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Acne scarring help, pictures attached


Posted : 02/22/2023 1:17 pm

I have had a bunch of little treatments that didnt really help much such as rf microneedling regular microneedling and peels. Recently I just got subcision with filler which has improved them but I think they need to fill in more and then I can get a resurfacing procedure. Does this seem like the right decision?

also the doctor that I get sub and filler from is great I just wish she would use angled lighting to see my more deeper scars that dont appear in reg lighting. Would it be weird to ask her to view them in such lighting in our next app?

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Member Admin

Posted : 02/24/2023 8:57 am

I'm guessing an overall ablative laser might be helpful. Your scar edges seem smooth, so more rolling scars. Usually laser can help with that.

And...nothing is weird to ask your doc! It's your face! You have to remain steadfastly your own advocate with all medical stuff, particularly anything that affects your appearance for the rest of your life. Be confident and make sure you're always comfortable.


Posted : 02/24/2023 2:23 pm

@dan-4 thank you for your reply dan.
youre right I will do so in my next session. Thank you!


Posted : 02/24/2023 2:24 pm

here is my progress in my acne scars so far from mid 2021 to now. Right is before, left is after
