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Apple Cider Vinegar


Posted : 09/08/2006 12:51 pm

ok, this is really excitin to know that there are hopes! I'm really thankful that u shared it with us, SmashingPumpkins. I've basically read through the thread, and right now i'm doubtless I'm sooooo lookin forward to tryin it durin the weekends and i'll post back on the results :D


Thanks again!!



ps: probably with some pictures to prove it if i rmb! =)


Posted : 09/08/2006 1:30 pm

I noticed something about the acne that the 'purging' has caused on my face. They come to a head very quickly compared to before I started ACV. Hopefully within the next few days the purging will be over..


Posted : 09/08/2006 1:34 pm

So how do you make this ACV or were can you buy it? this threads got to much info and is a bit over crowed to read stuff..


Posted : 09/08/2006 1:45 pm

just started ACV last night. does ACV help with blackheads? or should i still get green cream.


It def. helps with clogged pores. All my blackheads starting coming out and all I had to do was use gentle manual exfoliation to get them out. This is the first time I don't have blackheads! And it has been a month and they have yet to come back!


So how do you make this ACV or were can you buy it? this threads got to much info and is a bit over crowed to read stuff..


how to make it is on the first page, just go down past the pix, and it right under the last pic. You can buy it at any local grocery store - salad dressing and olive oil aisle.


Posted : 09/08/2006 1:46 pm

Ok and its called Apple Cyider? And is it white vinigar or brown?


Posted : 09/08/2006 2:13 pm

So basicly its apple cider...and viniger? and asprin?


Posted : 09/08/2006 2:51 pm

So basicly its apple cider...and viniger? and asprin?


no its called apple cider vinegar. its brown color. you can put an aspirin in it to thicken it- which would act like a scrub so you can exfoliate. or you can just apply the apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and put it on your face. you may want to pour some apple cider vinegar in a cup and then pour an equal amount of water in the cup to make it 1:1 so your skin would get use to it.

IPB Image


Posted : 09/08/2006 3:06 pm



Posted : 09/08/2006 3:20 pm

Now you don't need to buy Heinz vinegar, I know my grocery ctore has their own generic brand and for a dollar less why not. I do plan on buying Heinz 3 or 4 gallon jug of ACV for like 5 bucks that will last a very long time.


Posted : 09/08/2006 3:47 pm

I'm almost starting my 4th week of the regimen, and most people wouldn't recommend me starting ACV :P. My skins are quite sensitive, but somehow I got used to BP and mild AHA pretty fast. I havent really breakout since day 1, about 1-2 new tiny pimple per week max. With BP pwning it, it heals really fast \o/. I've just started 1 ACV:2 water two days ago, nothing major so far except the smells lol.. but not as bad as I've expected. I'll update again in a week and probably increase it to 1 ACV:1 water if thing goes well. Thank you again Smashingpumkins!


Posted : 09/08/2006 5:40 pm

Pumpkin.. you are da man or da bomb or sumthing like that. I am so glad you started this topic/thread. ACV is wonderful for all the right reasons!


Posted : 09/08/2006 5:52 pm

Pumpkin.. you are da man or da bomb or sumthing like that. I am so glad you started this topic/thread. ACV is wonderful for all the right reasons!


pretty man..


Posted : 09/08/2006 6:18 pm

Very interesting, I think i'll give this a try.


unfortunately, I dont think i see any ACV in the kitchen cabinet . Will white vinegar do the job (its 6%)??


Posted : 09/08/2006 6:44 pm

=( My parents have ordered Murad even without asking me and want me to try it, i have been using acv for 2 or 1.5 weeks now and i see improvement but parents disagree. I got moderate acne btw.

after reading about murad (especially on their webpage where it says "fastest way to get rid of your acne"), i knew this is gonna suck

should i try it or not? i got sensitive skin and would hate to break out alot


Posted : 09/08/2006 7:02 pm

=( My parents have ordered Murad even without asking me and want me to try it, i have been using acv for 2 or 1.5 weeks now and i see improvement but parents disagree. I got moderate acne btw.

after reading about murad (especially on their webpage where it says "fastest way to get rid of your acne"), i knew this is gonna suck

should i try it or not? i got sensitive skin and would hate to break out alot


read reviews about it. im pretty sure i remember hearing a lot of bad things about it on this site.


Posted : 09/08/2006 7:06 pm

Very interesting, I think i'll give this a try.

unfortunately, I dont think i see any ACV in the kitchen cabinet . Will white vinegar do the job (its 6%)??


don't use white vinegar that is mostly for cleaning or getting smells of of the air, carpet and feet and arm pits lol .. i actually read that u cna use white vinegar under your arms and feet.


Posted : 09/08/2006 8:41 pm


Very interesting, I think i'll give this a try.

unfortunately, I dont think i see any ACV in the kitchen cabinet . Will white vinegar do the job (its 6%)??


don't use white vinegar that is mostly for cleaning or getting smells of of the air, carpet and feet and arm pits lol .. i actually read that u cna use white vinegar under your arms and feet.


Lol pumpkins...getting rid of arm-pit smells? White vinegar smells like arm-pit stench to me.

well I'm glad i read ure message on time...........i had already poured some white vinegar into an old astringent bottle.

Thanks for all the info........this thread was such a long read (30 pages), but its got alot of great info. The acid balance concept makes so much sense. I also read somewhere that vinegar dissolves the oil right above n below the epidermis (comedones), thus preventing the formation of blackheads.


Posted : 09/09/2006 7:40 am

yay acv! yay acv successes!


so, anyways, it really seems like people like pictures here (more so than articles explaining why it works). although i don't have a camera, next time i get a pimple, i'm gonna borrow my friend's camera and i'll document how fast it heals thanks to acv.


also, for people with super-sensitive skin, i've never increased my ratio more than 50:50 and it still works fantastically.


ugh yeah, smashingpumpkin: i have to blot my face now, which i haven't had to do since i started acv. stupid stress!


Posted : 09/09/2006 8:55 am

ugh yeah, smashingpumpkin: i have to blot my face now, which i haven't had to do since i started acv. stupid stress!


Yea me2, it is alot better I mean the shinyness is alot less noticeable then it was in HS. I can remember, one of my friends said to to me "why is your face so shiny" yea that freaking hurt. I am trying to handle my stress so that my skin doesn't get as oily, and it just stays nice and dry.

Good Luck Everyone!


Posted : 09/09/2006 2:07 pm

Well, gotta admit I haven't read all replies :P


I've got this ACV, but it's got honey in it. Just read another post, saying that honey with cinnamon actually helps, sp do you think it would hurt to use the kind I've got?


Posted : 09/09/2006 3:34 pm

what is the name of that ACV I never heard of it, sound interesting. Honey is very good for your skin it is an antibacterial and can help draw out impurites.


Posted : 09/09/2006 6:09 pm

Health Magazine -- couple quotes for those who didn't see it


"Apples are high in Malic Acid and amylase enzymes, which slough away dead skin and dirt that can clog pores and cause breakouts."


"Malic Acid in apples rids skin of dead and dry cells."


This is why ACV doesn't clog your pores, and IMO is the best form of an AHA because it is liquid and almost instantly gets into your pores; unlike AHA moisturizers which take longer to absorb. Plus, AHA moisturizers have other ingredients in them, which can potentially clog your pores, ACV has none. If ACV breaks you out it is because:

1) New Product so skin must adjust

2) Purging


Posted : 09/09/2006 7:49 pm

Health Magazine -- couple quotes for those who didn't see it

"Apples are high in Malic Acid and amylase enzymes, which slough away dead skin and dirt that can clog pores and cause breakouts."

"Malic Acid in apples rids skin of dead and dry cells."

This is why ACV doesn't clog your pores, and IMO is the best form of an AHA because it is liquid and almost instantly gets into your pores; unlike AHA moisturizers which take longer to absorb. Plus, AHA moisturizers have other ingredients in them, which can potentially clog your pores, ACV has none. If ACV breaks you out it is because:

1) New Product so skin must adjust

2) Purging


Can also break you out because it peels off your skin, killing bad cells such as bacteria. After period of time, oil combines with these dead cells, making a "cement" for cloging pores. Cloged pores can trap bacteria inside the pore. Within clogged pore, bacteria gets perfect conditions for massive reproduction. Isnt this awesome? lol 😆

BTW!!!! people out there who trying to get rid of acne: stop playing video games because they cause too much stress if you did not know this


Posted : 09/09/2006 10:57 pm


Health Magazine -- couple quotes for those who didn't see it

"Apples are high in Malic Acid and amylase enzymes, which slough away dead skin and dirt that can clog pores and cause breakouts."

"Malic Acid in apples rids skin of dead and dry cells."

This is why ACV doesn't clog your pores, and IMO is the best form of an AHA because it is liquid and almost instantly gets into your pores; unlike AHA moisturizers which take longer to absorb. Plus, AHA moisturizers have other ingredients in them, which can potentially clog your pores, ACV has none. If ACV breaks you out it is because:

1) New Product so skin must adjust

2) Purging


Can also break you out because it peels off your skin, killing bad cells such as bacteria. After period of time, oil combines with these dead cells, making a "cement" for cloging pores. Cloged pores can trap bacteria inside the pore. Within clogged pore, bacteria gets perfect conditions for massive reproduction. Isnt this awesome? lol 😆

BTW!!!! people out there who trying to get rid of acne: stop playing video games because they cause too much stress if you did not know this


It does not peel your skin off it exfoliates, which is very good and beneficial for your skin. Your skin exfoliates itself but it still need ssome other form of exfoliation to stop dead skin cells from getting inside the pores. So what was your point in writing this post?

Yes stress does create acne but you cannot eliminate stress. So there is no point in saying, no stress = no acne, yes well not having any stress is impossible unless you live with millions of dollars and have nothing to worry about. Eeven then ppl find things to stress over. I know people who play video hames religiously and don't have acne.


Posted : 09/10/2006 2:56 pm

Anyone else documenting their progress? I would really like to see other ppl's progression with this.
