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Combo Treatment: Subsicion + Fraxel + Re-Cell


Posted : 09/14/2010 3:09 pm

Ernest I see you estimate your improvement to be around 75%, obviously that is overall, I was wondering if there were any scars not as severe that were completely removed.


Posted : 09/14/2010 5:30 pm

Ernest I see you estimate your improvement to be around 75%, obviously that is overall, I was wondering if there were any scars not as severe that were completely removed.


Yes, shallow scars disappeared :)



Posted : 09/14/2010 6:15 pm

Great thread. On the downwside I don't earn anywhere near enough to do this kinda stuff, plus I'm a real chicken.


On the downside to this thread, there were a lot of moaners, its unbelievable


All the best, I hope others may come forward in future and show great results as well


Posted : 09/14/2010 6:28 pm

Ernest I see you estimate your improvement to be around 75%, obviously that is overall, I was wondering if there were any scars not as severe that were completely removed.


Yes, shallow scars disappeared :)


Goddamn... I will have to go and try this combo before I die.


Posted : 09/20/2010 5:01 am

Spectacular results. Your transformation is startling.


Posted : 09/25/2010 7:37 pm

Just bumping so the new members or those who were not around can see the results.




Posted : 09/26/2010 8:25 am

bump, bump bump, bump bump.....


Posted : 09/28/2010 3:43 pm

Thank you so much for posting all of the information about your procedure and results. I have spent the last year devastated that my face has become so scarred, and have just spiraled into deeper and deeper depression as doctor after doctor after doctor tells me that there's nothing they can do. I am in the US but will gladly save up and travel to get this kind of work done. You've given me hope.


I have to say that I can totally understand those who were negative. Not that they really wanted to attack the original poster's integrity... it's just that it HURTS SO MUCH to get your hopes up and have them destroyed over and over again. It's easier to quickly assume that you've been disappointed yet again than to allow yourself to be hopeful and then disappointed. People say that getting acne/scars turns them into better people - I've experienced just the opposite. I've become sad, bitter, skeptical, and intolerant. There is nothing "better" about me. Some of my rampages on this very board are testaments to that fact. So, anyway, I am eternally grateful to the OP and understanding toward the "haters." Hopefully we can all be happier because of Ernesto's great experience.


Posted : 09/29/2010 12:56 am

This is so what I would like done for my scars. I wonder how much it would cost?



Posted : 09/29/2010 11:58 am

Hi guys,


So, here I go... I tried to make as much space as possible without having to remove the old pics and the after treatment pics because I think that is what most people would like to see. So, I have room for 2 final pics which I took last week.


Once again, to kill all negative comments. YES, I HAD ABOUT 75% improvement overall as a result of combining treatments: Subcision, Fraxel and ReCell and Stem Cells 3 months later.


Yes, initially I had about 90% improvement but after 8 months all micro-swelling has subsided and what you see is what I was left with. It's about 75% improvement overall.


Was it worthy? of course it was!!! I am very very pleased.. my life has changed so much!!! Note that back then before the treatment many doctors told me the max I could get was 30% improvement from Fraxel. I went ahead happy to get 30% as I thought that would be a massive improvement for me anyway.. anything would help my bad scaring, but in order to take it further and following recommendations from Dr Khan I also did Subcision, ReCell and Stem Cells in combination and I got 75% in total. I am very very pleased!


FOR THOSE NEGATIVE AND SKEPTICAL GUYS OUT THERE: I am real and not an hoax, I just happen to be a 31 years old professional guy that works as a Management Consultant and also have a busy life. So, sorry for not posting pics immediately after you demanded. If I was an hoax, how can I create so many pics in so many different scenarios, including the ones after treatment when I look like I was run over by a truck!!!??? LOL Some of you guys are hilarious, negative and just don't let yourselves believe. I doubt that without faith and believe you would ever get any results.


I think only 3 or 4 people on this forum have actually uploaded so many pics before and after, the majority of you all dont even have an avatar. I am exposing myself like this for your benefit and to help other people in the same boat as me and what I get from some is recrimination and even people doubting that I am real! ... I mean... seriously guys, get a life! :)


Reason why I took so much time to document my story at the beginning and not now is because as you can probably imagine, after the treatment I was at home for 3 weeks doing nothing! very different to the situation today!


Anyway, here are some new pics, but before that I wanted to point out that I will be doing another treatment in December, exactly a year after my first one. I have visited Dr Khan again to request another Fraxel so I can take the skin to perfection (or as good as it gets), he suggested also doing PRP before that and a combination with subcision again. So, that it is what I will do. I will the update with results. Cant wait!






Hey, can you try taking some pictures near a window with different lighting like your before pictures?


Posted : 09/29/2010 10:15 pm

This is so what I would like done for my scars. I wonder how much it would cost?


I do not think Ernest has come right out and said how much it cost but, through reading other posts I beleive it is around $6500 for the combo, well worth in my honest opinion.


Posted : 09/29/2010 10:19 pm

Hi guys,


So, here I go... I tried to make as much space as possible without having to remove the old pics and the after treatment pics because I think that is what most people would like to see. So, I have room for 2 final pics which I took last week.


Once again, to kill all negative comments. YES, I HAD ABOUT 75% improvement overall as a result of combining treatments: Subcision, Fraxel and ReCell and Stem Cells 3 months later.


Yes, initially I had about 90% improvement but after 8 months all micro-swelling has subsided and what you see is what I was left with. It's about 75% improvement overall.


Was it worthy? of course it was!!! I am very very pleased.. my life has changed so much!!! Note that back then before the treatment many doctors told me the max I could get was 30% improvement from Fraxel. I went ahead happy to get 30% as I thought that would be a massive improvement for me anyway.. anything would help my bad scaring, but in order to take it further and following recommendations from Dr Khan I also did Subcision, ReCell and Stem Cells in combination and I got 75% in total. I am very very pleased!


FOR THOSE NEGATIVE AND SKEPTICAL GUYS OUT THERE: I am real and not an hoax, I just happen to be a 31 years old professional guy that works as a Management Consultant and also have a busy life. So, sorry for not posting pics immediately after you demanded. If I was an hoax, how can I create so many pics in so many different scenarios, including the ones after treatment when I look like I was run over by a truck!!!??? LOL Some of you guys are hilarious, negative and just don't let yourselves believe. I doubt that without faith and believe you would ever get any results.


I think only 3 or 4 people on this forum have actually uploaded so many pics before and after, the majority of you all dont even have an avatar. I am exposing myself like this for your benefit and to help other people in the same boat as me and what I get from some is recrimination and even people doubting that I am real! ... I mean... seriously guys, get a life! :)


Reason why I took so much time to document my story at the beginning and not now is because as you can probably imagine, after the treatment I was at home for 3 weeks doing nothing! very different to the situation today!


Anyway, here are some new pics, but before that I wanted to point out that I will be doing another treatment in December, exactly a year after my first one. I have visited Dr Khan again to request another Fraxel so I can take the skin to perfection (or as good as it gets), he suggested also doing PRP before that and a combination with subcision again. So, that it is what I will do. I will the update with results. Cant wait!






Hey, can you try taking some pictures near a window with different lighting like your before pictures?



Man you are never satisfied are you. You are one of the first posters to be negative in every thread yet you are always asking for more. The treatment works.


Posted : 09/29/2010 10:20 pm

Ernest I see you estimate your improvement to be around 75%, obviously that is overall, I was wondering if there were any scars not as severe that were completely removed.


Yes, shallow scars disappeared :)




Posted : 09/30/2010 5:50 am

Hi Everyone,


Just touching base with all of you again and bringing some news:


I visited the Dr a couple of weeks back to check progress and plan next steps. I told him I wanted to go through the whole thing again aiming to get as close to perfection as possible. He suggested to do PRP 6 weeks before the Fraxel and right after the Fraxel this time round, which I will do.


So, I have booked the PRP for November 12th and 6 weeks later (around Xmas time again) to go again through teh Fraxel Repair.


Thanks to all of you that have sent me private messages, I am glad to be of help and habe brought hope to many of you.


Remember: You need to believe is possible and then take action to make it happen. Keep looking for the solution even if something didnt work for you before. Believing and a positive attitude is what we need.


Posted : 09/30/2010 6:15 am

i will say one word,,herooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,yeah you are super hero ,with this worse scars ,you make this perfect results, you say 75%,noooo i see it 85% or more relative with the amount and shapes of your scars, keep moving, you give us the real hope......


Posted : 09/30/2010 6:26 pm

Hi Everyone,


Just touching base with all of you again and bringing some news:


I visited the Dr a couple of weeks back to check progress and plan next steps. I told him I wanted to go through the whole thing again aiming to get as close to perfection as possible. He suggested to do PRP 6 weeks before the Fraxel and right after the Fraxel this time round, which I will do.


So, I have booked the PRP for November 12th and 6 weeks later (around Xmas time again) to go again through teh Fraxel Repair.


Thanks to all of you that have sent me private messages, I am glad to be of help and habe brought hope to many of you.


Remember: You need to believe is possible and then take action to make it happen. Keep looking for the solution even if something didnt work for you before. Believing and a positive attitude is what we need.


Is the PRP treatment injections? If so would there be any downside to getting it done before the damage the lasers will cause?


I will be getting this done for sure when my FALL semester is over and since the treatment is not offered in the USA I will be traveling to DR.Kahn.



Posted : 09/30/2010 6:28 pm

Hi Everyone,


Just touching base with all of you again and bringing some news:


I visited the Dr a couple of weeks back to check progress and plan next steps. I told him I wanted to go through the whole thing again aiming to get as close to perfection as possible. He suggested to do PRP 6 weeks before the Fraxel and right after the Fraxel this time round, which I will do.


So, I have booked the PRP for November 12th and 6 weeks later (around Xmas time again) to go again through teh Fraxel Repair.


Thanks to all of you that have sent me private messages, I am glad to be of help and habe brought hope to many of you.


Remember: You need to believe is possible and then take action to make it happen. Keep looking for the solution even if something didnt work for you before. Believing and a positive attitude is what we need.

Hi Ernesto

Just wondering what "PRP" means



Posted : 10/03/2010 11:11 am

I want to move to London now so I can get Fraxel repair.


Posted : 10/03/2010 11:32 pm

I want to move to London now so I can get Fraxel repair.


You mean ReCell. Fraxel Repair and subcision is offered in the USA.


Posted : 10/05/2010 8:33 am

Hi Everyone,


Just touching base with all of you again and bringing some news:


I visited the Dr a couple of weeks back to check progress and plan next steps. I told him I wanted to go through the whole thing again aiming to get as close to perfection as possible. He suggested to do PRP 6 weeks before the Fraxel and right after the Fraxel this time round, which I will do.


So, I have booked the PRP for November 12th and 6 weeks later (around Xmas time again) to go again through teh Fraxel Repair.


Thanks to all of you that have sent me private messages, I am glad to be of help and habe brought hope to many of you.


Remember: You need to believe is possible and then take action to make it happen. Keep looking for the solution even if something didnt work for you before. Believing and a positive attitude is what we need.


Is the PRP treatment injections? If so would there be any downside to getting it done before the damage the lasers will cause?


I will be getting this done for sure when my FALL semester is over and since the treatment is not offered in the USA I will be traveling to DR.Kahn.




Dr Khan suggest to have PRP 6 weeks before the laser and also straigt after. He argues that the growth factors on the PRP injections will prepare the skin for the laser damage and help it heal and enhance the healing process afterwards


Let me know if you are travelling to London to see Dr Khan, happy to meet you while you are here! :)


Posted : 10/05/2010 8:38 am

Hi Everyone,


Just touching base with all of you again and bringing some news:


I visited the Dr a couple of weeks back to check progress and plan next steps. I told him I wanted to go through the whole thing again aiming to get as close to perfection as possible. He suggested to do PRP 6 weeks before the Fraxel and right after the Fraxel this time round, which I will do.


So, I have booked the PRP for November 12th and 6 weeks later (around Xmas time again) to go again through teh Fraxel Repair.


Thanks to all of you that have sent me private messages, I am glad to be of help and habe brought hope to many of you.


Remember: You need to believe is possible and then take action to make it happen. Keep looking for the solution even if something didnt work for you before. Believing and a positive attitude is what we need.

Hi Ernesto

Just wondering what "PRP" means




Look it up on this forum. It stands for PLATELETS RICH PLASMA.

Basically, the Dr takes a sample of your blood and separate and concentrate the growth factors that are contained in your own blood and then inject that back into the scar tissue which trigger a scar regeneration and healing process. PRP is proven to work great in acne scaring and also in other type of problems such as bone repain, tendoditis, etc.


Posted : 10/05/2010 10:36 pm

I am looking into PRP also. I am frustrated with the lack of reviews. The few reviews I have seen for this treatment though have not been good for acne scars. I think someone else on this board also complained about it not working for rolling scars like you and I have. I will try to find his post later. Basically, I am up in the air about this one. Though your doc's theory about the laser in combo is interesting.


Posted : 10/28/2010 2:04 pm

Bump for new members and those still asking what treatment works best. THE ANSWER IS HERE.

Combination treatment is the best solution.


Posted : 10/29/2010 1:22 pm

CONGRATULATIONS on such an improvment in your skin.


I am astounded at the apparent change by the look of the photos you provide absolutley amazing and good on you for being public too. Never stop with the spf 50+ I got lazy 11 yeras post laser treatment and am suffering some pigmentation now!

( I kow how to fix it though :)


I am going to do some research about these stem cell treatments-


Sharing your journey is so valuable, but id also like to ask that people try not to get carried away on the one thread for hope. What some people can achive, and afford others cannot.


Im glad you are happy, and your life has changed for the better.


I plead with anyone who suffers facial scarring to be kind to yourselves, please try to understand that facial scarring does not define you, even though it can feel that way.


Both men and women posess an inner beauty that radiates when we are happy within.


I went for YEARS only focusing on the worst areas on my face, and hiding from life, what a waste!


Goodluck on the healing journey :) Your skin is somewhat of an expception, such fantastic results. I have had laser and found it didnt help at all, infact I eneded up disfigured. Years later and many procedure and money spent- I am now 'almost' satisfied with my skins texture.











Posted : 10/29/2010 1:51 pm

CONGRATULATIONS on such an improvment in your skin.


I am astounded at the apparent change by the look of the photos you provide absolutley amazing and good on you for being public too. Never stop with the spf 50+ I got lazy 11 yeras post laser treatment and am suffering some pigmentation now!

( I kow how to fix it though :)


I am going to do some research about these stem cell treatments-


Sharing your journey is so valuable, but id also like to ask that people try not to get carried away on the one thread for hope. What some people can achive, and afford others cannot.


Im glad you are happy, and your life has changed for the better.


I plead with anyone who suffers facial scarring to be kind to yourselves, please try to understand that facial scarring does not define you, even though it can feel that way.


Both men and women posess an inner beauty that radiates when we are happy within.


I went for YEARS only focusing on the worst areas on my face, and hiding from life, what a waste!


Goodluck on the healing journey :) Your skin is somewhat of an expception, such fantastic results. I have had laser and found it didnt help at all, infact I eneded up disfigured. Years later and many procedure and money spent- I am now 'almost' satisfied with my skins texture.








SPF 50 for the rest of your life after fractional laser?


Why? I thought there was just a chance to develop pigmentation about 4-5 months post the laser MAX.... 11 years, what the hell?

