Topical Retinoid / Topical Antibacterial
579 Reviews
Topical Retinoid / Topical Antibacterial
Based on All Available Studies
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Topical Retinoid / Topical Antibacterial
Side Effects
Topical Retinoid / Topical Antibacterial’s Real World Take
A way of using benzoyl peroxide in combination with the topical retinoid, adapalene, that studies show works a bit better than benzoyl peroxide alone. Comes with side effects for the first weeks and can bleach fabric. Note: When used correctly, benzoyl peroxide on its own can completely clear the skin.
Topical Retinoid / Topical Antibacterial
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
Read All About Adapalene / Benzoyl Peroxide (Epiduo®)
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June 12, 2011


i've been using it for two days only. once before bedtime. it dried out my existing pimples. and the blackheads on my nose was significantly reduced.


i'm now dealing with a breakout on my chin, cheek and forehead.

will still have to wait and see... my derma did tell me it would take at least two weeks to see improvement and six to eight weeks to be really happy about it...
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June 7, 2011


Light, non-drying, effective, no initial breakout if started slow, can be used as spot treatment, eliminates the need to overspend on OTC products


There are better (retinaid) alternatives when bacteria is controlled and BP is no longer needed, can be expensive

I've mild but stubborn acne that is hormonally triggered. While all acne is related to bacteria, hormonally triggered/cystic/adult acne is unique in my experience. I think this type of acne responds well to combination treatment and does not need to be treated "aggressively". I've tried many things over the years, but I always felt like my acne would come and go randomly as it pleased and I was completely powerless no matter what skin regimen I followed. On a recent acne comeback, worried it might turn into a persistent and sever one, I quickly saw a highly-recommended NY dermatologist. She put me on Epiduo and Spironolactone following blood work. I did not have a hormonal imbalance, but she suspected I was sensitive to androgen since I was experiencing hair loss as well. The key to any topical treatment is to start slowly. I used Epiduo twice a week in the first wee, then 3 times a week, then increased to every other day, and at the end of a month or so, I was using it every night. During this period, I did not have any breakouts, and my skin started showing improvement almost immediately. My derm said Epiduo was Step 1 in introducing me to retinol, but her immediate goal was to first stop inflammation/bacteria with BP. My routine was using a light moisturizer she gave me (CeraVE PM), gentle face wash (Jan Marini non-glycolic wash) and if needed, a weekly scrub (Proactiv face wash). On this routine and spiro, I only had about 4-5 pimples in total over the course of 4 months, never had more than 2 at the same time. At the end of the 4th month, my derm and I decided to replace Epiduo with a stronger retinaid (Tazorac cream) as my skin could benefit from its resurfacing and pore-reducings effects. Although BP is no longer needed in the mix, I still spot/area-treat with Epiduo when I feel like a breakout might happen, especially before my period. I wholeheartedly recommend Epiduo as a starter for people with mild to moderate acne.
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June 7, 2011


Works well with cystic/pus type pimples
Helps with scarring
Sheds dead skin


Very drying the first few months
Purges skin

I started using this in July of 2010 and it is now June of 2011, almost a year. When I started using this my face wasn't THAT bad, it had been A LOT worse. (of course when I go to the dermatologist, I only had about 2 pimples and I usually have 5 or more.) I get cystic/pus pimples which scarred my face. My main problem at the time was the scarring, it made my face look terrible and I didn't want to leave the house. I had no self confidence; I felt like everyone was staring at my pimples, so I didn't talk to anyone much. I tried so many expensive stuff that did not help. Right before I went to the derm, I was using DDF's Benzoly Peroxide gel, which helped the first few weeks, then made it worse so I stopped using it. My derm prescribed me Doryx (antibiotic), Plexion cleanser, and Epiduo. The first week I used this I noticed an improvement, my face looked healthier and I only had one zit. Then my face started to purge but I researched this product well so I knew I had to pull through it and I did. I don't remember how long it purged, but it wasn't that long because when I went for my 3 month check up, my derm was so surprised at how well my skin looked! At my 6 month check up she had me only take Doryx that time of month, and I occasionally get a few pimples when I'm not taking it, but they are not as bug and do that last as long so it's no big deal. Now, almost a year later, I'm not taking anymore antibiotics, but I'm still using Epiduo and Plexion and my skin is very healthy and clear. I still get the occasional zit or two but I have so much confidence now I don't even care. I still have a couple stubborn scars, but they're slowly fading. Its not drying anymore and I'm so happy with my skin that I've been able to go makeup free a lot this summer. Now, I can live my life happily and be a care-free 16 year old! I think I may have to find an alternative because this stuff is about 180 bucks for a bottle, but it lasted me about 10 months. Wish me luck!
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May 9, 2011


Manages acne
Easy to apply


Initial breakout
May take a long time to see results

I have been using this product for approximately 9 months. I switched to Epiduo after my skin developed a resistance to the antibiotic in Duac, which kept my skin clear for about 6 months. The initial breakout lasted somwhere around 2-3 months for me. It was probably the worst my skin ever was. In addition, pimples would scar like never before. At around 6-7 months, I did notice improvement. However, I would still have breakouts, and numerous red marks and scars. Today, my acne is somewhere between light and moderate (moderate probably on occasion). However, all Epiduo really did for me was bring my acne back to what it was like before I ever used a prescription medication. In fact, it might be a little worse than it originally was. I will probably use Epiduo for another month to finish the tube, and will go back to simply benzoyl peroxide (considering I just lost my health insurance). Overall, Epiduo was not really worth it...not to mention the insane burning and dryness in the first few months. I wasted so much money trying to find a moisturizer that wouldn't make the burning worse.
May 9, 2011


BEST acne product I've EVER tried! My skin is flawless!


It takes FOREVER to work but soooo worth took about a good 6 months before my skin was flawless and it has stayed that way ever since! NO breakouts AT ALL! Also, in the beginning for the first couple of weeks be ready for some pretty intense redness and burning...but endure the end it's worth it!

BEST acne product I have EVER used! I have tried EVERYTHING from Accutane, to Duac, to over the counter products, to Proactiv. Nothing has ever worked for me and I have never had completely clear skin until now! I am 28 and my skin is flawless! I will never be without this product! Ever!
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May 6, 2011


Haven't seen any



Bottom line is I am reading these reviews & I have not experienced any of the mentioned pros or for tht matter Cons. In fact my skin is slightly worse. I HAD Light acne & this product has seemed to make it worse. I've been using it for 6 weeks and nothing to report.... perhaps the makers of this product are writing the good reviews lol I will stick with it for another 4 weeks???? We'll see!!
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April 26, 2011


worked fast, near perfect skin. very pleased


slight burning, some flaking

for me epiduo worked in one week! i was on accutane for 5 months but after i was off of it for a few months, some slight acne came back. dermatologist gave me this and face is back to being clear. i couldn't be happier. no more worrying about my face. thank you!
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April 21, 2011


kind of cleared acne, over time


moisturizing didnt help
burning if used too much

i reccomend this product only if you can get it at a discounted price. for some it works miracles, but it helped me only with a little bit. it made my complextion very blotchy and i use it every other day, or when my breakouts get really bad. i have definatley seen some improvement, but if you have to pay full price for it, it isnt worth it.
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April 15, 2011


Dries Out new Pimples

skin flakes off revealing flawless skin

fairly cheap with rebate card


burning sensation may occur but thats no problem

My acne has gotten worse and worse in the past six months or so after trying various products i.e murad, pro activ, and acne free. I finally bit the bullet and went to the derm. My acne had really gotten in the way of my social life as i am extremely embarassed to talk and make eye contact with a girl with huge boulders of white pus on my face. I was really embarassed when a girl i was talking to said wow your face looks terrible, what is wrong with it. So i went to my derm and was prescribed epiduo and solodyn, amd man am i glad i did my face went through a phase of intense "shedding" in which the dead skin or whatever it was; was just flaking off it was extremely dry but i would rather have a dry face than an oily red pus face. so after exfoliating tonight underneath the flakes was some of the clearest skin i have seen in 6 months i am very pleased with the progress of this product. Epiduo has boosted my confidence ten fold. Although I do have two large whitheads left on my face it is nothing compared to where my skin was a week ago and i am willing to bet with continued use of this product the pimple should be gone within 2 days or so. To make long story short the combined ingredients of adapalene and benzoyl peroxide works wonders on troubled this product has earned my approval. and just a side note use the card from your doctor it saved me $200.
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March 29, 2011


- Skin feels nice, soft, and tight after use.


- A little dry, but that is fixed with the correct acne moisturizer.

This product is really good, but you have to have patience. For the first month it might get worst, but thats normal, you just have to keep keep going and using for about 6 months to really see the results. It's worth it in the long run, because it's not one of those fake products that say "acne cured in 1 week." That doesn't work, so Epiduo is really good, with a lot of patience. :) try it, it worked for me
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.