze blackheads either.
Hello Fellow Bumps with Clear Fluid sufferers:
I have the same problem. They appeared overnight one day and covered my whole face and yikes -- changed me overnight from happy and outgoing to pretty much a recluse. Just -- awful. Weirder still, I have been to literally thirty or so dermatologists over an eight year period -- four biopsies -- and no diagnosis. I don't understand this. I have been to the heads of reputable hospitals, the best derms -- no diagnosis.
I'll cut to the chase. After several years of this some things have helped somewhat -- it's not gone but it's not as horribly disfiguring as it was:
NEEM powder. This is an ayurvedic cure for inflammation. It comes in a powder. Make a mask with water or calendula gel. Leave it until it dries. Wash off. Helps.
FOR ME -- I wash, then use isopropyl alcohol to disinfect both the cyst and a needle. I pop it with the needle. Squeeze NOT ALL but some of the liquid out. I put on a topical steroid cream to keep the caking down somewhat. (The liquid cakes the day after -- it's not a scab, but like a scab) Anyway, this cream is called DESONIDE cream. It comes with a ton of possible side effects so contact your doctor and listen up about side effects. I have not experienced any however it can have a lot.
The needle extraction helps. Also helped A BIT -- blu u therapy with levulan.... but expensive and not that helpful. But it did help.
Try also FULLERS EARTH masks. This is a volcanic clay used in industrial oil spills. It is a super-absorbent clay. You can get this at an Indian store also. It is called MULTI MITTI in ayurvedic healing. (The only place I could find it is in our "Little India" I.e. Indian part of the city.
Soaking my skin in a combo of fairly hot water, baking soda, epson salts and sea salts helps a bit also. Pat dry
Does anyone know what on earth these are? I have no staph, no infection, no rosacea, no rheumatoid illness... no doctor can tell me what this is. It is not folliculitus or acne. It is not sebaceous hyperplasia. It is not follicular spongiosis. It MAY BE a type of pustular atopic dermatitis -- but they cannot help me with it. Nada! Nothing! It's 2013!!! I have been to the Cleveland Clinic -- some of the best dermatologists in the world -- no one know what these are. If anyone does I'd love to know. BTW I believe the liquid is called serous.
Best, of luck,
I guess even if we feel really badly we are not alone
The Neem and needle extractions are making a difference for me. Be warned: If you have staph and do this you can get into some serious trouble. So see a derm first and don't spread an infection around. If you do extract -- safety first! Wash, sterilize, wash.
Hello Fellow Bumps with Clear Fluid sufferers:
I have the same problem. They appeared overnight one day and covered my whole face and yikes -- changed me overnight from happy and outgoing to pretty much a recluse. Just -- awful. Weirder still, I have been to literally thirty or so dermatologists over an eight year period -- four biopsies -- and no diagnosis. I don't understand this. I have been to the heads of reputable hospitals, the best derms -- no diagnosis.
I'll cut to the chase. After several years of this some things have helped somewhat -- it's not gone but it's not as horribly disfiguring as it was:
NEEM powder. This is an ayurvedic cure for inflammation. It comes in a powder. Make a mask with water or calendula gel. Leave it until it dries. Wash off. Helps.
FOR ME -- I wash, then use isopropyl alcohol to disinfect both the cyst and a needle. I pop it with the needle. Squeeze NOT ALL but some of the liquid out. I put on a topical steroid cream to keep the caking down somewhat. (The liquid cakes the day after -- it's not a scab, but like a scab) Anyway, this cream is called DESONIDE cream. It comes with a ton of possible side effects so contact your doctor and listen up about side effects. I have not experienced any however it can have a lot.
The needle extraction helps. Also helped A BIT -- blu u therapy with levulan.... but expensive and not that helpful. But it did help.
Try also FULLERS EARTH masks. This is a volcanic clay used in industrial oil spills. It is a super-absorbent clay. You can get this at an Indian store also. It is called MULTI MITTI in ayurvedic healing. (The only place I could find it is in our "Little India" I.e. Indian part of the city.
Soaking my skin in a combo of fairly hot water, baking soda, epson salts and sea salts helps a bit also. Pat dry
Does anyone know what on earth these are? I have no staph, no infection, no rosacea, no rheumatoid illness... no doctor can tell me what this is. It is not folliculitus or acne. It is not sebaceous hyperplasia. It is not follicular spongiosis. It MAY BE a type of pustular atopic dermatitis -- but they cannot help me with it. Nada! Nothing! It's 2013!!! I have been to the Cleveland Clinic -- some of the best dermatologists in the world -- no one know what these are. If anyone does I'd love to know. BTW I believe the liquid is called serous.
Best, of luck,
I guess even if we feel really badly we are not alone
The Neem and needle extractions are making a difference for me. Be warned: If you have staph and do this you can get into some serious trouble. So see a derm first and don't spread an infection around. If you do extract -- safety first! Wash, sterilize, wash.
Please send me a pm if you would like to discuss this problem. I suffer from these myself and I have a few theories.
Sounds like a deep cyst in its early stages. When you press, lymph fluid (which carries white blood cells, intended to fight infection) comes out. If you left it alone long enough, some sebum might collect, but because it's so deep, it can never make it to the surface (rather it might get reabsorbed by your body).The cause is probably a sebaceous gland gone haywire. I get these around my period all the time. Some eventually fill with a bit of sebum, others don't seem to. At the moment, I have four scabs from these.
New sufferer of these clear fluid filled lumps on face and back of thighs here, lol... I have been getting these horrible things for about 15 years now and I have never found a thing that helps... I am afraid that I am a "picker" which makes them 1000 times worse... I have been reading this thread and think I will try the sulfur treatment, it sure can't hurt as I have tried so many other things without success... I guess I am here for support as much as anything, you all will know just how disfiguring these things are and how they affect one's sense of wellbeing and self esteem... Thanks for reading this, I will pop back from time to time to catch up...
Saw my Dr today and he believes that my skin condition is caused by the many, many medications I take for heart failure and pulmonary fibrosis (plus several other medical conditions)... He said my skin is very fragile from these medications (quite possibly conflicting with each other) so I am getting an extreme inflammatory reaction whenever I try to squeeze or pick those fluid lumps or even the tiniest of blackheads or whiteheads... His advice is to a) keep my fingernails very short and clean all the time b) sit on my hands when watching tv or just sitting doing nothing c) apply a cold pack to control itching and inflammation and d) keep my skin moisturised because dry skin can cause itching... So we will see how this all goes and I will report back with any results, lol...