Vitamin C

119 Reviews

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June 22, 2011


*Taken orally it can improve immune system (with vitamin B it gives energy).

*Applied topically in concentrations of 5-10% it can stimulate collagen and significantly lessen post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (look it up!).

*Faster results than you'd expect; it really made my skin GLOW the very first time I applied it!


Skin-wise, it's WAY more effective (20x, according to scientific research) if you apply it topically.

* You need the right form for a topical application (Ascorbic Acid is cheapest and most readily available form--esp in plain old tablet form).

*It burns a lot (it's an irritant and acid after all) and can cause redness for up to 10 mins after application.

Taking Vitamin C orally for your skin isn't likely to make a significant difference (though I drink an Emergen-C packet once a day b/c it seems to be a natural energy booster). If you want vitamin C to benefit your skin you are far better off applying it topically. Here's how I do it: 1. Get some vitamin c tablets in the form of Ascorbic Acid (maybe check your local pharmacy for a cheap bottle--i got mine at Kaiser for $3.99). 2. Crush/grind 1-2 tablets to a fine powdery dust (use only 1 for sensitive skin or small single-use batches, etc). 3.You can mix this dust with whatever you want; some use oil, some use aloe vera gel to create a serum--really, it just depends on what you prefer and how long you want the batch to last (I've never tried making a serum as I suspect it would leave a powdery residue and require making a fresh batch everyday). I mix my C dust with a 5% tea tree oil solution diluted with green tea (that would be: 1/2 tsp TTO and 2 1/2 tsp of freshly brewed green tea). That way, it becomes a 3-in-1 antibacterial/anti-inflammatory/vitamin c toner--and because I keep this mixture in a dark glassed (disinfected) vanilla extract bottle, it doesn't degrade so fast. If you do it this way, just make sure the cap screws tight and shake vigorously before every application. When it no longer burns upon application that generally means it's time to make a fresh batch.
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April 12, 2009


Anti-inflammatory! Healthy looking skin! Even more blotchy red skin..finally!!


Didnt help with preventing the acne itself but helped with ALL the other symptoms of it.

If you have skin like mine..EXTREMELY red and inflammed acne all over(even my derm was like wow youre really inflammed) lol also about a million post acne marks that are dark red/purple colored and have bad uneven toned skin (not rosacea) but just really red in places and then really white...then vitamin-c is for you AND your redness haha. I boutght a bottle and have been taking 2,000 mg a day about 2 days ago and my skin has a gorgeous natural EVEN blush to it and i swear it looks like i have makeup on or something it looks so healthy. Scars are fading FAST I already see a huge improvement. Must take atleast 2,000 mg to see a difference and also add curcumin and/or cinnamon supplements to prevent the acne itself! please try! Nothing has ever worked for my inflammation until vit-c..who knew the natural way would be the most affective would never know because doctor's won't tell you they need to make money off of unhealthy perscriptions..
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April 1, 2009


- Tastes nice and you can take it 3 different ways. (Chewable tablets, drop or effervescent tablet).
- Reduces redness, soreness and makes your skin look a lot healthier.
- Cheap.


- It's not a 'miracle cure' or a one night wonder, but certainly helps if you take at the same time you do the regime on here.

I use Redoxon Vitamin C in the form of effervescent tablets. I take one a day with a large glass of water, which is about 1000mg of Vitamin C. It really helps reduce swelling, light scarring and aids in creating healthier looking skin. After a week of taking this stuff the redness from previous pimples and spots has significantly reduced. However, you might as well eat an orange a day and that's all natural. Some forms of Redoxon contain aspartame (artificial sweetener), so stay clear if you don't like that sort of stuff. Overall, it's a great little supplement to take - just don't expect any instant results.
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September 29, 2012


It REALLY clears up acne, but.. (see the bottom line)


Normally one cannot overdose, however it's better to consult a doctor

I was feeling a bit sick and couldn't allow myslef to get down, so i took 1000 mg (2 pills x500mg) of vitamine C and aspirine before going to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I saw was my face being calmed down and acne cleared up. So I asked myself - what could cause that (because NOTHING worked before) and realised that maybe vitamine C (but not 60mg... 1000mg!), so I continued to take 1000 mg 2 times per day and after two days my friends started to ask me what I did with my face because it looked way better. Now it's 5th day of 2g dose and my face is almost clear.
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April 20, 2015
best product for acne and scars
vitamin c tablets are also very good for skin if any ne have acne and scars better to take vitamin c chewable tablets or take this vitamin c powder since from 1year i've suffered with this acne and scars but when i startedto take these tablets wont belive within 1 month my skin got cleared and now haha ..i feel im so good
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April 18, 2016
Hi, Can u please tell me about ur dose of vitamin c per day? did u take anything else with vitamin c?
June 10, 2013
Faster results with with zinc


You feel good
Makes you lift heavier
Speeds up healing


You attract too many girls :/
You last quicker in sex :(

After 3 weeks of using this it helped speed up everything along with improving my skin and healing the acne scars. It usually kicks in around your blood stream after 2 - 3 weeks for it to immediately start working, to speed up the results with acne scarring take it at night therefore it works better as you sleep with 35mg Zinc tablets with 1000mg Vitamin C tablets. It cleared up my skin immediately!
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April 18, 2016
Zinc is good for health? is there any side effect? and one more qunstion how many days did u take zinc with vitamin c?
October 28, 2010


No side effects. All the health benefits of Vitamin C.


I used the pharmaceutical grade 100% Ascorbic Acid powder and it is a little tart and took some getting used to. I have no problems drinking it several times a day now.

I recently started taking no less than 10g, yes grams, a day, to fight a cold I felt coming on. I mean it was one of those, "Ah man, here it comes", body aches, head ache, sinus/congestion. After one day, the cold symptoms seemed to be gone. Kept taking it through the next day, and on day 3 I was out on a rigorous mountain bike ride with no during or after cold symptoms. The horrible crop of big cystic acne that stretched from one side of my neck to the other was still present, but I noticed that it no longer hurt and no new ones had grown over the past two days. I kept taking the Vitamin C and within a few days my neck felt as if everything was healing and drying up. Stopped taking the Vitamin C and a couple new cysts appeared. So, now, I'm back on Vitamin C and I'm having the same healing reaction. I found this site because I just did a Google search to see if in fact Vit-C was an acne treatment or it it was all just a coincidence. By the way, milk makes me break out in that chin line neck area with cysts, although I don't think it is what brought on this aggressive breakout. Hope that helps!
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September 25, 2015
Really awesome so far
I've been taking 2000 mg per day of vitamin c I already see results and it's been nearly one week.Iam also using it with Benzaclin that the docter prescribed me my face is 80% clear and my post acne marks/ hyperpigmentation is 80% gone. Vitamin c is good for overall health and is amazing at fighting acne,post acne marks, and uneven skin tone.
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February 25, 2015
review for Perque brand ( buffered ascorbate powder, vitamin C powder)
I started taking this vitamin C powder as recommedned by a naturopathic physician. I have acne since 14 years old, this is the first time my face is totally cleared. amazing!
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March 10, 2009


Healthy - and easy to use



The bottom line for this discussion on Vitamin C is that treatment for acne has both an internal and external component. I'm a 23 year old female battling with acne for the past 10 years - I've tried literally everything from accutane to OTC topicals to prescription topicals to antibiotics and I've just finally found a regimine for my clear skin. My acne has come in many different forms from moderate to severe cystic, and this regimine works for all of it. I am currently on 50mg daily of Spironolactone (my cystic acne was hormonal) and this cleared up my cystic acne but still left the small white bumps that are incredibly stubborn. In January 2009 I decided to change my diet for health reasons and found it really cleared up the rest of my skin! Cutting back on sugar and red meat and drastically increasing my fruit/vegetable/fish intake has me clear enough to wear no make up for the first time in 10 years!
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