Witch Hazel

353 Reviews

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June 25, 2011


good for oily skin and acne


the smell, the cap comes loose

ive only been using this for a day but today my face isnt as oily. it does smell different but ponds came out with a mark fading creme that smells great so i put that on after. ill write another review in a couple weeks to explain more about the product.
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June 23, 2011


Got rid of acne scares
Helped me over night
reduced rednesss
got rid of acne over about 3 days



Great products
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June 19, 2011


Great for oily skin
No irritation
Reduces redness
Skin feels softer and looks smoother


Does not really reduce acne

This is a great product, and helps with a lot of different problems one might have with the skin. It's a great adition to my daily skin care routine. I use this in the morning after cleansing face. My face does not need extra moisture in the morning because this product is, at least for my skin, non drying and is great at locking in moisture. In the evening i steam my face with sea salt and water and apply moisture after that. It has been the ONLY thing that has worked for me after years of trying to find the right treatment for me. And for the smell, it really is not a problem at all. After a few days of using witch hazel, I got used to the smell, and I really don't understand what people are complaining about. If you have problems with your skin that has lasted longer and is more severe than a single pimple, you will ignore the smell because this is such a great product.
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May 28, 2011


- Evens skin tone (reduces redness)
- MILDLY dries tiny pimples
- Rids surface oil


Some people may not enjoy the smell, but I've become inure to it and it really doesn't bother me. Actually...I kind of like the smell!

I've used witch hazel on and off consistently since around December, and every time I go through a bottle, it works wonders. I've found it VERY helpful for my minor body acne. I've had acne on my chest and back since I was approximately 13. It's the most awful feeling in the world, I know. Mine's not severe in any way; on my chest, I get lots of oil plugs that turn into whiteheads. On my back, I get those sporadic, enormous, extremely painful, inflamed mega-pimples. Witch hazel always seems to do the trick. I take a cotton ball and soak it in witch hazel, then liberally (gently) wipe down my neck, shoulders, chest, and back twice a day, once in the morning, and once after an evening shower. It works for me. Now, for my face. I don't have bad acne at all, just noting. My skin is super-oily though, so I ALWAYS get oil plugs, whiteheads, and blackheads, with the occasional big, bad pimple on my chin, which I have one right now for the first time in two months :( But anyways, back to the point! :) I usually take pure aloe (from the plant) and wipe it across my face, then once that dries, follow up with a witch-hazel-soaked cotton ball. Note: It does seem really sticky, but the mixture dries and creates a soft sheen. When I wake up in the morning, my skin is always left smooth, glowing, tight, and best of all, pimple-free!
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April 21, 2011


Reduces blemishes
Tightens Skin



I stumbled across a skin care video on Youtube on YESTERDAY and the owner swore by Witch Hazel, for clearing her acne,she was so convincing that I ran right out to the store and got some right away, I used it when I got home and again before bed and when i woke up this morning I was shocked to see how much my faced had cleared after just two uses. I've tried just about every acne fighting system, face wash, mask, even wacky home remedies I've gotten by doing google searches and nothing has worked, I don't even want to think about how much money I've spent over the years battling acne and losing but I think I've found hope in a bottle and now I'm WINNING!
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February 21, 2011


Keeps my skin clear, softens the texture of my skin, very gentle, you get a lot of product for the price you pay


The smell is kinda funky but it quickly fades

I use this as a toner and it does just what it is supposed to and more. It cleans off any cleanser or oil that may be left behind after I wash my face. In addition it makes my skin softer and when I use it my skin had a nice healthy glow about it.
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February 16, 2011
This stuff is awesome. I use it as a toner after I wash my face. It doesn't leave any residue AT ALL (unlike the proactive toner) and the smell lasts only until it dries. I don't get zits ever, but my face gets red sometimes (not in the rosy, glowing way) and witch hazel brings down the redness and any irritation. I get bumpy red patches on my upper arms and it helps that too. Also, if your skin is ever irritated from an allergic reaction or chafing or anything, it will soothe that a lot. It's cheap and you can buy it at most grocery stores with a pharmacy or drugstore and the bottle lasts forever. I find that if you pour a few drops into a CLEAN hand and rub it onto your face gently that it goes further and you irritate your face less than if you apply it with a cotton pad. Also, I'm sure a lot of dust and bacteria builds up on cotton pads, no matter how sealed your bag of them is.
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January 26, 2011


Refreshes,soothes,tightens,skin less oily,shrink pores, lighten blemishes, gets rid of acne as well as small bumps on hairline! No new pimples ( usually I get 2-4 new ones a day) this is a Godsend!!!!!


None, people complain about the smell but who cares? Get over it! If you have dealt with real acne your whole life like me, you would be willing to put something on your face that smell like poop if you fed up with failed treatments and products!

This stuff is amazing! I have had acne for 15 years and have spent thousands and went through failed treatments. I was so depressed about my face all my growing up years, I missed out on opportunities b/c I was embarrassed and the emotional pain was devastating. Try this, it has given me hope to clearing my skin. I have been using for 3 days now and so far awesome results! No new pimples and my scars are fading and this stuff is cheap!
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January 20, 2011


-clears skin
-shrinks pores
-evened my skin tone
-calmed my skin
-got rid of pimples & black heads
-no new pimples & black heads



I just turned 27 and am currently deployed to Iraq. I've been battling acne since I was 13 and had pizza face for many years. I paid an absurd amount of money going to Dermatologist appointments, paying for pescriptions, taking whatever I was instructed to. I've had big pore my whole life on my nose and cheeks, but made peace with it because my dad has the same deal. I ran out of my face wash over here and a friend recommended witch hazel for in the mean time. I've been using it for two weeks now and it is AMAZING!!! My skin cleared up, my pores have shrank, face is super smooth and soft. My blackheads are gone, and even the red scar marks I've always covered up with makeup-virtually gone :-) I wish I had tried this years ago when I was still in school! Anyways, this product works for me and only cost $2.00 so give it a try! What I do, is wipe my face with it 3 times a day and thats it :-) I shower every night (you need to here) and still use my face scrub to exfoliate but after I shower I wipe my face with the witch hazzel and go to bed. I wake up in the morning and love the results. I keep looking in the mirror because I'm so amazed at the results! I'll update this in a month and let everyone know how its going.
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December 19, 2010


-less oily face
-skin feels better
-natural product
-does not irritate the skin


-smell for others, but to me it's not that bad

use it first before switching to any products i.e. cleansers, spot treatments, creams, surgery, accutane. I found out about this when I was at walmart with my girlfriend and she saw Aaron Brands: Astringent Witch Hazel, 16 fl oz. It was only a $1. On my second week now I barely get acne, only if I sleep really late (4 hours of sleep), I'll get a small one but it goes away less than a day as you keep using this astringent. I use it twice a day, sometimes 3 if I've had a long day at work and doing physical activities. What I noticed was the more your cotton is soaked and as you put it in your face like you applied sweat, your face is less oily. So please do yourself a favor and try this and maybe it may cure your acne, I'm a believer of this product. I'm male, 23 years old. Acne cured.
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