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problems with dryness or flaking?


Posted : 10/20/2009 1:39 pm

So, I just tried this jojoba oil this morning. Put it on, rubbed it around a bit, then washed it off in the shower and proceeded to wash my face with my normal cleanser. My face felt pretty smooth (with the exception of the active spots on my face) so I thought it worked ok.


Later in the day however, I noticed my face was extremely oily...much more so than usual (I do have oily skin). I blotted my face off, but then about an hour later it was very oily again. What's the deal? I thought this jojoba oil was supposed to decrease oil production? Help!


oil+oily= oil


Posted : 10/25/2009 5:37 pm

Thanks for the advice of flakiness. I stopped using BP for 2 or 3 days and applied a lot of moisturiser. It has worked, on the most part. As someone warned, it allowe a few minor blemishes to come to the fore, but I am very pleased with the reduction in my acne at prsent. I am now getting 2-3 new active spots a week, as opposed to a day - which is what I was experiencing before. I'm on week 10, so I haven't had the miracle turnaround that many have had, but I certainly recommend sticking with it!


Posted : 11/09/2009 12:11 pm

What do I do with these flakes? I'm using a moisturizer but still get flakes. Mainly around my chin and mouth. Would it be stupid to just scrub/pull/peel(lol) them away?


I have the same problem... lower jaw/cheek area and to the right and left of my mouth. It's very frustrating.


exact same thing with me. if i make the "O" shaving face, it's just where my skin curls under my jaw to go to my neck/chin area. also, the corners of my mouth sometimes too.


since im not sure by your names, are either of you two guys and shave relatively often? i find that shaving (electric razor) often brings out flakes a lot, and it seems like these areas where i get the most flakes are the hardest to shave sometimes.


im going to try this jojoba oil massage technique and see if it works. ill report back in a few days.


Posted : 11/09/2009 12:55 pm

Trust me do not use a cream to moisturize your skin or you will get few pimples still, use Hyaluronic acid serum, it is the best. I use the one from ANAIS skin care. It is clear, fragrance free and hypo-allergetic , will not clog your pores or produce pimples and your skin will drink it!!!


Posted : 11/21/2009 6:13 pm

This is great advice! After washing and applying BP, my skin is so tight and dry that I literally can't move my face (can't smile, speak, eat, etc.) until I apply lotion. It's very uncomfortable. On top of all that, the skin around my eyes gets SUPER sensitive, even though I'm careful not to get BP or lotion near it. I have painful red, blotchy spots around my eyes all day that only look worse if I try to cover them with makeup. I can't wait to try this and will report back with my results!


Posted : 11/23/2009 12:44 am

will try this tonight. Just bought some jojoba oil at Trader joes.


Posted : 11/23/2009 2:24 pm

I tried this last night and it worked wonders for me.


I did it a little differently though. I used a LOT of jojoba. I mean, I used so much that my face looked like it was about to slide right off. I started with about 14 drops because my skin was extra dry and flaky (from using too much BP). Then as I was massaging, I gently added more and more, noticing that as I did this, the dry skin began to flake off.


I actually did this jojoba massage for about 30 minutes straight. I was on the phone with my boyfriend at the time (using speaker of course) so the time just flew by. Anyway, after I was done massaging, I let the jojoba sit on my face for a few extra minutes before gently wiping it off with a rag that I had soaked in warm (not hot) water.


After this I showered and washed my face as normal. My skin was almost 100% healed from its dry spell when I was done. I'm doing this again tonight.


Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!


Posted : 12/06/2009 11:07 am

Should I do it morning and night or just at night


Posted : 12/06/2009 7:49 pm

Should I do it morning and night or just at night

Try every other night.


Posted : 12/14/2009 8:54 pm

I've been doing this for about a year and it's definitely helped a lot. Have you tried it with any other oils? I've heard Emu, Grapeseed and Camellia oil are supposed to be good.


Posted : 12/23/2009 1:20 pm

I've been doing this for about a year and it's definitely helped a lot. Have you tried it with any other oils? I've heard Emu, Grapeseed and Camellia oil are supposed to be good.


I like to add sweet oil to my regimen, this is what I do:


Massage 10 or 12 drops of sweet oil into my face for about a minute so as not to aggravate my acne. Then about 15 or 20 minutes later wash face/shower using Clean and Clear foaming cleanser. Let skin dry about 15 minutes then apply 2 or 3 drops of Jojoba oil directly on dry area. Apply Nutregena One Spot 2.5% Benz. Peroxide on pimples only. Mix 2 or 3 drops of Jojoba oil with Eucerin everyday protection moisturizing lotion (just a pea sized amount of lotion). Apply to entire face.

If face becomes oily during the day use a baby wipe to clean and freshen my face.

Repeat regimen at night.

Do not use fabric softener and put on a fresh pillow case every night.

Sleep with a cool mist humidifier on all night.

16 year old male so I dont wear make up.



Posted : 12/26/2009 10:03 pm

I use coconut oil every morning before washing my face. I put a few dab of it on my fingers and just spread it thoroughly and evenly on my skin while applying pressure. BP that are not absorbed and shedding skin are removed so it's not as flaky as before :)


Posted : 12/27/2009 11:47 am

Is it okay if I just massage coconut oil instead of jojoba??


Posted : 12/27/2009 6:04 pm

Is it okay if I just massage coconut oil instead of jojoba??

I would not use coconut oil because it is known to be comedogenic -- see here, here, and here.


Posted : 12/29/2009 2:29 am

Very good information. I like using Jojoba oil both before I Cleanse and before BP.. it seems to be working wonders with the flaking so far.


Posted : 12/31/2009 1:33 am

I'm sorry for my mistake. What I meant to say was VCO (virgin coconut oil) and not just coconut oil. I can't seem to find any jojoba oil here in the Philippines. The drugstores doesn't have them. I have yet to check Watson's but I'm trying virgin coconut oil in the meantime. Is that okay?



If I can't get my hands on some jojoba oil, what would be a good substitute other than vco?


Posted : 01/02/2010 6:07 pm

I'm sorry for my mistake. What I meant to say was VCO (virgin coconut oil) and not just coconut oil. I can't seem to find any jojoba oil here in the Philippines. The drugstores doesn't have them. I have yet to check Watson's but I'm trying virgin coconut oil in the meantime. Is that okay?


If I can't get my hands on some jojoba oil, what would be a good substitute other than vco?

I don't know about virgin coconut oil - I'm not sure if the first press of coconut oil would result in a product that's less comedogenic.


If you can't find jojoba oil, I would try olive oil rather than coconut oil. I do not have personal experience with putting olive oil on my face but it is not known to be comedogenic and I have known people who used it successfully for moisturizing.


Posted : 01/02/2010 6:12 pm

I'm sorry for my mistake. What I meant to say was VCO (virgin coconut oil) and not just coconut oil. I can't seem to find any jojoba oil here in the Philippines. The drugstores doesn't have them. I have yet to check Watson's but I'm trying virgin coconut oil in the meantime. Is that okay?



If I can't get my hands on some jojoba oil, what would be a good substitute other than vco?

Did you try a natural or health food store? I live in a small town and that's the only place that sells it.


Posted : 01/02/2010 8:37 pm

I don't know about virgin coconut oil - I'm not sure if the first press of coconut oil would result in a product that's less comedogenic.


If you can't find jojoba oil, I would try olive oil rather than coconut oil. I do not have personal experience with putting olive oil on my face but it is not known to be comedogenic and I have known people who used it successfully for moisturizing.


I've been researching on vco and some swear by it as a moisturizer. I'd have to find jojoba oil or settle for olive oil then. Thanks!




Did you try a natural or health food store? I live in a small town and that's the only place that sells it.


There isn't really a natural or health food store here in our town. But I'm going back to the city for school so I'd probably find one there. *hopefully* Thank you so much for the advice!



Posted : 01/05/2010 5:11 pm

I have had great results using organic extra virgin olive oil in place of jojoba oil


Posted : 02/01/2010 3:53 pm

Anyone else peel off flakiness?


Is this bad?


Posted : 02/11/2010 4:02 pm

So, i was skeptical about this, thinking it would really irritate my skin. But my skin is so flaky i couldn't stand it. So last night, i tried this since i didnt have makeup on. And i have to say it helped my skin soooo much. I would say it helped the problem by 65%. And when i say flaky i mean, it is all over my face and it was like flakiness on top of flakiness.


I only used 3-4 drops b/c i was scared of using the amount she said to use. I will probably continue using that amount.


And so far i tried AHA and the jojoba oil mixed with my mosturizer and that didnt help.


So i would like anyone who was doubting this, to really try. It took me a long time to finally do it and my face feels so much better. My face after i showered wasnt tight like it usually is.


Posted : 02/18/2010 11:32 am

well some times dryness starts to kick in when you have used a spot cream like clearisil too much all mousturises are good but sometimes they can clog our pores and our skin cant breath then when that happens spots start to appear so make sure you buy an expensive brand and apply the moiusteriser once in the morning and once before going to bed


Posted : 02/25/2010 6:11 pm

This is awesome advice!! I was so sad and desperate in my first week of the regimen because of the dried up and dead skin all over my face. And I tried this before getting a warm shower and it really helped me get rid of the dead, dried up skin out of my face that made me look like a dead!


I'm almost into my 3rd week now. Should do this again soon cause I've still got some more dried up skin patches around my eyes and on my forehead!




Posted : 03/09/2010 12:45 pm

I have been using this regimen for three days now and it works wonders. I use CeraVe moisturizing lotion that is noncomedogenic. Noncomedogenic won't clog your pores or cause pimples. This lotion is amazing and keeps my skin hydrated all day. One other thing to remember is drink plenty of water throughout the day. I know drinking water isn't a priority to people, trust me being a nurse I know I should drink more water than I do too. One way I have increased my water intake is using propel packets or crystal light and always having my camelback water bottle available. Hope this helps.
