
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 20, 2011


very accessible, didn't make me nauseous at all


didn't work for me. my dermatologist prescribed me 30 grams a day for 2 months to see if it would work on my stubborn, cystic acne. the first few weeks were a nightmare - i was shedding skin and developing massive pimples and whiteheads all along my "problem" areas, mainly my chin. i kept taking it, hoping that this was just a "purging" phase, but my skin didn't really get better. i broke out majorly along my jawline, i woke up every morning to a million new whiteheads, and it was just ter

i know this works for a lot of people, but i just wasn't one of them. finally, after a month and a half, i stopped taking it and went back to my derm, who prescribed me accutane. in the two weeks between stopping zinc and starting accutane, my massive breakout alongside my jawline (which was practically purple with the zits and the scars) began to slowly heal. really, i completely blame it on the zinc. wish it worked for me since it's so easy to deal with, but no. also, didn't really help with oil control either.
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January 19, 2011


I don't really think there's any.


- Makes you feel woozy.
- Made me grow hair on my torso!!!!
- Waste of time.

I totally brought the hype of supplementing with Zinc because everyone on this website seems to advocate its usage. After a few weeks of taking it, I started growing hair on my torso!!! AND it made me skip my period! Not worth it. Please please don't self-diagnose yourself if you are deficient in anything. Talk to your doctor--- the one person who actually KNOWS/STUDIED/HAS EXPERIENCE with the human body. Thus, could tell you what your real options are!!!
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August 29, 2010


helps immune system
might help with healing/scarring


I started taking this with really high hopes and expectations when I quit BP, but am very disappointed. I took this for nearly 3 months with absolutely NO good results infact my acne went from bad to worse and after 4 months I am still suffering from breakouts. I am still getting cysts and my face is still oily.

Does not work for everybody, definitely did not work for me. I read so many great reviews and it had taken me a long time to finally call it quit with this product, but after nearly 3 months of use and several continuous breakouts...I quit.
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July 20, 2010


Placebo effect in the beginning


Definitely broke me out. I thought it was helping but when I realized my acne wasn't getting better but worse, I figured I'd stop it, and mind you, it took me a while to let go of it because I thought it was helping, i thought i had zinc deficiency.

NO NO NO. I almost cried and become so depressed thinking my acne would never go away. Once I stopped zinc, the clump of acne that was forming on my cheek eventually went away...
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June 4, 2010


Easy to use


Made me break out

I took one 50mg pill at night on a full stomach.After a day I started breaking out! First one big pimple on my left side,the next day on my right side. I was rethinking everything I had done, what facial products I used,what I have eaten...all of a sudden it hit me!The zinc!I immediately stopped taking it and am slowly clearing up..Still have the red marks left though.Those breakouts were huge!
February 20, 2010




made my skin more oily

I have used chelated Zinc for 4 weeks, 2 30mg pills a day. I started to break out on my forehead (where I usually don't get acne) on the 2nd week. I've noticed that my whole face is becoming more and more oily and greasy and nasty on the 3rd week.
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July 30, 2015
What kind of zinc where you taking? Are you sure it was the zinc? Are you a girl btw? I'm scared of taking it now
November 18, 2009


it was effective for a few days.


it makes me feel sick, and want to vomit

it was effective for 5 days. one cyst was cleared after some days only. at first really i notice some effect. but on the fifth day, i felt very sick. then small cysts begun to appear which is quite weird cz i usually get one after the other (and just takes a long time to go away). then i still continue to take zinc every night 100mg. and the small cysts got bigger. wtf! i didn't reach the two-week period. i stopped using it.why is it effective to others? it didnt even take away the redness. it just take away one big cysts and replaced it with 6 small cysts (btw, this small cysts are now big.f**k zinc!)
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October 30, 2008




made me feel sick,gave me weird period issues, didn't work

i was so hoping this would be a miracle product after reading some of these reviews. Sigh! I found that even when I took 50 mgs of zinc with a meal it made my stomach feel sick. I didn't throw up but I didn't feel good. I put up with this though, clear skin is too important for me. Then I started getting my period every two weeks & spotting (not good!). I wasn't doing anything different, so I know it had to be the zinc. I noticed no difference in my acne while taking zinc, but then I didn't use any fancy zinc that some of the other reviewers recommend, just a generic brand.
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