Topical Retinoid
1969 Reviews
Topical Retinoid
Based on All Available Studies
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Topical Retinoid
Side Effects
Topical Retinoid’s Real World Take
Works about the same as the other two topical retinoids, tazarotene and adapalene, and lands in the middle of those two when it comes to side effects. Should provide partial clearing, but comes with sensitivity when you first start using it. It probably won’t be a total game changer but it should help reduce acne.
Topical Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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March 9, 2010


-Skin More Tone
-Some Acne went Away
-It brings the crap out then got rid of some of it...
-Easy to Apply(but I miss being able to snuggle up in my bed because I have to be careful with my face lol)


-Didn't help with blackheads on the nose.
-Tzone was still oily
-I got these red marks that were firm and bumpy, yet smooth and my derm said they were cyst underneath my skin, so apparently no positive results there.
-I am on my 12th week and I am still breaking out and even broke a cyst near my neck.
-Skin looks worst then before because of the redness on my skin that is still firm like I said before.
-Dryness [easily dealt with a good moisturizer]
-IB was really bad for me e

So in total I have been on this product for 12 weeks ~3 months.I used Retin-a Micro .1% right from the beginning. I would apply it religious every night right when I got it and surprisingly very mild irritation the first week and other than that just dryness and flakes after I use Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. It was easily managed and especially with Cetaphil Moisturizer. I stuck with it for the recommended amount of time and it is sad for me to say probably I am one of those people who does not respond to this. I also took doxycycline, an oral antibiotic while on this to control the IB, but it didn't fair so well. So finally, I decided to see a real dermatologist and he is going to put me on Accutane. I definitely recommend it to everyone plagued with acne.Just try it out, if it works it works, if not go see your derm like me and he/she will either like my be dropped on accutane[Which I am glad, don't need to deal with topicals and acne(soon enough)] or find alternatives. Best of Luck! [side note: I got a 20 mg for free one month which got covered by my insurance, then next month policies changed and cheapest I got was for a $100... yeah sucks so that's why I put the price at 100]
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March 6, 2010


This product works. I had moderate acne and I have been using it for a little over a month and my biggest breakouts have dissappeared or are dried out. Skin is much smooth now with a nice texture. New breakouts have been minimized as well.


After using it for 1 week, my skin broke out very badly for the 2nd and third weeks. This was very depressing. My acne went from moderate to moderately severe. My skin around my mouth started flaking a lot and dry. Was a little painful to smile.

This product works but you have to keep using it past the bad breakout part. I am just waiting for it to fade my PIH marks now. Hopefully this will happen after 2 months...I have seen a little improvement in the PIH marks but not that much. However, they are smooth now...but they haven't gotten that much lighter in color. I recommend this product to people with moderate to moderately severe acne.
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March 3, 2010


Skin finally cleared around 9th-10th week of use. After that, I would only get a small pimple or two that would go away quickly (2-3 days) and usually only around my period. My skin is finally smooth and clear.


Took 9-10 weeks until my acne went away. I went through HELL. I used it for 7 weeks and then quit because I was breaking out horribly. Worse acne in my entire life. Went on it again because nothing else worked. I stuck with it and finally saw the benefits. Bad news is that the bad acne left some red marks (hyperpigmentation) and scars, but I'm sure they'll eventually go away.

I was breaking out horribly for 3 months before improvement was seen. It was really hard to stick with tretinoin when I wasn't seeing any results. YOU MUST BE PATIENT with this product. You WILL see improvement if you stick with it. Also used Bactrim for two months, and Aviane since then. I used .05% every other day b/c my acne and skin was so bad, and then moved to every day when the redness and inflammation stopped. Use a cleanser without salicylic acid to prevent redness and over-drying. I use Neutrogena foaming cleanser and it works very well. Bottom line: Tretinoin cleared my skin, but it took about 2 1/2 months. If I would've stuck with tretinoin the first time I took it, it would've saved me an extra 9 weeks of acne hell. Be patient and don't give up. The weeks waiting will be worth the clear skin later.
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March 2, 2010


make skin clear and toned, my skin looks flawless and is unbelievably smooth. Cleared up all the small pimples under the skin. Absolutely love this product


flaky around the mouth and my eyes kinda burn when i put on concealer, plus the initial break out was pretty bad

You have to use this medication if you have any type of acne. It will clear up your acne if you give it time i promise. For the first 3 months i was on the .05% my face looked way worse than it did before I started using tretinoin. Then my doctor bumped me up to the .1% and now my face is absolutely flawless. I'm in love with this product i recommend it to everyone who isn't happy with their skin. You just have to wait out the initial break out, I understand it sucks because you think the medication is making everything worse, but it's just bringing all the bacteria up at the same time. It will get better, I suggest starting off on the .05% so that the IB isn't as bad and then move up a dosage. USE IT! and don't give up on it, it won't change over night. But after 4 months your skin will look better than it ever has
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March 2, 2010


none that I experienced


I broke out worse than I ever did in my entire life. It never really cleared up my skin.

I used Retin-A Micro for about a year. I was bracing myself because I knew it would get worse before it got better. Within a week, my entire face was inflammed and covered with cystic acne. I went from being moderately severe to extremely severe for about six weeks. It did go back to being moderately severe, but never really improved past that point. I was extremely disappointed. One dermatologist told me that I needed to stop using if I went on vacation where I was going to be out in the sun. When I stopped, my oil production when into overdrive and my face was very oily. I broke out really bad on vacation. The next doctor told me that it was okay to use (for my skin) in extended sun exposure, but I just needed to be very careful applying sunscreen every couple of hours. Finally, after one year, I decided to stop using. It did not seem to be exfoliating my skin, decreasing the oiliness or decreasing break outs.
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February 23, 2010


-works well after initial breakout


-routinely makes skin flake
-makes skin a bit red and inflamed, especially if you have sensitive skin
-stops working after a few months

For me, Tretonoin worked miracles for a month or two. My skin was clearer than ever and it helped fade post acne red spots, but it eventually stopped working about four months after I started it. I even tried a stronger dose of it for a couple months, and that did not help.
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February 21, 2010


-Cleared up small pimples around nose area
-Face looks less red the morning after


-Has done nothing for blackheads around nose
-Make breakout on forehead bigger and worse
-Bigger and more red pimples are emerging

I started using the 0.05% early in December. I used it for around two months and it didn't help me very much. It cleared the pimples in my nostril creases, but essentially made my forehead break out much more. I went back to the doctor, and she gave me a higher dosage, 0.1%. I have been using that for around a week or so, and I haven't noticed a difference. I use it at night, and the morning after my skin does look less red. I do experience some minor peeling around my nose, on my chin, and a bit on my forehead. To combat this I use Aveno Clear Complexion Moisterizer, more than I did before I started this treatment. Even though my first two months of the lowest dosage didn't do anything, I am hoping that if I stick with this dosage my skin will clear up.
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February 20, 2010


working better than benzoyl peroxide less dry



this is working better than bp less drying, bp made my skin too dry even if i moisturize, its snowy cold and its working better im also on a antbiotic so not sure if its just the gel but im clearer but not perfect.
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February 15, 2010


gets rid of existing acne
prevents new breakouts
fades acne scars
improves overall look of skin


dry, peely skin
inital redness and minor breakouts

I started using Retin A about 6 weeks ago and it has made a HUGE difference. It got rid of my acne in about 2 weeks(the 1st week it made them a little worse). It has already begun to fade older scars and my skin looks much better than I imagined it could so quickly. My skin is dry so youll need a good mosturizer! Other than that I have no complaints. It has honestly changed my life so much not having to wake up to new pimples everyday. Instead I wake up with none and glowing skin! Keep with it the first few weeks because after that it is TOTALLY WORTH IT!! FYI - I used this with Clean&Clear Sensitive foaming face wash, Aveeno daily brightning scrub(every other morning to help peeling), Cetaphil moisturizer and Aveeno Clear Complexion moisturizer. hope this helps!
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February 12, 2010


I don't know yet.


I'm angry.

My face is peeling is not cool. Its annoying. OMG.

Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.