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Documentary On Genetically Modified Foods (They're Deadly & We Eat Em)


Posted : 04/16/2012 3:31 am

Bill Gates talks about GMOs referring to them as 'High Tech Agriculture"


The people pushing these modified crops are trying to change the wording so it sounds better. Also, when asked about the relation vaccines have with autism, his response is something like, "those studies are corrupted science" with a big guilty grin on his face, as he knows the very thing he is supporting (monsanto) is absolutely loaded with corrupted/altered/selective studies. Or just corruption in general


Anyway here's a link to the interview




Also if you have the time or interest, you should check out this article which discusses the gates foundation and how it is ultimately hurting more people than it is helping,0,2533850.story


Posted : 04/19/2012 3:06 am

OMG! To tritonxiv:


It is exactly people like you who are making this world such a lousy place to people to live in. You cant make a decision for yourself as to whether what is right or what is obviously wrong and just decide settle your butt in to whatever that is happening to the world right now and not do much about it (donations really?). Let me repeat, its exactly people like you who dont or simply refused to understand what is right that have contributed to what is happening to our world right now. And yeah sure continue eating your Agent Orange carrots until one day you realised all is too late. BTW, just curious how old are you? Because you know symptoms of many diseases dont appear until you have eaten enough of the nasty chemicals or GM foods. I suggest probably you should double the dose of your Agent Orange carrot and wait for what happens?


Its a shame that I have specially signed up for an account just to response to your utterly selfish comments. Though I apologise for being rather mean but your attitude is just utterly unacceptable and ridiculous to no extent.


First, when you talk about cellphones, computers, and lap tops and cars, have you had the slightest idea if THAT IS THE LIFE we wanted?!!! NO! Quite frankly, all this stuff is being made mandatory to our life by the very people who are leading the country (you have to get a job huh? How? Go to school? How? Study with laptop? How? Other countries have the money so we should use the technologies to communicate and do BUSINESS with them).


Go ahead, you can take away my laptop and my cell phone and even my house if by doing so means you are going to be able to give back the earth/land/food I used to recognise. Well a matter a fact is you cant. So excuse my language and just shut the f**k up.

Also, so what if alternativista owns a laptop, cellphone and drives a car? At least she is standing up for what she believes in and is trying to make a change by spreading the word out. AND Im sure she is doing many other good initiatives as well, just you dont know about it. and BTW what can we do now? Did I pop out of my mothers womb and asked for a cell phone or car? No! I didnt! BUT SINCE all these items are being forced to be recognised as necessities in our lives right now, the least we could do is to try to make something good out of it (by spreading GOOD HUMAN VALUES) and consuming the lowest energy as much as possible. IF YOU ARE asking people to give up on all these, well can you? Very well I know that you cant!!! So dont preach the heck what you cant do yourself just trying to make yourself sound intelligent.


And just I thought worth mentioning by my own logic, I am by no means a hypocrite if you would like to suggest BECAUSE I DONT believe in hypocrites. I dont even like the word. However, I see you are a hypocrite because obliviously you believed the word and have used it.


Let me tell you what I believed in. In this world I only believe there are only two kinds of people, contented people (happy) and greedy people (unhappy). And it is always the greedy people that have caused the world more harm than good. And Ive also realised the so called smart alec are usually the ones who are also bringing more problems to the world trying to solve them. A solution becomes a problem and then theyll need more solutions to solve more problems when in the first place they could have just eliminate the problem by not creating it altogether! How true to the problem with this world is that the wise people are always so full of doubts and the dumbasses are so full of themselves. Well for now its not even the money that Monsanto are after because it cant even satisfy their need/hunger anymore. They are trying to control peoples lives!!!

And people like are indirectly supporting them!!!!!!


Alright, I honestly feel I shouldnt be wasting any more time trying to debate or explain things to people like you (although I really really have so much more things I want to say) who will never understand until one day you come to realisation yourself. Because no amount of arguing will ever change the fact that more it is indeed a fact that more people are dying after the introduction of GM foods and seed. Be it farmers suicide or illnesses.


Come back to this threat maybe 5 years later and tell us if you are still in excellent health. I dare you.


And who says without money there would be NO PROGRESS?!!! REALLY, you call this (our world now) a PROGRESS?!! Yeah I definitely see that, people becoming more materialistic, smart phones are making people more stupid (reliant) and people dying of illnesses everywhere. Definitely it is a progress. HUH?!


Posted : 04/19/2012 9:27 am

Alright, I honestly feel I shouldnt be wasting any more time trying to debate or explain things to people like you


You're right about one thing.

Come back to this threat maybe 5 years later and tell us if you are still in excellent health. I dare you.


I will, and I dare you to show me how effective your online petitions were.

Yeah I definitely see that, people becoming more materialistic, smart phones are making people more stupid (reliant) and people dying of illnesses everywhere. Definitely it is a progress. HUH?!


So instead of instead of article swapping and complaining, why don't you get out there and do something about it.



Posted : 04/27/2012 9:41 am

That Peru has banned GM crops is such good news. That region is the birthplace of so many of our foods and they have hundreds of varieties, not the one or two that we grow. We need to be turning to those farmers to increase diversity in our crops. Not ruining their crops with our GM'd monocrops.


At least they won't have as hard a time fighting the GM DNA as they are in Mexico where subsidized GM corn is sold in Mexico and since the indenous people by the corn whole to make tortillas, the kernels get dropped in their yards and along roadsides where they grow and contaminate the fields of the hundreds of varieties of corn the natives have been growing for thousands of years.


Posted : 09/24/2012 10:11 pm

Just bringing this up again for anyone who hasn't seen this, or anyone who isn't aware of what GMO's are and how they are destroying people's livelihoods. They affect our health in the production of them, as well as the consumption of them.


The video posted is part 1, but you can find the rest on youtube pretty easily


Also Monsanto=Pure corruption/Morally devoid/Power hungry, to put it lightly

And guilty of altering studies so that they appear to be quite the opposite


Posted : 09/25/2012 1:50 am

Right around part 06 of the documentary is when they get into how Monsanto falsified studies in regards to dioxins and their affect on humans. If you click the button at the bottom of the video i posted that says watch on youtube, the next parts of the documentary can be seen in the related videos column on the right.


But it's totally worth your time to watch from start to finish. Quite horrifying actually


Posted : 09/25/2012 2:20 am

Monsanto claims GMO's are great for the small farmers. Part 08 of the documentary shows farms in india where BT cotton is the only cotton left on the market. It's a genetically modified cotton that produces it's own insecticide. These farmers are paying four times as much as they did for non-GMO seed, and non-GMO seed is no longer on the market over there because Monsanto bought everyone out. These farmers are having to take out loans that accumulate tons of interest. The BT cotton is now susceptible to a disease that is killing the crops, and this disease couldn't exist in the cotton plants grown with non-GMO seeds. These farmers are going bankrupt, and 600 people a year are committing suicide because of it.


Monsanto wants to control all food as we know it. This is their goal. They have patents on their crops, and encourage farmers to turn in their neighbors if they suspect them of using the same seed year after year. Monsanto requires you to purchase new seed each year, and have filed more than a hundred lawsuits against farmers.


Monsanto's next goal (if it hasn't already happened) is to use the chemical that was used in Agent Orange, a defoliating agent used in the vietnam war. They are switching to this because weeds are becoming resistant to the round up. So the corn, along with many other GMO's, that you find in grocery stores will now have been sprayed with Agent Orange, and will be Agent Orange resistant.


There are so many people circulating in and out of Monsanto and the FDA, that there really is no regulation on what these people can do. The only regulation will come from an outcry by the public. But most people aren't even aware that this is happening. Please spread the word about this and share this documentary with anyone and everyone you know


Posted : 12/17/2012 7:05 pm


I haven't been paying near as much attention to the latest workings of Monsanto, but this is an email i received today in regards to some shady riders they are trying to sneak in to the Farm Bill




There's a lot of attention lately given to the 'Monsanto Protection Act' or the 'biotech riders' to the Farm Bill - riders that protect the biotech industry interests while putting our food supply, environment and democracy at risk. Now, with the "fiscal cliff" looming, Monsanto and biotech industry lobbyists have set their sites on the new spending time currently being debated in Congress and are desperately working behind the scenes to make it easier for their GMO crops to be approved. If these riders are not removed from the bill before voting, likely by the end of the year, Monsanto will gain a free pass for future GMO crop approvals.

This is because we recently found out that Monsanto lobbyists have succeeded in slipping Section 733, currently included in the Fiscal Year 2013 Agriculture Appropriations, into the latest omnibus appropriations spending bill that Congress must pass in the final days of the lame duck session. We must stop this back door tactic and tell our Congressional leaders that we want them to stand up for the best interests of the People and stop protecting Biotech Bullies.

This is an outrage and a sign of how desperate and maliscious Monsanto and the biotech industry really are.

Today we need you to make a call to your Representative and ask that they support a "Dear Colleague" letter from Congressman DeFazio (D-OR) to request that this "biotech rider" be dropped from any Omnibus Spending Bill.

Click here to make a call to Congress to Stop the Monsanto Protection Act today! Every voice counts!

According to reports from Congress:

the "biotech rider" would "weaken the ability of the [uSDA] and the judicial branch to protect our nation's agriculture sector."

As Food Democracy Now! reported earlier, Section 733 is specifically intended to:

  • Prohibit federal courts from imposing reasonable restrictions when a GE crop approval is deemed unlawful and potentially hazardous;


  • Eliminate the critical roles of our most import environmental laws;


  • Remove federal agency discretion over GE crop approvals; and


  • Establish a backdoor approval mechanism for unlawfully approved GE crops



We need your help today to help stop the latest outrage from Monsanto and the biotech industry from undermining our basic democratic rights and slipping new GMO crops into our food system without proper testing and oversite.

Click here to make a call to Congress to Stop the Monsanto Protection Act today! Every voice counts!

Thanks for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! Team





Here's a link where you can simply send a letter to a representative and leave a short comment if you want. It's super easy to do, and the only things keeping Monsanto anywhere near regulated are our voices. There is so much shady crap that they get away with and they need to be called out by the community.


And here's a link with info on how to call a representative in your area


Posted : 01/08/2013 6:50 am

Here's one of the single best documentary's i've seen in regards to all the crap that is done to our food, and it's relation to cancer and disease. Starts out a bit slow, but when it gets going it is very compelling. Discusses MSG, Monsanto, food energy (as in detectable energy radiating from raw food), mercury fillings, fluoride, organic vs. non-organic, and a whole host of other issues. Worth your while to take a look at it



Posted : 01/08/2013 10:18 am

Grow your own food! I beg of you. As many as you can. Because if this system crashes- and you can no longer healthily eat store food (which we shouldn't anyway because being dependent on grocery industry isn't helping us or our environment, or the economies of the small guys), you'd have sometimg to fall back on. And imagine the fun of a small garden!!! Get organic seeds, and stock up.


Posted : 01/08/2013 2:40 pm

Grow your own food! I beg of you. As many as you can. Because if this system crashes- and you can no longer healthily eat store food (which we shouldn't anyway because being dependent on grocery industry isn't helping us or our environment, or the economies of the small guys), you'd have sometimg to fall back on. And imagine the fun of a small garden!!! Get organic seeds, and stock up.


See my tiny garden filled with greens, leeks and onions:


Posted : 01/08/2013 11:29 pm

"In most cases, the substances expected to become components of food as a result of genetic modification of a plant will be the same as or substantially similar to substances commonly found in food" -FDA


Wow, that's a relief.


Doctor- 'Mam, your baby was delivered just fine. He has body parts that are substantially similar to body parts commonly found on babies not genetically modified.'


Woman- ...'umm...thanks doctor. Could you define substantial please?'


Also James Maryanski, former Biotechnology Coordinator at the FDA, has admitted that GMO regulation was based on politics rather than science


Posted : 01/09/2013 3:52 am

Dr. Louis J. Pribyl, of the FDA's microbiology group, has stated that there is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering


Posted : 01/09/2013 4:21 am

Monsanto has falsified studies concerning the carcinogenicity of dioxin, found in 2-4-D. The chemical 2-4-D, or 'Agent Orange', has caused devastating health issues to Vietnam veterans who were exposed to it in the Vietnam War. And even today, children are being born in Vietnam with severe birth defects from exposure to the chemical. And guess what...


Agent Orange Corn is very close to being introduced to the market, if it hasn't already. This is corn that is genetically altered to withstand the treatment of 2-4-D.


"2,4-D tolerant GMO crops haven't been safety tested for human consumption," added Baden-Mayer. "The FDA doesn't require that. They only conduct voluntary consultations with the manufacturers of GMOs on human health impacts. There's no independent review. So, we really have no idea what will happen when people start eating 2,4-D tolerant crops, and we probably never will. They'll enter the food supply unlabeled, primarily as animal feed and ingredients in junk foods."


Also check out part 06 of the documentary where this is discussed




Posted : 02/14/2013 3:47 am

As challenge over seed rights approaches supreme court, new report exposes devastating impact of Monsanto practices on U.S. farmers


Posted : 02/14/2013 10:48 pm


FUN FACT for anyone taking NEW CHAPTER brand products...

I work at a health food/ supplement store where we sell New Chapter products and about a year ago they were actually bought out by Monsanto...


Nice post! Will be watching the documentary when I can!


Posted : 02/15/2013 7:16 am

FUN FACT for anyone taking NEW CHAPTER brand products...

I work at a health food/ supplement store where we sell New Chapter products and about a year ago they were actually bought out by Monsanto...

No. Effing. Way dude...

Are you kidding me!? I can't even think of anything to say right now except...F'ck me. Thanks for sharing this. Monsanto owning an organic vitamin brand...what the hell...


Posted : 02/15/2013 7:39 am

From natural news regarding the sellout of the New Chapter brand. Lia Rae is 100% right, and i'm so pissed at the former owner of New Chapter. What an idiot


Posted : 02/22/2013 3:38 pm

We are what we eat. No, literally.



Posted : 04/05/2013 12:50 am

"Section 735 of HR 933 reportedly states that the federal court cannot stop or intervene when GMO crops are planted or sold by biotech companies. Critics of the Monsanto Protection Act have voiced concerns about potential public health hazards the shielding of big agriculture companies."

Monsanto never ceases to amaze me...


Posted : 04/05/2013 10:30 am

"Section 735 of HR 933 reportedly states that the federal court cannot stop or intervene when GMO crops are planted or sold by biotech companies. Critics of the Monsanto Protection Act have voiced concerns about potential public health hazards the shielding of big agriculture companies."

Monsanto never ceases to amaze me...

Snuck into an unrelated bill anonymously. Look for the Jon Stewart segment on it. I think from this past Monday or Tuesday.


Posted : 04/06/2013 7:47 pm

"If GE crops crossbreed unchecked, how will farmers who want to continue their time-tested practices purchase the heirloom seeds they need to get food on the table? GE food crops are experimental and their long-term effects on the natural world unknown. We who farm the land now and in the future should not be forced to grow these experimental crops or their cross-bred cousins: We should have a choice.

The citizens of Washington should not be fooled. We have a right to know whats going into our food and how it is grown. Foods are already labeled in a variety of ways to inform us, and protect our health. By labeling genetically engineered foods, we can also protect our future well-being." -Seth Williams, fourth-generation farmer of 1,100 acres near Edwall, Wash.


Posted : 04/07/2013 10:06 am

"If GE crops crossbreed unchecked, how will farmers who want to continue their time-tested practices purchase the heirloom seeds they need to get food on the table? GE food crops are experimental and their long-term effects on the natural world unknown. We who farm the land now and in the future should not be forced to grow these experimental crops or their cross-bred cousins: We should have a choice.

The citizens of Washington should not be fooled. We have a right to know whats going into our food and how it is grown. Foods are already labeled in a variety of ways to inform us, and protect our health. By labeling genetically engineered foods, we can also protect our future well-being." -Seth Williams, fourth-generation farmer of 1,100 acres near Edwall, Wash.

Or save the seeds from their crops for next year which is how most of the farmers in the world have always done it. Making them buy seed puts them in debt. They are fighting this battle in Mexico, trying to keep the hundreds of varieties of corn they grew for millenia. Even though they don't grow GMO crops in Mexico, because of NAFTA cheaper subsidized American GMO corn is sold there. People buy dried corn in sacks, kernals fall out of holes along roadsides and they grow and contaminate the heirloom crops.


Posted : 04/09/2013 2:24 pm

Here, you can tell your supermarket chains that you won't be buying genetically modified Salmon:
