
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

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April 8, 2012


Seems to be working
Boosts your immunity


Nausea if not taken with food

I have been battling with cystic acne for the past 6 months and have tried every home remedy that has been suggested by other users on here with little to no success. I have tried it all: BP, tea tree oil, the oil cleansing method, lemon as a tonic and toner, green tea as a tonic and toner, cetaphil, salicylic acid, you name it. I was really trying to go the natural route and avoid antibiotics and costly visits to the dermatologist. I finally had given up and decided it was time to seek professional help when I had to reschedule an interview when a cyst on my cheek decided to grow to the size of a cherry tomato one morning. At this point I had already changed my diet, drastically reduced my caffeine intake and was drinking more water with no success but I figured I still may have some nutritional deficit so I went out and got a multivitamin and zinc since it had such rave reviews and was literally the only non prescription remedy I had not tried yet.I also got some clear calamine lotion to try and reduce the pain and swelling of the tumor on my cheek. The calamine lotion seemed to help quite a bit and also has zinc in it. It reduced the swelling a little and brought a couple of smaller cysts to a head that day and brought the huge one to a head the next day in the shower. I have been taking the zinc for 5 days now and didn't really notice a huge difference until this morning. I mean WOW! All of my pimples seem to be healing. Even the little ones that were starting to come up that I was sure would develop into giant life interfering cysts are starting to shrivel scab up. Also this hard knot that was the remnant of a cyst just disappeared overnight. It is also that time of the month so I figured things would be getting even worse. I was amazed this morning to find that my skin is actually healing. It has to be the zinc. I will check back in a few days and let you know if this is some sort of miracle or just a fluke. I'm going to hold off on the derm for now.
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April 6, 2012


Significantly reduces acne!
clearer complexion


does not help much with dark mark from acne
stomach aches

I have been taking half of a tablet (50 mg tablet) b/c the DV for zinc is only 34mg. I have seen a drastic change in my acne. My complex is clearer and prettier=) 2 days after I began taking the supplements I notice four pimples forming on my face and the next day pop. I believe that was the zinc working =) I have read that long term use is detrimental to your health so once my acne is totally clear i will have to find another suitable regimen :/
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March 31, 2012


Helps fade dark acne spots
Easy to find


Must take after meal
Sometimes dizzy

I started 50mg GNC brand Monday with a face full of spots. And by Friday I noticed some fading. I was so excited because I got tired of my pretty face being downgraded because of spots! Im African American but very light skinned. Far as curing acne I'm not so sure because its too soon I still break out but my bumps are small not even noticeable, they may be old ones I had before taking zinc. I used retina a micro and proactiv and it burned my face bad I'm still red from it but my spots are starting to blend in with my skin. I think! I dont know if its the vitamin c I take every day. Regardless of the fact start from the inside then out
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February 19, 2012


oil free skin, prevents new acne, reduce redness


extreme dry,

it helps to reduce same and big acne types. prevents from new acne, but topical antibiotic also needed Now I m using, zinc 65mg at night. clindamycin 1.0ww % and nicotinamide 4% gel at night tetracycline 250x3(morning, noon, night) multivitamin 1x morning. These combination makes an end to my acne in just 2 weeks now i m 90% clear now i have only blemishes... after adding zinc tiny acne on forehead disappeared.. If u highly suffered with cystic acne and body acne... use this combination 100% guaranteed to relief from acne...its prescribed by my dermatologist. tetracycline 250x3(morning, afternoon, night after food) multivitamin 1x morning after food. zinc 65mg at night. clindamycin 1.0ww % and nicotinamide 4% combination gel only at night apply full face. you will see results in 2 weeks and 90% clear in 1 month...
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January 31, 2012


It helps with my mood.
Could make you stomach cramps if taken with no food.
Clear up my inflammation acne!!


Take long time to take effect, maybe 2 - 3 month after taking it.

My face was full of inflammation acne before i took this supplement, it took quiet a long time to see the BIG effect. Also, my scar on my forehead seems start to fade away and wow, that's really great. Maybe it could prevent scars from happen. and and my wound heals much faster tough!
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January 25, 2012


Less oily skin
Helps eliminate hormonal acne


Can be hell if not taken with food
It's hard to find Zinc without Calcium or Dicalcium Phosphate (those decrease the absorption)
After long term use you can become copper deficient

I read up online that certain forms of Zinc (chelated zinc and opti zinc seem to be the most popular) can reduce cystic acne or hormonal acne. In my case, it has drastically improved hormonal acne on my chin. I had severe breakouts everyday to the point where it hurt to move my mouth or smile from the deep nodules/cysts that had developed all over my chin. However, it only went that far. Zinc supplements haven't helped with acne breakouts anywhere else on my face, but I think it's extremely beneficial for those who primarily suffer from hormonal breakouts, especially around the jawline area. I should also note that I've only been able to find zinc that contains calcium (Target brand) which isn't generally recommended from most people online because it tends to not work so well. With that said, it may just be the zinc supplements I'm taking and I need to switch which I will probably end up doing in the future.
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January 24, 2012




Can be KILLER on an empty stomach- Take with food!

I have cystic acne and have since I was 18. I have been doing acne treatments for over year per the dermatologist to rid of my acne but it only seemed to get worse. The last visit I had they said they didn't know what to do & they suggested get on birth control and accutane (which I refused to go on accutane due to it's risks). I was at my wits end. I started taking zinc when my mom mentioned it to mentioned it worked on acne few weeks ago... within a week my acne was almost gone. My large bumps on my chins, jaw and cheeks started to decrease. They didn't even hurt!! I can't understand it or explain it. I am still taking the prescribed antibiotic and topicals until they run out but wow do see a difference with Zinc. I take 50 mg a day with a multi vitamin! I wish they had thought to checked my blood for how deficient I was in minerals and vitamins, instead of put me a thousand different topical creams and antibiotics. I am so happy and not nearly as embarrassed to go in public.
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January 8, 2012


--Easy to add to daily regimen
--No initial breakout
--Keeps skin clear from the inside out


--Can make you nauseous if taken on an empty stomach

I have been taking Zinc now for about a year, and it's been a huge component in keeping my skin clear. My biggest complaint with the regimen my dermatologist set me up with is that it only addresses the symptoms of my acne, it doesn't do anything for preventing it. So I decided to do some research, and I discovered that acne can be lessened from the inside out. After hearing dermatologist after dermatologist say that my acne had nothing to do with my diet, I decided to see if maybe my diet did have something to do with my acne. I started eating a lot healthier, incorporating more fruits and veggies, less soda and fast food, and adding a couple supplements known to help control acne. What do you know, my acne completely went away! I take 60mg of zinc every day in addition to a fish oil supplement. I know these two things make a difference in my skin because for a period of about three months I stopped taking both and my skin started breaking out every single day again! Once I started taking zinc and fish oil again, my acne diminished in about a week, and my skin has been clear ever since. The only reason I gave it 4 out of 5 is I still get a small breakout around that time of the month. Luckily, though, it heals so much faster than it used to, and I'm 100 percent clear the rest of the month :)
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December 18, 2011


Cleared up face.


Take with food!

It works!
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November 21, 2011


Cleared up acne a tiny bit
Good for Immune System



I suggest trying as their is nothing for you to lose. Zinc did help my acne a tiny bit, not as much as I hoped it would've. I used it for 3 1/2 months and saw results in about 3 weeks.
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