Witch Hazel

353 Reviews

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November 9, 2010


-seems to help with redness
-makes my skin softer
-doesn't break me out
-cheap for big bottle!


-bad smell, but it goes way very quickly (it just takes some getting used to)

I never really used toner because I thought it was unnecessary, but after reading somewhere that witch hazel helped with redness and swelling, I gave this a try. It removes any excess make up or oil that my super mild cleanser doesn't take off. I only use it after I've worn make up or had a long day without washing my face. It seems to make my skin softer, and my face has gotten much better as far as breakouts go (I also switched to the cerave lotion and cleanser at the same time, though, so its hard to know what contributed the most). my face is also much less red. either way... It works for my sensitive, red skin and didn't cause a break out so... I recommend it. I give it five little pimple men.
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October 7, 2010


Good toner
Good for oily skin, I have oily skin and now it has reduced that throughout the day.


Smells bad but when put on face as toner, smell goes away.

I would get it if you have oily skin, it is nice.
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September 22, 2010


Astringent & disinfectant
Helps dry out the skin by removing oils/dirt/etc
Very cheap


None I've encountered

I use witch hazel on a cotton ball ~8 times a day. Very effective for me at drying up spots and preventing new breakouts because it keeps my face clean. If you overuse it, it will lead to more problems than it's worth, but like anything else, used in moderation it's very effective and is an easy way to help whatever acne problems you may have.
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September 14, 2010


- Removes dead skin
- Cleans your face like nothing else!
- Exfoliates skin
- Tightnens pores
- Controls excess oil


- Strong smell

I use this after I wash my face with facial soap and then I apply my oil free moisturiser. So its my 2nd step in my facial cleansing routine. I could never skip this step, it works well at cleaning my face more then facial soap alone. Gets rid of all that dead skin and the dirt on my pores and leaves my face feeling tight and clean. And most important it helps heal my acne. I use this twice a day along with my facial soap & moisturiser!
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August 13, 2010


Seems to keep acne away, smooths skin, shrinks pores. Gives skin a bit of a glow.


sometimes makes my face look to shiny
Thayers brand the brand I use is a bit expensive, but well worth it.

Thayers witch hazel brand is excellent! Alot of them are alcohol free witch hazel toners that you can get at the natural food stores. Try it, you will love it!
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August 2, 2010


-Widely available
-Simple ingredients (witch hazel and alcohol)
-Pretty hard to over-dry your skin with this, despite its' standard 14% alcohol content, unless you use it 8937049483 times a day


-The unusual smell, but only if you're overly sensitive or like to complain about such things. LOL!!

I am a woman in her mid-30's, who's begun to experience some moderate acne on her chin and jawline for the last several months. (thanks, hormones, you ROCK my world with your ongoing skin upheaval. Go away!). Rediscovering witch hazel was a GREAT thing! Witch hazel is a good, basic, affordable toner if you want to freshen up your face during the day, and/or to use as part of your cleaning regimen morning & night. I've used Dickinson's brand, and the CVS brand, and they're both pretty comparable in their action. Dickinson's was slightly more gentle, but not markedly so. I use it 2 or 3 times daily, ALWAYS with a small round cotton exfoliating pad, NOT a cotton ball, and within the first week, I noticed the following: --Smaller pores --Better skin tone and color overall --FAR less dirt and blackhead accumulation --Fewer breakouts Try it out, what the heck? From personal experience, I feel it'll do a good job of keeping your face clean, which may, in turn, discourage your pores from freaking out and turning into angry, plugged-up marbles of funk! Good luck!
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July 23, 2010


cheap,feels nice,cleans skin,soft,doesn't sting,natural.


smells bad.

I really like it ! I use it everyday in the morning & then use aloe vera & it's really improving my skin :) --if any1 cares at night I use Epiduo gel. Hopefully this will HELP me. lol <3
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July 22, 2010


it's natural and works better than most toners anyway.
it's cheap.


some may be annoyed with smell...?

buy it. try it.
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July 21, 2010


Reduces redness, relieves acne irritation, clears skin, shrinks and heals pimples, etc.



Probably the best single skin treatment I've used. Can't believe I've just heard of this stuff.
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June 11, 2010


-reduces redness
-tightens pores
-doesn't dry skin


-I go through a lot of cotton balls?

I use Dickinson's witch hazel. I love the ingredients - witch hazel extract, 14% natural alcohol. I've had issues with large pores for many years and this is a really effective toner. It's easy to find. About six bucks for 16 oz. I use it two to three times a day. It's very refreshing, great after a work out or spending anytime in the heat. (In the summer I keep a bottle in the fridge.)
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