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Lymecycline / Tetralysal 300


Posted : 09/10/2010 3:02 pm

wow, that does not sound good... :/ i thought it wouldn't do that since the yellow powder isn't in any contact with your teeth. im having second thoughts about this now since i wouldn't wanna sacrifice my teeth either... :(



Posted : 09/11/2010 1:44 am

Hmm, I guess you just have to weigh up what you want more - clear skin or white teeth.

You're on 1 capsule a day and i'm on 2, so maybe it will be easier for you?

Maybe if I had started treating it earlier rather than leaving it too late, it wouldn't be as bad. Not that my teeth are terrible, but they're definitely discoloured. Brush your teeth twice a day with a good toothpaste and use mouthwash and stuff like that, and do a baking soda treatment every 2 weeks if you want, and you will probably be fine. I've been on the tablets for nearly 5 months now and it hasn't even done very much for my skin yet, so I hope for you it will be better :]

And good luck.


Posted : 09/11/2010 6:01 am

sad to hear that you haven't gotten the results you hoped to get :/


im actually on 2 capsules per day - 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening. this whole teeth-thing started to bother me so much that i visited two pharmacies today and asked about it. 3 pharmacists said that tetracycline meds should not cause discoloration to adult teeth, but it may cause it to children under 8 years and also to teens whose teeth are still developing. now this all would make sense, because im sure the dermatologist would've mentioned this, if it'd be a risk for adults too. because of my sanity and piece of mind, im still gonna contact the dermatologist on monday and ask about this.


and don't worry, today's teeth whitening systems have developed so much that im sure you could get your original teeth color back :) if i were you, i'd ask about it from the dentist!


Posted : 09/11/2010 12:05 pm

Yeah :]

I'm due an appointment November time I think, i guess i'll ask then. I brush my teeth every 2 weeks with baking soda but since i've not been doing it for long I haven't seen any results yet.

Best of luck to you anyway :)


Posted : 09/16/2010 6:02 pm

Some of you are taking 2 capsules a day? My doctor has only told me to take the one but i really dont think its working fast enough.

My capsules are 408 mg so would it be ok to just go ahead and take one in the morning and one at night or go and see my doctor again?


Any advice would be apprieciated x


Posted : 09/17/2010 2:10 pm

If your doctor said take one a day I would take one a day but you could always ask him about it.


Posted : 09/21/2010 3:13 pm

I went and saw my doctor and she's put me on two a day now, so hopefully this works... Do you think its working for you? x


Posted : 10/01/2010 5:34 am

Has anyone had any negative feelings while on this? Ive been on it a month and have felt pretty depressed, like I used to feel when I was on accutane but Im not sure if its just a coincidence


Posted : 10/06/2010 2:30 am

im using it for 4 days now.. i hope it work for me..

how long should i use this for me to see the results?


Posted : 10/06/2010 11:30 am

Quite a while I'm afraid :/

Probably 2 months although if you're lucky it could be less


Posted : 10/15/2010 2:15 pm

I started these yesterday twice a day and am also using a zineryt roll on twice a day as well.

I've never used antibiotics before so hopefully this will help.


Posted : 10/16/2010 5:09 am

My doctor gave me Lymecycline and Zineryt to use together and I'm still on the tablets now but I gave up on the Zineryt..

Don't give up like I did and good luck :]


Posted : 10/19/2010 5:34 am

Thanks. I had a feeling I may have had candida overgrowth since I was on antibiotics for 2 years straight around the time I started to develop acne due to a cronic pain condition that I still have and these antibiotic seems to be making it worse ( although the doctor said it could help it as well as the acne ? ).

I'm going to ride it out though , it's the 6th day now I think and I've used both Lymecycline and zineryt twice a day everyday so far.

Both cheeks ( where my acne is mainly present ) have had the acne fade very very slightly. I probably wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't at the mirror every 5 minutes before I started them.

Really not any difference at all. They say you should give antibiotics a few months though , I'm on a 6 week course and my doctor said if I go back and my acne isn't gone ( which I really doubt it will be ) he'll continue it for longer.


I've been using Dans cleanser in the morning , then 5 or ten minutes later zineryt. Then have something light to eat ( toast or something ) then Lymecycline.

The same thing at night.


Hoping I'll start to see some improvement soon. :)



Posted : 10/21/2010 4:45 pm

I've broke out on my 8th day today. :(

Bit annoyed about that since I thought I was actually clearing from the day I started.

My acne has gone enflamed today and is hurting. Looks terrible.


For anybody who used Lymecycline and actually managed to get clear or partially clear how long did it take until you started seeing results ?.


Posted : 10/29/2010 11:39 am

15 days and my skin so far is worse than when I started. A lot of my spots are getting heads which usually never happens. Hoping my skin starts to get better soon. :(


Posted : 11/02/2010 8:35 am

Some advise please about Tetralysal!


I was put on 1 408mg tablet a day 2 weeks ago by my dermatologist for moderate chin and jaw line acne but I'm having the biggest break out of my life!!


I'm getting lots of very small pustules which are very sore and itchy! I wasn't prone to this type of acne more papule and pimple like in nature so it's been a real shock to see more and more of them sprouting up each day! I'm even getting them on my forehead!


I've been put on a 3 month course but is it normal for your acne to get worse like this before it gets better?


My Dermatologist didnt mention anything about the side effects.


Comments much appreciated



Posted : 11/02/2010 8:42 am

15 days and my skin so far is worse than when I started. A lot of my spots are getting heads which usually never happens. Hoping my skin starts to get better soon. :(



I'm having the same results! I have been taking Tetralysal (one a day) for 3 weeks now, and my skin is horrendous! It was only moderate before, but every day I keep taking these things, my skin is getting worse and worse. I was prepared for a long wait before I saw any improvement, but didn't realise that this could happen instead! Not sure whether to stop taking them now, or persevere and see if they start actually working in the end?


Worzel, I see this post was in April and was wondering if you stayed on the tetralysal, and if so, what happened with your skin?


Posted : 11/02/2010 8:47 am

Some advise please about Tetralysal!


I was put on 1 408mg tablet a day 2 weeks ago by my dermatologist for moderate chin and jaw line acne but I'm having the biggest break out of my life!!


I'm getting lots of very small pustules which are very sore and itchy! I wasn't prone to this type of acne more papule and pimple like in nature so it's been a real shock to see more and more of them sprouting up each day! I'm even getting them on my forehead!


I've been put on a 3 month course but is it normal for your acne to get worse like this before it gets better?


My Dermatologist didnt mention anything about the side effects.


Comments much appreciated


I'm having the same results! I have been taking Tetralysal (one a day) for 3 weeks now, and my skin is horrendous! It was only moderate before, but every day I keep taking these things, my skin is getting worse and worse. I was prepared for a long wait before I saw any improvement, but didn't realise that this could happen instead! Not sure whether to stop taking them now, or persevere and see if they start actually working in the end?


Worzel, I see this post was in April and was wondering if you stayed on the tetralysal, and if so, what happened with your skin?



Posted : 11/02/2010 9:19 am

I have just started on Tetralysal 300 now for the past 4 days. Not sure what I am hoping with this, but i do hope that it could sort out my problem, I am just getting annoyed now.


How did this affect everyone else when they first started using the medication?


Posted : 11/02/2010 10:04 am

I've been on Tetralysal 300 for about 9 months now. The tablets have given me no side effects to date. My skin however has been very strange over the whole 9 months.


At the start in cleared up my skin pretty good. My acne i would say was mild / moderate. It mostly contained pustule that were large and randomly placed across my face with the occasional cyst on the jaw line.


I didn't suffer an IB and my skin got gradually better over the first couple of months. However after that time my skin started to breakout around my jawline and under my chin but with tiny little pimples that when i nicked the head off them seemed to contain liquid not puss. These would come up mainly over night, id wake up with 4/5 each side of my jaw. However i did over this period start shaving daily for the first time. I'm 27 but appear to be a late developer.


I went back to the Dr (a diffrent dr, mine was on holiday) and he said it was skin reaction to something but he was very vague and didn't really fill me with confidence. These lasted about 3/4 months and left tiny scars that are clearing slowly and are more like red patched because of the shear number rather than individual scars another weird thing was i would get spots where i never really got them before like a cluster of small spots in front of my ear and some even on my ear lobe.


Those have now subsided and since then my acne has been mild, it seems to have changed. I probably get more spots than i did before but some are tiny and disapear within a day or two, and even the biggest i get now are still pretty small and go pretty quickly, they all leave scars though and for some reason these seem to take a long time to go.


As i said at the start im still on the anti's and i have a repeat prescrition till early next year so will continue to take them till then. I'm a little concerned about coming off them but not even sure if there doing anything for me seem as i've been on them so long. I'll go back to the Dr when im due to come off and see what he says.


I know theres a lot of writing here but it has been 9 months and it seems to have been constant change in my skin since the start. Its difficlut to explain what has been going on whether it has been the tablets, whether these changes would have happened anyway, whether my regualr shaving has caused some issues. Hope the above is of some use to someone, just thought id share my experience.


Thank Gavin


Posted : 11/06/2010 11:05 pm

Been 4 weeks for me now and my skin got a little better then brokeout at the end of week 3 , now it seems to be getting a little better again though. No spots have actually disappeard but the redness of them seems to be fading day by day.

I've just got this feeling I'm about to break out since you know. It's never gone 2 weeks in the past 6 years without doing so, lol !.l:(


I did got to a friends this week though and he said something that made me feel a little , he said.


" Oh , your skin looks better , are the spots going now ? ".


So they must be working a little.

My doctor said I should start seeing noticable results on week 6. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Does anybody know if I can take fish oil tablets whilst on these antibiotics since I think they help inflamation a lot personally ?.


Good luck everybody.


Posted : 11/08/2010 4:34 pm

Does anybody know if I can take fish oil tablets whilst on these antibiotics since I think they help inflamation a lot personally ?.


Just bumping this question since I'd like to start using them again and I can't get to the doctors until about another 2 months. Any help would be really appreciated. :)


Posted : 11/10/2010 5:57 pm

So I started using Lymecycline 3 weeks ago- my skin is worse than its been in a couple years now!, i'm missing some school because am so down about it. I just read about how the skin 'purges' when starting a new medication, but i've been on a few others before and my skin was never this aggrevated. I noted how this topic says 'the skin will push up dormant acne and, if it is the right drug for you, MAY clear it up' Seriously..? Surely if my skins reacting to it this much, that it will eventually improve?

I'm thinkin of stopping it altogether cos i feel shit and cant afford to miss more school days, cos I've exams soon. Jees- if this scars.. :(


Should I continue, do you think it will improve? please help, thanks


Posted : 11/10/2010 10:00 pm

I'd carry on. It should at least improve a little and there are some people on here that have gotten 100% clear through this antibiotic. I used to have bad acne on my forehead which for some reason vanished and it has scarred although it looks nowhere near as bad as it did and it doesn't really bother me. If you can clear up the spots there are things for scarring anyway. Now it's appeared on my cheeks lol. I'm guessing this is because of my hormones and I'm hoping they'll go as I get older , I'm 18 at the moment.

I've been on Lymecycline for around a month now and whilst I'm not even close to clear they've definetely helped me a little. My doctor seemed confident I'd be clear by six weeks though which I really doubt so I'll be interested in seeing what he says if I'm not. I'm going to finish up the full 8 weeks I have before I go back to see him. I have a feeling he might want me to try Accutane or something but I'm not sure if I want to , ecspecially with me thinking my acne is hormonal and may pass on it's own.

Whataver you decide to do , good luck !.


Posted : 11/19/2010 5:39 am

I started Lymecycline about 2 weeks ago for my very mild acne. So far I've tried Tetracycline, Erythromine and Doxy and they all worked very well (kept me virtually clear). I started getting quite a few small whiteheads while on Doxy so I visited the Derm and he prescribed me Lymecycline. So far my skin has gotten worse, any spots I have got have been more inflamed than normal... I am hoping that this is just an initial breakout.
