
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

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December 3, 2015
From the reviews I can see that Zinc helps guys way more than it helps girls. Zinc made a very small difference for me, but not a big enough one to waste money on it. Vitex helped far more (this is only for women and it is more for adult acne.) It looks like Zinc is good if you're a guy, but if you're a woman, I would probably skip it. There are better natural treatments out there. I would recommend this to a guy, but not to a girl.
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September 7, 2015
Best solution for me
I read this website before taking zinc & I am so glad I did. I am twenty years old, have combination skin & have hormonal acne on my jawline (androgen caused). I started getting mild acne (small, unpoppable bumps, some whiteheads, and a TON of blackheads) at around 12 years old. My acne used to be in my forehead and nose; then it moved to my temples when I was about 14-15. My doctor put me on the pill (alesse) and prescribed me some benzoyl peroxide, but I still struggled with mild acne until I was about 17. At that time, I moved to Japan and I couldn't take the pill anymore. When I came off my skin became horrific; I remember it being at its worst when my entire face was covered in bumps. I had cysts covering my jawline, I had blackheads all over my nose, forehead and (surprisingly) cheeks. At that moment onward I stopped using any facial product and just let my skin heal itself. Within a few months, my skin healed completely & was as its all-time best. Unfortunately, I had to come back to Canada when I was about 18 and a half, and my acne came back gradually. Before trying zinc, I tried pretty much everything: Clarisonic, expensive skincare products, benzoyl peroxide, natural skin remedies (topical), etc. but nothing worked for me. Because I noticed a dramatic change as soon as I came back to Canada, I decided to change up my diet to something more like what I used to eat back in Japan. No dairy, lots of fish, little to no eggs, and lots of vegetables. I also stopped eating meat and drink LOTS of water daily. So a few months ago, I started taking 50mg of Zinc every morning. After 3 weeks, my skin had cleared up beautifully, but I still broke out around my jaw when my period came. I kept taking zinc and my skin became better and better, but never perfect (& we are all aiming for perfect, so this is where I messed up). So after about 6 weeks of zinc, I decided to add Evening Primrose Oil to my diet. This natural oil is also supposed to be good for androgen excess acne, so I took it morning and night as well as zinc. Within a week my skin started looking gross. It was oily and my jawline was bumbity dumpty. I took EPO for about 2 or 3 weeks before giving up on it. At this point, my skin was simply ugh. I had ruined something great; my forehead was really bumpy with unpoppable red zits, my chin and jaw went haywire, even my temples had some acne, and my cheeks and cheekbones had blackheads on them. So obviously I stopped taking EPO, but the zinc wasn't able to put my skin back. Ok so here comes the weird part. I had a nose job about 3 weeks ago so I had to stop taking supplements for a week. I also couldn't put anything topically to my skin during my 1-week of convalescence. My skin cleared up pretty good on it's own during that week! Since then I started taking zinc 25mg in the morning and 25mg at night (with meals!!!) It's been 3 weeks since I started re-taking zinc and my skin is back to its all-time best. This morning I woke up with only scars on my jawline and some blackheads on my chin, but very minimal. My forehead is for the most part smooth. I look the best I've ever looked in my life. I'll keep taking zinc twice a day from now on, and I strongly recommend it to anyone with hormonal acne. & also, DON'T TAKE EVENING PRIMROSE OIL!! if your skin story is similar to mine!
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February 12, 2016
2016 UPDATE!!!!!!**** My skin is flawless. Zinc totally cleared up my skin and now I'm exfoliating weekly to empty out my pores which still have some leftover gunk in them. I haven't popped a zit in months; I don't remember what it's like to have acne. BUT I've noticed a new issue. After taking Zinc for a good 5 or so months, yes my skin is flawless but the past two weeks I have been shedding, and I mean SHEDDING TONS AND TONS of hair. My hair is thinning to one side of my head and I was confused as to what could be causing it. I am triracial with black, native american and white blood. Thinning hair basically doesn't exist in my family so I was really concerned. Then it dawned on me that an excess of Zinc was probably the cause of this sudden hair loss. I've been taking it for too long and my body is asking for a break. As of today, February 12 I will be getting off zinc, so eventually I will pop back on here to comment once again on my skin journey!
September 24, 2016
any updates after going off zinc?
September 28, 2016
SEPT2016 UPDATE: It's been half a year on-and-off zinc! Wow!! I say on-and-off because I never completely stopped taking zinc, instead I switched to 3 weeks of zinc, 1 to 2 weeks off, and so on. My skin is looking great, and so is my hair. I took biotin to help my hair fill itself up again and although a lot of acne-prone people claim that biotin WILL give you acne, it had zero effect on me (I took it with zinc simultaneously.) At first, I did try going off zinc completely and yes, I did see a decline in my skin. That's why I decided to keep taking zinc but at healthy intervals to keep my body balanced. Zinc keeps my skin 99% clear; the 1% (a.k.a one very obvious bump per month, leaving no scarring) happens right before my period. I can't seem to stop that from happening no matter what I do. But it's come to the point that my skin is doing so good, I couldn't care less about that one monthly bump. Is my skin perfect? Almost but no for the following reasons; I still get blackheads, and my T-zone area still gets very oily. I am working on clearing that up through exfoliation and a good diet. Nonetheless, I do recommend zinc to anyone struggling with hormonal acne. It's a magical gift of nature and very cheap. Give it a 2 month trial, it will cost you about 6 dollars and you could get miraculous results like I did. Good Luck!
August 28, 2015
good results so far!
Just a little back history....I have been dealing with acne for the past 15 years. I'm now 30 years. Over the years, the severity of my acne has gone in waves, but was manageable for the most part. In February of this year I switched from the pill to the mirena IUD. The first couple of months my skin was ok....by ok I mean it would break out by but wasn't horrible. By the third month, my skin went haywire!!! Everyday I would wake up to 3-4 huge cystic pimples on my jawline and chin. My skin has NEVER been like that. I tried proactiv...didn't work. I tried 10% benzoyl peroxide...didn't work. So finally I broke down and went to the dermatologist. I was prescribed 80mg of Solodyn once a day along with Aczone twice a day. I was on Solodyn for all off 2,weeks when I had serious allergic reaction which caused my joints to hurt, extreme rash all over by body and swollen hands. Needless to say, I stopped taking it. As soon as I stopped the antibiotics my acne kicked back in full gear. So me not wanting to go back on antibiotics, I started doing some research on natural ways to help prevent acne. I came across Zinc for Acne. I was a little skeptical but it was cheap so what the heck. The first week I didn't notice anything. By the middle of the second I no longer had breakouts. I'm now into my 3rd and still no new breakouts. I've been using the Bragg's ACV as toner to lighten the scars. I also use the Aztec healing clay mask once a week to exfoliate. So far I'm liking the results of the zinc. I would definitely give it a try if you feel like you have tried everything under the sun or even if you are skeptical of long term use of antibiotics. I will post and update in a month or so.
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August 20, 2015
Saw improvement taking zinc for my sebderm
I like taking zinc tablets for my seborrheic dermatitis. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Many of the shampoos also contain zinc and they work for treating sebderm. I think the most important thing zinc does is to reduce inflammation of the skin cells. I know I don't get enough zinc in my food on a daily basis so I supplement with a vitamin pill.
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May 18, 2015
After a week of an initial breakout period this works wonders!
I wrote a previous review for this product on Amazon but I think the sellers hid it because I gave it one star and claimed it made me break out immeditely. It is true that this product made me break out but it was only the first inital week I took it and the only reason I am posting this is because I could find little information on initial breakouts with zinc. After a week my skin cleared up and I have not had a break out since. I have mild acne associated with hormones so in my opinion, depending on the person, this works for people who do not have cystic acne as well. I only take one a day (with a meal) because the doses are already over the daily reccomendations but try this out for at least a week or two and see what happens!
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March 27, 2015
I am currently taking birth control and it has really helped my acne. I read about how zinc could also help acne so I gave it a try. I don't know if it was counteracting what my BC was doing, but I started getting huge cysts everyday. I keep taking it for a month but it only got worse. It was worth a try though, you never know. Everything will work different for each person.
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March 1, 2015
No words to describe its perfect
Its the only thing that works for me, in the past im tried IPL and it help me a lot but my oily skin problem continúes, finally i decide to take zinc for acne and the first couple days im not saw difference but the next days im see my pimples cured much faster and my oily skin problem dissapeared the bottle says took 2 pills with meals, but i take one with meals and 1 after exercise(before bed).
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February 7, 2015
Acne with IUD - zinc cleared it right up!
I've always had hormonally-triggered acne, and when I got my Paragard IUD over the summer it got worse. A whole slew of homeopathic and nature-based blogs said that it might have been due to copper toxicity, and although I normally take those "diagnoses" with a grain of salt, I was pretty desperate. I started taking a zinc supplement to counteract the alleged effects of the copper, and I'm not sure what happened, but I've never had better skin in my LIFE. I'm 24 and have had acne since I was 13, but taking a zinc supplement has been such a serious game changer!! I take a b-complex (I'm vegetarian), biotin, and 50mg zinc daily. I also run around 10 miles/week, but that's been consistent even when my acne was terrible. I'd highly recommend trying zinc if you've been struggling with hormonal acne, or if you've recently had a Paragard placed.
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July 19, 2015
Do you think it will help clear acne that's not hormonal
July 19, 2015
Do you think it will help clear acne that's not hormonal
July 19, 2015
Do you think it will help clear acne that's not hormonal
December 27, 2014
The Holy Grail
This product is astounding. Whilst I have tried every over the counter product, this by far works 10x better than any topical product I have tried. I have only been using for a week or so, and my acne has recovered IMMENSELY! I have stopped getting my painful acne and all my scars, which there were a lot of, have started vanishing. I have struggled with acne since age 14, I am 17 now and the acne has progressively gotten worse. Only since I have changed my diet and lifestyle choices did I see some improvement, but nothing as drastic as taking Zinc. At one point I was using ten different products a day, and I must have spent at least 750$ on treatments. Now, along with Zinc, proper exsersize , tons of fresh air and minimizing chemical junk, I have gotten an AMAZING facelift. I noticed that my acne scars faded quite quickly and the two new pimples I got have almost disappeared in two days. It's an amazing feeling right now. Hope that it lasts. You should definetly try this and see if it will work for you :) My current treatment is: 100 mg Zinc a day 1000 IU Vitamin C Vitamin A and E and Copper and Iron supplements, so the Zinc doesn't hurt me For a face wash, I use Snap Clear Skin, twice a day And use Calendula as a toner :) That's it, aside from a diet of vegetables, fruits and healty meat I completely cut out Pop, carbonated drinks, chocolate and Fast food
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June 12, 2015
I like your British accent :). Thanks for the tip!
June 12, 2015
I like your British accent :). Thanks for the tip!
July 10, 2015
How many days or weeks did you notice a difference and improvement in your acne when taking zinc?
October 3, 2015
Hi, I'm happy for your good skin improvement =) Just want to share an information, I read in internet that the maximum dose of zinc we can take daily is no more than 40mg. Otherwise, it may cause negative effects on our body like cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. Hope it helps.
October 27, 2014
Stopped my cystic acne
So I've been doing the acne.org regimen religiously for about 9 weeks and my little white heads and superficial acne has completely disappeared on my forehead. My forehead is 100% clear of acne! The regimen did absolutely nothing though for my deep cystic acne on me cheeks. Which makes sense since the acne is just too deep for superficial treatment to penetrate. I decided to take a zinc supplement due to my fear of continuously taking different antibiotics and becoming antibiotic resistant (I'm a bio major). I've been taking a 100 mg zinc gluconate supplement daily as well as a vitamin d supplement and it's working! I've been taking it for 3 weeks now and no new cysts! I'm amazed! To avoid feeling nauseous and better help absorption, I split the pill in half and eat one half with breakfast and other half with dinner.
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