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Turmeric magic fade scar!


Posted : 01/11/2009 10:04 am

I'm really surprised so few of you are complaining about or having issues with the staining...must be mine IS dyed or something.


Mine (powder) washes of quite easily from the face using just soap/water, but around the nails it's a bit harder.


Posted : 01/11/2009 9:39 pm

i think it's irritating my active blemishes. for some reason i really think this might help with the marks so i'm going to use it on the red marks that don't have anything active around them. i swear man if i put it over a pimple it gets worse, which is strange cause it has antiseptic properties. i'm using the mccormick brand power with bottled lemon juice. i'll try to find the root and start using fresh lemon juice and see how that works out.


Posted : 01/11/2009 11:04 pm

i think it's irritating my active blemishes. for some reason i really think this might help with the marks so i'm going to use it on the red marks that don't have anything active around them. i swear man if i put it over a pimple it gets worse, which is strange cause it has antiseptic properties. i'm using the mccormick brand power with bottled lemon juice. i'll try to find the root and start using fresh lemon juice and see how that works out.

When you put it on active acne do you have it mixed with the lemon juice? if you do, I think the lemon juice might be what is irritating the pimples because of its acidity (might be wrong though).


I'd say try mixing it with water..or milk if you are putting it on active acne. The lemon juice will work well on red marks though(i dont know why i said that, you obviously know that haha.).. but then again maybe doing two different types of turmeric mixes on your skin is making things too complicated and time consuming. Whatever you decide to do will be fine.



Good luck.


Posted : 01/11/2009 11:33 pm

thanks, .OurTime.. i thought that lemon juice was good for blemishes. i'll try using milk instead cause even though lemon juice is good for the red marks it really never gave me much of a difference even after about a month; guess it takes longer to show any results than i'm willing to wait. i'll try that tomorrow night =)


Posted : 01/12/2009 12:22 am

Glad i could help.

You are right about lemon juice working for blemishes, but sometimes the inflammation and irritation it causes outweighs the actual benefit, know what i mean?

I really hope the milk and turmeric solution works for you.


*Keep me posted!



Posted : 01/12/2009 3:02 am

oh what the heck, i am at health food store tomorrow, will pick up some root if i can find it.

not out anything but squashed hopes. been there done that.


Posted : 01/12/2009 3:05 pm

good luck. i really feel like this has already yielded at least a little bit of benefit. i'll take pics in a week or two so you guys can tell me if i'm just seeing things. i've also begun mixing a bit of extra virgin olive oil with my moisturizer and so far it hasn't made me break out :)


Posted : 01/12/2009 4:30 pm

I put the powder on my face last night and mixed it with honey to use as a mask. I left it on for about an hour. It did turn my skin color yellow orange, and took a long time to disappear, but at least it does so on its own (no need to really SCRUB unless youre going out). When I woke up this morning, my skin was milky/creamy, compared to the reddish tone I have in general. That is a good sign for me. Hopefully it will eventually have the same effect on the scars :).


Posted : 01/13/2009 1:42 pm

Ugh, I dont think I will be leaving turmeric mask overnight anymore. I've been doing that for past 5 days and its really staining my face. Plus, I just read that using turmeric powder bought from markets can make your skin darker (it really does look like my skin is darker..). I'm not gonna apply this anymore until the stain disappears.


Posted : 01/13/2009 10:12 pm

i definitely think i should try to find the root. i don't like the store bought processed powder. i can't tell if it's breaking me out. honestly i can list 5 different reasons why i could be breaking out and it's driving me mad. arg.


i tried mixing it with milk and i think it made my red marks worse. i overlooked the fact that i gave up dairy 9 months ago and i don't think my body likes it at all, even externally. i even used the organic kind my mom buys. dammit.


Posted : 01/13/2009 10:26 pm



Sorry Namaste, i feel responsible.

I didn't know about the whole milk thing.


I'll keep my opinions to myself ...unless i actually know what i'm talking about.


*Good luck with treating the breakout.

(I'm having one on my scalp....grumble grumble grumble )



Posted : 01/14/2009 3:16 am

Does this really work for indented scarring? anybody see real results yet with indented scarring?


Posted : 01/14/2009 10:12 am

It's not your fault in the least, .OurTime.. You were merely giving me a suggestion that would probably work for 40 other people out there. Everyone's skin is different and everyone is responsible for their own. Like I said, it could be a handful of other things that are doing it.


ninjazx, a few people have said it may help with indented scarring but many have gone against that notion. it seems more probable that it will help with red marks more than anything, but everybody's different. I've been taking an enzyme called Serrapeptase that is said to digest scar tissue and it's been almost a month i believe and along with all the other things i'm doing i have seen a small improvement - very small, but improvement nonetheless. I also dermarolled about 40 days ago, have been using Tazorac, and taking MSM orally-which helps collagen. Like I said, it's impossible to tell which has done what. Just do your homework and gradually you'll find promising products that you'll feel are right to add to your regimen. Good luck :)


Posted : 01/14/2009 1:55 pm

I don't know if it's just me but this mask has been nothing but bad for me. At first, I was astounded by the smoothness of my skin and how fast it killed pimples. Only problem I ran into at first was the yellow stain, which didn't bother me much cuz as long as my dark marks disappeared I would be happy. Now, last 2 days my face has been just terrible. It might've been the fact that I used the mask overnight since the beginning (about a week ago) or the fact that I mixed lemon with my turmeric mask. Anyhow, my face is now yellow, dark, and I've gone from 1 pimple when I started to 7 active pimples. Ugh, maybe turmeric isn't for me but use with caution. I heard lemon can be irritating, so I could try without the lemon but I dont want to risk it, not when I have 7 pimples that I have to get rid of (plus having to deal with this annoying yellow stain). I hope this mask works for you guys! good luck


Posted : 01/14/2009 2:12 pm

awe, I am sorry it did not work for you! I stopped the lemon, it was totally irritating my skin!


Posted : 01/14/2009 10:04 pm

I've been using the turmeric mask (water/powder) for about a week now. I've also been drinking 3/4 of a shot of ACV a day. My skin feels so refresh whenever I apply the mask. Cyst that I've had on my jaw line for years have decreased. My scars feel more shallow now. I know the ACV is working because I don't apply the turmeric on my chest and the acne on my chest has disappeared. Despite all of my gains, I'm going to stop using turmeric. My face looks like summer but it's winter at the moment. Someone posted about turmeric darkening the skin and it's true. Anyway, this stuff is pretty good for it's price. I advise people to use it if they don't mind getting a slight tan.


Posted : 01/15/2009 5:46 am

thanks for these useful informations.but i wanna ask something..i have a very sensitive skin,it goes red quickly..does turmeric help me about this issue?? does it help to strengthen the little veins on my cheeks?? ( sorry my weak english)


Posted : 01/17/2009 12:38 am

It's not your fault in the least, .OurTime.. You were merely giving me a suggestion that would probably work for 40 other people out there. Everyone's skin is different and everyone is responsible for their own. Like I said, it could be a handful of other things that are doing it.


ninjazx, a few people have said it may help with indented scarring but many have gone against that notion. it seems more probable that it will help with red marks more than anything, but everybody's different. I've been taking an enzyme called Serrapeptase that is said to digest scar tissue and it's been almost a month i believe and along with all the other things i'm doing i have seen a small improvement - very small, but improvement nonetheless. I also dermarolled about 40 days ago, have been using Tazorac, and taking MSM orally-which helps collagen. Like I said, it's impossible to tell which has done what. Just do your homework and gradually you'll find promising products that you'll feel are right to add to your regimen. Good luck :)

geee. well still.

But thankyou. i feel less guilty.

I picked up some organic ACV on Thursday so im going to try that (just drinking it, not using it as a topical).

to be honest i doubt it will do anything for my scars, but its good for you, so...yeah :)


If i don't get any results with it...i will probably still use it for the health benefits, But i will look into the turmeric a little more..(if i end up trying it i will use the root for sure).




Posted : 01/17/2009 11:56 pm

geee. well still.

But thankyou. i feel less guilty.

I picked up some organic ACV on Thursday so im going to try that (just drinking it, not using it as a topical).

to be honest i doubt it will do anything for my scars, but its good for you, so...yeah :)


If i don't get any results with it...i will probably still use it for the health benefits, But i will look into the turmeric a little more..(if i end up trying it i will use the root for sure).




You know, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have reconsidered using lemon juice (which was only aggravating my skin) so thank you :)


It's wonderful that our skin causes us to do such healthy things for ourselves, isn't it? I think that damn near every person that has or once had skin problems is very healthy and takes excellent care of themselves, much more than those whom have not experienced such problems. Funny isn't it? That people whom may look very healthy really don't take care of themselves and here we are with our red marks and indented scars and what-have-yous and we do so much good for our bodies.



I was at the super market and although i couldn't find the root itself I spotted a bottle of Simply Organic Turmeric and picked it up. I think McCormick uses anti-caking or free-flowing agents (although it says it nowhere on the bottle), as the ones i found were a bit clumped and the McCormick kind never clumps. In my opinion, I think using this with filtered water is the best method. Tonight was my first try with it and it even went on a bit differently, the consistency was noticeably different anyway.


Posted : 01/18/2009 3:50 pm

thanks for all the info lpn455 :) , i did not want to deal with the staining and the scrubbing, milk, etc, so i decided to try the VICCO TURMERIC SKIN CREAM, with sandalwood oil, i went to an indian store (bombay) , only 5.99, it was highly recommened by the store owner,i also got a large bottle of pure turmeric powder for only 1.50, love that store! i will be drinking the turmeric powder with chocolate milk , and applying the turmeric skin cream at night, i will report back in 30 days, good luck to everyone trying turmeric.


Posted : 01/18/2009 4:01 pm

hope to hear u soon,plz let us know the result ... ;)


Posted : 01/20/2009 12:55 pm

Hey, everyone. This post intrigued me so much that I decided to do some more research. I made a mask out of powdered turmeric and honey last night and, since everyone was so curious, am planning on keeping a blog with photos so everyone can see my results.


Please note, though, that I do not actually have indented scars. This blog will be showing how it works for red marks and break-outs. I'm sorry to disappoint. I know this is a scar forum, but I figured you might be curious anyway.


:) Let's see what happens.


Posted : 01/20/2009 6:26 pm

Hey, everyone. This post intrigued me so much that I decided to do some more research. I made a mask out of powdered turmeric and honey last night and, since everyone was so curious, am planning on keeping a blog with photos so everyone can see my results.


Please note, though, that I do not actually have indented scars. This blog will be showing how it works for red marks and break-outs. I'm sorry to disappoint. I know this is a scar forum, but I figured you might be curious anyway.


:) Let's see what happens.


thanks ms. awesome :)


Posted : 01/20/2009 7:58 pm

I have been using Turmeric with plain yoghurt for about a week and it seems like part of the red marks are fading (i don't know whether it is my brain playing trick on me). However, this method definitely causes my face 4 to 5 new pimples. I suspect that the yoghurt is the reason I break out (but i might be wrong). I plan to try honey with Turmeric and hope it will kill both pimples and red marks once and for all.


does anyone know what is good to mix with turmeric other than honey and yoghurt?

and please also let me know whether turmeric will cause people break out (it seems like other people are having the same problem)




Posted : 01/20/2009 10:23 pm

I have been using Turmeric with plain yoghurt for about a week and it seems like part of the red marks are fading (i don't know whether it is my brain playing trick on me). However, this method definitely causes my face 4 to 5 new pimples. I suspect that the yoghurt is the reason I break out (but i might be wrong). I plan to try honey with Turmeric and hope it will kill both pimples and red marks once and for all.


does anyone know what is good to mix with turmeric other than honey and yoghurt?

and please also let me know whether turmeric will cause people break out (it seems like other people are having the same problem)




i had the same problem. i used milk with it once and my skin didn't like it (i also don't consume dairy so maybe my body personally didn't like it). what kind of turmeric are you using? mccormick uses anti-caking agents and i think it contributed to some of my break outs. i've been using simply organic turmeric mixed with filtered water and it's working out. i've still been breaking out, however, i recently started using tazorac more often than i was and retinal products cause an initial breakout period of a few weeks. i guess i'll know for sure if it's the taz or the turm in another week or so; i'm going to be so pissed if it after all is the turmeric that's doing it.
