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My cystic acne


Posted : 11/04/2007 12:31 am

REMEMBER GUYS, take the fiber on an empty least that what the store owner kept on insisting to me. Or at least 30 minutes before a meal.


Posted : 11/04/2007 8:35 am

Well at the 2 week mark I had a bit of a breakout. Good news is that the pimples seem to have a shorter lifespan on this regimen.

Question though, BFG where do you stand on popping pimples once they come to a head? Do it? Don't do it?

this is exactly my experience too.

* 1 week mark = face looked fantastic

* 2 week mark = face had a bit of a breakout

* 3 week mark = face clearing and new cysts and pimples have a MUCH shorter lifespan

regarding popping pimples...i try to avoid it and sometimes i just can't resist. either way, they heal faster on this reg.


Posted : 11/04/2007 8:54 am

I refused to try acutane due to the whole depression side effect and I've tried every type of anti-biotic and cream to no avail. I don't want acne my whole life! Good luck to everyone. What a curse acne is...

I do not try to conceal my enthusiasm for accutane, and I am fully aware that it has varying success rates with individual users and should NEVER be used by those who are pregnant or plan to get pregnant in the near future, it is disconcerting to me when I read statements like the above.

First, I feel tremendous empathy for your condition. For all of us, acne is a curse. I can fully understand that you do not want to have this affliction your whole life, but let me ask you this question: If there was a drug on the market, produced (much to the chagrin of some) by the conventional medical/pharmaceutical establishment which has clearly totally arrested or significantly reduced severe acne in literally tens of thousand of patients, why wouldn't you try it ?

The depression side effect is a POSSIBLE side effect, but certainly not everyone has this side effect. Accutane is an extremely powerful medication and one is monitored throughout the course of treatment (please do not besiege me with individual horror stories about how your derm didn't give a damn or otherwise monitor you during the course of treatment. All professions have their incompetents and screw-ups)

Would someone please explain to me why so many fear the POSSIBLE side effects of accutane ? I didn't have any side effects, for instance, and my treatment was successful. My understanding that if side effects do manifest themselves, accutane treatment ceases and the side-effects abate. I understand and respect those involved in naturopathic and homeopathic medicine who disdain conventional medical solutions, in fact I am not in disagreement with at least some of the treatment philosophy surrounding homeopathic medicine. What I don't understand are acne sufferers who try both traditional and non-traditional regimens and treatments (some are pretty silly, is there anyone here that has washed their face with Dr. Pepper ? This is/was a non-traditional regimen back in the day and maybe still today).

Would someone please explain to me what I am not getting here. People will try all sorts of remedies both conventional and non-traditional, but then balk at accutane because they are certain that they will come down with symptoms, that will make them suicidal maniacs with bad livers.

I say try all the non-traditional remedies you want, some will produce the desired results, but all I am saying is that accutane's track record is a proven one. It is not the universal panacea for curing acne (I don't think acne is ever cured, merely subjugated into remission) but its track record is documented and its effects both positive and negative are known.

Very respectfully yours,

Joe Zit


Posted : 11/04/2007 11:13 am



Accutane is not something you want to get involved in, it has potential to cause health problems, some of which don't go away. Do your research.


Anyways, the medical establishment is USELESS with regards to acne, the only one who benefits from selling all these pills and creams are the people making the money off of them. Homeopathic remedies are superior to those that come from the greedy medical establishment, pay no attention to these drug peddlers on here, they just want your money. Fuck em.


Posted : 11/04/2007 11:24 am

Well said Joe Zit, but while having personally succumbed to the proven track record of accutane twice now and being greatful for the relative clarity it afforded me, the drug is none the less a very serious one and I think everyone would agree that it should be avoided if at all possible. I'm not sure how too_old_4_acne has managed to avoid it for as long as she has, but perhaps her patience is now being rewarded with the discovery of the BFG regimen. It may not have a proven track record, but you aren't actually suggesting that she go on Tane after waiting as long as she has and finally finding something that might actually work permanently with no side effects?


Posted : 11/04/2007 12:00 pm

Well at the 2 week mark I had a bit of a breakout. Good news is that the pimples seem to have a shorter lifespan on this regimen.

Question though, BFG where do you stand on popping pimples once they come to a head? Do it? Don't do it?

Just a little follow up:

I've noticed that all the new pimples I've been getting are in places where I used to have some sort of pimple forming under the skin but never came up to a head. This is certainly the kind of "deep clearing" that BFG mentioned. Also, all my red/brown marks seem to fade quickly on this reg, what's up with that?


Posted : 11/04/2007 1:16 pm

Hi everyone, I'm a 26 yo female and have been on this reg for a week now. Results are the same as everyone else so far. I had been using the Oxy 10 for over a year, since it was the strongest thing on the market, but I used it as a wash and always felt my money was going down the drain. Now that I use it as BFG directs it works much better. My question is about the fiber. The FDA recommends 25g of fiber per day for women and 30g for men. The 6 fiber supplements only total 3g. I am surprised that that small amount of extra fiber in a diet makes so much of a difference. Is it because it is straight up fiber instead of getting it through natural foods like raisins or apples? I am not good at taking so many pills and it makes be nauseous. But I am determined to be clear by Thanksgiving. I refused to try acutane due to the whole depression side effect and I've tried every type of anti-biotic and cream to no avail. I don't want acne my whole life! Good luck to everyone. What a curse acne is...

Hmmm my 6caps equals 14.4g a day. And I use metamucil.


Posted : 11/04/2007 2:09 pm

I refused to try acutane due to the whole depression side effect and I've tried every type of anti-biotic and cream to no avail. I don't want acne my whole life! Good luck to everyone. What a curse acne is...

Would someone please explain to me why so many fear the POSSIBLE side effects of accutane ? Very respectfully yours,

Joe Zit


This is just for me....I fear the potential side effects of accutane because two of the possibilities are depression and suicide. If I use BP or SA, the side effects are topical, not life-threatening. I just cannot rationalize taking a chance on possible depression and/or suicidal thoughts in the name of vanity. I've come thisclose to getting on accutance many times, but the potential life-altering risks are just not worth it to me. Furthermore, it truly makes me question how I could even consider putting something into my body that is known to cause major, severe birth defects in a pregnant woman. Bottom Line: The whole concept is too scary to me. To each his own though, right?


Posted : 11/04/2007 2:32 pm

Christylmlw makes a good point. If Accutane can harm a fetus, why in the hell are you putting it into your body in the first place? The whole prospect of altering your body to treat a condition is idiotic and DOES NOT treat the core cause. Stop taking drugs, get into natural remedies. All these pills and creams I took for my acne only made it worse, I should have never even gone to a dermatologist and lived with the acne I had before I found natural remedies that cured my acne. THANK GOD I never took Accutane.


Btw, the only reason BFG9000's reg has success is because of the bowel cleansing, you should NEVER put anything on your face except mabey urine. Bowel cleansing is THE best thing you can do for your skin. Stay away from the medical establishment.


Posted : 11/04/2007 2:44 pm

I want to put my two cents in.


I think accutane is great, but not the best, solution. I've personally been on accutane, and though I might have been delusional, I constantly felt "out of it." Whether its psychological or physiological, I do not know; I do know that the negative feelings were there. Accutane can save peoples' lives, however. If you have more than 10 huge cysts on your face at any time, I think accutane is the real deal, and no more experimentation should be undertaken. A respected naturopath, Dr. Logan even suggests that you go seek serious dermatology intervention if your acne is that serious.


For me, the acne came back. I think its because my acne was never serious enough to go on accutane. I constantly had 2-6 active cysts on my face, but I never had more than 10 on my face. I can't imagine how that might feel! Personally, I feel my acne is the result of a lifestyle--being constantly stressed and having a negative outlook in life. There are many studies that show depressive markers being synomous with acne. Are acne sufferers depressed because we have acne, or do we have acne because we are depressed? I don't think any one precedes the other.


Acneconqueror, I think you are doing everyone a disservice by criticizing the medical establishment. It has saved lives and will continue to do so. Of course it has its ills, but then again, which establishment doesn't? The realm of alternative medicine is plagued with quackery and disagreement; its hard for the user to formulate an effective and safe plan in light of the absolute landfill of information.


Posted : 11/04/2007 3:44 pm

I'm warning people to stay away from the medical establishment because there are alternative remedies that cost less and will actually improve your health rather than mask symptoms with expensive, harmful drugs. Anyone who takes a seriously dangerous drug like Accutane for something as harmless as acne is really making a decision that they may live to regret someday when their bodies don't work properly anymore. People have acne because they were misled to eat all this shitty food and apply all of these harsh soaps and other products to their faces, not because they are in need for some product a dermatologist or face cream company can provide. Dermatology is a business, their only goal is to get your money and they are very successful at doing that. I regret every visit I ever made to a dermatologist and every pill, cream and soap I ever applied to my face. My face will NEVER be perfect because I was misled and the damage to my face is regretfully permanent. My advice is gift, ignore it at your own peril.


Posted : 11/04/2007 4:11 pm

OH MY GOD...I can't even do the reg without my skin bursting with blood and pus everywhere now. I feel sick just thinking about it. My face stings half the day and it looks absolutely HORRID. It's mostly my jawline and upper neck that's a complete mess...with deadskin, scabs, cysts and pustules all over the place. I really hope this phase doesn't last long and that it's still drawing all the shit up. It's absolutely depressing going to work man....I'm definitely not going out like this - that's for damn sure.


Posted : 11/04/2007 4:34 pm

Did you ever think of leaving your face alone? Pretend like you don't have a face to wash and worry about and see what happens.


Posted : 11/04/2007 4:41 pm

ok, so on week three my skin is still breaking out and it seems like the pimples emerge and then sit stay for a couple days before there is any head. Is this normal? I am starting to wonder if this is working or not. I currently have 5 pimples, all fo which came up about three days ago and havn't really done anything. How quickly are others coming to a head? Does this sound right??


Posted : 11/04/2007 5:14 pm

Well said Joe Zit, but while having personally succumbed to the proven track record of accutane twice now and being greatful for the relative clarity it afforded me, the drug is none the less a very serious one and I think everyone would agree that it should be avoided if at all possible. I'm not sure how too_old_4_acne has managed to avoid it for as long as she has, but perhaps her patience is now being rewarded with the discovery of the BFG regimen. It may not have a proven track record, but you aren't actually suggesting that she go on Tane after waiting as long as she has and finally finding something that might actually work permanently with no side effects?

I am not suggesting that she abandon BFG's regimen and replace it with accutane...I hope that this regimen works for her, and who am I to say that it won't? I want it to work for her and everyone else who tries it...and if it has a high success rate for a significant number of people, then the medical community needs to take a long, hard look at it. If BFG is correct, then this should be a major dermatological break through and might even revise existing theories on the root causes of acne.

What I don't get it is that there are people who place acne at the center of their lives and allow this hideous disease to define them and their interactions with the world. From a sociological stand point, I fully understand how severe acne sufferers are frequently treated as the lepers of the 21st Century. I know that I have, in the past, experienced what I perceive as social and professional discrimination because of my acne, so I do understand on a very personal level. Severe acne is in a sense a social disease (not in the classical medical terminology which uses that term to define a venereal disease) in that it is seen as a major social inhibitor which affects both ones personal and work lives. Now I don't know how long BFG's regimen has been around. Apparently it has been posted or references have been posted to this board some time in the past. Accutane has been around, I believe, since the 1980's.

What I am about to say is NOT an ad hominem attack on anyone who reads or posts to these boards: It appears to me that there are long term acne sufferers who fall into the trap of making the disease the center of their lives and when faced with the possibility of significant improvement or even complete remission, choose not to get treatment with accutane, because if they no longer suffered from that which has afflicted them or defined them, they might see that some of life's difficulties are not really attributed to the acne at all. There is, I think, an inherent danger in attributing all of life's problems to chronic and severe acne. It's much easier to go about and try this "cure" or that regimen, than face the reality about a medication, albeit a very powerful and imperfect medication, which holds the promise of improving their condition and avoid taking it because of perceived risks which might or might not manifest themselves. Life is risk, and I guess what I have trouble understanding, is if you have a disease that defines you, one that affects the major dynamics of all aspects of your life, why wouldn't you take the risk? It is not cast in concrete, nor chiseled in stone that you will have side effects, only POSSIBLE side effects. I view severe acne as a life threatening disease, again not in the classical sense because I don't think it is highly possible to die from acne (unless some sort of secondary infection set in from a botched extraction or something simliar) but acne threatens the quality of life, it affects how one sees the world, so to my way of thinking it threatens the potential of a happy, productive life. But, on the other hand, do some allow their acne to be a crutch, an excuse for not dealing with other issues in their lives over which they could take control?

Dan's regimen has helped many people, this is affirmed by repeated testimonials, apparently BFG is enjoying similar success with his. I sincerely hope that each of you who have elected to follow these and other non-traditional methods enjoy the benefits and promise that their originators hold out for you. Acne is a great mystery waiting to be solved and if these individuals (BFG and Dan) and others have unlocked some of the mystery then more power to them.

Very respectfully yours,

Joe Zit


Posted : 11/04/2007 6:15 pm



Please understand that you will not find the solution to acne in the field of dermatology. They would not put themselves out of business by curing skin afflictions. Rather, look towards natural, homeopathic remedies which are far superior and cheaper. Don't take the risks with Accutane.


Posted : 11/04/2007 7:41 pm

To Acne Conquerer:


Since September 11, 2001 I have devoted much of my professional life (far too much in my opinion) having to deal with hate-filled zealots. I do not like to deal with hate filled zealots in my personal life and regretfully, it appears that I have attracted the attention of at least one hate filled zealot in my personal life.


You will attract many more adherents to your ideas if you quit making personal attacks on people. The purpose of this forum is the free exchange of ideas about a very perplexing disease. Making personal attacks on people only weakens your position, and to suggest that I am on the payroll of the pharmaceutical industry is not only not true, but absolutely preposterous.


Sir, I ask that you only be civil and fair minded. You have your opinions and I have mine. A none too careful reading of my last post and your response, only tends to indicate serious intellectual deficiency (which I sincerely hope is not the case). For some illogical reason (you don't even know me, I am a perfect stranger to you) you perceive me as evil, ergo sum, I am evil and you would jump on my posts even if I had only written the words to "Mary Had a Little Lamb".


If you have issues that you want to discuss with me, please feel free to message me, so that the good folks who frequent these boards are not deluged with ad hominum attacks which have the appearance, at least, of illogical rantings. I am always open to sincere communication and a true exchange of ideas.


Thank you for your understanding in this matter, sir.


Sincerely and respectfully,


Joe Zit


Posted : 11/04/2007 7:47 pm

Acneconqueror, this thread was going so nice until you decided to jump in here and spam, yes, I said spam, with your nonsense. If you want to promote your particular regimen, please feel free to do it WITHOUT jumping into and ridiculing every other person's thread out there. It took pages upon pages of several people (myself included) of fighting like idiots in order to get this thread in the proper order, let's NOT ruin it.


Consider this your last free "talking to" about this.


Posted : 11/04/2007 9:41 pm

This is one fight I cannot defend on right now because I'm just way to busy trying to wrap up the final details before I release a major site. I ask some of you bfg reg faithfuls to do the defending.


Posted : 11/05/2007 12:24 am

OK. So I got my psyllium husks at cvs today. unfortunatley they didnt have the oxy products so im going to check at walgreens tomorrow.


I only took one pill today just be sure i wasnt allergic to them or anything.


On another note, i just wanted to add that leaving any medications in the bathroom is the quickest way to alter it. The humidity and dampness in there can alter the chemical makeup of them and change them or render them uneffective. And dont leave your bar soap in a pool of water, bacteria can grow that way. Just some friendly advice!


I'll keep you posted!


Posted : 11/05/2007 1:13 am

Ok the site is done. I will send out the link via pm tomorrow. I'm to tired to be dealing with all that tonight and I need to be wide awake when releasing it.


Posted : 11/05/2007 7:24 am

Well I think I have been on this for a week now. Skin is dry and I have a couple of small cysts to deal with. If you remember I was on tane four times. I am not going to get into the argument about it but I do have colitis that came as a result of the accutane. It did great while I was on it and for a few months after, but then it all came back. The stuff is strong but I feel there is not enough known about it even after all these years.

Anyway my wife said my face looks better, so that is a plus.


Posted : 11/05/2007 12:53 pm

So I just got done reading this entire thread. I bought the products yesterday, and my face definitely feels "refreshed" after doing the regimen. I will keep posting updates along the way.


Posted : 11/05/2007 12:53 pm

Hi everyone. I wanted to put my two cents in about the fiber. I purchased mine from Longs Drugs and is their generic brand. I take mine first thing when I get up in the morning on an empty stomach, with at "least" 16 ozs. of water. The back of my bottle says that I can take 1-5 pills up to 3 times a day. So for those of you worrying about taking 6 a day, nothing to worry about. I also drink a lot of water. I don't drink coffee or carbonated beverages. As John 1234 stated previously, our diets are deficient in fiber. Consuming more fiber won't hurt us. In fact, if any of you have done research on colon cleansing, you'll find that a clean colon leads to a lot of positive physical results. It's a fact, that an unhealthy digestive system impacted with mucus, toxins and impacted waste can trigger a host of negative health issues. And skin blemishes arise due to toxins in the bloodstream. The fiber helps to clean you internally and rid your body of harmful toxins, thus resulting also in better skin.


Since being on the reg, not only do I take my 6 pills a day, but I've also upped my fiber intake by adding raisins, grapes and pears to my diet when I can. I also plan to use OxyPowder 7-day colon cleansing regimen to help "jumpstart" my being on this regimen. I figure everything will work quicker when you start off with a cleaner slate. If my colon's already clean, then the fiber pills will help to maintain and keep the toxins out, and I'll continue to stay on the Oxy products. Plus I'm anticipating that this will result in my blemishes going away much quicker. I will keep you posted after the "cleansing" to report on my results. To each his own, but that's my plan.


Also, quick update: while on the reg and upping my fiber intake, my acne & cysts has drawn up to the surface rather quickly, and within a day comes to a head. I use a blackhead remover to pop the whiteheads, and they're healing by the next day. I already see a difference in the way my skin looks and feels. Very promising.


Posted : 11/05/2007 4:02 pm

2 week followup.


Ok, here's how things have been progressing with me on BFG's regimen. My face is much more calm than before the regimen and I no longer get the very large "stay for a month" cysts that I was getting after coming off antibiotics. I now have about 3 or 4 "active" zits, which are only days old but they're much smaller than my usual breakouts and are on the decline. Overall, I feel like my acne is on fast-forward, in that I'm getting many little breakouts but they're gone in a day or two, a 100% difference from before.


There's still many red spots from old zits, but those will go away in time as my face clears. Everything BFG has said about how this regimen will proceed is taking place. As skeptical as I was I am coming around to being a believer. Also, the dryness I was getting after about a week in to the reg is now largely gone. I sometimes put on a very thin amount of non-greasy skin lotion. I can't wait to see how the next couple of weeks will fare.




