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I had to stop taking Accutane after 4 days


Posted : 11/17/2023 8:19 pm

I had to stop taking Accutane after 4 days (20mg per day) because I discovered a ringing in my right ear and it stayed the next day. Then I stopped taking it immediately and have now been without Accutane for 12 days. The tinnitus has gotten louder. My ears are sensitive to loud noises and I find certain noises muffled. I also have dizziness, which is what bothers me the most. I also see very, very blurry at a distance or out of focus and see a little worse in the dark.

What I'm wondering is, when will Accutane be out of my system? Since I still feel slightly dry lips and dry eyes, it must still be in my body.

Am I going to have this dizziness for the rest of my life? Or will the dizziness go away with my blurred vision?

Member Admin

Posted : 11/24/2023 9:02 am

There are some rare side effects like this with Accutane, which is why it should always be a last last resort type of thing.

However, try to breathe and remain calm. Most side effects do subside after you stop using the drug, and hopefully yours will as well.

In the meantime, call your doctor literally today, and let him/her know what's going on and see what they say.
