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Retin A Damage


Posted : 05/07/2024 5:29 pm

Posted by: @Evewaddell
Posted by: @bear001
Posted by: @Evewaddell
Posted by: @Yola4
Posted by: @Evewaddell
Posted by: @Yola4
Posted by: @Evewaddell
Posted by: @Yola4
Posted by: @Evewaddell

@bear001 no it did not. My face is actually worse now. But Im suspecting an Auto-immune issue going on with me.

Hey! Im so sorry that I completely missed your message in the thread. What exact treatment did u do with Mediland? Did u also have IV stem cells? Have u been in contact with them since then and told them that youve not healed? They basically promised me that they would work with me until I healed, but I paid $20 K so that might be why. Perhaps if u havent healed maybe there is something else health wise/internally going on with you as you mentioned. They did IV stem cell treatment for me because I have rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto's autoimmune diseases so they knew it would be harder for my body to heal itself. Did Mediland do bloodwork on you prior to treatment? They did for me just to make sure I didnt have any other underlying issues that could be adversely affecting the skin barrier issues. Im so sorry that you havent healed. Im also curious where our treatment plans differ. Can I ask you what your exact treatment plan was and how much you paid? Can you share a copy of your treatment plan with us all? What does Olga have to say in regards to your skin being worse now? I definitely didnt even need the second trip. Please let me know as Im very curious and didnt see your earlier comments until another poster mentioned you.

To the people who have set their trips there and are going this year please keep us updated after your treatments. I can understand why you wouldnt want to discuss it beforehand as I didnt really want to get into either. I just didnt want to jinx myself.

I did not have an IV done or anything of that kind. They only did exosomes, Mesenchymal and neural crest injection. I was there 2 days. First day they prepped me with exosomes then next day the did the rest. They did only one treatment of the actual stem cells. I paid $6,000 for it. It did NOTHING for me. When I contacted Olga she told me she doesnt understand why it hasnt worked and told me that I must have lupus. I was tested for it including every other auto immune and everything under the sun and theres literally nothing wrong with me. ANA came back fine. Im now seeing functional medicine doctor to try and find out what its going on.. but im hopeless at this point.

my face burns and flushes constantly with any type of stress or heat I cant even leave my house anymore. I cant work, cant do anything. When I contacted her again she told me I MIGHT possibly have neurogenic rosacea - which is another subtype of regular type 1 rosacea. She asked her colleagues about possible treatment and was told pregabalin and duloxetine and a bunch of laser treatments MIGHT WORK. MIGHT. Im so disappointed because I spent all this money on travel and treatment only to come back home in tears that this has not worked for me.

Oh my goodness,

Im so incredibly sorry that it did not work for you. Thats devastating. I was so afraid of it not working for me and thats why I bought the two trip package. I thought in my mind, well if I do two trips then they have to hold accountability for it if it doesnt work the first time around. I Literally spent all of my savings which took me years to even accumulate. That trip was my last resort and to be completely honest with you I didnt think it would work.

I'm honestly surprised that Olga didnt offer you a different treatment at no cost (well except for air fair), but then again this is the same clinic who kicked me out when they didnt receive payment. I wish I had experience with a different stem cell clinic but I dont and I know there are a lot of scammy stem cell clinics out there. And I guess they cant really guarantee anything. But I was such a pain in the ass with themand so afraid I wouldnt respond to treatment.(and to spend all my savings on it) that I just kept messaging them and pestering them for years until Oleg (not sure if he still works with them) told me that they would work with me until my barrier was healed if I bought the 20 K package. So if I needed a 3rd trip it would be covered.

I am very happy to hear that youre working with a naturopathic doctor though. A naturopathic doctor/integrative health doctor was the only one who could get my auto immune RA and Hashimotos into remission. Youre definitely on the right track there.

I hate that doctors see inflamed skin with textural issues and automatically assume rosacea. It honestly pisses me off. I would not go near lasers if I were you. But I guess every case is different and maybe lasers would help if they are recommending it. I had some kind of laser on my initial treatment plan and I told them I would never do laser. I had fraxel laser years before the damage and it did nothing for me.

With all that being said, through my personal experience with them, I do trust them. And I guess its all a gamble we have to take to try and heal. That on top of the fact that they stayed in contact with me after my first trip there. Did they do bloodwork on you prior to treatment? Im just so surprised that it did nothing for your skin. It does make me believe that it is an underlying condition causing your issues but obviously Im not a doctor. If in fact it is an underlying condition then the naturopathic doctor is your best bet. Just make sure you follow all the directions he/she gives you. Did the naturopath get you tested for intolerances, deficiencies, etc? Does he/she have you on a specific diet? Within 2 months of working with my ND (it was Dr. Michael Jurgelewicz) my bloodwork came back normal and I no longer had joint flare ups. If its internal than you are most definitely in good hands.

I know how hard it is to get your hopes up only to have them dashed. You want to give up and throw in the towel, but if I can heal then the rest of us can too if we keep at it until we find the right plan/treatment for us. I was so depressed and withdrawn from society especially because of the inflammatory pain I was in. But please keep going and listen to your ND. I wish you the best:

Thank you for your message. I appreciate your response. No they did not run any blood work . Just promised me I will be fixed but then when I arrived and had it all done and went home Olga told me that my skin didnt show any signs of rosacea when I was there and my skin looked fine. She told me its internal. Yet she still took my money when I arrived. I dont trust them anymore. If they cared enough they would have told me hey your skin doesnt show damage we dont want to give you treatment and false hope itll work. But they didnt do any of this just told me afterwards. I had a lot of testing done including gut testing, toxicity, heavy metals, deficiencies. Only thing I found was gut dysbiosis, candida infection thats active, possible mold which Im still being tested for and elevated T3 that keeps going up and then down. Still uncertain about the thyroid. I really have lost a lot of hope. Im pregnant right now so I cant do any detoxes etc.


why did they kick you out? They sound very sketchy. 🙁

They didnt do bloodwork?! Thats crazy to me. Idk why they did such drastically different things with us. They said your skin looks fine but then recommended more treatments?! Hmm thats very strange. With me, they said my skin looked much worse in person and that the pictures didnt show the true extent of the damageneedless to say, that didnt make me feel so good.

Yes, when my card declined for 3 days in a row (I kept going back and forth with my bank), they kicked me out of the hotel that they had me booked in as they were footing the bill for it. But I get it.Business is business. All I know is my personal experience, and I honestly owe my life to them because I probably (no most likely) wouldnt be here today without those treatments. If I hadnt healed after losing my family I would have lost my sanity from being so depressed and isolated. My parents were basically the only ones who saw me during the 6 years of damage.

The ND taught me that your health really starts with your gut so any gut issues can cause an array of different problems. If you dont already, take a probiotic everyday. Dont lose hope. There has to be a reason why you didnt respond to stem cells, and I know you must be bitter (because I know I would be too) but businesses will always take your money for services provided. Even when they completely botch you like you see all over Realself reviews. What stuns me is Mediland not working with you to help you more considering you didnt heal. I mean they could have easily told you a list of things to go get tested for and told you that once you found the underlying reason they would formulate a better plan of action and treat you again. Have you asked them if you were to get another treatment if they would discount it considering you didnt heal the first time around? Im not saying to go back to them Im just curious how they would respond to that? Id be pissed as well and wouldnt leave them alone until they agreed to help me more. Its completely unfair.

Unfortunately theres a huge lack of humanity and morality when it comes to procedures surrounding our appearance. Do not give up! Following your NDs protocol and taking it very seriously is your first priority, and I have a feeling that things will fall into place for you. Idk why but maybe call it intuition. I had tried so many different things in those 6 years and felt a little piece of me died every time something failed or worsened my condition so I completely understand your mindset right now but you have to persevere for you and your baby. Congrats btw! Thats exciting news.

Thank you for being so kind! And thank you for the congratulations. Its my 4th baby.

its so sad to hear that they treated you this way even when you were already there like you had the money to pay for the treatment etc. it sounds very inhumane to me especially to you spent so much and you had to fly across the world. They didnt tell me anything besides its neurogenic rosacea most likely so treat it with pregabalin, duloxetine and IPL laser. I wont go near laser at all. Im terrified. My flushing is awful. Id love to show you how my face looks. Its almost purple, blotchy with any time to stress or heat. I have to sleep sitting up with a fan pointing at my face every night as Im freezing myself to death under the covers. Im living a nightmare right now. Neurogenic rosacea is definitely more severe than most regular rosacea or damage caused by cosmetics etc.
Olga never told me that maybe stem cell IV would help internally.. she kinda just told me to update her on my health status but thats it. I would be willing to pay over 20k if it meant that itll bring my life back to what it was.

I believe that everything stems from the gut also but Im just absolutely exhausted trying to figure things out and right now I cant do any detoxes or protocols because of the pregnancy. Im sorry about ranting. Having no support system either (my husband doesnt understand) is also very mentally draining.

Maybe after pregnancy try beta blockers (Carvedilol) and PRF or PRP (they are cheaper and more available than stem cells) and you will see. How long are you after damage? If I were you I would not try any laser as Vbeam or IPL at least 2 - 3 years after damage. Usually first 2 or 3 years are worst, skin is more sensitive, more red, etc. Which moisturizer are you using now, have you tried Avene Tolerance Control cream?

I will never try any type of PRP or stem cells because its a waste of money. Ive spent $6000 in Ukraine to have the best stem cells injected into my skin for it not to do anything so I know better now unfortunately. Im definitely not trying any laser either. Its terrifying. This is an internal issue for sure because if topicals dont work, then it has to come within. I dont use any creams at all because everything aggravates my skin. The only thing I can use it a small layer of organic beef tallow balm thats it.

I wish I knew how to quote a small part of a comment rather than all this quoting Im doing! I would definitely agree that stem cells or PRP would be a waste of time and money for you as it seems its an internal issue induced by the peel. And forget about lasers. Ive seen some horror stories as Im sure you have too. I had fraxel laser years before my damage occurred (6 years prior) and it hurt like hell and did absolutely nothing for my skin.

I think your best bet is just follow the NDs recommendations and wait until after pregnancy and try some detoxes etc. Belive me I know how exhausting this whole situation is. I spent those 6 years in despair and with very little hope. How far out are you from the damage? You can shoot me some pics via message if u want. Im curious to see what your damage is like. My face flushed and burned 24/7 up until 3.5 years after it initially occurred. But mine looked more orangey-red than purple. It looked so so bad in natural lighting. If I tilted my head I looked like I had a strange textural burn covering my face. One clinic even sent me before and after of literal burn victims and a form on getting funding for treatment for burn victims. That was a punch to the gut. And they were the very last clinic I reached out to. Keep me updated on how you are doing with the ND! Im always fascinated at how the body can heal itself if nourished properly.


Posted : 05/09/2024 5:46 am

I just wanted to say something I learned along the way. prior to treatments make sure your face is no longer inflamed (unless of course these are anti inflammatory treatments.) The skin usually can not heal while in a constant inflammatory state.


Posted : 05/12/2024 12:57 pm

Hey guys!

This will probably be my last post here but my friend told me that I should tell you all this.
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis in 2015 after a lymes diagnosis. I had managed to go into remission working with an ND. However, once the damage occurred my stress levels and my eating habits went to shit so I started flaring horribly. I was flaring every few days and most days I was unable to even walk. So as you can imagine, this was also a contributing factor for me getting IV stem cells. Combine that with the nightmare skin situation and I was in literal hell. Now I can eat anything I want and not flare at all. Although, I need to stop pushing my limits with this as I know it will eventually cause problems for me as I have a predisposition to RA. Once youve been diagnosed with something youre automatically predisposed to it. The very last flare I had was in December of 2022 before I got stem cell treatment. There is simply NO explanation to this other than the stem cells. If I ate gluten or dairy prior to stem cells Id have a severe flare up within days or even sometimes hours of eating it. Ive eaten gluten and dairy every day for the last year and a half and no flares. Knock on wood!

Ive been speaking with a few members here and have come to the conclusion that its so important to treat the inside as well as the outside. I was a smoker. I stopped smoking 2 months prior to treatment as per Olgas instructions. I truly believe that the one woman who did not heal on this thread was due to the fact that she did not get IV stem cell therapy, and she, herself, believes this too. Whos to say that your issue is just external? Are u positive it isnt internal as well? I knew my inflammation was both external and internal so I covered all of my bases.

Ive been receiving a lot of messages lately (if I havent yet responded to you Im sorry I will as soon as I can as I work 70 hours a week). I cannot predict what will happen if you get stem cell treatments. I cannot tell you if I believe you will heal or not. You can show me a bunch of photos and that still wouldnt allow me to predict the outcome. We all are different and have different healing capabilities. And most of us are damaged from different things. People are asking me questions about my symptoms trying to figure out if we had the same problem, and believe me I understand the desperation, but I still dont think my input really matters. Get opinions from doctors, stem cell clinics, send them your photos, do your research, and be accountable for every step you make. People are asking my opinion if they should go get treatment or not. Yes, I understand getting someones perspective, but it is up to YOU. I cant be held accountable or made to feel guilty if you go and you dont heal. My plan was to simply share my journey and my path of recovery. Please make your own decisions and do your own research. Did I heal and did I heal remarkably well from stem cell treatment? Yes, I did and Im so thankful and grateful for that. But this has just been my experience and my journey!

I hope you all get to a place where I am at now. I hope you find peace and healing and most importantly inner peace.

*this is a general statement and not directed towards anyone*

This post was modified 3 weeks ago by Yola4
bear001 and Ishayat liked

Posted : 05/23/2024 1:21 pm

@yola4 I am not sure if you mentioned this so I ask maybe again? Beside persistent redness, have you been more prone to flushing? I mean you get too red during stress, temp changes, sun exposure, etc? Sometimes I think these peels and harsh treatments causes something like neurogenic rosacea


Posted : 05/27/2024 10:29 am

Posted by: @bear001

@yola4 I am not sure if you mentioned this so I ask maybe again? Beside persistent redness, have you been more prone to flushing? I mean you get too red during stress, temp changes, sun exposure, etc? Sometimes I think these peels and harsh treatments causes something like neurogenic rosacea

This is what happened to me unfortunately.


Posted : 05/27/2024 2:19 pm

Posted by: @Evewaddell
Posted by: @bear001

@yola4 I am not sure if you mentioned this so I ask maybe again? Beside persistent redness, have you been more prone to flushing? I mean you get too red during stress, temp changes, sun exposure, etc? Sometimes I think these peels and harsh treatments causes something like neurogenic rosacea

This is what happened to me unfortunately.

Hey guys,

So yes during the damage I would constantly flush but I called it flaring. If I had been upset or stressed out my face would flush (flare) badly. I couldnt tolerate the sun, heat or any kind of skincare or makeup. Skincare and makeup would just trap the heat inside my face making the flushing worse. Its not uncommon for people to have induced rosacea from treatments gone wrong. Luckily thats all resolved now. I think we both know that you really needed the IV stem cells and they really did you a disservice by not recommending them to you. As Olga herself said, This traumatic condition causes your nervous system to go haywire which in turn causes systemic inflammation and because of that IV stem cells are a necessity. There are two people Im in contact with from Facebook that are going this summer and including IV stem cells in their treatment plans so lets hope and pray for healing for them.

This post was modified 2 weeks ago by Yola4

Posted : 05/27/2024 2:56 pm

So it looks like I cant end my story there. Ive since been in contact with quite a few people after posting my story to a FB damage group. After speaking with some of the members who also went to Mediland privately, Ive deduced a few things. Im going to make some recommendations for the people getting stem cell treatment for this kind of damage. You obviously dont have to follow my advice but I strongly advise you to consider it.

1. If you can, go to Kyiv rather than Poland. They are shipping the stem cells from the cryobank in Kyiv to Poland and who is to say that this wont cause degradation of the cells? They will tell you that thats not the case but how would someone really know?

2. Dont waste your time with PRP. I think they just threw that in there as an added precaution but it really was not necessary. Plus you can have prp done anywhere.

3. Get the IV stem cells. As I previously stated, when youre stressed or in fight or flight mode your body releases cortisol and goes haywire and this stressed out state in turn causes systemic inflammation throughout your body. This must be treated in order to heal. I would not be in remission from RA nor would my face have totally healed had I not gotten IV stem cell therapy. I am now 100 percent certain of that.

4. Do not get numbing cream. Olga told me they could not use numbing cream on me prior to the stem cell injections as the cream would adversely affect the stem cells so they used ice instead. Ive come to learn that they are now using numbing cream on some patients. Do not use the numbing cream! Yes it hurts like hell, but its a few minutes of pain to get to your goal.

5. Do not use anything on your face for awhile after stem cells. I only used a water rinse in the morning and Id sometimes use Cetaphil or cerave gentle cleansers at night. But that is it. I know one woman who went for a two day treatment (no IV), and she said her skin was coming alive again in just a few days time. Her moisture retaining abilities were coming back and then she used a serum and cream on her face (her face wasnt ready for it) and it caused an inflammatory reaction which set her back. Let the stem cells do their thing and rebuild your barrier without any interruptions. Let it heal. Dont use anything until you are 100% certain you are totally healed. I waited 6 months before using any skincare or products.

6. If you are inflamed wait until you arent to get any kind of treatment. By inflamed, I mean 24/7 burning, redness, flushing. I do not mean just flushing due to putting a moisturizer on your face as thats normal when skin is damaged. Inflammation hinders healing. It took me 3.5 years to get out of the cycle of inflammation that I was in.

7. Do not do peels, retinoids, lasers, etc until your skin is stable. It can take 1-2 years for a damaged skin barrier to stabilize. Its very important that you do not do anymore lasers or harsh treatments during the first year or two because this will further damage your skin. Only baby your skin with gentle barrier repair products. Some recommend products are: La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Dermaviduals products, and Anteage bio gel. I have only personally tried the Dermaviduals but Ive heard good things about the others.

8. Do not trust clinics on their word. I have realized that no one you go to will have your best interest at heart because for them it is all about revenue so you need to be doing your research and weighing your options. Mediland created a fairly complex treatment plan for me that started healing my skin within days. They then went on to change this plan with the next woman (who commented on my thread) in order to make the plan more affordable and she did NOT heal. Next, knowing that she did not heal, they continued to use this same flawed plan to treat several other patients who only got some improvements from the plan, and who are now going back for further treatment. Please if you go there, do my plan! Tell them you want a condensed 2 day version of my plan consisting of two rounds of stem cell injections and one stem cell IV treatment (cut into two days so its easier on your immune system.) You can cut the mezo therapy, stem cell mask, and lipo filling out of my plan completely as I didnt even have lipo filling done and Im sure the masks and such did not have much to do with my healing.

Also, I have found out that Mediland is using my damage photo as a BEFORE photo and my pre damage photo as an AFTER photo! Is it really that big of a deal considering my skin does look like it did pre damage?! Yes, it is because regardless it is being deceptive and Im not okay with that. But, with that being said, I am still so grateful to them for saving my life!

This post was modified 2 weeks ago 4 times by Yola4
bear001 and Ishayat liked

Posted : 06/05/2024 6:35 am

Posted by: @Yola4

So it looks like I cant end my story there. Ive since been in contact with quite a few people after posting my story to a FB damage group. After speaking with some of the members who also went to Mediland privately, Ive deduced a few things. Im going to make some recommendations for the people getting stem cell treatment for this kind of damage. You obviously dont have to follow my advice but I strongly advise you to consider it.

1. If you can, go to Kyiv rather than Poland. They are shipping the stem cells from the cryobank in Kyiv to Poland and who is to say that this wont cause degradation of the cells? They will tell you that thats not the case but how would someone really know?

2. Dont waste your time with PRP. I think they just threw that in there as an added precaution but it really was not necessary. Plus you can have prp done anywhere.

3. Get the IV stem cells. As I previously stated, when youre stressed or in fight or flight mode your body releases cortisol and goes haywire and this stressed out state in turn causes systemic inflammation throughout your body. This must be treated in order to heal. I would not be in remission from RA nor would my face have totally healed had I not gotten IV stem cell therapy. I am now 100 percent certain of that.

4. Do not get numbing cream. Olga told me they could not use numbing cream on me prior to the stem cell injections as the cream would adversely affect the stem cells so they used ice instead. Ive come to learn that they are now using numbing cream on some patients. Do not use the numbing cream! Yes it hurts like hell, but its a few minutes of pain to get to your goal.

5. Do not use anything on your face for awhile after stem cells. I only used a water rinse in the morning and Id sometimes use Cetaphil or cerave gentle cleansers at night. But that is it. I know one woman who went for a two day treatment (no IV), and she said her skin was coming alive again in just a few days time. Her moisture retaining abilities were coming back and then she used a serum and cream on her face (her face wasnt ready for it) and it caused an inflammatory reaction which set her back. Let the stem cells do their thing and rebuild your barrier without any interruptions. Let it heal. Dont use anything until you are 100% certain you are totally healed. I waited 6 months before using any skincare or products.

6. If you are inflamed wait until you arent to get any kind of treatment. By inflamed, I mean 24/7 burning, redness, flushing. I do not mean just flushing due to putting a moisturizer on your face as thats normal when skin is damaged. Inflammation hinders healing. It took me 3.5 years to get out of the cycle of inflammation that I was in.

7. Do not do peels, retinoids, lasers, etc until your skin is stable. It can take 1-2 years for a damaged skin barrier to stabilize. Its very important that you do not do anymore lasers or harsh treatments during the first year or two because this will further damage your skin. Only baby your skin with gentle barrier repair products. Some recommend products are: La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Dermaviduals products, and Anteage bio gel. I have only personally tried the Dermaviduals but Ive heard good things about the others.

8. Do not trust clinics on their word. I have realized that no one you go to will have your best interest at heart because for them it is all about revenue so you need to be doing your research and weighing your options. Mediland created a fairly complex treatment plan for me that started healing my skin within days. They then went on to change this plan with the next woman (who commented on my thread) in order to make the plan more affordable and she did NOT heal. Next, knowing that she did not heal, they continued to use this same flawed plan to treat several other patients who only got some improvements from the plan, and who are now going back for further treatment. Please if you go there, do my plan! Tell them you want a condensed 2 day version of my plan consisting of two rounds of stem cell injections and one stem cell IV treatment (cut into two days so its easier on your immune system.) You can cut the mezo therapy, stem cell mask, and lipo filling out of my plan completely as I didnt even have lipo filling done and Im sure the masks and such did not have much to do with my healing.

Also, I have found out that Mediland is using my damage photo as a BEFORE photo and my pre damage photo as an AFTER photo! Is it really that big of a deal considering my skin does look like it did pre damage?! Yes, it is because regardless it is being deceptive and Im not okay with that. But, with that being said, I am still so grateful to them for saving my life!

@yola4 do you know anyone else beside you who has done succesfully or not succesfully stem cells in Kiev or in any other clinic in world? I am just curious how many people done this treatment with success/failure. I have found (beside you) one guy one rosaceagroup who has done (succesfully) stem cells (incl IV stem cells) for damaged skin after peel (he has done it in Mexico and in US and costs was about 40 k $)


Posted : 06/06/2024 3:51 am

@yola4 Hi Yola and new here, but been reading this forum looking for solution to my problem...last year in jan 23 i ended up damaging my skin from tretinoin...since then i have tried hydrating creams, 2x microneedling, 1x plinest skin booster (cod fish dna), 3x pico laser but still the texture and pigmentation is still there and not able to heal (lot of raised texture, indentations, bumps under skin but not acne..and pigmentated bumps on my skin esp cheeks). My skin doesnt burn if i dont put anything harsh on it...just bought dermaviduals base cream and been using it for 2 weeks...very minor at my wits end...i emailed Mediland and this is what they interested to go for treatment but just hearing abt ukraine and war makes me from far south eastasia

"trenitoin is prohibited for direct use due to its aggressiveness. if you used this drug to treat acne or inflammation, tretinoin can cause fibrous compactions during inflammation, this changes the structure of the skin, the morphotype of the skin. To treat this condition, it is necessary to first eliminate internal fibrosis in the epidermis (these are injections of deep tissue repair exosomes + anti-inflammatory cytokines LI-4, LI-10.). further introduction of umbilical cord mesenchymal cells to replace damaged cells + progenitor endothelial cells for the proliferation of small vessels, improving skin nutrition. cost of treatment is $4800 (2 days)"

This post was modified 4 days ago by jesuiselyn77

Posted : 06/06/2024 6:10 pm

Posted by: @jesuiselyn77

@yola4 Hi Yola and new here, but been reading this forum looking for solution to my problem...last year in jan 23 i ended up damaging my skin from tretinoin...since then i have tried hydrating creams, 2x microneedling, 1x plinest skin booster (cod fish dna), 3x pico laser but still the texture and pigmentation is still there and not able to heal (lot of raised texture, indentations, bumps under skin but not acne..and pigmentated bumps on my skin esp cheeks). My skin doesnt burn if i dont put anything harsh on it...just bought dermaviduals base cream and been using it for 2 weeks...very minor at my wits end...i emailed Mediland and this is what they interested to go for treatment but just hearing abt ukraine and war makes me from far south eastasia

"trenitoin is prohibited for direct use due to its aggressiveness. if you used this drug to treat acne or inflammation, tretinoin can cause fibrous compactions during inflammation, this changes the structure of the skin, the morphotype of the skin. To treat this condition, it is necessary to first eliminate internal fibrosis in the epidermis (these are injections of deep tissue repair exosomes + anti-inflammatory cytokines LI-4, LI-10.). further introduction of umbilical cord mesenchymal cells to replace damaged cells + progenitor endothelial cells for the proliferation of small vessels, improving skin nutrition. cost of treatment is $4800 (2 days)"

Kiev is quite safe despite of war. The only dangerous region or zone is East Ukraine (Donetsk oblast, Kharkiv etc) , so you will be probably safe. Does you treatment plan includes IV stem cell treatment?

This post was modified 3 days ago by bear001

Posted : 06/06/2024 10:10 pm

@bear001 im assuming umbilical cord mesenchymal cells means IV stem cells..

bear001 liked

Posted : 06/07/2024 9:12 am

@bear001 hey! Do you know where he went in Mexico? Id love to know where because if I am thinking of having the IV done. I dont think I will go back to Mediland.


Posted : 06/07/2024 9:22 am

Posted by: @Evewaddell

@bear001 hey! Do you know where he went in Mexico? Id love to know where because if I am thinking of having the IV done. I dont think I will go back to Mediland.

hi, here is the post I am not sure if he mentioned the clinic in Mexico, but he mentioned some clinic, doctor in California

Why do you dont want to go Mediland again?

Anyway I am not sure if I mentioned it here, but sometimes can help Beta blockers or Alpha blockers as they lessen flushing episodes and redness generally. Look at Carvedilol, Clonidine or Propranolol. But this is not cure, you need to take it everyday and if your are pregnant I am not sure you can take it. Also there is one study where one Woman in Asia has been healed with Clonidine after chemical peel damage (induced rosacea)


Posted : 06/07/2024 1:05 pm

Posted by: @bear001
Posted by: @Evewaddell

@bear001 hey! Do you know where he went in Mexico? Id love to know where because if I am thinking of having the IV done. I dont think I will go back to Mediland.

hi, here is the post I am not sure if he mentioned the clinic in Mexico, but he mentioned some clinic, doctor in California

Why do you dont want to go Mediland again?

Anyway I am not sure if I mentioned it here, but sometimes can help Beta blockers or Alpha blockers as they lessen flushing episodes and redness generally. Look at Carvedilol, Clonidine or Propranolol. But this is not cure, you need to take it everyday and if your are pregnant I am not sure you can take it. Also there is one study where one Woman in Asia has been healed with Clonidine after chemical peel damage (induced rosacea)

Thank you so much for your reply! Yes I cant take anything right now due to the pregnancy. Ive noticed though that taking antihistamine like allegra and also pregnancy safe anxiety medication which is high in antihistamine like hydroxyzine has helped with my flushing a little but not as much. I think because of what happened to my face, I feel like my body has ended up going to into this inflammation state and now the inflammation keeps attacking my skin.

Mast cells are found in the skin near sensory nerve endings and play a role in neuroinflammation. They are known for sterile inflammation and release histamine and substance P (SP), which can cause itchin, pain, flushing basically any type of inflammatory skin response.


Posted : 06/07/2024 1:16 pm

Posted by: @bear001
Posted by: @Evewaddell

@bear001 hey! Do you know where he went in Mexico? Id love to know where because if I am thinking of having the IV done. I dont think I will go back to Mediland.

hi, here is the post I am not sure if he mentioned the clinic in Mexico, but he mentioned some clinic, doctor in California

Why do you dont want to go Mediland again?

Anyway I am not sure if I mentioned it here, but sometimes can help Beta blockers or Alpha blockers as they lessen flushing episodes and redness generally. Look at Carvedilol, Clonidine or Propranolol. But this is not cure, you need to take it everyday and if your are pregnant I am not sure you can take it. Also there is one study where one Woman in Asia has been healed with Clonidine after chemical peel damage (induced rosacea)

Mediland has done me wrong. They would be my last resort at this point. When I was there , I was never told that my skin didnt have visible damage... I only had slight dryness and maybe a little bit if pores the rosacea flushing was still there whenever I would get stressed or if I was in the heat. They took my money and proceeded to do the skin procedure knowing that I dont have visible damage and that this skin condition was being caused from the overreactive immune system/ or some type of response that my body was creating because of the initial injury. The money was on the table then and there and they took it without running any blood work or testing. I would have paid 20k to have the entire treatment done and would probably be in remission by now because the stem cells would have calmed down my immune system / nervous system response which in turn my skin wouldnt be constantly attacked and the inflammation would of went away.

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