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Rooibos Tea


Posted : 05/20/2013 5:03 pm




I have lived with bacne every day of my life. I am now 37 with a smooth clear back for the first time since childhood.... All thanks to washing with Head and Shoulders!


I do want to experiment with a gentler way to ensure my skin is getting a dose of zinc, and this sounds like a great idea! (I hate the idea of using chemicals and SLS on my skin, but right now, I'm so grateful to be clear!)

I'm going to start drinking it and using it topically and waning off the H&S... I"ll update~




Posted : 06/30/2013 10:40 am

I just want to give a +1 on Rooibos tea.

Even if it does nothing for your acne, it's really good for your general health. It's helped reduce my headaches (which I think are linked to hydration) and it's helped my acid reflux.

It tastes really great too - it seems to be impossible to overbrew and never goes bitter! You can drink it at just about any temperature, it's caffeine-free, it's cheap... and it may just help your acne with all the anti-oxidants it's full of.

I can't recommend it enough!
