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My cystic acne


Posted : 10/14/2007 9:52 am

Just started the reg this morning. I took 4 fiber capsules just to test the waters. Nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe I'll try 5 tomorrow.

So you're not supposed to lather up the soap? That's what I thought you were supposed to do.

Just for background, I'm only 4 months off Accutane and I can tell my acne would be coming back full-force if I hadn't noticed right away and took charge keeping it at bay. Hopefully this reg will do the trick. I really don't want to go on Accutane again, but if this doesn't work, I will.

Another thing, this morning after I wiped off the chill factor my face did feel dry so I put on moisturizer.

Yes you do lather the soap up. Try to lather it up real good if you can.

Your face will feel slightly dry at first. But this is temporary it will go away in about and hour. I highly recommend not using moisturizer.

I understand the fears of going back on tane. Its no fun. Most of the people who have had success with tane find themselfs eventually getting their acne back down the road. Allot of times retin a is prescribed afterwards. Which is a joke their giving you retin a because once you get off of tane the acne will probably return unless your on retin a. I found retin a to be the most awful topical I have ever put on in the history of my acne. For myself I found retin a only kept my acne to mild to moderate it never got rid of it. I went through several cycles of accutane. To many super painful acne breakouts to count. As a veteran user of tane. I can only tell you tane is a derms escape drug. Its the perfect well theirs nothing left for you to try lets give you another round of tane. It almost becomes comical. These derms give tane away like its candy on a stick.


Posted : 10/14/2007 1:44 pm

I'd love to give it a shot...but the problem is, I don't know if we have this stuff over here (Europe). I'm going to go look for the stuff tomorrow, but does anyone suggest something similiar to these products?

If you cant find the products over their maybe one of these posters. Can ship you the products over to Europe. They can buy several of them so it last for a while. You can get the currency exchange and mail USD dollars so they can buy it etc.


:/ Didn't find anything in the stores today. So, I guess I can't try this remedy...

Does anybody know drugstores online that ship internationally or...would anybody be that kind to ship... like 6 month supplies or so to me and I'll pay you through PayPal for the stuff and shipping + little extra for the effort?


Posted : 10/14/2007 2:20 pm

Hi, I just joined after finding this place on google and seeing this regimen. I bought all the stuff and have taken the pills twice and done the face washing twice. I like the feeling of the OXY 10, kinda like IcyHot. I hope to keep up with doing everything everyday, wish me luck!


Posted : 10/14/2007 3:26 pm

So far this regimen is doing what it should for me. Nothing new, just stuff that's been under my skin is coming to the surface. We shall see.


Posted : 10/14/2007 6:50 pm

So far this regimen is doing what it should for me. Nothing new, just stuff that's been under my skin is coming to the surface. We shall see.

Sounds great. Yeah this regimen will continue to draw stuff up to the surface. You will notice it will come to a whitehead pretty quickly as well.


I'd love to give it a shot...but the problem is, I don't know if we have this stuff over here (Europe). I'm going to go look for the stuff tomorrow, but does anyone suggest something similiar to these products?

If you cant find the products over their maybe one of these posters. Can ship you the products over to Europe. They can buy several of them so it last for a while. You can get the currency exchange and mail USD dollars so they can buy it etc.


:/ Didn't find anything in the stores today. So, I guess I can't try this remedy...

Does anybody know drugstores online that ship internationally or...would anybody be that kind to ship... like 6 month supplies or so to me and I'll pay you through PayPal for the stuff and shipping + little extra for the effort?


Ok I'm gonna see who can ship you the stuff. Dont give up yet.


Posted : 10/14/2007 6:55 pm

tigerlily86 I pm you so please check your messages


Posted : 10/14/2007 9:09 pm

Wait a minute so the regm. uses two face washes??Why would you wash your face using one cleanser and then wash it with another cleanser???Im only taking the fiber pills cuz im already using benzaclin that my derm gave me, damn bastard wouldnt give me accutane after i told him thats what i wanted.


Posted : 10/14/2007 9:27 pm

Wait a minute so the regm. uses two face washes??Why would you wash your face using one cleanser and then wash it with another cleanser???Im only taking the fiber pills cuz im already using benzaclin that my derm gave me, damn bastard wouldnt give me accutane after i told him thats what i wanted.

Please follow the reg. exactly. Just taking the fiber pills you are not on my reg and so I cannot assure your success. Your basically doing your own thing. Their both not a cleanser. The first one is a cleanser that helps fight and prevent acne the second one is a washable topical. That absorbs through the skin to ensure acne does not return then you just wipe off the excess. Its a combination thats very powerful in treating stubborn acne.


Posted : 10/14/2007 9:46 pm

Hey bfg I just picked up all the products, but am not sure if i got the right ones. I got the bar soap and fiber pill but am unsure on the oxy 10 chill factor. It is a small black bottle that says oxy chill factor, NOT oxy 10. Is there a difference? I'm looking for a quick response that way I have enough time to exchange the product if i need to. thanks.


EDIT** I just got to my dorm and realized i did not get the fiber in pill form. do you know how much of the fiber i should take then to equal the 6 pills?


Posted : 10/14/2007 11:03 pm

Hey bfg I just picked up all the products, but am not sure if i got the right ones. I got the bar soap and fiber pill but am unsure on the oxy 10 chill factor. It is a small black bottle that says oxy chill factor, NOT oxy 10. Is there a difference? I'm looking for a quick response that way I have enough time to exchange the product if i need to. thanks.

EDIT** I just got to my dorm and realized i did not get the fiber in pill form. do you know how much of the fiber i should take then to equal the 6 pills?

if it says 10% Benzoyl Peroxide on the back of the bottle

and it looks like this

then you got the right stuff.

I would exchange the fiber and get the pill form. The pill form is the only way to go.


Posted : 10/14/2007 11:09 pm

Well can I still take the powder? I didn't notice it till I had already opened it haha so yeah I can't exchange it. If not then I guess I'll have to go pick some more up tomorrow. This reg has already run me $21.


Posted : 10/14/2007 11:28 pm

there are studies back in the 60s that show that fiber will improve acne. nevertheless, its won't clear it. you need topicals to speed it up.


for real, listen to bfg. use the things he tells you to, and you'll clear up. any modification of this regimen is just....pointless, seriously. i've been enjoying this clearness so much guys.


Posted : 10/14/2007 11:40 pm

So what do others think about the fiber in powder form? Also could someone outline the steps in detail once again. I'm about to go officially start this reg but I want to make sure I don't mess it up at all.


Posted : 10/14/2007 11:48 pm

So what do others think about the fiber in powder form? Also could someone outline the steps in detail once again. I'm about to go officially start this reg but I want to make sure I don't mess it up at all.

Just say you found it already open and get your money back. They will take it back trust me.

Take the oxy bar alpine scent soap. Wet you hands underneath the faucet. Grab the oxy bar soap. With you hands wet start rubbing the oxy bar soap in your hands. So that your hands become covered with the soap. Now lightly put a little just a little water back on your hands to cause the soap to lather up then start massaging the soap thats on your hands onto your face. It should be sorta of a foamy cream texture when massaging it in. Then take a rag and run undercool water to wet it down then squeeze the rag so that its damp but not soaking wet. With your nicely dampy rage wipe the oxy bar soap off. Dont rub just wipe it off.

Then after that grab the oxy chill factor shake the bottle and apply about a finger length maybe more or less depending on your coverage area. You will get to know how much you need to put on as you do the regimen more. Put a finger with of oxy chill factor on your finger. Then use your other hand with your fingers to wipe the stuff off your other fingers and apply it to your face evenly where your acne prone areas are. Sorta massage it in but dont over do the massage. Just get the stuff on is the most important thing. Then walk away from the bathroom let that sit on your face for 10 to 15 minutes. The stuff will harden on your face. Now go back to the bathroom grab a clean rag wet it down with cool water. squeeze the cloth so its damp again. Then wipe the oxy chill factor off. Dont rub it off. Then walk out of the restroom now your down. Dont forget to take the fiber.

Ok guys I need some sleep. I'm been staying up late answering peoples question. I will answer more questiona around 9:00 A.M. ET. Time. 😀


Posted : 10/15/2007 1:26 am

Oh man. I just read this whole thread and for some odd reason I really do think you want to help people bfg9000. You sound so confident in your regimen, almost to confident. It almost seems like you think this is the WAY to end all acne suffering.


You bastard, it didn't take much to do so, but you've convinced me to try it out.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up the supplies you've mentioned.

*oxy chill factor 10

*oxy bar soup

*fiber supplement


It would be so cool if I could beat this acne without having to literally cake my face with products throughout the day. This is the first reg I've heard of that might actually do that.

Of course I'll get back to you bfg9000, to keep you posted on how it's working.


until then, lets hear some more success stories!


Posted : 10/15/2007 6:57 am

Oh man. I just read this whole thread and for some odd reason I really do think you want to help people bfg9000. You sound so confident in your regimen, almost to confident. It almost seems like you think this is the WAY to end all acne suffering.

You bastard, it didn't take much to do so, but you've convinced me to try it out.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up the supplies you've mentioned.

*oxy chill factor 10

*oxy bar soup

*fiber supplement

It would be so cool if I could beat this acne without having to literally cake my face with products throughout the day. This is the first reg I've heard of that might actually do that.

Of course I'll get back to you bfg9000, to keep you posted on how it's working.

until then, lets hear some more success stories!

congrats on trying it. You will notice this reg is much different then any reg you have tried.

john1234 is becoming a success story.


Posted : 10/15/2007 7:27 am

Question: Do I need to use a damp rag to wash the oxy soap and chill factor off? Can't I just wash it off with some water?


Posted : 10/15/2007 7:36 am

This method looks interesting. My skin is very very sensitive and always dried out after washing. So do you think this reg. could be hard for sensitive skin? And how long it took you to be clear from this reg.?



Posted : 10/15/2007 8:38 am

Guys I know it is not what has been recommended but I have incorporated this reg into my existing one (just wanted to stay loyal to my reg because it is good for my skin and has cleared my skin over the past few months)


Nevertheless, I still got one or two pimple a month just before that time of the month and I can safely say I have not seen even a white head since using this reg.


Also as I have mentioned before I have recommended this to a friend who has moderate acne and she is totally clearing up and it hasnt even been 2 weeks. Trust me guys it works and it also makes sense.


You can kinda feel it working from the first day if that makes sense.


Anyway good luck everyone, and be loyal to this forum, dont just go away after your acne goes away. Report back your success and help others.


By the way Dan's Reg may not have worked for me but I am grateful to him for this forum, I have learnt so much this past year. Dan also wants to help others just like bfg, the are both two very generous people in my opinion.


Posted : 10/15/2007 9:13 am

Question: Do I need to use a damp rag to wash the oxy soap and chill factor off? Can't I just wash it off with some water?

Yes a damp rag needs to be used to wipe off the oxy bar soap and a new damp rag to wipe off the oxy chill factor. Problem with using water is that it doesnt always get all the oxy stuff off. Plus it doesnt get the dirt off your face quite as well.


Posted : 10/15/2007 9:19 am

This method looks interesting. My skin is very very sensitive and always dried out after washing. So do you think this reg. could be hard for sensitive skin? And how long it took you to be clear from this reg.?


This reg is great for sensitive skin. Nothing stays on your skin drying it out.

It can take up to a month to get clear. But thats to be on the safe side. I'm not gonna say 1 or 2 weeks because people might give up on the reg in 2 weeks thinking its not working when infact it is working. It could clear you in as little as 1 to 2 weeks. But to be on the safe side I'm gonna say about a month.


Posted : 10/15/2007 9:48 am

[As a veteran user of tane. I can only tell you tane is a derms escape drug. Its the perfect well theirs nothing left for you to try lets give you another round of tane. It almost becomes comical. These derms give tane away like its candy on a stick.



Posted : 10/15/2007 10:03 am

Guys I know it is not what has been recommended but I have incorporated this reg into my existing one (just wanted to stay loyal to my reg because it is good for my skin and has cleared my skin over the past few months)

Nevertheless, I still got one or two pimple a month just before that time of the month and I can safely say I have not seen even a white head since using this reg.

Also as I have mentioned before I have recommended this to a friend who has moderate acne and she is totally clearing up and it hasnt even been 2 weeks. Trust me guys it works and it also makes sense.

You can kinda feel it working from the first day if that makes sense.

Anyway good luck everyone, and be loyal to this forum, dont just go away after your acne goes away. Report back your success and help others.

By the way Dan's Reg may not have worked for me but I am grateful to him for this forum, I have learnt so much this past year. Dan also wants to help others just like bfg, the are both two very generous people in my opinion.

congrats on your friend getting cleared by the reg.

I dont have anything against Dan I really dont. Although I did not like him deleting my thread for this regimen a long time ago. It got a little to popular. Dan's Regimen is a very harsh regimen. Even though he practices being gentle the base of his regimen to begin with is very harsh on your skin and damaging to your skin. The thick amounts of bp he wants you to apply and leave on throughout the day is a little crazy. His reg includes moist. for the fact that his reg produces such dry skin. Plus when you sweat you sweat bp and that gets on your clothes and you get bleach spots. Plus the time you need to spend on his regimen borderlines the feasibility of it. I'm sure people have gotten clear on his regimen. But it is the wrong kind of clear.


Posted : 10/15/2007 12:33 pm

First things first,


accutane is great. After one course, my cysts aren't as bad as they used to be. It is much better than topical antibiotics.


Taking a multivitamin is great also.


Taking Fiber is great also.


The regimen that bfg suggested is continually working for me. For all doubters with questions about whether they should start this regimen--those people who have sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin--i'll tell you straight up. BFG and I probably don't have the answers to those questions. The best way is to try this regimen!!!!!!!!!!! It's really not that expensive, and the materials are readily accessible.


If you have qualms, I really don't know whats going on in your head. When my cysts were blaring, I was willing to TRY anything. Don't be scared, intimidated---just try it, especially if you are feeling helpless right now. What is there to loose? Are you currently still breaking out? try it!!! I mean, we're cystic acne sufferers.....we tried a million regimens already. whats another one to try, ya know??


I would never have thought some stupid oxy soap and oxy bp cream would clear me up. That would be too simple after hearing about retin-a, clindamycin, azelaic acid, and all that stuff.

but here i am!!! I'm not trying to be dramatic, to overpromote this method, but it has worked for 2 weeks now, and that's a record.



Posted : 10/15/2007 4:46 pm

First things first,

accutane is great. After one course, my cysts aren't as bad as they used to be. It is much better than topical antibiotics.

Taking a multivitamin is great also.

Taking Fiber is great also.

The regimen that bfg suggested is continually working for me. For all doubters with questions about whether they should start this regimen--those people who have sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin--i'll tell you straight up. BFG and I probably don't have the answers to those questions. The best way is to try this regimen!!!!!!!!!!! It's really not that expensive, and the materials are readily accessible.

If you have qualms, I really don't know whats going on in your head. When my cysts were blaring, I was willing to TRY anything. Don't be scared, intimidated---just try it, especially if you are feeling helpless right now. What is there to loose? Are you currently still breaking out? try it!!! I mean, we're cystic acne sufferers.....we tried a million regimens already. whats another one to try, ya know??

I would never have thought some stupid oxy soap and oxy bp cream would clear me up. That would be too simple after hearing about retin-a, clindamycin, azelaic acid, and all that stuff.

but here i am!!! I'm not trying to be dramatic, to overpromote this method, but it has worked for 2 weeks now, and that's a record.

thanks john1234 😀

I think tane can work. But I believe people are putting themselfs at to much of a cost to their health when doing it. My reg doesnt cause the health problems side effects and is not hard on your body. With tane yes you might be getting clear but what health problems are you gonna have from it later down the road. That is still unknown.
