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Big Problem With Aha (10% Glycolic) Lotion


Posted : 02/13/2015 7:43 pm

So I am posting this mainly to see if anyone else in the whole wide world has had this problem, because I have searched and searched and found maybe two other cases, but neither one was very recent. Here's the deal....I used 10% glycolic lotion on my face for a month, maybe 2 at most, and not every day. I used it because I usually have pretty mild adult acne (I am 26) that I was trying to control. Well, to my horror, one day I noticed a SCAR on my cheek. Yes, a scar. An atrophic one, where there had been no pimple, no trauma, nothing, it literally came out of nowhere. It is somewhat wide but shallow, and slightly pink. Now I have heard of this happening with retin-a (spontaneous scarring), but I was not and had never used retin-a. Needless to say I quit the lotion immediatly. In the following days/weeks, I developed a couple broken capillaries and even a strange splotchy discolored spot on my cheek. This was 2.5 months ago that I quit. I haven't had any new...uhm, damage, show up recently, but wtf? The scar, etc is all still there. I am hoping some of it will resolve itself. My derm said the scar isn't bad at all and thinks it will fill in by itself in a years time, which made me feel better. Prior to this glycolic, pardon the language, shit, I had no scars at all, so it has been a depressing couple of months for me trying to come to terms with the fact that I screwed my face up all while trying to improve it. I have been doing the caveman regimen for the past week, seeing as products ruined my once nice face, I am hoping no products will aid the healing process. But that's another thing all together....because like I said I just want to know if I am alone in this.

Please don't post and tell me I am crazy and that this can't happen. I know with 100% certainty that I have a scar on my cheek from nowhere (and other minor yet distressing damage), and the glycolic is the only thing I did differently so my sanity is not up for discussion. Please anyone, if you have had a bad reaction to 10% glycolic acid like this, tell me about it...also want to add, the whole time I used this stuff, I had no signs or irritation. In fact, initially my skin looked gorgeous. I remember looking at my face thinking my skin looked amost perfect except for some clogged pores on my chin. Well, did that all change quickly. Still sick over it.

i know this is long. Thank you if you took the time to read it. I am in a dark place over this sudden deterioration of my face and it would be nice to hear from someone who gets it and have some kind of support. If nobody responds, well then I am happy for you that you are not dealing with this.


Posted : 02/14/2015 8:05 pm

same thing happened to me! so it's the AHA I suppose. I thought it's the BP. my scar looks kind of hideous and it popped OUT OF NOWHERE. I mean i had no zit or NOTHING. absolutely frustrating! how can you pinpoint this scar to AHA btw. I have been googling like crazy to see if I have any other condition that could explain these mysterious thin scars.

Here is mine:


Posted : 02/16/2015 6:15 pm

Wow, I did not think I would get a response to this from anyone experiencing the same thing! Sorry that you had this hapen, too :( Well I can't ever really be 100% sure that it was the AHA, but what else could it be? I didn't use any other new products, I don't use harsh products in general (I will go into that), I always used Cetaphil face wash and then the cetaphil lotion with sunscreen, pretty much I used mild products aside from the AHA. I keep thinking, well, I was putting freakin' acid on my face, so that must be it :( Now that I have quit for 2.5 months it hasn't happened again, but I'm still pissed that this stuff &%$#ed up my once scarless face. I also had a pimple scar while I was using it, and I never get actual scars. My scar is similar to yours. It is very shallow, kind of a triangle shape almost, and the color is that of a post acne mark that has faded a lot. I also got a few random ice pick type scars here and there. Sickening >:(

And about the harsh products, yeah I used to use bp a while back. I had great skin before I had my first child, always used a bp cleanser. Well, after I had her, I developed an allergy to the bp. I read that you can develope allergies after pregnancy, lucky me! I used my usual face wash and it made my face swell up for a good 2-3 days and was red and itchy. My brother in law told me I looked like the guy from that movie Mask (the one with Cher) Isn't he nice? Anyway, my first child is 4 now so it has been quite a while since I used bp so I know it wasn't that. The scar I have appeared, idk like a month and a half after I started using AHA. Let me look something up, I saw a post from someone that had this happen. It is from 1999, which is why I figured this must be a rare occurance.

Here it is:

Did you use Dan's AHA+? That's what I was using. I am sure it helps people but I am kicking myself for using it. I should have known after the bp thing that I couldn't use harsh products. I will try to get a pic of my scar up.

Also want to add I think I have a couple other very small unnoticeable scars from this too, but they don't bother me like the big bitch one on my cheek! It is like, an inch or less away from my mouth. If it was, oh idk, anywhere but the MIDDLE OF MY FREAKIN FACE! It wouldn't bother me as much. SIGH.

amuztaba liked

Posted : 02/16/2015 6:38 pm

I talk too much, but forgot to ask, what was the timeframe for you? Did this happen recently? How long did you use the stuff? I'm so mad that I used it for 2 months tops and ended up scarred. It is extremly frustrating.

amuztaba liked

Posted : 02/21/2015 3:22 pm

Thanks for your detailed response. It seems like there are other people on this forum that developed mysterious shallow scars like we did but apparently we have been called crazy because to many it just cannot happen without an injury. Yes, there's a reason for them to think like that. However, people also need to accept that $h!t happens that cannot be explained by medical science.


I stopped using Dan's AHA immediately after seeing your post and I haven't developed any new scar. I'll have to see more to actually prove what had caused my scar. It could be because we used AHA and then exposed our skin to sun without any protection? Or after using AHA, which might have been a skin thinner, we inadvertently scratched face! I don't know yet. It's seriously putting me in a lot of stress that's for sure.


I used a good amount to slather my face right before sleep. It seemed to help fading some hyperpigmentation though that's why I became too generous in using this thing. Dan actually doesn't recommend starting AHA too soon into the regimen program which I did. I can't blame his product because I didn't follow his instructions. At the end of the day we can only hope that it'll fade away over time. If not then I'd consider laser but that can't be anytime soon. Let me know if you have any more useful information that can support me through this. I greatly appreciate it


Posted : 02/21/2015 9:59 pm

My recommendation to anyone using 10% glycolic acid is to dilute with your moisturizer, and to not use every day. It's a pretty strong formula and IMO better suited to stubborn body acne, which is partly what it was created for. My son began using AHA+ about 6 or 7 weeks into the Acne.Org Regimen and hasn't had any problems. He started using a small amount diluted with LOTS of moisturizer (applied 1-2 times a week to start) and slowly increased the amount, and now uses a 50/50 mix every other night. He's been using it for a couple of months and it's been helping his red marks/PIH fade.


Posted : 02/22/2015 1:10 pm


I feel you on the stress part. This had made me so anxious that I couldn't sleep at first without taking a Xanax and was scared to look in the mirror for fear of seeing new scars. I struggle with general anxiety already so my mind always thinks the worst, and I was convinced that in a month's time my face was going to be a scarred up mess because I didn't know what was happening and why, and most importantly how to stop it. All I knew was I was going to be gentle with my face. I thought I had that mysterious scarring disease that people talk about, though now I don't think that. My anxiety is better, but I'm still depressed over what I am left with. I have to say I am going on 3 months of not using the AHA and I still am not seeing any more scars and my skin seems less fragile, so I am hopeful you will see improvements also. We aren't crazy. Yes, we are getting scars out of seemingly nowhere, whether people believe us or not.

I have also thought about those same things you mentioned. When I was using the AHA, I was using the cetaphil lotion with spf, but if I recall correctly it was only spf 15, and I only applied it once, in the morning, which looking back probably wasn't enough. I had even looked up before if you could get a scar from sun exposure, lol...of course I found nothing to back that theory up, but I had to be thorough in my investigation. Sun exposure can, however, cause hyperpigmentation and broken caps, which I have. And maybe I did scratch my face without noticing, since before this started my skin was pretty resilient (aside from the bp allergy) and I didn't pay much attention to if I scratched myself or whatever. I don't blame the product, either. At first I wanted to because I was mad and frustrated....I didn't use it every single night, but probably used too much when I did and wasn't careful enough. I did not realize the potential for destruction

I want to ask you, have you noticed since using the AHA that any acne you get is more inflammed than usual, or that it takes longer to heal? These are things I've noticed. I do think slowly, very slowly, that my skin is going back to normal, but I think it will take a while. I have seen people with retin-a damage on forums before and the ones who see improvements usually see it over 1 to 2 years time. I mean they get gradual improvement, but it takes that long to be 100% back to normal. I have seen people with a lot worse than what we have and their skin went back, so that gives me hope. People do see spontaneous scarring (some pretty deep) with retin-a and have reported that their scars filled back in. My dermatologist thinks mine will, too. I don't think we are stuck with the scars forever. If it is the AHA, then I believe we damaged our skin, possibly with over-zealous use and not enough sun protection, and need to give it a chance to heal. I am going to continue washing my face with bottled water, once a day at the most, and taking supplements that are meant to be good for skin.

As far as laser goes, I personally wouldn't consider it now because it is a gamble.....I have read a lot of horror stories and some people also get spontaneous scarring even a year or two after they got laser, and have permanent textural damage to their skin, as well as systemic problems and even fat loss from the face. It is way too scary to me. I figure if I get scars from 10% glycolic, I probably can't handle something as powerful as a laser. I am not trying to scare you or tell you what to do, and it would be something you would have to think about, but I just wanted to let you know what I have read and researched so you don't end up doing something that could cause further damage. I was considering laser before I read people's stories on sites like RealSelf and the IPL & Laser Damage Support board. I seriously wish it wasn't a risk because I'd have zapped these scars in a heartbeat if it weren't. For the time being, I will just be patient and pray for natural healing. It sucks but I figure messing with my skin ruined it to begin with, so trying to leave it be might be the best approach for now.

Hey, anytime you have any questions or just need to talk, write me or post here...I do not mind at all typing away about it. I have been pretty consumed by this and know how it is and if I can help anyone I would love that. If your quitting the AHA helps you and does end up stopping your scarring, that is awesome and makes me feel good. Even if it helps just to have somone to relate to and know that you aren't the only one being affected like this, then that is great. I know I was frantic for an answer when this all started, but there didn't seem to be any. I truly hope that quitting the AHA is your answer, and that you will only see improvements from here on.


Sadly, I am way too terrified to ever use AHA again, lol....even if there was a chance that if I were more careful and it could help my skin, I still wouldn't, because I would be too scared of harming myself further. Maybe if I was careful from the start I wouldn't be in this mess. Who knows. I guess I kind of ruined this product for myself, if it is my fault. I did not use it every day, but probably used too much when I did.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 02/22/2015 2:37 pm

I'm just gonna start following the infamous cavemen regimen, trust me I am sick and tired of seeing uneven skin tone and red blotchy face. I don't care if in the process of doing this I get an acne or two. I hope it won't get that bad where my face is covered with nasty zits. Honestly I never had serious acne to begin with. I'd occasionally get a cyst because I'm allergic to certain foods. As soon as I started my allergy medicine it seemed to stop. Now I only deal with normal pimples that pop up and go away in a couple days. Overall, my face was never like this before. I rarely got scar or pigmentation from acne until I started using a whole bunch of products. Now my skin scars badly even from a small zit.


Thanks for your response again. Your comment just confirmed everything. I'll not wash it with water just let the water run down my face when I shower. I sincerely hope it will help and change everything. I am focusing more on supplements nowadays. Zinc and vitamin b5 are the ones I'm starting with. How about you?


Posted : 02/22/2015 3:22 pm

Yep, I did the cavemen regimen for a week where I literally did not wash at all and the redness calmed down a LOT. Only problem was I got dry and flaky, so I just recently started using water, and sometimes some raw honey to wash. I use zero actual skincare products on my face. I hardly go out these days because it keeps snowing, and when I do it isn't sunny anyway so I don't even use sunscreen so it is less to have to wash off. In the beginning I did use sunscreen because I felt my skin barrier was compromised. My skin is normally oily so I don't use much to moisturize, just some emu oil only if I feel I need it, and a tiny bit, like a drop or two for my whole face. I don't consider it or the honey a "skincare product", as in they aren't so much products as they are just natural things that are good for the skin. Let's just say I use nothing with a list of ingredients.

I notice 3 months out that my acne that I get is not as inflammed as it was on AHA and they are now healing slightly quicker, so I guess that is improvement. Also looking at my face up close I notice that my big scar looks less deep, although it is still discolored. That is about as much improvement as I can hope for in 3 months, so I am content with that for now, as long as it keeps getting better. One of my theories is that maybe we have sensitive skin and the acid causes over all inflammation of our skin, even if it isn't exactly visible. Chronic inflammation is not a good thing, obviously! That would explain why my zits would get so huge and puffy, and why I would have a zit leave a scar when that never happened before. As far as I know, acne scarring is caused by inflammation. Clearly, I have way too much time to think. haha

As far as what I am taking, I am taking methylsulfonylmethane (MSM, a type of natural sulfur) powder in my water twice daily, and systemic enzymes. Also taking saw palmetto in hopes of helping my hormonal break outs, but that has nothing to do with the AHA damage I suppose, other than I noticed an increase in break outs since quitting the AHA (AHA, the gift that keeps on giving, maybe that's the "+" in laugh to keep from crying!) Anyway, the MSM is supposed to be good for inflammation and skin elasticity, and then systemic enzymes are also good for inflammation, and supposedly eat up scar tissue, and I also heard it can help with broken caps so that would be great if it does. Who knows if any of it is helping, I can't say....but it's worth it to me to try. OH! Also, going back to my inflammation theory, I also take turmeric curcumin capsules, because that is another natural anti-inflammatory. I try to keep supplementation to a minimum only because if I get to where I am taking too many pills, I will get sick of it and just not take anything, plus it gets expensive. So these are the thing I felt would help me the most at this point in time....

Wow, sorry my posts are always so long!

And yes, I agree 100%...I think products make things worse in the long run. I was using AHA mostly to deal with some clogged pores (non-inflammed, just small flesh colored bumps) on eiher side of my chin that were getting a bit out of hand after my 2nd pregnancy. Now I am getting more inflammed acne on my cheeks and forehead. I'm lookin at you, AHA. For sure I think the product screwed my skins barrier and made it more prone to acne. And I still have the clogged pores on my chin. Awesome.

amuztaba liked

Posted : 02/22/2015 4:06 pm

The best thing anyone could is to keep skin natural I believe. Once the barrier is broken it never gets back to original I'd assume even if it does it may take a while. The problem is we want to see result too quick. I'll try to incorporate meditation into my cavemen regimen to help me with the stress. Because I know if I can't keep it under control I'm gonna lose it and start using all those products over again. I need to give my skin a considerable amount of time so it can heal itself. And as for the dryness and flakiness it'll go away once your skin is conditioned to the cavemen regimen. The cells will start to replenish faster so you won't even notice when they shred off maybe while you sleep. A lot of things happen in the sleep you never know.


From what I've read so far women are getting more success with DIM while men are getting with saw palmetto in terms of controlling hormonal breakouts. But make sure you are not allergic to anything. It really can cause those huge cysts that we often blame on hormones.


AHA is helping tremendously with my body acne though. I think all kinds of harsh acne products I've bought will be used on my back lol. So im not wasting money. My back can tolerate pretty much anything. Hell, I've put 50 percent peel on my back and it didn't seem to care. Haha so yeah I'll keep treating my bacne with all these acne products while my face goes into cavemen regimen. Fingers crossed.


I like your posts keep them coming. At least someone here is helping me to get through this. Kudos to Dan for opening this forum. His advise of being "gentle" with face was an eyeopener to me becaus before that I used to scrub my face twice a day with Clarisonic. Sure it took a toll on my skin :( now I'm left with numerous small scars.


BTW you may want to pick up a good probiotic it surely helped me to minimize pimples around my mouth.


Posted : 02/22/2015 4:36 pm

Sigh, I hope over the years, with much babying of my skin, that it will go back to functioning normally and my barrier will be back to what it was. I'm only 26, I've got youth on my side! Yes, I admit I was way too impatient with the caveman flakes! I was like "I can do this, just ignore them.....ARGH! Screw this, I can't take it!" lol but I am still doing minimal stuff to my face and washing once a day or less sometimes, so I think that is helpful.

I do notice I always had more breakouts while drinking milk so I try to limit dairy, and don't drink milk at all. I have tried DIM before, but I think I have a problem with too high androgens, thus the saw palmetto....reason being is I got more break outs right after childbirth, and then the week before my cycle, which are times when there is a drop in estrogen so tought I'd give it a shot. I have tried so many things, though, and seems all I ever do is make it worse! All the derm gave me was retin-a, and thanks but no thanks!

Oh, I would totally use AHA anywhere but my face. I even thought of using it on my legs after I shave to prevent any flakies and ingrown hairs. However at this time, I am too mad at it for giving me scars to give it any attention. haha.

I too am learning a little too late about being gentle I used to use a PMD (personal microderm tool) on my face. I never had problems with it, but that is something I would never even think about using now. Also used to scrub the shit out of my face with a washcloth. i didn't do these things while I was using AHA, but they are things I have done in the past. Never again.

You know, I thought about trying a probiotic supplement but drug stores have crap ones. I need to look on the internet or go to a health food store I guess. I would eat yogurt, but again, dairy. Rar. Come to think of it, my husband has a green powder drink mix supplement that has various goodies in it, including probiotics. Maybe I will try taking that. I know the importance of probiotics because I give my kids yogurt, yet don't take any myself. Go figure


Posted : 02/22/2015 9:29 pm

@Kittee...I don't blame you at all for being too scared to use glycolic acid again after what happened. Everyone's skin is different and what works for one person may not work for someone else. Everyone has to do what they think is best for their skin. Good you stopped using the product if your skin reacted badly to it.

Sorry to hear you guys all had bad experiences with this product! :( It's been such a boon to my son's Regimen.


Posted : 02/23/2015 9:51 am

@DeLovely yeah it really sucks...I had good results initially, my skin looked good, even though it never really helped with the clogged pores I was using it for. My skin looked smoother and brighter, and then one day it all went downhill. I can't get a break! lol. I am glad to hear it is helping your son, though! I think my skin is just way too sensitive for acids and the like. Like I said, I can't even use benzoyl peroxide anymore without my face swelling up for days. Meanwhile BP used to work great for me and I used it for years and had the best skin of my life. I blame pregnancy and hormones! :( Though my children are more than worth dealing with crappy skin, I wish it didn't have to be that way. That's life, I guess :P

DeLovely liked

Posted : 02/23/2015 11:43 am

@Kittee...yeah pregnancy and hormones can wreak havoc on your skin!! I blame my pregnancies for the cystic acne I developed in my mid-30s, almost as bad as when I was a teenager. Your skin can certainly change as you get older too...I've heard of people who used products successfully for many years and have had those products turn on them. Sounds like your skin became really sensitive at some point...and your reaction to BP sounds allergic!! Swelling is definitely not a normal reaction. With super sensitive skin, yeah options for topical treatment might be kind of limited...sounds like your best bet for acne might be treating holistically and through diet. There was a girl on here who swore by manuka honey as a good alternative to harsh acids and chemicals. Try doing a search or googling manuka honey, or checking out the diet and holistic forum. Might find some info there!

Good luck to you and hope you find a skin-care plan that works for you! :)


Posted : 02/23/2015 2:22 pm

Thank you! I have looked into manuka honey and am actually very interested in trying it, but it's so pricey! I do have some raw organic honey that I use every now and then to wash. I have Retin-A but am too scared to use it because I have heard people have bad experiences and figure it would probably be my luck that I would, too I have read that women can develope an allergy after childbirth, and the bp allergy started right after I had my first child. I was red and itchy and swollen for 3 days after using the bp face wash I had previously used for years. It stinks! I really wanted to avoid birth control, but I just made an appoinment to see my ob/gyn this Thursday (I know I said I was trying Saw Palmetto first but...) because honestly I cannot take these clogged pores and breakouts anymore and like you said my choice of topicals is limited. I don't have a lot of huge red breakouts but I get more clogged pores every day it seems, and they don't go away unless I extract them, and then when I do they get red and angry so it's almost just as bad. When I was a teenager, I went on the Atkins diet and lost 50lbs, and my skin cleared up so nice. I continue to do some form of low carb at 26 but I am still getting break outs, so it's almost worse than when I was a teenager. I limit my dairy a lot, and at this point I am at a loss because I don't know what else I am supposed to cut out of my diet. Pretty soon I won't be eating at all, lol. I will see what the ob/gyn says. I am going to make it clear that I think my hormones are off from having kids, that I am breaking out, and see what they say. I have never used birth control in my life so I am clueless I am so over it and am praying this will help me. I am getting desperate!


Posted : 02/23/2015 5:03 pm

Clogged pores are flesh colored bumps right? If so then that's the problem I'm dealing with right now. I don't know how to get rid of them. It's so annoying because they aren't that visible unless I look up close. Anyways I have tried a small jar of Manuka honey and I loved it. I wish I'd spent more on honey than chemical based products that do nothing.


My acne is moderate to severe in other areas where I'm trying zinc pyrithione. It does help a lot but I am afraid if touches my face when I'm washing my face. :( I don't wanna screw up my caveman regimen so I think I'd stop taking shower altogether for a week lol. I know that's gross but again I'm not going out in public so I think it's doable.


I dread sunscreens I don't know why but they get sticky on face. I just don't like how it feels after applying a sunscreen. Is there any liquid suscreen that you have tried?


I also remember you mentioned you have broken capillaries, what are you doing to get rid of that? Or are they permanent? :( I didn't have it before I think I developed it after using harsh products like BP.


What do you use to wash your face? Have you tried baking soda? I don't know how well it works if it does then I'm gonna use it to get rid of the dead skin that's building up around my nose area. Also for those areas I might use Konjac sponge they are just too cute to not use lol.


Do you use cold or warm water for shower? Warm water does make me red but I can't stand the cold. A little confused there.


Also I started a journal to track my progress and maybe here I'll share it. I just hope it work because that really is my last resort after trying so many things over years.


Posted : 02/23/2015 8:52 pm

Yes, when I say clogged pores that is exactly what I am refering to. I get tiny bumps that aren't red or anything, but they never go away. They will literally stay there for months. I feel I have no choice but to extract them and then sometimes it works out, other times they end up huge and red from me messing with them. I don't have acne anywhere else but my face (which honestly is mild, but maddening none the less), though when I was pregnant with my son I got some pimples on my back now and then. I haven't had any for a while. My son will be one on April 2. I tried to wait it out but my hormones aren't normal again almost a year later. Rar! And yeah, I so wish I had used natural topicals over chemicals, because not only did they not work, they obviously made my skin worse >:(

Hey go for it (no showering). I don't even use soap, except for the parts that count...arm pits and where the sun don't I pretty much do caveman style all over and it's fine. I still use shampoo, though. I just tilt my head back and try not to get any on my face. I shower with hot water. I can't do cold. I do not like being cold! But the bottled water I use on my face is room temp. Only because I am too lazy to microwave it or anything, so it's a bit cool compared to the shower water.

Ugh, the broken caps. The systemic enzymes are supposed to help those, and I have read people have had success with them, but it is too soon for me to say, as I haven't taken them long. There are other things that are supposed to help, like horse chestnut, milk thistle, and I guess topical MSM (not sure about internal but I hope so since I take it!), though I haven't tried these yet. I think usually broken caps are permanent so I am just really hoping that taking the MSM and enzymes will help in the long run at least to make them lighter. Aywho here is an articel I read. I can't back it up or anything but it is just something I found in my search for cures... [Edited link out]

If I wash with anything other than water, it is raw organic unfiltered honey. I don't scrub or anything, I just slather it on, let it sit a few minutes while I am in the shower, then rinse it off with my bottled water (any store bought brand, I don't think it matters).I have tried baking soda in the past, but even then when my face was "normal", it burned, so I stear clear of it for now. I do use a baby wash cloth to exfoliate sometimes. My nose gets super flaky and it isn't sensitive like my cheeks, which is where the bulk of the problems are.

I am nervous about using birth control but honestly....fuck it. It is my last resort and I am tired of trying things that don't work. Dealing with the AHA damage is bad enough without zits on top of it. I just really hope it gets me clear. I am back and forth between not liking my skin and hating my skin. I used to feel like I was attractive, now not so much. I am also an emotional wreck, just as badly as I was a month after I had my son, so that tells me my hormones never balanced back out again.



Also realize I still need to get a pic of my worst scar up...I have tried to take pics but it seems my camera doesn't pick it up very well. I will try to get under harsh light to take a pic, because with the flash the whole picture looks white, and without it you can't see my skin texture at all.




Posted : 02/25/2015 2:20 pm

I would like to see a photo of your scar. I think my scar's pink color is fading a bit but I think the skin tissues that mysteriously went missing aren't regeneating I'm afraid maybe it's a permanent scar :( and actually in total I've got three mysterious scars other two are extremely thin but definitely visible. They look like a thin blade cut to me. I'm trying to stop looking in the mirror. I'm looking for another job so I don't have any time to be at home and see those ugly scars. This is depressing I don't know if something internal could cause it. Have you ever thought about that?


Posted : 02/25/2015 4:46 pm

Just wondering...How long have you had the scars? How many months did you use AHA? Have you gotten any new ones since quitting it? At first I was worried it was something internal and started taking vitamins and crap in my desperation, thinking it was linked to my nutrition, but I don't think it is now......the only thing internally that I have heard of is that supposedly very rare scarring disease called AMVC, and I doubt we have that. We are both experiencing the same thing and were both using a strong exfoliating product, and the same happened to that person in the story that I linked to. My skin deteriorated only 1-2 months after starting AHA,. I really do believe that it was the cause. 3 months out from using it now and I am no longer getting new scas, my damage seems to have stabilized and I am just left with whatever scars I got initially. Mine all appeared within a week or so. I have a couple other smaller scars but they don't bother me too much, I mostly just hate the big one on my cheek because it's in the middle of my face. If that one goes away I will be very happy.

Anyway, I chatted with a girl recently who had pretty bad damage from an OTC retinol cream. She had some very deep scars from it from I think she said less than 2 months use? Her scars eventually filled in, but I believe it took 1.5-2 years. She is now 3 years out and says her skin looks great, and that gives me hope. The skin we have now may not be the same as next year. If our skin is going to heal, it is going to be a very slow process. I'd love to see mine fill in in the next couple months but I am sure that is unrealistic and it will take much longer. We just have to be patient and be kind to our skin. Like I said mine is extremely shallow as far as atrophic scars go and even my derm said she thought it would go away but would probably take at least a year. And if they don't fill in, something like dermarolling is an option and I have seen people have great results with deep acne scars. It for sure is depressing as Hell but try not to feel hopeless, as hard as it is.

In the end I can't tell you for sure what caused your scarring. I have been thinking about this long and hard for 3 months and I am convinced, for me, it was the glycolic acid.


Posted : 02/25/2015 6:09 pm

Hey, look at this thread, too...the first response is a guy who said he also got scars from a glycolic product. I for sure think it is possible and we aren't the only ones to experience this. I'd much rather believe my scars came from that than to think I have an incurable scarring disease! D:



Another guy mentions that he got a scar from 20% glycolic acid and it improved by 90% in a year's time. I believe our scars (assuming yours are, in fact, from the lotion) are in the epidermis and not in the dermis. A skin cycle, I believe, is 30 days. So pretty much it takes a month just for one cycle, so you can imagine it would take a while for a scar to fill. Even red marks can take months to fade. Just trying to give you some hope. Improvement won't be immediate but I believe it will happen. Hang in there! :)


Posted : 02/26/2015 8:39 pm

Mine happened couple weeks ago and I didn't stop immediately after noticing the scar. I was actually driving when I found out my scar and I was about to crash lol. The night before my skin was literally glowing so I just wanted to make sure if the glow disappeared after night. But sigh! There was something worse waiting to be seen.


My scar is linear but after taking couple close shot photos I'm seeing a teeeeny tiny bit of it disappeared. So that kind of gives me hope. Yeah the small ones don't bother me much but one on the cheek does. I don't know if it's a coincidence though.


I think I may have the disease because I have some other scars that are rather deep kind of look like I've had a deep cystic acne there which left this round and deep scar. I don't know if it was a blind acne that raged for months and did this to me. It's in my jawline area where I don't notice much because of my stubble but the other day I shaved and noticed... holly molly! But again it hasn't been a while since I stopped the acid maybe it was the culprit. Who knows nature is unpredictable it does things randomly


Posted : 02/27/2015 9:55 am

Ugh, well I hope you are wrong! :( Like I said I continued to see some damage appear even a week or two after I stopped using the lotion (and I stopped immediately after noticing the first scar, I just had a feeling that was what caused it). My skin was glowy before too, leading me to believe the AHA was doing great, and then it very suddenly went downhill. I suppose only time will tell for you if you have a scarring disorder or if it was just the product. I feel some days my scar looks softer, but I know it is too soon to see real improvements. For this next year I am going to do minimal things to my face and continue avoiding the mirror. I have decided to look at my face early in the morning (that's when it seems to look best), and no more. It helps my anxiety. I also didn't put any water on my face yesterday and it seems calmer and less oily, so I am going to wash as little as possible (caveman?) and try to power through the inevitable flakes :D Just keep being gentle, take good supplements, be patient and hope for the best. It is all we can do!

amuztaba liked

Posted : 02/28/2015 12:31 am

I have some clogged pores on the right side of my cheek but rest of the face doesn't have any. I find it odd. Is it possible that you can only get clogged pores consistently in one area?


As far as supplement goes I'm taking a lot. I don't know which one will help. These are the ones I'm taking now


1. Vitamin D3 5000 1/day

2. Vitamin b12 5000 1/day (for nerve pain)

3. RALA again for nerve pain but it seems to be helping with my complexion

4. L-theorine I've heard it helps collagen production

5. L-phenylalanine it too helps collagen production

6. Zenmed for rosacea which is 5000 vitamin A I take it every other day

7. Zinc every other day because my stomach can't handle it

8. Oral probiotic

9. Liquid MSM

10. Allergy med I stop it I get huge cysts :(


Posted : 03/01/2015 9:58 am

Yes it is possible to have problem areas as far as clogged pores go. I get them in clusters on either side of my chin for the most part, they are always there. I extract them and they are back in a day or two. I get them on my cheeks but not to the extent that I get them on my chin. They suck but I'd give anything to go back to just dealing with them rather than this scarring thing. Rar!!!


In all honesty I am not sure what supplements help or not. I just figure they can't hurt and I take them just in case they do help. I also started taking d3 as well. I take 15,000 mg a day just because I can, lol. My husband tells me that is equivalent to 15 minutes in the sun. Other than that I am still taking the same things I was. Systemic enzymes, 3 to 6 a day. MSM powder, 1 tsp twice a day. I did start taking that green super food drink mix with probiotics, I mix the MSM with it. 3 grams of vitamin c a day. I also take magnesium and iodine, but I just take those because they are supposed to be good for you, not for my skin. Also I try to drink a good amount of water. I eat low carb, and lots of good fats. This is both for my skin and my waistline :D I lost close to 50 lbs so while my skin sucks at least I am not huge anymore. Gotta look on the bright side of life, right? :P


Posted : 03/04/2015 11:33 pm

This happened to me on my cheek close to my hair line. I stopped using it because i sensed it was causing issues with my skin. always left my skin greasy and yellow. aha's thin the skin therefore i contributed it to the scarring. some of that scaring did go away.
