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First Time Roaccutane User Support Needed!


Posted : 10/17/2014 7:35 am

Weekly update:

I'm on 20mg every other day and noticing that the week I take four, I have more out break however the following

Week it's looks clearer.

My first week I had four and I will upload photos for you to see what I mean.

Should be seeing my derm November/ December and will be suggesting I take every day.

No major side effects, lips on skin coming off and lips

Feel like they are burning. Stopped using Carmex as It comes of too much. Using a Nivea chap stick and this is working well. It has SPF in too.

Slight back ache and fatigue is a permanent feature. Having to go to bed at 8pm asleep by nine. Up at 5:45 am.


Have a look through me weekly photos and see what you think. It's bad week good week bad week good week so far!







Posted : 10/17/2014 4:38 pm

Hey emma.

so are you wanting to do a long term low dose or?

Yep same thing happened to me, dry lips and skin peeling off rapidly on them.

As you deeper into your tane journey yourll notice that the nivea chapstick wont do much, so pick up one called blistex intensive lip balm (think its something like that). works so well. When my lips have cracked and are bleeding, its been the only thing to heal it completely up. i'd also advise against using sudocrem now. Just stick with gentle wash and moisturiser and the accutane. ps have you given the cleansing with moisturiser a go yet?

Why going to sleep at 8pm? because of the aching?

Keep going, doing great.



Posted : 10/17/2014 5:17 pm

40mg 77kg male

Day 12

Nothing first 7 days, then BANG day 8 actives increased at least a few days later, day 12, most of that breakout is peeling off. Around my mouth and on the sides of my nose have always been dry but now their a desert. I use way too much water on my face in the shower..

Overall no real changes, as many others report, roughly 2 weeks in. I see the derm in 7 days.

Very dry, but no noteable side effects. Lips are dry but they have always been and it doesnt seem to bother me.

Goodluck guys, keep grindin.

There will be an end.


Posted : 10/18/2014 3:20 am

Hey emma.

so are you wanting to do a long term low dose or?

Yep same thing happened to me, dry lips and skin peeling off rapidly on them.

As you deeper into your tane journey yourll notice that the nivea chapstick wont do much, so pick up one called blistex intensive lip balm (think its something like that). works so well. When my lips have cracked and are bleeding, its been the only thing to heal it completely up. i'd also advise against using sudocrem now. Just stick with gentle wash and moisturiser and the accutane. ps have you given the cleansing with moisturiser a go yet?

Why going to sleep at 8pm? because of the aching?Keep going, doing great.


Hi, I'm in bed at 8pm as I feel so tired! I have a busy job and drive about a lot so by five pm I'm worn out.

I will get the lip balm you suggested!

Yes I tried the moisturiser to take make up off and it worked, cheers for that.

Not sure about dose I will see what derm says. Got a face full today, this is the worst it's been in four week,



Posted : 10/18/2014 3:22 am

Hi Emma,


I'm 28 and also on 10mg per day by taking intermittent 20mg dosage every other day. I started on 1st October and your daily logs have been giving me inspiration for getting few the first few weeks! I think you're about 10 days in front of me.


This is my third course, I started it when 19 and had the most severe acne I've ever had in my life. After a 6 month course (50mg) I was completely clear for about a year and then it gradually came back. I started a second course in 2005 (40mg) and with the exception of a minor breakout every couple of months during the last few years, this had kept me relatively clear in conjunction with using Dan's BP regimen and the occasional course of Minocycline or Trimethoprim antibiotics.


The acne I have now is relatively mild compared to how I used to have it - my forehead is completely clear, my cheeks mainly clear are and the main ones I get are around my nose and jaw areas. When I get acne I become extremely depressed as I'm sure most people do with my skins condition and generally embarrassed about it, avoid social activities when it's bad etc.


So, I went back to my Derm on 1st October because I keep getting this redness between my nose and my right cheek and my skin had been a lot worse this month. I wasn't sure if it was Rosacea or if it was a reaction to the BP gel. Anyway, the Derm reckoned that it was acne and a reaction with the BP and suggested that taking such dosage of Accutane for 6 months could help 'turn off' acne for good, so I gave it a whirl.


I know you've been worried about the side effects but during my last two courses, the only side effects I incurred were chapped lips, the initial breakout (which has been less severe each time I took the drug) and feeling a bit fatigued at times. Just hang in there and it will be worth it in the end and the results are great and gives you a whole new level of confidence.


I'm on day 18 now and the breakout so far has been quite mixed but mild. I'm getting acne in the usual areas but quite randomly and initially I wasn't sure if this was because I was no longer using BP or the antibiotics. The ones I'm getting seem more whitehead type and dry up within a few days. From experience, I normally break out around day 10, but I'm wondering with this low dosage it's going to take longer to happen.


Keep the faith and it will be worth it in the end.




Posted : 10/18/2014 6:06 pm

Hi Emma!

Hadn't checked the feed in a week or so it was good reading through all the new posts.

I hope you're well and seeing more improvements :)

My only update is that my skin is so dry and peeling like crazy on my chin and around my nose. I'm still having really bad lower back pain also.

I'm used to it now, because you know the end result will be worth it. The only thing that's bothering me are the fact that I feel to sore to go to the gym, and I think someone mentioned it before but the sex thing, just no motivation.

I saw someone mention that we should just suck it up and just get on with it, which is usefully my way of thinking, I don't believe I'm much of a complainer usually. But the accutanne has really changed my lifestyle and it is hard. I agree that yes try to get on with it in everyday life but everyone feel free to vent and complain as much as you want on this forum with people who will understand.
For a lot of people this IS a huge life changing thing...the thought of not having acne is a big deal that will significantly improve the mental health and confidence of many people. It's not the side effects really (I can cope well enough), it's the headspace.

Anyway I hope everyone is well and happy today

Sarah x


Posted : 10/19/2014 4:11 am

Hi Emma,

I'm 28 and also on 10mg per day by taking intermittent 20mg dosage every other day. I started on 1st October and your daily logs have been giving me inspiration for getting few the first few weeks! I think you're about 10 days in front of me.

This is my third course, I started it when 19 and had the most severe acne I've ever had in my life. After a 6 month course (50mg) I was completely clear for about a year and then it gradually came back. I started a second course in 2005 (40mg) and with the exception of a minor breakout every couple of months during the last few years, this had kept me relatively clear in conjunction with using Dan's BP regimen and the occasional course of Minocycline or Trimethoprim antibiotics.

The acne I have now is relatively mild compared to how I used to have it - my forehead is completely clear, my cheeks mainly clear are and the main ones I get are around my nose and jaw areas. When I get acne I become extremely depressed as I'm sure most people do with my skins condition and generally embarrassed about it, avoid social activities when it's bad etc.

So, I went back to my Derm on 1st October because I keep getting this redness between my nose and my right cheek and my skin had been a lot worse this month. I wasn't sure if it was Rosacea or if it was a reaction to the BP gel. Anyway, the Derm reckoned that it was acne and a reaction with the BP and suggested that taking such dosage of Accutane for 6 months could help 'turn off' acne for good, so I gave it a whirl.

I know you've been worried about the side effects but during my last two courses, the only side effects I incurred were chapped lips, the initial breakout (which has been less severe each time I took the drug) and feeling a bit fatigued at times. Just hang in there and it will be worth it in the end and the results are great and gives you a whole new level of confidence.

I'm on day 18 now and the breakout so far has been quite mixed but mild. I'm getting acne in the usual areas but quite randomly and initially I wasn't sure if this was because I was no longer using BP or the antibiotics. The ones I'm getting seem more whitehead type and dry up within a few days. From experience, I normally break out around day 10, but I'm wondering with this low dosage it's going to take longer to happen.

Keep the faith and it will be worth it in the end.


Hi Jon,


Glad you have found this thread inspiring!!

So this is your third course, hope you have every success with this one.

Glad your acne is relatively mild, I'm guessing the other courses played a hand in that.

We have similar side effects which oddly enough is reassuring!

Looking forward to hearing about you progress and hoping you have a smooth ride!!



Hi Emma!

Hadn't checked the feed in a week or so it was good reading through all the new posts.

I hope you're well and seeing more improvements :)

My only update is that my skin is so dry and peeling like crazy on my chin and around my nose. I'm still having really bad lower back pain also.

I'm used to it now, because you know the end result will be worth it. The only thing that's bothering me are the fact that I feel to sore to go to the gym, and I think someone mentioned it before but the sex thing, just no motivation.

I saw someone mention that we should just suck it up and just get on with it, which is usefully my way of thinking, I don't believe I'm much of a complainer usually. But the accutanne has really changed my lifestyle and it is hard. I agree that yes try to get on with it in everyday life but everyone feel free to vent and complain as much as you want on this forum with people who will understand.

For a lot of people this IS a huge life changing thing...the thought of not having acne is a big deal that will significantly improve the mental health and confidence of many people. It's not the side effects really (I can cope well enough), it's the headspace.

Anyway I hope everyone is well and happy today turtle.gif

Sarah x


What moisturiser are you using for your dry skin? I'm

Just about to write another update on my skin care as I have changed it.

The back pain is annoying

And household chores really kick it off. Codeine and paracetamol and a hot water bottle are helping!

I agree with the no motivation, I CBA with walking the dog, doing my weights and the idea of the gym makes me feel sick! I couldn't go there make up free and removing make up is a chore so my weekends are spend under house arrest make up free!

The lifestyle changes are hard, I'm an alcohol free zone. Never been much of a drinker but love a pi±a colada when eating out. I bloody miss them!!!

Acne getting me down,

But not to the point it did pre accutane.

Keep in touch,



Posted : 10/19/2014 6:23 pm

Hey guys so.. My wish came true lol I got the IB and I am bloody regretting it now haha, needless to say I actually look like a pizza (sorry in advance if your offended that I'm saying that) I just like to make a laugh about it because for a long time I struggled with it. my dermo was well happy when he saw my face! Went in and he said right it's been about a month and you look great! ( your going to see some photos of what his "great" looks like


Posted : 10/20/2014 2:48 am

Hey guys so.. My wish came true lol I got the IB and I am bloody regretting it now haha, needless to say I actually look like a pizza (sorry in advance if your offended that I'm saying that) I just like to make a laugh about it because for a long time I struggled with it. my dermo was well happy when he saw my face! Went in and he said right it's been about a month and you look great! ( your going to see some photos of what his "great" looks like ) said he thinks this is the IB, but who knows. Many more side effects? Not really lol. Just a whole load of itching.. It's bloody ridiculous invested in a 1 pound back scratcher. HA BEST THING EVER! And looking rather attractive with Vaseline up my nose because it's that dry.. Have my mum reaching to blow my nose for me because she thinks it's boogies. I don't think I've ever felt so frigging hot in my life. Was a bit gutted it was my 21st this weekend and I had to Have a mellow one due to not being able to drink and I just find it so frigging hard and time consuming to make myself look pretty (hard to believe but I can actually look not bad) I realised the other day just how dry I am... E45 just won't cut it!


Anyways I just wanted to share my first month with you guys! Trying to be as light hearted and whity as possible because it's not the end of the world. But I know it's a big deal guys trust me I know. ANYWAYS.. (Once again) if you guys could just maybe suggest a thick moisturiser for my body or something that will stop itching I would appreciate it. And also is the IB meant to happen this early on? I just don't know!! Haa right here's some lovely photos of my extremely cute sexy face. Enjoy guys


Rachael! Xximage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

Hi Rachael,

Remind me what does you are on??

Yes, jolly good break out! Certainly not offended by the pizza face comparison.

I have taken to singing lady gaga's poker face and replacing poker face with 'acne' face!! We have to have a bloody sense of humor whilst looking like s***. It works for me anyway!!

I get the itching too, facially and arms and back. I take an antihistime and this helps, although I read somewhere on here that a derm said don't take them as they dry mucous membranes, anyway it works for me.

Body cream, can;t say it stops the itching but I use the fragrance free palmers coco butter. Actually, what might work is aloe vera gel as it's cooling.

Love the pictures, you have got it worse than me, then again, i'm crusing along on a 20mg every other day laid back dose.

I'll put yesterdays pictures on with an update as I have changed my skin care routine and i'm seeing a bit of improvement.

Emma x


Posted : 10/20/2014 7:29 pm

77kg male 40mg/day Clarivis

Day 15

Hey Emma, I know I keep posting experiences every few days on your thread, but I didn't want to create my own so I figure these posts count as free bumps :)

Haven't experienced any MAJOR side effects so far: Flaky scalp, dry lips, dry skin on shoulders. Honestly these aren't even an inconvenience, i'd rather them be dry than have acne!

What moisturizers are you guys using? I know I use too much water on my face when I shower, but I literally spend 10 minutes applying layer after layer of moisturizer to my face after I get out of the shower, and 20 minutes later I can barely smile because my face feels so dry once again. What's really weird is that it's not like the moisturizer has disappeared, my face visibly still is shiny and you can clearly tell I applied all of that moisturizer. It feels, however, dry as a desert

Keep grindin

There will be an end.


Posted : 10/21/2014 2:21 am

Hi - Rachael look into picking up double base gel. You get loads and its made for dry ichy skin! it totally put the moisture back into my skin and got rid of the white flakes on my arms instantly (and actually for weeks!)


Posted : 10/21/2014 2:59 am

77kg male 40mg/day Clarivis

Day 15

Hey Emma, I know I keep posting experiences every few days on your thread, but I didn't want to create my own so I figure these posts count as free bumps

Haven't experienced any MAJOR side effects so far: Flaky scalp, dry lips, dry skin on shoulders. Honestly these aren't even an inconvenience, i'd rather them be dry than have acne!

What moisturizers are you guys using? I know I use too much water on my face when I shower, but I literally spend 10 minutes applying layer after layer of moisturizer to my face after I get out of the shower, and 20 minutes later I can barely smile because my face feels so dry once again. What's really weird is that it's not like the moisturizer has disappeared, my face visibly still is shiny and you can clearly tell I applied all of that moisturizer. It feels, however, dry as a desert

Keep grindin

There will be an end.


Keep posting, all the information helps!

Have you tried Cetaphil?? I have been using it but stopped last week, only beacuse I don't like it. My skin is not that dry and It does not sink in and kind of stays on the surface. I'm using a clinique moisturiser i think this is fabulous, it sinks in and leaves skin really moisturised.

Are you drinking enough water? I'm drinking a litre a day and I think this helps too. I have also read that people take vitamin e capsules to counteract the dryness.



Posted : 10/21/2014 3:21 pm

day 116 @20mg. broken out on my left cheek and right cheek. two painful ones on the left cheek, not sure why.. and the right upper cheek was a massive white head, which drained on its own and then the matter that got left inside became hard and formed a plug. I pushed it out very very gently and i think it can heal up now. When i say pushed, i literally mean it was defying gravity hanging out of my cheek, i push down either side with my little fingers and the slight pressure displaced the hard grain matter, which contain a small beard hair.

drinking 3 litres of water a day. Still getting slight head aches around 6pm time that last for a fair while... going to speak to the derm tomorrow about it.

which cetaphil did you try emma? the lotion? how much did you apply? perhaps as your skin changes you may go back to using it again. but glad you find the clinque one really good.


Posted : 10/21/2014 3:42 pm

Hi - Rachael look into picking up double base gel. You get loads and its made for dry ichy skin! it totally put the moisture back into my skin and got rid of the white flakes on my arms instantly (and actually for weeks!)

I second this! My skin was so dry and scaly on my arms but this helped heal it!


Posted : 10/24/2014 2:24 am

Hey guys so.. My wish came true lol I got the IB and I am bloody regretting it now haha, needless to say I actually look like a pizza (sorry in advance if your offended that I'm saying that) I just like to make a laugh about it because for a long time I struggled with it. my dermo was well happy when he saw my face! Went in and he said right it's been about a month and you look great! ( your going to see some photos of what his "great" looks like ) said he thinks this is the IB, but who knows. Many more side effects? Not really lol. Just a whole load of itching.. It's bloody ridiculous invested in a 1 pound back scratcher. HA BEST THING EVER! And looking rather attractive with Vaseline up my nose because it's that dry.. Have my mum reaching to blow my nose for me because she thinks it's boogies. I don't think I've ever felt so frigging hot in my life. Was a bit gutted it was my 21st this weekend and I had to Have a mellow one due to not being able to drink and I just find it so frigging hard and time consuming to make myself look pretty (hard to believe but I can actually look not bad) I realised the other day just how dry I am... E45 just won't cut it!

Anyways I just wanted to share my first month with you guys! Trying to be as light hearted and whity as possible because it's not the end of the world. But I know it's a big deal guys trust me I know. ANYWAYS.. (Once again) if you guys could just maybe suggest a thick moisturiser for my body or something that will stop itching I would appreciate it. And also is the IB meant to happen this early on? I just don't know!! Haa right here's some lovely photos of my extremely cute sexy face. Enjoy guys

Rachael! Xxattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpg

Have you tried E45 lotion on your body? The cream only worked for my face but the lotion worked for my body although it is very greasy.


I wouldn't worry about your face as much as you obviously do because you're ridiculously nice looking :) good luck with it all. Roaccutane will clear you up x


Posted : 10/24/2014 2:59 am

day 116 @20mg. broken out on my left cheek and right cheek. two painful ones on the left cheek, not sure why.. and the right upper cheek was a massive white head, which drained on its own and then the matter that got left inside became hard and formed a plug. I pushed it out very very gently and i think it can heal up now. When i say pushed, i literally mean it was defying gravity hanging out of my cheek, i push down either side with my little fingers and the slight pressure displaced the hard grain matter, which contain a small beard hair.

drinking 3 litres of water a day. Still getting slight head aches around 6pm time that last for a fair while... going to speak to the derm tomorrow about it.

which cetaphil did you try emma? the lotion? how much did you apply? perhaps as your skin changes you may go back to using it again. but glad you find the clinque one really good.


It was the cetaphil lotion that I used, I only used a small amount as well. I still have it just in case i go really dry!


Posted : 10/24/2014 3:17 am


Five week in, 20mg every other day.Not had much of an out break this week, however I feel one coming up under my chin. Its the type that you can't see but you jolly well know it's there. Its like a volcano waiting to errupt!

Question for the ladies: How are you finding your acne around the time of the month? This is usually the worst time for me for an outbreak but so far only a few.

Feel like I have levelled out on this dose. Skin no worse,and slightly better this week. Dry lips managable, back ache intermittent, tierdness intermittent, nothing major going on here!

Mood is fabulous, even when skin is bad.

Washing skin with my trusty quinoderm face wash, toning with witch hazel, moisturising wth clinique intense moisture surge, spot treating with tea tree oil.

How's everyone doing??


Posted : 10/24/2014 9:23 am

Hi Emma,


Glad you've had a good week and it's good that your mood is positive too. Are you getting any new ones through still?


I think I spoke too soon last week, since Saturday I've had a massive break out, nothing really huge but a lot of zits with red marks and generally everywhere except my forehead. Skin seems really dry as well and I'm getting about 5/6 new ones each day!!




Posted : 10/25/2014 5:10 am

Hi Emma,

Glad you've had a good week and it's good that your mood is positive too. Are you getting any new ones through still?

I think I spoke too soon last week, since Saturday I've had a massive break out, nothing really huge but a lot of zits with red marks and generally everywhere except my forehead. Skin seems really dry as well and I'm getting about 5/6 new ones each day!!


Hi Jon,

Just got one painful cyst coming up on my chin but this is hormonal related.

I have a few left from last week which are manageable.

Let's hope you see improvement after this outbreak. Are you using anything topical on your acne?




Hi all,


So I posted an update about my improvement. I have compared week 1 to this week which is week 5.

I can see remarkable changes. I'm quite surprised that My skin has responded this well to such a small dose.

Please comment on what you think.




Posted : 10/25/2014 8:37 am

Wow Emma, just had a look at the photos and a remarkable difference, you must be pleased! It's all good from now on for you, it will just keep getting better and better. :) How long is your course due to last? It does improve after the course finishes too and that's when I found my best results continued with topical Retin A (however I'm not sure if they even sell/prescribe it anymore?)


I'm not using anything topical other than a sensitive face wash and some Simple moisturiser. I've got one cystic one near my nose/cheek but a lot of kind of whitehead ones kind of everywhere combined with dry skin. My face does feel a lot drier, barely any oil now though so I'm hoping this week is just a purge of everything and next week is a bit more bearable. Last time by week 6 I saw dramatic improvements.




Posted : 10/25/2014 10:45 am

Wow Emma, just had a look at the photos and a remarkable difference, you must be pleased! It's all good from now on for you, it will just keep getting better and better. :) How long is your course due to last? It does improve after the course finishes too and that's when I found my best results continued with topical Retin A (however I'm not sure if they even sell/prescribe it anymore?)

I'm not using anything topical other than a sensitive face wash and some Simple moisturiser. I've got one cystic one near my nose/cheek but a lot of kind of whitehead ones kind of everywhere combined with dry skin. My face does feel a lot drier, barely any oil now though so I'm hoping this week is just a purge of everything and next week is a bit more bearable. Last time by week 6 I saw dramatic improvements.


Hi Jon,

I'm on 20mg every other day for another five weeks. Need to book an appointment in for my review and see what the dermatologist suggests. I'm not 100% clear of acne but it's much better as you can see!!

I use to have it behind my ears and chest, not cystic more whiteheads. This has 100% cleared up. Feeling positive.

Maybe you need change your moisturizer. I have been lucky and had a few days of dry skin on my chin.

I was 100% oily before this, face and scalp, so I'm loving this at the moment!

Try some tea tree oil. The body shop does a week one,

15% tea tree. You'll be fine with that on whiteheads

And cysts.

I use it daily with no reactions whatsoever. Just put a few drops on a cotton bud and dab on the cysts!

Hope you have a speedy improvement :)


Posted : 10/27/2014 3:19 am

Thanks Emma, I'll try the tea tree oil. I've changed moisturiser to a La Roche one and it appears a less dry. How are you getting on since the weekend?


I'm on the exact same dosage as you then, but mine is deffo for 6 months and reviewed after 2. It's strange though as my Derm said he was going to advise 20 every other day, but the actual prescription says 20mg per day. He did say to ignore the 20mg per day as he said he wanted me to do it over 6 months instead of 3, which I found a bit misleading.


Did you do the blood work for it as well? He said that because I've had it before and it's such a low dose, there was no need but I went ahead and got this checked out anyway, which fortunately came back fine.


Keep the faith.




Posted : 10/27/2014 1:58 pm

Ive got some questions

does anyone know (asked their derm) about the skins strength after accutane. does it regain its strength like before you took it?

I am at month 4.5 at 20mg a day. at first i purged a lot from different places, then it cleared up nice but i was getting clogged pores (perhaps from the moisturiser) so i switched to cetaphil. More purging started happening. I was getting inflamed black heads, and still am. My cheek broke out quite badly with 3 under the skin spots (no head) just pain. They are leaving pinkish marks, one is going down and the other two are still there.. its really messing my cheek up.

other than that i have red marks scattered about where large zits have formed and or from where i may have not been able to resist a gentle squeeze.

Basically i feel very low and wonder if accutane was the right choice here at 4 months in!! at least before my skin would heal up and the spot would be in its way, now i feel like the weakness makes me scar prone (not like before). I have never scarred from a spot that i didn't tamper with.

so yeah feeling pretty defeated and feel like i have no where to turn, maybe i should stop treatment and let my skin heal?!


Posted : 10/27/2014 4:27 pm

Good luck it will be the best decision you ever made. I was frightened to take it for years and now I wish I took it a long time ago. I finished my course two years ago and have been clear since up until a couple of months ago, but that is due to my doctor taking me off of dianette as he says I have been on too long. Back to the doctors tomorrow as my skin is awful again, possibly a second course of roaccutane on the cards. X


Posted : 10/28/2014 7:46 am

Thanks Emma, I'll try the tea tree oil. I've changed moisturiser to a La Roche one and it appears a less dry. How are you getting on since the weekend?


I'm on the exact same dosage as you then, but mine is deffo for 6 months and reviewed after 2. It's strange though as my Derm said he was going to advise 20 every other day, but the actual prescription says 20mg per day. He did say to ignore the 20mg per day as he said he wanted me to do it over 6 months instead of 3, which I found a bit misleading.


Did you do the blood work for it as well? He said that because I've had it before and it's such a low dose, there was no need but I went ahead and got this checked out anyway, which fortunately came back fine.


Keep the faith.



Hi Jon,

A few small new ones but nothing major.

Got my blood test a week today and then at the dermatologists on the 10th of Novemeber.

I was prescribed 20 mg every other day for ten weeks and i'm only on week 6 now. I'll be week eight when i see him on the 10th. No idea what will happen as my skin has cleared up a lot as can see from the photos. It's not perfect yet by any means!

Hope the tea tree works for you, I would not be without it!

