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Spontaneous Scarring Condition - AMVC - Atrophia Maculosa Varioliformis Cutis - Pitted Scars Suddenly Appearing - Not Acne


Posted : 04/27/2010 8:49 pm

praise how long have you been getting it? did you do the borage oil stuff?


Posted : 04/28/2010 11:14 am

No I have not seen a doctor, will soon thou...Gotten 26 scars now.


I have been getting the scars since the 27th of januari, they started coming after my third dermarolling session which I had the 24th of something must have happened....Dermarolling has fucked me up.


Posted : 04/29/2010 9:55 am

you didnt do anything with fish oil/high omega 3s for this to happen?


Posted : 05/01/2010 5:57 am



this sounds like a classic case of inflammation of the skin


keep your skin calm and non irritated as much as possible.


try aloe vera gel, zinc cream, anything that will calm the skin down

and stay away from omega 3's.


inflammation is agreat precursor to this AMCV.


Lamaar is really up on this stuff.


Posted : 05/03/2010 12:13 am

I took cod liver oil tabs some 20 years ago,it made my acne worse and i got a cyst twice in the same place at the top of my nasolabial fold,on my right cheek.It as sunken my face in really deep so i have to inject perlane to make it look normal.


I dont think you have to have taken roaccutane to get AMVC but then is my scar classed as AMVC scar?


Posted : 05/03/2010 8:31 am

I took cod liver oil tabs some 20 years ago,it made my acne worse and i got a cyst twice in the same place at the top of my nasolabial fold,on my right cheek.It as sunken my face in really deep so i have to inject perlane to make it look normal.


I dont think you have to have taken roaccutane to get AMVC but then is my scar classed as AMVC scar?



If you had a cyst first, before the scar, it is not AMVC, since it's not spontaneous. Maybe cod liver oil added to your inflammation, are upset your hormones.


How long does perlane last for you btw? I am thinking of going in June for Juvederm plus. In the past restylane didn't work for me, but maybe my injector wasn't so good either. Then I tried some myself which never lasted long, but obviously I'm not trained. I think I will give my scars one more try with a more experienced injector.


Posted : 05/03/2010 3:34 pm

I didnt have the cyst before i took cod liver oil tabs.


I injected perlane at xmas and it is still there but its starting to disolve.


Im not an experienced injecter myself its my 1st time ive done it.


Where are you from tricia?


Posted : 05/12/2010 11:14 pm

PRAISE GOD I LOCATED THIS THREAD. I was on Accutane several years ago and because two years ago I started developing spontaneous scars on my face. Since that time, I have been looking for ANSWERS. It very upsetting to wake up in the morning with a random scar on your face. Interestingly, rarely get pimples anymore...i.e. replace that problem with this NEW PROBLEM.




Posted : 05/14/2010 3:14 pm

Has anyone else here tried what Freedom has done to get rid of this AMVC problem ? does it work ?

I'm less than a month into Freedom's "regimen" and haven't seen any effect from it yet, though I do not have AMVC scarring but rather skin that suddenly has become fragile and scars from every pimple. I need more time before I know if this will stop the scarring or not.


That is exactly how my skin is too. Spontaneous scarring is not my problem but every tiny zit leaves a scar, not to mention my red marks stay twice as long as they used to.


My skin is such a bad healer. Like many of you, I have lost a lot of weight from depression as well. I have been doing a good job hiding my depression though but its there. Its so hard to be consistently positive when you have so many scars... ugh


keep your head up guys we... we will prevail before this shit is over with


Posted : 05/14/2010 7:06 pm

Has anyone else here tried what Freedom has done to get rid of this AMVC problem ? does it work ?

I'm less than a month into Freedom's "regimen" and haven't seen any effect from it yet, though I do not have AMVC scarring but rather skin that suddenly has become fragile and scars from every pimple. I need more time before I know if this will stop the scarring or not.


That is exactly how my skin is too. Spontaneous scarring is not my problem but every tiny zit leaves a scar, not to mention my red marks stay twice as long as they used to.


My skin is such a bad healer. Like many of you, I have lost a lot of weight from depression as well. I have been doing a good job hiding my depression though but its there. Its so hard to be consistently positive when you have so many scars... ugh


keep your head up guys we... we will prevail before this shit is over with



ah know your feeling well. im in the exact same situation, well not spontaneous scarring, but every pimple leaves a scar. although i cant offer any real advice, i can recommend you start taking st johns wort. ive been crying daily recently over it all and feeling pretty depressed. ive found i dont cry anymore since being on them and a bit more able to face the world. so perhaps it might help for more of you guys :)


Posted : 05/15/2010 1:00 pm

Has anyone else here tried what Freedom has done to get rid of this AMVC problem ? does it work ?

I'm less than a month into Freedom's "regimen" and haven't seen any effect from it yet, though I do not have AMVC scarring but rather skin that suddenly has become fragile and scars from every pimple. I need more time before I know if this will stop the scarring or not.


That is exactly how my skin is too. Spontaneous scarring is not my problem but every tiny zit leaves a scar, not to mention my red marks stay twice as long as they used to.


My skin is such a bad healer. Like many of you, I have lost a lot of weight from depression as well. I have been doing a good job hiding my depression though but its there. Its so hard to be consistently positive when you have so many scars... ugh


keep your head up guys we... we will prevail before this shit is over with



ah know your feeling well. im in the exact same situation, well not spontaneous scarring, but every pimple leaves a scar. although i cant offer any real advice, i can recommend you start taking st johns wort. ive been crying daily recently over it all and feeling pretty depressed. ive found i dont cry anymore since being on them and a bit more able to face the world. so perhaps it might help for more of you guys :)




one of the side effects of st. johns wort is acne.


Posted : 05/15/2010 6:07 pm

Has anyone else here tried what Freedom has done to get rid of this AMVC problem ? does it work ?

I'm less than a month into Freedom's "regimen" and haven't seen any effect from it yet, though I do not have AMVC scarring but rather skin that suddenly has become fragile and scars from every pimple. I need more time before I know if this will stop the scarring or not.


That is exactly how my skin is too. Spontaneous scarring is not my problem but every tiny zit leaves a scar, not to mention my red marks stay twice as long as they used to.


My skin is such a bad healer. Like many of you, I have lost a lot of weight from depression as well. I have been doing a good job hiding my depression though but its there. Its so hard to be consistently positive when you have so many scars... ugh


keep your head up guys we... we will prevail before this shit is over with



ah know your feeling well. im in the exact same situation, well not spontaneous scarring, but every pimple leaves a scar. although i cant offer any real advice, i can recommend you start taking st johns wort. ive been crying daily recently over it all and feeling pretty depressed. ive found i dont cry anymore since being on them and a bit more able to face the world. so perhaps it might help for more of you guys :)




one of the side effects of st. johns wort is acne.



really? interestings. im not breaking out very much at the moment. the majority stopped coming up as soon as i cut out milk. strangely enough, milk appears to have been a major problem for me. other than that im drinking roobious tea and its supposed to be an anti inflammatory. ultimately if the st johns wort isnt causing too many problems, ill keep taking it. its keeping me normal and will stop me doing anything rash.



Posted : 05/16/2010 7:24 pm

thats a crease you get when you sleep, some people get them


Posted : 05/17/2010 4:36 pm

Has anyone else here tried what Freedom has done to get rid of this AMVC problem ? does it work ?

I'm less than a month into Freedom's "regimen" and haven't seen any effect from it yet, though I do not have AMVC scarring but rather skin that suddenly has become fragile and scars from every pimple. I need more time before I know if this will stop the scarring or not.


That is exactly how my skin is too. Spontaneous scarring is not my problem but every tiny zit leaves a scar, not to mention my red marks stay twice as long as they used to.


My skin is such a bad healer. Like many of you, I have lost a lot of weight from depression as well. I have been doing a good job hiding my depression though but its there. Its so hard to be consistently positive when you have so many scars... ugh


keep your head up guys we... we will prevail before this shit is over with



ah know your feeling well. im in the exact same situation, well not spontaneous scarring, but every pimple leaves a scar. although i cant offer any real advice, i can recommend you start taking st johns wort. ive been crying daily recently over it all and feeling pretty depressed. ive found i dont cry anymore since being on them and a bit more able to face the world. so perhaps it might help for more of you guys :)


Depression leads to stress and stress slows healing time, leading to a poorer healing response. I really wonder if stress and depression can make skin more scar-prone, as well.


I avoid looking at my scars in the mirror and this helps with the stress.


Posted : 06/25/2010 9:42 am

im experiencing the same thing...recently i noticed that brown spots continuously appear on my cheeks and after a few days they will become depressed really scared..:(


Posted : 06/25/2010 10:04 am

I've never been on accutane but after having used tretinoin for 12 weeks, I swear blind I'm developing pock marks and indented scars. The scars are shallow but they are there none the less (even though my friends and family think I'm an obsessed nut)...



...Could tretinoin just be causing this anyway? Needless to say, I'm coming off it now and I'm just going to use select items from the Obagi range...


Any advice or thoughts please!


Posted : 06/25/2010 12:34 pm

I've never been on accutane but after having used tretinoin for 12 weeks, I swear blind I'm developing pock marks and indented scars. The scars are shallow but they are there none the less (even though my friends and family think I'm an obsessed nut)...



...Could tretinoin just be causing this anyway? Needless to say, I'm coming off it now and I'm just going to use select items from the Obagi range...


Any advice or thoughts please!

I also have used tretinoin for a while and experience something similar occasionally. I think that tretinoin remodels the skin deep down, and when the top layers slough off old scars that were buried by other layers of skin may become visible. My guess is that they'll go away as the collagen rebuilds.


Posted : 06/25/2010 7:20 pm

I've never been on accutane but after having used tretinoin for 12 weeks, I swear blind I'm developing pock marks and indented scars. The scars are shallow but they are there none the less (even though my friends and family think I'm an obsessed nut)...



...Could tretinoin just be causing this anyway? Needless to say, I'm coming off it now and I'm just going to use select items from the Obagi range...


Any advice or thoughts please!

I also have used tretinoin for a while and experience something similar occasionally. I think that tretinoin remodels the skin deep down, and when the top layers slough off old scars that were buried by other layers of skin may become visible. My guess is that they'll go away as the collagen rebuilds.



the idea that as the top layers are removed, the old scars will become more visible is pretty widely accepted on here. esp when you read the retin a threads. i hope this is the reason.



Posted : 06/25/2010 9:19 pm

E1 is estrogen which could cause a whole host of other problems. Please don't mess with your hormones unless you are sure you have an imbalance because you could create one, which may be worse than scarring -- hair loss, endometriosis, infertility, cancers etc. If you want to take Borage/and the other one you mentioned, see a naturopath who will measure your hormone levels and give you what your body needs.


Posted : 07/25/2010 8:10 pm

Bumping this thread - would like to find out how those of you with AMVC are doing these days? I developed this condition three months ago after supplementing with high-dose vitamin a for two weeks and I have a particularly bad case. I never took accutane by the way, came close a few years ago but chickened out.


I have been developing long linear scars that look like connected pores and some of the lines connect to form shapes like triangles and such. I even have small circular designs showing up. My right cheek literally looks like a puzzle now from all of these spontaneous scars. I don't take omega 3, I supplement with GLA and anti-histamine, eat the best organic food, take zinc and MSM, also what gives? I used some diluted tea tree oil one day to treat some acne that popped up and guess it was a huge mistake because two days later my face started burning everywhere and I gained about 10 new AMVC scars. That was 2 weeks ago and my face is still burning and scarring.


Any hope that my face will ever be the same or should I just die now? Seriously I am at my wits end! Any updates from anyone on this thread would be greatly appreciated




Posted : 07/25/2010 9:24 pm

Bumping this thread - would like to find out how those of you with AMVC are doing these days? I developed this condition three months ago after supplementing with high-dose vitamin a for two weeks and I have a particularly bad case. I never took accutane by the way, came close a few years ago but chickened out.


I have been developing long linear scars that look like connected pores and some of the lines connect to form shapes like triangles and such. I even have small circular designs showing up. My right cheek literally looks like a puzzle now from all of these spontaneous scars. I don't take omega 3, I supplement with GLA and anti-histamine, eat the best organic food, take zinc and MSM, also what gives? I used some diluted tea tree oil one day to treat some acne that popped up and guess it was a huge mistake because two days later my face started burning everywhere and I gained about 10 new AMVC scars. That was 2 weeks ago and my face is still burning and scarring.


Any hope that my face will ever be the same or should I just die now? Seriously I am at my wits end! Any updates from anyone on this thread would be greatly appreciated


hey, i too fear this is happening to me. one thing i couldnt help but noticing is you applied tea tree oil to your skin and soon after you developed more scars. i cant help but think the condition is worsened by dry skin. try moisturising more and this should stop any additional scarring.




Posted : 07/25/2010 9:50 pm

Sydney Fellow, I'm sorry to hear that you are going through the same thing? How long has it been for you? I am coming up on my third month here and damage is accelerating


I've thought of the dryness factor, although my skin has been back in oil production full-force for over a month now, perhaps even more-so than before the vitamin a . Like, even without applying my moisturizer before bed, I will wake up and have grease dripping off of my face? Yet, it is still cracking and scarring and feels tight all of the time?


The tea tree oil didn't seem to dry it out really...and it seemed to make my skin look better at first, clearing up the inflammation, redness, and constant throbbing that I have, however perhaps it dried out the lower levels of my skin or something? My skin didn't start to hurt until the day AFTER I stopped using it. I used copious amounts of coconut oil (the only product I can tolerate on my skin right now) at the same time so figured that would minimize any dryness or irritation that might occur? Anyway, that was two weeks ago and the scars that formed are definitely still there and it feels like I poured battery acid on the areas of the worst AMVC scarring. I also got some wrinkles in a matter of hours in these same areas which are probably just another manifestation of broken down elastin. Great. I have been keeping my face coated in coconut oil since even aloe vera seems to cause an allergic reaction for me now :( How can a face be so unforgiving, seriously. I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone, watching lines appear over the course of a few hours, and I am presuming they will last a lifetime...


I really need to some hope from others that this can be reversed eventually!! Without significant plastic surgery or dermaroller which with my rosacea prone skin I will not be able to tolerate :(


Posted : 07/25/2010 10:04 pm

Man U guys Im at a loss right now. Im 34 years old and up until my thirties I had never had one problem with scarring. It all began when I decided to start waxing my face to remove a tiny bit of fuzz. Well the dermatologist told me it had pulled cysts from the bottom through my skin causing atrophic scars.My skin is very oily BTW and I do have a big problem with blackheads, just not real bad pimples at all. I should have left it at that BUT not realizing how lucky I was to only have a couple small scars I started needling, rolling and retin-A.Well over time I had huge holes where the once small ones were where I needled. And then...( I posted this earlier in the thread when this started) after one particlular use of retin- a after only a 0.5 mm roll I suddenly had tiny scars everywhere!Even non-atrophic ones ( dont know the name but the surface scars) I was also taking fish oil.Now mind you ALL of these scars are only and solely one side of my face..not the other. I dont even have one scar on the right side of my face... but a ton on the left where the first ones surfaced after the waxing.

After reading this thread about AMVC scarring I immediately quit retin -a about 7-8 months ago when it started and fish oil and rolling of course....NO MORE NEEDLES,LOL! Well it has just continued and continued on that one side of my face!??? For absolutley no reason at all! I wont even have a pimple in sight but can wake up to find a brand new tiny atrophic scar!@@#@! What the H is going on???

Sorry Im just so freaking frustrated here. I do exfoliate...put natural masks on my face made of fruit and stuff...instead of waxing the hair now I lightly shave the fuzz off... I also take clonidine ( blood pressure med for anxiety) and occasionally neurontin. Just thought Id throw that in there cause who knows whats going on.But Im about to quit doing ANYTHING to my face it seems it cant take anything all of a sudden. I was never prone to scarring before and now in my thirties it starts? Im do smoke and trying desperately to quit..I know how bad that is guys I really do its just hell. I know my skin isnt benefiting from that crap at all ...but its almost like once this side of my face started getting scars the whole skin on that side has just started breaking down or something leading to more and more and I dont know what to do or If I can do anything, I could understand if it was coming from some sort of trauma but no pimples ..out of the blue from no-where!???? Im making an app with a there anything you guys suggest I ask for or point out? Thank you all! Ill shutup now,LOL


Posted : 07/25/2010 10:42 pm

Man U guys Im at a loss right now. Im 34 years old and up until my thirties I had never had one problem with scarring. It all began when I decided to start waxing my face to remove a tiny bit of fuzz. Well the dermatologist told me it had pulled cysts from the bottom through my skin causing atrophic scars.My skin is very oily BTW and I do have a big problem with blackheads, just not real bad pimples at all. I should have left it at that BUT not realizing how lucky I was to only have a couple small scars I started needling, rolling and retin-A.Well over time I had huge holes where the once small ones were where I needled. And then...( I posted this earlier in the thread when this started) after one particlular use of retin- a after only a 0.5 mm roll I suddenly had tiny scars everywhere!Even non-atrophic ones ( dont know the name but the surface scars) I was also taking fish oil.Now mind you ALL of these scars are only and solely one side of my face..not the other. I dont even have one scar on the right side of my face... but a ton on the left where the first ones surfaced after the waxing.

After reading this thread about AMVC scarring I immediately quit retin -a about 7-8 months ago when it started and fish oil and rolling of course....NO MORE NEEDLES,LOL! Well it has just continued and continued on that one side of my face!??? For absolutley no reason at all! I wont even have a pimple in sight but can wake up to find a brand new tiny atrophic scar!@@#@! What the H is going on???

Sorry Im just so freaking frustrated here. I do exfoliate...put natural masks on my face made of fruit and stuff...instead of waxing the hair now I lightly shave the fuzz off... I also take clonidine ( blood pressure med for anxiety) and occasionally neurontin. Just thought Id throw that in there cause who knows whats going on.But Im about to quit doing ANYTHING to my face it seems it cant take anything all of a sudden. I was never prone to scarring before and now in my thirties it starts? Im do smoke and trying desperately to quit..I know how bad that is guys I really do its just hell. I know my skin isnt benefiting from that crap at all ...but its almost like once this side of my face started getting scars the whole skin on that side has just started breaking down or something leading to more and more and I dont know what to do or If I can do anything, I could understand if it was coming from some sort of trauma but no pimples ..out of the blue from no-where!???? Im making an app with a there anything you guys suggest I ask for or point out? Thank you all! Ill shutup now,LOL


I can relate in the the majority of my scarring is on the right side of my face, while the left is relatively flawless. Actually I had some AMVC scarring show up on the left early on but they seem to have plumped up, yet the ones on the right are only growing over time and aren't plumping up at all. Also, the right side of my face is super-sensitive to anything I put on it and always feels sore and tight, yet the left side is comfortable as can be. My linear scarring is not coming from pimples either.


My advice to you would be to stop putting anything abrasive or harsh in any way on your face at all. Your skin obviously has become sensitive over time and I think the more we assault our skin with this stuff, even with good intentions, we are creating more harm than good. The inflammation is causing some kind of micro scarring in the skin, in my humble opinion. I don't know what you can tell the derm besides your history, and I have little faith that they can help this problem at all. They only know how to prescribe more chemicals - I have yet to see them do anything that can actually help the skin regenerate and rebuild in a healthy way. Even lasers can screw up the skin even more and cause it to break down. With that said, I am going to see one just to get their opinion on how f'ed up I have made my skin, because it's free with my insurance and I might as well go, if not for entertainment value alone.


I have LED lights on order right now and am hoping they will help my skin heal - have you looked into them? I also take every supplement known to man to promote healthy skin regeneration, eat a raw organic superfoods enriched diet and have through this whole disaster, I have even gotten into taking some stuff that's way out there in terms of healing and rejuvenation (look up Ormus Gold). I'm just hoping to get some sort of resolution, you know? Things can't get much worse here for me.


Good luck and keep us posted on things


Posted : 07/26/2010 2:31 pm

I meant to ask if any of you with the AMVC scarring have tried Emu Oil? It's supposed to thicken up the skin. I know that in my case it almost looks like if the skin were to just thicken up a bit more these random lines and some of the finer wrinkle-type formations would almost disappear? I'm gonna get some today and try it in a small area to make sure that I'm not sensitive to it. I used it a few years ago but since I can no longer tolerate many products that I used to tolerate in the past, I have to be super careful.


Also have have any of you seen improvement over time in these scars without treating them? Some of the finer linear scars that I started to get last week on my right cheek look less noticeable to me today, I'm hoping it's possible that they will all fade someday as my skin thickens and normalizes?


For those who took Accutane preceding this phenomena, how long did it take your skin to thicken up a bit and go back to "normal"?


