Topical Keratolytic
2210 Reviews
Topical Keratolytic
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Topical Keratolytic
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Topical Keratolytic’s Real World Take
Due to its antimicrobial properties and ability to absorb skin oil and dry out the skin, sulfur has been used for thousands of years for various skin conditions, including acne. However, it is normally reserved for noninflammatory acne (whiteheads and blackheads), because it doesn't work as well as other over-the-counter medications for inflammatory acne (papules and pustules).
Topical Keratolytic
How to Get It
This is an over-the-counter treatment. Here are some places you can find it online.
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January 28, 2016
This Product completely ruined my life. I had clear skin in 7th grade, I just had small bumps and convinced my mom to get me this stupid treatment because i thought i had bad acne. I was so wrong. I used this product for weeks, and the "purging" process occured.... ACNE EVERYWHERE. I told myself it would be gone soon it was just "purging".... no.... I had developed cystic acne and spent over 500 dollars on treatment for my face. I am 20 years old now, a sophomore in college, and I am still recovering from this product. Please Please Please do not buy this product.
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January 25, 2016
My cure!!!
I started to have acne problem about 6 months ago, and I have tried BP, AHA, Salicylic acid, Tretinoin, Doxycycline... They all worked slowly for a while. Then I suddenly became allergy to BP and Tretinoin somehow one month ago. I stopped everything besides still taking Doxycycline once every other day (have been on it for three months. I am trying to reduce the does and get out of it recently). I should still give credit to Tretinoin and Doxycycline for clearing up my large acnes and cysts, but I got a lot of red small spots all over the face. I went to a sulphur spring a few weeks earlier, and my face felt better. I did some research and found that Sulfur is actually good for acne, then I brought this soap. Guess what? My face looks much much better after the first use (less spots, less redness and brighter tone) and even better after the second and third use! It is like a miracle! I haven't have this feeling of confident for such a long time! Give it a try, you won't regret!
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January 21, 2016
First off, I absolutely never take the time to write reviews on anything, but this stuff has worked so well for me, I thought it was worth it. I'm 20 years old with a fairly dry skin type, but due to some major family events earlier this year and heaps of stress being piled on me, my skin got a bit crazy, after 19 years of being relatively perfect. And it did get a bit oilier, too. This will probably be a fairly long review -- I'm warning you. I tried absolutely EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything. Clean & Clear spot treatment, Proactiv, Anti-Blemish Tea Tree Acne Wash, the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion & Special Healing Powder. Clean & Clear hardly did a thing for me; Proactiv only served to irritate my skin and break it out further (even the sensitive skin line); the Anti-Blemish Tea Tree Acne Wash caused red welts to pop up all over my face that hung around for almost 2 full weeks; the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, which is very similar to this, worked quite well at first, but I eventually started seeing very little improvement; and finally, the powder worked pretty well, but again, due to having sensitive skin, I would sometimes wake up with odd, itchy red spots on my face, so I stopped using it. This has literally been the ONLY product that has truly worked for me. The blemish will either be completely flat by the morning or on its way to being gone, and it doesn't overly dry out or irritate my sensitive skin. I'm so thankful that I found this product and thought it necessary to share my experience with it. Now, my skin is pretty much back to normal, and I no longer have to worry about breakouts because I know this stuff will save the day. Current Skin Care Routine: 1. Wash face with Cetaphil Antibacterial Soap day and night 2. Apply Cetaphil Daily Moisturizer day and night (because of my dry skin) 3. Apply this stuff with a Q-tip right before bed
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January 1, 2016
It may work for you, but it didn't for me. it didn't dry my pimples out and even after using it for a week the same acne didn't even reduce. I also think it made me break out even more. I wish I could give it 0 stars
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December 6, 2015
No longer a skeptic!
I started dealing with breakouts by 10-11 years of age. I tried every cream, medication and face wash that I could find. Creams dried me out, medications cause gastritis/acid reflux, and face washes didn't seem to help. It could be an expensive face wash kit or it could be your average store bought product. Neither worked for me. In the last 2-3 years of my life I seem to have had some hormonal changes (26 now)? I have more acne than I did in high school, and my weight has been harder to control. I lost any extra pounds that I had found over the last couple of years, but the acne persisted. It comes in a range of acne disasters. -I have the terrible, deep, long-lasting acne that occurs on my jawline and sometimes on the cheeks (usually half a dozen of these at a time). -I have white heads, blackheads, and extremely clogged pores. That being said, I was wary about the 'purging' process. Many claimed it wasn't a purge, but a breakout. Well, my large cystic acne went away within a week of use, but the rest of my face appeared to be all bumpy/pimply. Here's how I have handled this.. I don't wear makeup unless I really need to. Around the house, with family, grocery shopping.. I'm 100% makeup free. I'm waiting until my skin has fully adjusted before wearing my 'non-clogging' makeup. If it clears nice enough.. I may stop makeup use all together. I'm on the second week and everything is clearing up. I still have remnants, but they're clearing too. Now.. how to handle dryness you ask? I'm from NE, Ohio.. I know ALL about dryness. My face is crappy, it's greasier than a tub of lard, but it dries and flakes due to looking at it the wrong way. I use a dime sized amount, maybe even less, per use. I also listen to my skin. I have the 5 piece set. I use all items in the kit, but some days I skip different pieces. If it's feeling a little dry, I skip step 2 and go straight to 3 for moisturizing. If I'm feeling extra oily, I use step two and skip 3. All in all.. I didn't think it would work, but it has. The only cons I see are: -Size -Cost -Smell is a bit off putting (for the sulfur spot treatment) PS.. the difference between a purge and any other reaction is that a purge is any area that may have had clogged pores. I know mine was a purge, because I know my forehead, nose, and cheeks were terribly clogged. Any unusual itchiness or severe redness could be a poor reaction.
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December 4, 2015
I used it on my chest and it cleared it up overnight. I then tried it on my face 4 days ago and it is working great. It is fading my post red marks and my cysts are completely flat. All of my whiteheads were gone literally overnight. I do have to leave it on all night for it to work. I tried washing it off after 10-20 minutes and it had no effect. Seriously I cannot recommend this product enough. I am a 22 year old female and have never had more than 3 pimples at a time. I've been having bad breakouts for the past 6 months and this is the only thing that works for me.
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November 22, 2015
Was rad then stopped working
I bought this of despair one day as I have literally tried everything besides accutane. seriously ask me and i've tried it ;) Two days later I had no active acne on my face for the first time in 5 years, this lasted about a month and i was able to go on my Japanese student exchange completely worry free about my skin, I was 99% clear. A month later slowly, the acne came back. So sulfur works but for some reason I grew resistant to it fast!
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November 18, 2015
life changing stuff.
this is a GAME CHANGER. i have used it on every single pimple for one year and whilst it doesn't prevent them from appearing (hormonal acne), it certainly helps in their disappearance! I will put a small amount on each pimple and leave it overnight. The layer of pink at the bottom of 10% Sulphur, and the clear liquid is alcohol. Dip a cotton bud in to the sulphur and when you pull it out the alcohol will cover it. Sulphur reduces the bacteria inside the skin an the alcohol dries the pimple out. 100% of the time the pimple has reduced in both size and redness. The formulation is a light pink colour so you can't leave the house wearing it so it's best to use it at night or when you are having a lazy pyjama day. I gave my bottle to my boyfriend to use and whilst his skin was glowing, mine got worse because I couldn't use my miracle product! But as soon as I bought myself a new bottle, within a few days my skin was smooth and clear once again. It costs $24 in Sephora - you can buy it individually or do as I do and buy the whole cleansing set (cleanser, exfoliator, acne treatment and moisturiser) for $55. I feel so much more confident now after battling for years with mild to severe acne. I have recommended this product to all of my friends and every single one have seen great results.
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October 2, 2015
Its Not to bad
this product is the best im actually 13 year old boy i love this it reduces the redness on ur pimples and decreases them as well although it made my face super dry i use the green tea moisturiser but on my cheeks i have like somewhat black it breaks ur skin super dry :(
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December 21, 2016
bro stop taking pictures with the dog face unless your gay.
September 18, 2015
good for sistic acne
I had acne since 13. By 14 I developed keloids on my chest. Nothing worked unless I had a vigorous routine which was impossible to follow every day. I'm 26yo now and this stuff is surprisingly good with fat pimples and zits. In my case I found out I have to leave the stuff on overnight. I spread it all over my shoulders once and had very little irritation. With my severe acne I pop the hell out of my pimples and smear a dab of de la cruz on them. Instructions say not to use on open wounds but I didn't follow that rule, either. Like I said I have sistic acne and this is good for treating it. I rather do this to avoid more scars. I had expensive penicillin shots on my chest scars that hurt like hell when I was about 16 (Around $100 at the time). They didn't completely go away. But they're not as inflamed. Still very sensitive to touch. I'm not very self conscious, either, so if you're like me just hang with a bit dry irritation where you place the sulfur and in a day or two the pimples dry up. After that just rub lotion after showering so the dryness goes away. Again this is my own experience with severe acne. Some people's skin is more sensitive than others. Follow Monica AR 's advice and test a small patch of skin first. Stay pimpin'.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.