Vitamin B5

521 Reviews

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 25, 2009


Completely cleared my skin


expensive, appeared to stop working after 2 years!

Wow! I have suffered with my skin since the age of about 13 and it has become the bane of my life as I am now 27 and still suffer with it! I have probably spent thousands of pounds on treatments, antibiotics, micridermabraison, creams, lotions, poitions........ But aside form antibiotics, this is the best thing I have ever tried. People were actually commenting on how good my skin was - how clear and smooth this has never happened before. I started with the 20 pills a day for 3 months and this worked so well, my skin was completely clear! I then gradually decreased the dose to 8 tablets a day and this worked incredibly well for 2 years! Then I went on holiday and when I came back, my skin got worse and worse. I have had a year's break from b5 and have taken antibiotics in between as well as gone back onto a different pill - dianette - but am now back on it and have taken for two days, I haven't noticed s difference yet, but these things take time!
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March 22, 2009


actually works, much less oil on face throughout the whole day, nicer skin complexion


can be expensive if you are taking 10+ a day

really works if you follow the advice on forums like these. make sure you take a B50 Complex aswell..!! and make sure you take them with some food in your stomach otherwise you might get a few side affects. i personally only experienced a few headaches in the first 3 or 4 days of taking these, but now i have no side effects at all. i started taking only 2 at breakfast and 2 at dinner, but worked up gradually to now 4 at breakfast, 4 at lunch and 4 at dinner, and although my pores havent completely closed up, they are noticably smaller and the oil on my skin is amazingly less than before!! even in hot/humid conditions my face is almost 'normal', this has really worked for me. give it a try but make sure you follow the advice on here, take with food, and take a B50 complex too! also add a bit of healthy food and exercise in and im sure you will have a good experience too :) good luck
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March 19, 2009


Clear skin, less oil


Tingly hands and feet

After three years on two grams of B5 per day I now have tingly hands and feet. More so the feet. Need to dowse then in cold water at night before I can sleep. This corresponds with what I have seen on other blogs after long term use. This was truly the magic bullet for me. All antibiotics over time decrease ones health level (mouth thrush etc...) and accutane was pure bloody poison (joint problems from three courses 15 years ago continue to get worse!!!!!!). I noticed the brilliant effects B5 after four months. I am glad I stuck with it. I lowered the dosage to what gave me a skin I could live with. Not perfect but I did not want to pop more pills. However, due to the tingly extremities I am now searching for a new treatment. Wish me luck!
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March 12, 2009


Works fast! Inexpensive


A ton of pills

At 34, I felt like I was back in junior high again when I had to take Accutane for two rounds of treatment. After using mineral make-up (watch out-ladies!!! this is widespread!) I started getting cysts on my face, that I have never had before. I was HORRIFIED. I am too old for Acne!!! My skin had been clear since my teens, and I felt the misery of bad skin all over again!! After logging in and reading reviews on Vitamin B5, I decided to try it. Let me say, this is the only thing that has worked for me, and it works AMAZING!!! The dermatologist had given me Differin and Doryx, and both did nothing. This worked!!! People say that this treatment is expensive, but it is so much cheaper than Accutane and works just as well. My skin looks amazing, even better than before. I have read how others had addtional break outs, and I had a few, but nothing that might not have happened otherwise. Now my skin is completely clear, after two weeks!!! I am so happy and confident again!!! TRY THIS!!
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March 10, 2009


It worked wonders for me. It is very cost effective. No discernible side effects.


Taking many pills a day.

I had pretty severe cystic acne that really didn't get cleared with any topical acne medication. Antibiotics worked but I didn't want to continue taking antibiotics for an extended period of time. That's when I read about B5 online and decided to try it. I used it for about 3 months the first time. I took about 2-3 g per day. It took about 1 month to first notice the difference. The effect was sustained for about 6 months after stopping the regimen but then slowly it came back. So I started up the B5 again, same dose, and I noticed the effect within 2 weeks. I took it again for about 3 months and stopped. It went away for about 1 year before it started coming back again at which point I started using it a third time. I noticed the B5 working within a week the third time and I stopped again after 3 months. It's been 2 years and I am still acne free. So for people who might think it's not may want to stick with it a little longer.
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March 6, 2009


reduced oil production
no new break outs
helped reduce red marks


aching joints (occasionally)
a bit sleepy.

it works, but not for everyone. there is no way of telling whether it will work for you or not, but i do recommend trying it if you are on your last string of trying everything. BRAND DOES MATTER. (i recommend the GNC brand)
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February 17, 2009




As soon as i started taking it my acne got worse and worse and worse, i took the dam stuff for over a month two! this is the worse my acne has ever been in my life!

It seems that it works for some people, I obviously wouldn't recommend it to anyone because of what it did to me. Seriously just go get accutane, that's what im doin today.
February 7, 2009


Maybe helped a littled.



Tried it for a month + with a b complex but didn't see enough results to continue taking it.
January 26, 2009


Clears Skin, IT WORKS!



This works really well. Ive only suffered from mild cystic acne and felt like I was ruining my skin by using a ton of product on it. B5 clears skin from the inside and now I only wash my face with a mild soap and use moisturizer. My skin is FLAWLESS. love it, and recomend it to everyone i know!
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January 25, 2009


Really works quickly
No new breakouts since starting
Skin no longer an oil slick


Dehydration as side effect
Cracked mouth corners
Not available in grocery stores (needed to order online)

After 15+ years of battling adult acne, this is the only thing that has worked for me. I saw drastic improvement after only one day of treatment, though I understand some people need longer too see positive results. If you decide to try B5, here is my advice: 1. Just buy whatever generic B5 supplement you can find... those specialty products seem overpriced to me. If you search online vitamin suppliers, you can find 1000 mg pills (less pill popping than with 500 mg pills) 2. Definitely, definitely, definitely take a B-complex supplement too. 3. Drink *lots*of water or you might dehydrate (I did) I would definitely recommend giving B5 a try if you're battling persistent acne.
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