251 Reviews
Based on All Available Studies
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Phototherapy’s Real World Take
Light therapy is a temporary and time-consuming treatment option that produces only modest results. However, it is the least invasive of any acne treatment, and its only downside is that it reduces folic acid levels.
How to Get It
Light therapy can be performed with stronger, professional light devices at a doctor’s office. Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one. Weaker light therapy devices are also available over-the-counter. Here are some places you can find it online.
Read All About Light Therapy
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December 26, 2011


It decreased pimples
No side effects
I went from Moderate Cystic acne to light acne
Can do it in the privacy of your own trips to Derm.


Have to sit still for 15 min/day
Ticker is loud & makes talking on phne tricky cuz people ask what that noise is
I saw an increase in seed like whiteheads on cheeks

I gave it a 5 stars because even though the initial price is steep it sure beats Derm visit costs. And also because it gives you the benefits of the sun but without the risk of sun damage. Not sure if seed like whiteheads were from Beautyskin but I didn't have them before using this. It is just that I started trying other things too around the same time... like putting neem powder/manuka honey on my skin & drinking green tea. So like I said not sure where the little seed like white heads are coming from. It was not a cure all for me. I also cleaned up my diet (NO SUGAR!! No dairy & No gluten) & I am also trying to go to bed earlier. And I am also getting outside for more natural sunlight (not sunbathing or baking or anything). And I brought a toxic relationship to a closure. Im sure all those things helped me from going from mean painful red cysts (1 or 2/week) (+ a few smaller ones too) to little pimples (3 per week). Bottom Line: I LOVE MY BEAUTY SKIN box
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November 4, 2011


- not painful
- quick
- not to expensive
- it worked!!!


- go in once a week for 8 weeks straight (or 2 times a week for 4 weeks)

I did my treatments at the Toronto Cosmetic Clinic and they used the Sciton BBL profile on me. I saw noticeable results after the first 2 sessions and I finished the 8 sessions and after 6 months after the full treatment I hardly get any break-outs! [link removed]
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August 14, 2011


Works at resolving mild to moderate inflammatory acne

Cheaper than other combination blue-red light therapy options


Must use regularly

As other reviewers have said, this regimen works, but I couldn't get into the routine. I'm actually trying to sell mine because I really can't afford it as a periodic treatment, so if anyone else is interested, I have it listed on ebay at: [link removed]
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June 29, 2011


- Works quickly without irritating the skin
- No prescription hassle
- No initial breakout
- Did I mention it works?


- Can be cumbersome; you really have to set aside time EVERY day
- Ticking sound very annoying
- Expensive but it's definitely worth it

I credit this acne lamp with doing wonders for my skin. I have been using it for about a year, with a 4-5 month break inbetween when I went on antibiotics (bad idea - the pills didn't do anything - I should have stayed with this). Whilst not the most user-friendly, especially if you're tired, using it for just 15 minutes a day has really made a difference to my skin. I started noticing results at around a month and best of all, there was no purging process. It was literally like all my active and dormant pimples dried up and never had the chance to see the light of day (excuse the pun). For the last 4 months I have been using this in conjunction with Skinoren cream (see my review for that separately) and between these two I think I have finally found a regimen that works for me. I have struggled for years and tried so many antibiotics it's unreal. I was one step away from roaccutane when I decided to throw caution to the wind and try this, having read a few reviews online. Luckily I found a second hand one on eBay for £50, although I would have paid much more as it is definitely worth it once you count up all the prescriptions, creams etc. My doctor hadn't even heard of UV therapy when I broached the subject with him, but even he is impressed with my progress. I still get hormonal pimples but these are tiny and generally go away in a few days. Nothing like the big, painful lumps I used to have for weeks at a time. I hope this review is helpful and if you're um-ing and ah-ing over whether or not to buy one, I would say go for it. Worse case scenario it doesn't work but at least you don't have any physical side effects (like BP, Retin A et al can do) and can easily sell it on again at a fair price.
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January 10, 2011


Completely cleared my skin;
Helped acne marks to heal faster;
No negative side-effects.


Intiially expensive;
Mildly inconvenient.

Before using Lumie Clear, I had been taking antibiotics for 10 years and birth control pills for 3 years but neither of them completely cleared my moderate acne. I always had three or four small but noticable spots near my mouth, and could reliably expect one cyst or spot per month on my cheek. I was nervous about buying Lumie Clear due to the high price and high proportion of "trial" reviews, but decided to try it for the 30 day guarantee. I saw noticable clearing within 3 weeks and total clearing within 8 weeks. I've now been using Lumie Clear for more than 4 months and can't remember the last time I had a spot, despite eating lots of chocolate and having the 'flu this Christmas (two things that would previously have triggered a breakout). My post-acne marks have also faded much faster than they did before using Lumie Clear, which is an added bonus. I also don't have to use topical treatments or face washes any more; warm water and a cotton pad is all I need whilst using Lumie Clear (something else I could never have countenanced before), so I'm saving upwards of £60 per year on toiletries. I'm surprised that other reviewers are complaining about the inconvenience of treatment. Treating an area the size of your hand takes 15 minutes so it takes 30 minutes per day for your whole face. The fact that the device is small means that you can read or watch TV with it pressed up against your skin so it's actually a lot less restrictive than full-face lamps (which actually take 15 mins longer per day as they have to be positioned further away), and it's much easier to travel with if you need to take it on a trip with you. I can't recommend Lumie Clear highly enough. It's the only thing that has completely resolved my moderate acne and I'm so much happier and more confident now. If my Lumie Clear broke I would replace it immediately, but since the LEDS have a lifespan of 54 years (approx) I'm hoping that it will outlast my acne!
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December 21, 2010


It works!
No chemicals or dry skin patches.
No antibiotics to take daily.


Expensive initially but probably cheaper in the long run than all those potions.
Have to make the time.
Only treats small area at a time.

I bought this for my two teenage sons, one 19 who has suffered for 5 years with acne. The other is 14 and just starting on that long and dreaded acne journey. At the start of using it the eldest one's skin was the better but as he is very sceptical of any treatment he hasn't used it really. The younger one however has used it daily and the difference is very pronounced. I won't say that he has no spots at all but only the odd one now that appears and goes far more quickly. It's so great to see this as I was simply dreading watching him go through all the misery over the next few years. Guess what - the eldest one has now decided it's worth doing! Can't wait to see it work on him too. OK, so it's pretty expensive but when you add up the cost of all those wipes, special creams etc etc then this will be cheaper in the long run and it doesn't mean constantly putting chemicals on skin or into your body. My eldest son has had nearly four years of anti-biotics and still suffered, I only wish this had been available for him 5 years ago to save him from the scarring he has now and the downright misery that acne can cause. I really recommend this product.
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September 30, 2010


Works really quickly
One off purchase (unless it breaks I hope it won't)
No side effects like dry skin etc


Expensive (150 quid)
Treats small areas (one cheek at a time)
Time consuming

I was desperate for anything that worked because I have mild-medium acne which fluctuates but when its bad can be quite painful. I was getting depressed and really low in confidence because I needed to wear a lot of makeup to cover them and I just looked fake. I chose lumie over the other lamps because of the price and the 90day guarantee where I could pretty much get my money back if it didn't work but it has worked and I have clear skin other than one or two spots and I have had spots for 10 years. I read tons of reviews before buying and I took a chance, I was worried the good reviews were fake but I can guarantee this one isn't. I hold it up to each cheek for 15mins at night and in the morning but sometimes just once a day now the spots have lessened. It warms your cheeks but has never burnt or dried out my skin. My only worry is, like every other treatment be it antibiotic or topical, it may stop working after a while. I'd love to hear from someone who has been using it for months to see if it still works, if not I will post a review once I have been using it for a while. I would recommend it completely to those who don't mind spending time treating their spots.
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September 13, 2010


It cleared up my face fast. with a help of an atibiotics. really seen the result for the 1st or 2nd week of the treatment/session!


makes your skin sensitive.(especially in the sun) other than that nothing!

i have clear face before when i was in my teens i never really had any issue or worry about having aq zits biut when i reached my 20's i started to notticed that my face is starting to gets worst. i had acne all over my face. it was so fraustrating that i dont want to go outside the house no more or i put lots of makeup to hide it... ive tried proactive and every product in commercial or even drug store that says and promise to clear your face within weeks but sad to say they all crap! so here am i one day i search about treatment and found about this red and blue laser treatment i was skeptical at first but i was like it wont kill me if ill just try. my doctor charge me $55 dollar per session and i have to do it twice a week. i am in my 5th week now and i am so happy.. my face just cleared up and i dont have acne now/. i am just working for my next step coz it left me discoloration on my face..
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August 14, 2010


Gives Good results
Has an automatic timer that switches off after the recommended treatment time so you dont have to worry about watching the mins.


Only treats a smallish area at a time

Depending on how large an area your acne covers it can be hard to find time to use it for 15 mins each day on each affected area.

Has to be plugged in. It would be far more convienient if battery operated so that you could walk around with it when using it & carry on with other tasks

I have been using the Lumie Clear device for the last 12 weeks and have been really pleased with the results. I am 38 and have suffered with acne since my mid 20s Over the years I have tried lots of things to try and clear up my skin namely retin a, proactiv, salicylic acid, birth control pills, various creams and lotions all with little of no effect (With the exception of Roaccutane which did completely clear up my skin, but gave me anxiety attacks for a further 3 years and made my hair really thin so I wouldnt risk taking them again. My worst areas of spots were on my forehaed and right lower cheek/chin so I have been using the Lumie pressed right up against my skin on each of these areas for 15 mins daily. The timer automatically switches off when the recommended time of 15 mins is over, which is good as the treatment can be both boring and relaxing and Ive fallen asleep a few times with it resting on my forehead. Lumie say that most people notice a difference in just 4 weeks with excellent results in 8-12 weeks. I noticed an improvement after 2 weeks of use - my skin was less red and spots were fading a lot quicker than normal. I would say I now only get 2-3 new spots a week which for me is absolutely fantastic as before I could get 15-20 a day pimples a day and they always seemed to take ages to clear up. My skin never ever had any clear patches where as now it is almost completely clear I cam really pleased with the results I have had from using Lumie Clear and hope that continuing to use it keeps the dreaded acne at bay.
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July 28, 2010


Cordless & rechargeable
No refills to buy like Zeno, which I use to spot treat.
Noticeable in about a week! but I'm using other stuff too, b/c I was scared to quit BP! (see below)
Cycles from blue to red after 5 min, so you don't have to time it...You can switch colors mid use with a push of a button if you want to change sooner or only use blue or red.
It really seemed to work after a week of use 20 min a day, 10 blue, 10 red, extra blue on severe areas!


Expensive (like all acne treatments!)
Light therapy is kind of time consuming.
I wish the light covered a larger area of my face, so that I wouldn't have to wave it around.

So i'm 26 and just had the worst outbreak of my life, after quitting proactiv, which mostly worked, and switching to murad (leaving BP is a really bad idea if your skin is used to it!), I mean I went from one or two cysts per week max to, every pore being clogged on my jawline, which turned into 30 huge inflamed cysts! OMG it has been insane! I've been to the derm. and everything trying to recover since the beginning of June (now it's the end of July). So here's what I tried..Differin,Benzaclin,tetracylcine; together made me sick, more red, and not much better. I switched back to proactiv at the beginning of July. This seamed to clear up the small ones and made the larger ones smaller, but still lots of zits/redness/scars. I ordered ANSR at the beginning of July (Beam only...not the topicals, because they only contain salicylic acid...Dan's right, won't make that mistake again!) at the beginning of July. It seems like after just a few days of using it my face looked better. I've been using it a week and a half and I have no new cysts and most of the old ones are fading! I'm not sure that it would work alone...I think the research said that light therapy reduced acne by a large percentage, but not 100%. I think it might be a good boost when using BP! (I was never completely clear before) Note, after doing some research, study's say to use light (blue & red) 20 min. a day. I did this all at once b/c i don't have time in the morning. I didn't to this to my my whole face, only the severe areas,cheeks and jaw line. I did 5 min of blue then 5 red on one side, and then the other. I was desperate and held the blue an extra 5 min on patches that were really bad in hopes that it would clear faster. I wish I could have been more scientific and tested it separately, but when my face was freaking out and scarring badly, I just used everything that has been proven to work! After 2 weeks of ANSR beam, I have no new pimples at all, I hope the aftermath f
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.