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Big Problem With Aha (10% Glycolic) Lotion


Posted : 03/05/2015 4:14 pm

See I knew it had to be the stupid AHA. Wish I never heard about that stuff. Thanks for responding k3tchup, glad to hear some of your scarring resolved. Mine seems softer after 3 months, so I am trying to be patient. Was this a while ago that you got scars from AHA? Just wondering how long it took your scars to improve. Thanks again! :)


Posted : 03/05/2015 11:37 pm

Hey, thanks. Yes it was awhile ago now that I think of it. I was desperate (lol still am i guess) to remove the scars while treating my acne at the same time which can make it all worse really fast. Anyhow I applied it pretty much daily if not twice a day here and there as needed and then kind of all over. I do not know what happened, but I think my skin just had enough. I burned my skin a couple times from it so i went back to only treating scarred areas which was around my check bone and lower jaw- two areas that received cortisone shots for cysts I had in the past. Well i started to notice new scarring. I was upset obviously so I stopped. I really didnt and haven't used another AHA since then. I believe this was back in 12'. My scars are somewhat better, but i guess maybe that's from time it self...


Posted : 03/06/2015 9:10 am

Yeah I feel my skin had enough as well. I think I was over doing it. I also got a bunch of enlarged pores from it so it just sucks. I don't have a lot of scars from it but even one is too much! I am currently using nothing on my face, not even water, and my skin is very slowly looking better. I really think being gentle and having patience is the only thing I can really do. There is no quick fix when it comes to repairing damage caused by topicals. I am learning that the hard way, but at least now I know to never ever use any irritating products again. I think with this knowledge I will be better off in the long run. It can't be good to use irritating things on your face constantly, whether you get scars from it or not. I try to look on the positive side, that this kind of forced me to be more careful with my skin and to stop bombarding it with chemicals. Don't get me wrong, I'm still completely pissed over it, lol. Just saying, IF my skin recovers from this eventually, I think it will be better off with my new skincare approach.


Posted : 03/18/2015 4:32 am

I have the same problem with you Kittee. I'm just use AHA for 2 weeks, only small dosage mix with the original lotion. But a few days ago i use only AHA at night (exactly 3 nights) and i noticed i get all my red marks became shallow. I have stopped it for 3 days now, i'm still hoping for the miracle. So stupid i am. Huhuhu. I dont know what can save my soul now. All my effort struggling acne for 4 years has been BROKEN DOWN. Sorry for my very bad English. I'm an Asian.


Posted : 03/18/2015 10:42 am

I used coconut oil in one month and it clogged my pores. Then i turn into The Regimen, purging occurs in 3 or 4 weeks and i'm clear 99% last week, NO SCAR, now i go crazy because seeing shallow scars all over my face, i really cant understand. Before coconut oil, i have mild acne, never get any scar. And now, i'm so depressed. My situation is close to this topic BUT, except the scars between eyebrows, i also get tiny pitted at my jawlines. Just want to fall in sleep like dead. I always appreciate my skin like it's the best thing i have, never pick at it, and now, scars, that's all.


Posted : 03/18/2015 11:00 am

I have the same problem with you Kittee. I'm just use AHA for 2 weeks, only small dosage mix with the original lotion. But a few days ago i use only AHA at night (exactly 3 nights) and i noticed i get all my red marks became shallow. I have stopped it for 3 days now, i'm still hoping for the miracle. So stupid i am. Huhuhu. I dont know what can save my soul now. All my effort struggling acne for 4 years has been BROKEN DOWN. Sorry for my very bad English. I'm an Asian.

Ugh, it's awful, isn't it? :( So are you saying where you had red marks/previous breakouts that you now have indented scars from the lotion? Sometimes I wonder if I already had scars in these places from years back that weren't visible, and the lotion removed the top layer of skin and revealed them. I have read people say that is possible (called "buried damage"), but I really don't know that for sure. I have so many theories. I just want to let you know, a couple of my spots have improved in these last 3.5 months. They aren't gone but I do see a slight improvement. if your scars are pretty shallow, I think it is possible they could get better over the next year or so. I can't promise you, but I think it is possible. Just PLEASE be very gentle with your skin, don't use any exfolitaing products and if you have to use products, let it be mild, natural, healing ones. I am struggling, too. Not only do I have to worry about breakouts, but now I feel my skin is fragile, so I am at a loss as to how I'm supposed to treat the acne. I started Yasmin in an attempt to treat it internally, because I feel that is better than assaulting my face with chemicals. I am having what I hope is just an initial breakout, praying it will go away and my skin will clear some. I used sea salt water to spot treat a couple times and it seems to help. At the moment I want to punch a wall over the sad state of my skin! But trying to remain positive because constantly thinking how much I hate my face is doing a number on my mental health. I'm so sorry you are going through this, too. I know how hard it is, but seeing other people come forward and saying that the AHA caused it makes me feel better, because it confirms my suspicions, we know why it happened and we can now stop using the crap and give our skin a much needed break. I have had 3 people so far say they had the same problem, where I didn't think I'd have any people respond, so maybe this isn't as rare as I thought. And let me tell you, YOU ARE NOT STUPID! None of us had any idea this was even possible. Try not to beat yourself up over it, because that will only make you feel worse. Hang in there, I am here if you ever need to talk.


Posted : 03/18/2015 8:52 pm

Thanks for your words, i feel it's better by now. This is my story:I used coconut oil in one month and it clogged my pores. Then i turn into The Regimen, purging occurs in 3 or 4 weeks and i'm clear 99% last week, NO SCAR, now i go crazy because seeing shallow scars all over my face, i really cant understand. Before coconut oil, i have mild acne, never get any scar. And now, i'm so depressed. My situation is close to this topic [Edited link out] BUT, except the scars between eyebrows (you may think that it's just hyperpigmentation in this photo, but i really got pitted shallow), i also get tiny pitted at my jawlines. Just want to fall in sleep like dead. I always appreciate my skin like it's the best thing i have, never pick at it, and now, scars, that's all. Do you know about Hyalyronic Acid? I ordered 1 lotion which have good amount of it. Many people point out that HA contribute to rebuild collgen deep in their skin and scar can be filled in. It gives me hope. You should make some search about it. This is the very first time i make replies on a foreign website. So if i make mistakes, please forgive me.


Posted : 03/18/2015 9:49 pm

Do you know about Hyalyronic Acid? I ordered 1 lotion which have good amount of it. Many people point out that HA contribute to rebuild collgen deep in their skin and scar can be filled in. It gives me hope. You should make some search about it. This is the very first time i make replies on a foreign website. So if i make mistakes, please forgive me.


Posted : 03/19/2015 9:32 am

On 3/19/2015 at 7:52 AM, ApplauseInstrumental said:

Thanks for your words, i feel it's better by now. This is my story:I used coconut oil in one month and it clogged my pores. Then i turn into The Regimen, purging occurs in 3 or 4 weeks and i'm clear 99% last week, NO SCAR, now i go crazy because seeing shallow scars all over my face, i really cant understand. Before coconut oil, i have mild acne, never get any scar. And now, i'm so depressed. My situation is close to this topic [Edited link out] BUT, except the scars between eyebrows (you may think that it's just hyperpigmentation in this photo, but i really got pitted shallow), i also get tiny pitted at my jawlines. Just want to fall in sleep like dead. I always appreciate my skin like it's the best thing i have, never pick at it, and now, scars, that's all. Do you know about Hyalyronic Acid? I ordered 1 lotion which have good amount of it. Many people point out that HA contribute to rebuild collgen deep in their skin and scar can be filled in. It gives me hope. You should make some search about it. This is the very first time i make replies on a foreign website. So if i make mistakes, please forgive me.

I have used coconut oil on my face before too and it didn't work out for me. I got clogged pores, and then found out coconut oil is pretty high in the comedogenic rating, meaning it is likely to clog pores :( Whoops. I use minimal products on my face these days. When I get a pimple, I spot treat it with seasalt water on a cotton ball, and use it like a compress. It isn't perfect, but seems to help dry it out. Yes, I have heard that hyularanic (I probably spelled that wrong) acid is good for the skin. I have a facial wash and moisturizer that contains some. I also read it is good to take orally. I took it for a bit but didn't keep it up because it was expensive :P I know how you feel, I used to always get compliments on my skin. I had acne as a teenager but cleared up very well in my 20's and I never had any actual scars from my acne. I feel cheated because I ended up getting scars that look like acne scars, from a damn lotion that was supposed to make my face better! I haven't gotten any skin compliments since the lotion screwed my skin up :( But oh well...I am trying to be patient and give my skin a chance to heal. I keep telling myself it could be much worse, at least our scars are shallow and could possibly go away in time. I don't know if you saw my earlier post, but my dermatologist told me it is very possible for shallow scars to go away on their own and that she thought mine would, There's some encouragement. I still have my days where I want to punch the mirror, but I am way better mentally than I was when I first noticed my scars. So if you are dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression, just know it will get better.


Posted : 03/19/2015 11:48 am

Your words encourage me a lot. And yes! Our scars are shallow, we may have a chance for healing. But i think it takes a huge amount of time, we have never gotten these scars before, right? So we feel it's really bad, so easy to understand. But i see all my scars are more visible day by day, i mean they're deeper and deeper (Exact 5 day since i have scars). I have read many threads about Benzoyl Peroxide causes scars due to making skin dry out too much. I have been on the regimen for 1 month and totally clear, but after that, i dont use benzoyl anymore. And now I cant concentrate to do anything since Friday lastweek. I'll see my derm tomorrow, i'm hoping she 'll give me nice words like yours.


Posted : 03/20/2015 7:45 am

Your words encourage me a lot. And yes! Our scars are shallow, we may have a chance for healing. But i think it takes a huge amount of time, we have never gotten these scars before, right? So we feel it's really bad, so easy to understand. But i see all my scars are more visible day by day, i mean they're deeper and deeper (Exact 5 day since i have scars). I have read many threads about Benzoyl Peroxide causes scars due to making skin dry out too much. I have been on the regimen for 1 month and totally clear, but after that, i dont use benzoyl anymore. And now I cant concentrate to do anything since Friday lastweek. I'll see my derm tomorrow, i'm hoping she 'll give me nice words like yours.

Yes, it will take at least a year I was told, for them to go away if they are going to. I have a few ice pick scars that seemed to get slightly deeper too, it makes me mad!! But they are pretty much staying the same at this point. You only just stopped using the lotion for 5 days right? I still saw some scars/discoloration occur for a little even after I stopped the lotion, but it will stop. And benzoyl peroxide is evil, I became very allergic to it all of a sudden. :( Good luck at the derm!


Posted : 03/21/2015 4:46 am

Okay. My derm said that I overuse AHA and BHA so my skin peel off so harsh. And it will be recovered by itself. Do not apply anything on my face now, even moisturizer . Now i'm taking her prescription: Collagen, Enat400(vitE) and scar gel. I feel so much better now. Hoping for best result.


Posted : 03/21/2015 6:30 pm

Glad to hear she gave you something helpful! Mine didn't, haha. I wish you luck and healing! :-) I'm feeling bummed over my skin today. Just want it back to normal, I really hate my skin now, and it used to be nice :( sigh


Posted : 03/21/2015 8:30 pm

My skin last week looks lovely too! Uhhuh, I think you should take some supplements and a scar gel like mine, and may be change your derm, who knows if he/she will give you nice words and better advice? *Hope* *Hope*.


Posted : 03/24/2015 12:57 pm

it doesnt work!!!

What, the AHA? It works if your going for the scarred up mess look. I hate that stuff with a flaming passion.


My skin last week looks lovely too! Uhhuh, I think you should take some supplements and a scar gel like mine, and may be change your derm, who knows if he/she will give you nice words and better advice? *Hope* *Hope*.

Well the last derm I went to was already the 2nd one I tried :/ there aren't anymore very close to me. What is the scar gel called? All my derm gave me was retin-a which I am scared to use :P


Posted : 03/25/2015 8:31 pm

Don't use that retin-a. I've read a dozen topics on this site about people who ended up with spontaneous scarring from retin a. It's crazy. For some people these solutions, AHA and retin-a or whatever it may be, it's a miracle cure for them and to others it's a nightmare.

I just got hyaluronic acid from amazon for $17. I'll let you know if it helps. It's suppose to plump your skin up pretty quick, but the immediate results aren't necessarily permanent. The real benefit is if your skin is actively healing and building collagen it helps this process and ultimately helps reduce scarring. So if you've done something to stimulate growth, it's pretty useful. My skin is post TCA peel and you guys are healing from aha, so it might be a good addition.


Posted : 04/01/2015 6:18 pm

I'm not sure why anyone would suggest using an AHA to simply get rid of the red and brown discoloration from healed acne. I found products with enough niacinamide to actually work got rid of them really quickly and gently. All good chemical exfoliants (AHA and BHA) are good for resurfacing your skin to some extent, but none of them work nearly as well. On the other hand, I use a 2% BHA liquid almost daily as well, so the results might be the combined use of both. The BHA on its own didn't do much for discoloration. It only started clearing up after I added the niacinamide to my regimen. I tried several different formulations and found I liked Olay Regenerist regenerating serum fragrance free the best. It's totally non-greasy and didn't irritate my very sensitive skin or cause breakouts. I had problems with Paula's Choice Clear Skin Hydrator causing breakouts and the texture is really unpleasant as well. It didn't moisturize or hydrate my skin, either.


Just for the record, I'm a fan of Paula's CLEAR System, except for the sunscreen, but most of the Resist line for acne irritated my skin and didn't do much for breakouts. To add insult to injury, most of it's wildly overpriced. I used to really trust Paula's Choice in general, but after Paula stepped down and handed control over to someone else, their integrity has gone down the tubes and prices on products that had been around for a long time suddenly jumped by a whopping 50%! New products are now luxury priced and not nearly as effective as they claim. Even beautypedia has become an unreliable source. It's really sad.




Posted : 04/06/2015 10:23 am

Don't use that retin-a. I've read a dozen topics on this site about people who ended up with spontaneous scarring from retin a. It's crazy. For some people these solutions, AHA and retin-a or whatever it may be, it's a miracle cure for them and to others it's a nightmare.

I just got hyaluronic acid from amazon for $17. I'll let you know if it helps. It's suppose to plump your skin up pretty quick, but the immediate results aren't necessarily permanent. The real benefit is if your skin is actively healing and building collagen it helps this process and ultimately helps reduce scarring. So if you've done something to stimulate growth, it's pretty useful. My skin is post TCA peel and you guys are healing from aha, so it might be a good addition.

Yes I have read posts about scarring from retin-a and am way too scared to try it. I even spoke to a girl who had quite a bit of damage from an otc retinol. I saw her photos and it was bad (scars and orange peel texture), but after 1.5-2 years her skin looked great again and her scars plumped back up, so that gives me hope. But anyway, it sucks so bad that I don't have any options here, it's like anything that you use for acne will irritate or damage your skin. I just finished my first pack of birth control and am really hoping that it will help eventually, because topicals aren't the way to go in my case.

Let me know how the hyaluronic acid works out for you. I have been thinking of getting some for a while but as always I am scared to put anything on my face. :( Good luck with it!


Posted : 04/08/2015 4:43 pm

I don't know if any of you can relate to that, but she had issues with retin-a and assumed it involved inflammation. If your skin is all inflamed it'll create craters/lines and just an overall not smooth appearance. I think any AHA damage from short term use will be reversible. Probably best to keep it as simple and non-irritating as possible. Hope things have been going well.

My skin looks like shit after using the hyaluronic acid. Sucks because I researched what topical to use for days. I wouldn't recommend it. Like anything else, probably works great for some but I feel like the skin plumping factor is just making my lines more apparent. I'm going back to just water, moisturizer, and vegetable masks.


Posted : 04/10/2015 11:36 am

I don't know if any of you can relate to that, but she had issues with retin-a and assumed it involved inflammation. If your skin is all inflamed it'll create craters/lines and just an overall not smooth appearance. I think any AHA damage from short term use will be reversible. Probably best to keep it as simple and non-irritating as possible. Hope things have been going well.

My skin looks like shit after using the hyaluronic acid. Sucks because I researched what topical to use for days. I wouldn't recommend it. Like anything else, probably works great for some but I feel like the skin plumping factor is just making my lines more apparent. I'm going back to just water, moisturizer, and vegetable masks.

Oh yes, in my desperation to find answers I read all of her posts and every comment. I even have some comments I posted on there (under Kittee, I think), lol. There was another girl on there who had very similar damage to me caused by a TCA peel and she later reported that her skin healed very much. Like, maybe a year or more later. I am just over 4 months fom using that evil, evil AHA, and my skin still looks the same I think. I realize it is much too soon to expect any improvement, so am trying to hold onto hope that time will heal. OH!! one thing I did notice improvement in, the skin on my nose was looking a bit crepey and weird, only noticeable close up but it looked very dehydrated or something. It seems to be smooth and back to normal now. Though to be honest that was the least of my worries, it is nice to see something get better, ya know? Sometimes I am so overwhelmed with the bad that I overlook the good.

I'm so sorry the hyaluronic acid did not help!! :( It sucks so bad when you try to help your skin and end up making things worse instead. I'm sure whatever you experienced is temporary. Right now I am washing my face with plain water in the AM, and using Cetphil moistuizer with sunscreen, then at night I wash my make up off with CeraVe hydrating cleanser and just started using a generic version of the Cetaphil moisturizing cream over night. I figure if I keep using things that are only gentle and moisturizing it should help. I use nothing to dry my skin out, and nothing abrasive except for very occasionally using a baby wash cloth to remove flakes. How I'm getting flakes and dry skin on my super hydrating regimen is beyond me, but that's just my awesome skin for you Anyway, I think if we go the gentle route consistently, that over time it will pay off.


Posted : 04/12/2015 7:33 am

I'm now on good way, guys. My scars have recovered alot from then. Hey Kittee, I'm so sorry because of not telling you my scar gel's name, it is " Hiruscar Post Acne". It's been 23 days since I met my derm, I'm still taking Supplement as Collagen and Enat 400(vitamin E), applying scar gel. Definitely I can see that some scars are being filled but red mark all over my face isnt shallow like 3 weeks before, this gives me hope. Ah, I've got a hyaluronic acid but in a liquid lotion form from Japan and I have to say that it plumps up my skin, always full of water, i also give my skin Passion Fruit Seed oil from GardenofWisdom. My routine recently is Double cleanse -> Scar gel (wait 15 mins for it can absorb into skin) -> Hada Labo lotion (hyaluronic acid) -> Passion Fruit Seed oil (to lock the water under the oil, so that skin wont be dehydrated). Just simple like that, heheh ^^^. I hope this will help.


Posted : 05/12/2015 7:22 am

I'm now on good way, guys. My scars have recovered alot from then. Hey Kittee, I'm so sorry because of not telling you my scar gel's name, it is " Hiruscar Post Acne". It's been 23 days since I met my derm, I'm still taking Supplement as Collagen and Enat 400(vitamin E), applying scar gel. Definitely I can see that some scars are being filled but red mark all over my face isnt shallow like 3 weeks before, this gives me hope. Ah, I've got a hyaluronic acid but in a liquid lotion form from Japan and I have to say that it plumps up my skin, always full of water, i also give my skin Passion Fruit Seed oil from GardenofWisdom. My routine recently is Double cleanse -> Scar gel (wait 15 mins for it can absorb into skin) -> Hada Labo lotion (hyaluronic acid) -> Passion Fruit Seed oil (to lock the water under the oil, so that skin wont be dehydrated). Just simple like that, heheh ^^^. I hope this will help.

I'm so glad to hear things are getting better for you! My skin seems to go back and forth. One day it will look a lot better, then it will go back to looking bad. SIGH. This is so depressing D: I am trying to give it time. I am broke now or else I would try that scar gel. It isn't too expensive on Amazon so when I get some money I will buy some! Thanks for the recommendation :)


Posted : 08/24/2015 2:27 pm

hi,3 months back my dermatologist suggested AHAGLOW facewash which contains 1% glycolic acid.First it worked fine my skin was glowing later on it became worse my face became black and my eyes got sunken.Later on I avoided using this facewash long back still I am suffering with darkness of skin and sunken eyes problem.I need help for this problem can anyone suggest the solution for this problem.


Posted : 08/25/2015 1:00 pm

Be careful when using strong concentrations. 10% is too much. And always make sure to work your way up gradually from low to high % if you start out too strong your skin will not be able to handle the strength from the onset.


Posted : 08/26/2015 8:11 am

Yeah, my skin still sucks almost 9 months later (too soon for it to recover i suppose). I am just washing with distilled water and using nothing else. I am never putting any kind of exfoliant on my face again. Still hoping my derm was right and my skin will recover in time. I realize that the lotion was too strong but sadly figured it out too late.
