Chemical Exfoliation
372 Reviews
Chemical Exfoliation
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Chemical Exfoliation
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Chemical Exfoliation’s Real World Take
Common sense might tell us that chemical peels seem like such a great idea for acne, but in the real world, acid alone just doesn’t seem to completely take care of acne. They can also be expensive and leave the skin red and peeling for a few days every time you get one.
Chemical Exfoliation
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one. Do not try this at home!
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December 7, 2009


It does even out your skin, period. Its an acid, its not like there's much room for it to not work. Over time, will reduce scarring, period.


Slight down time (for higher concentrations) and the possibility of not following the instructions and messing your face up. Can't be in the sun for 2-3 days after for risk of serious burning. (they aren't kidding about this, even @ 12.5%

Please for the love of god don't start with anything higher than 12.5%. One bottle of the 12.5% will last you 4-5 peels. Spread them out about 2-3 weeks apart, no sooner. Understand that it isn't an instant cure. You're putting acid on your face, so your skin has to regrow and all that. I didn't really notice results until my 3rd peel (of the 12.5). In my opinion (been an acne sufferer for years, now just deal with scars and occasional blackheads), tca peels are a LONG TERM treatment. You dont just buy a bottle, put some on, and expect results. I plan on doing several peels over the next year. You have to think long term if you are looking for dramatic results. You can speed this up by going higher %, but youll have the flaking, peeling, horrible downtime that people talk about. I have a job so I can't hide for 3 days at a time. With 12.5, you dont get this, but it obviously takes more treatments to get the desired results.
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July 7, 2010


Results in gorgeous skin. Fades scars and hyperpigmentation significantly, removes acne, smoothens skin, etc.


Intense uncomfortable burning during the procedure. Very tight, leathery, dry skin afterwards. Takes 5-7 days for peeling to stop.

I had a salicylic acid peel and lactic acid peel done about a week ago, and I love the results. I had horrible scarring and hyperpigmentation from hormonal acne. Now, my skin looks so much better, and I feel very confident going out in public now. Be sure to apply plenty of moisture to your face, and use a gentle cleanser like cetaphil. You can still see some slight imperfections on my skin, but its nowhere near as noticeable. I'm going to get 2 or 3 more peels done to maximize the results.
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May 13, 2011


Cleared current acne, reduced scars and redness


Peeling skin for 5 days, expensive, but worth the results.

I have struggled with acne for as long as I can remember. It was mostly on my jawline area and a few on my forehead and chin. I even had some cystic acne and it was very red and noticeable. I did some research and found out jawline acne is caused by unbalanced hormones, especially common in woman in their twenties and thirties who are still suffering from acne. Some of the recommendation were to cut out foods containing hormones, especially dairy. Dairy and meat are REALLY bad for acne prone skin because of all the hormones in the animal meat and in the milk. So I went pescatarian and dont eat nearly as much dairy as before. (Cocunut Ice Cream is SOOO good) Anyways I have also had 2 chemical peels so far. They dried up my acne and reduced redness so much already and my esthetician recommend six for maximum benifits. I cant wait for the full results. I have tried everything and finally Iam beginning to see results and people are also commenting on my skin and how clear it is. So bottom line try to reduce or elimanate meat and dairy, drink lots of water and try the chemical peels It worked for me and is worth a try for anyone suffering with acne.
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December 22, 2009


I think it does make a difference. It is cheaper and less painful than other treatments and requires no medications or anesthesia.


I think it takes a while to notice a difference. You need to be careful for a few day after treatment, and it only works on mild scarring.

I think if you only have minimal scarring you should try it. My skin had very little pit marks and was mostly discolored. It seemed to improve my skin but I am also very fair skinned so depigmentation works differently for me than for other people.
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November 3, 2009


The only thing that manages my acne prone skin- I have extractions and a B-hydroxy peel every month. I also use Mandelic acid 15% morning and night. My skin is smooth and flawless where it used to be covered in tiny pimples.


My face is a bit tender after the peel- for me my face is sensitive 1-5 days depending on how severe the peel is (whether you have it done at a spa or a dermatologist).

For me it works.
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October 8, 2011
Product used: Glycolic Acid Peel


Note:I am already CLEAR.

After one peel from a 30% unbuffered glycolic acid solution,

-noticeably smaller pores
-tighter skin, less wrinkles (i had one that I gained through acne, it's almost gone now)
-redness dramatically lessened / almost gone

I can't say it does anything for PIH, because mine's almost all gone, and also, I've only written this after performing the peel last night (it's morning now, so one night's effect), whereas effects are supposed to show



No redness, soreness, or other side effects for me, only good effects :)
I expected to have at least redness the day after, but I guess I didn't leave it on long enough (I left it on for 1 minute, as a first time user that's the safe time limit)

During the peel application, my skin started stinging and I was afraid I was going to burn, but I held out for 1 min, and I'm fine not even redness (after all, the acid IS burning your skin off)

Apply your glycolic acid properly, and err on the side of caution - less is more people ! Listen to your skin and instinct ! Start slowly and carefully ! I had dramatic effects even with 30% and ONLY 1 min of application. Over repeated uses I expect to have close-to perfect skin. I will be upping the time applied to 3 mins, then to 5, and eventually to 7-10, depending on how my skin feels. After my bottle of 30 ml runs out (should take over half a year) I will be upping concentration to 50%. Here's how I apply and neutralise my peel. 1) Cleanse 2) Wipe rubbing alcohol over face to ensure an oil-free skin surface (very cheap if you don't have already, don't need a lot, take care not to get addicted to the smell either - it means you're anemic :) 3) Soak gauze pad with 1-2 mL of your acid solution (1 mL = 20 drops, 2 mL = 40 ... I used 2 mL this time, but I will be using 30 drops next time, 40 is overkill) 4)Wipe over skin, taking care to not get within 2 mm of the eyes as the skin there is *thin thin thin* and most likely perfect already. Also take care not to RUB IT IN, just as long as the acid is ON your skin, it'll do its job. You don't want your skin to absorb the acid T_T So aim for a thin and even layer, by buffing when needed (eg around the nose) and lightly wiping. 5)Wait 3-10 minutes, depending on your peel experience. It is recommended for 1st time users NOT to go over 1 minute, and no one should EVER go over 10. You will feel stinging. This is normal. If it gets too much or starts really burning, listen to your skin and start rinsing the acid off (every1 has a diff skin sensitivity) 6)I rinse off with a 3/4 sinkfull of water combined with 1/4 cup of baking soda, dissolved in - it neutralises the acid on your face. I rinse for around 1 minute, until there is no stinging left. Then I rinse with just cold water for a bit longer, making sure there is no more acid left. I'm doing this weekly for 2 month
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December 19, 2009
Product used: Glycolic Acid Peel


I am supposed to see some fresh, baby skin and smoother, tighter complexion, less brown spots


I have not peeled, the acutual peel stung and was uncomfortable, but not horrible. I am breaking out like I have never before. this sucks

I don't know yet, but I am one day 3 and today I woke up with tons of white heads and raised red areas on my face..close together clusters of pimples..this royally sucks I onlyusually have hormonally related acne, or sweating related when I work out, etc, which is minimal. but now I am broken out all over the place.
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November 20, 2009





I had a Laser Genesis Treatment in Phila. The "sales person" thats bascially what they are they dont care. she told me its a wonderful treatment my skin will glow i will look younger so i had 1 treatment 2 days later i was breaking out like a mad women i never had acne before 3 months later my face is cover with large and tiny underground pimples. i have dark ugly spot all over. i been using a salicylic acid peel its my 4th peel but my skin has not improve im so depress i look like sh*t. if anyone tried any product and it work please recommend.
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November 2, 2010
Product used: Glycolic Acid Peel


30% Gylocic Acidf for 4 weeks - Smaller ice pick scars, smaller pores, fine lines, improved complection, lines under eyes gone, brown spots on skin from sun damage gone


It does burn and will cause stubborn acne to flare up that is stuck under skin at first but that will fade within 3-4 days. There is a 3-4 day reddness and peeling period but this is normal and yes sometimes it does appear to scab but this is usually in areas that has severe pore clogging.

I have before and after photos and the results are amazing. I had huge pores and terrible acne before and now nothing, my skin is FINALLY beautiful. It tightened my skin, ridded me of lines (even under my eyes) During my first application I did have alot of flare up and peeling but it was normal due to all of the clogged pores that had been that way for awhile. I do reccommend getting some Emu oil or vit e and using nothing but that afterwards. It helped the healing time tremendously! I bought my peel from ebay through a very reputable seller. I cant tell you enough though you must be patient with this because your face WILL turn red and peel if you do it correctly. Follow ALL directions or it might not work properly!
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October 31, 2009


save money


look burned in the face for few days

I have used a 25 % TCA 3 days ago and so far so good. The first 2 days it looked terrible just like a brown patch or burn in the face, and since I have never done this before I was all worried but as it stands now it slowly start peeling and I cant wait to get the results. The laser treatment I went to charged me over 5 thousand dollars and this TCA bottle that I got from the states cost me 35 dollars plus shipping,lol, Gotta love the American for their products and a special thx to the laser treatment clinic that gave me a free information cession. My advice is get a good ointment cream, apply every 3 or 4 hours daily and repeat the peel every 4 weeks for 24 weeks.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.