Immediately after treatment:
The recovery from augmentation is the same regardless of the type of filler used.
- At the time of injection, most patients feel pain, which is usually mild. Immediately after the injection, it is normal to experience mild swelling, bruising, and redness, but these symptoms are temporary.
- After the treatment, you should immediately see some improvement in the appearance of your acne scars because the fillers will take up space underneath indented scars and raise them. In addition to taking up space under scars, most fillers also stimulate the skin to produce collagen. With these types of fillers, the appearance of the scars will continue to improve over time as the skin makes more collagen.
To reduce the risk of the fillers migrating from the location where they were injected:
- Avoid massaging the treated skin just after treatment.
- Refrain from intense physical activity for at least 6 hours after treatment.
- Sleep with the head elevated on the first night after treatment.
In most cases, it is safe to resume normal skin care and makeup routines 24 hours after treatment, but make sure you follow your doctor’s discharge instructions.
Days and weeks after treatment:
Depending on the type of treatment you receive, your doctor may recommend one or more of the following:
- Applying a topical antibiotic for 3 days after treatment.
- Using a moisturizer for 7 days after treatment.
- Using sunscreen for 7 days after treatment.
- Avoiding makeup and other cosmetic products for 7 days after treatment.
Longer term:
- Recovery should not take more than a few days.
- In some cases, the filler may migrate from the injection site to a different location, creating an unwanted bump under the skin. If the filler is temporary or semi-permanent, it will eventually be broken down by the body. However, if the filler is permanent, it will stay in the wrong location permanently.