Vitamin B5

521 Reviews

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 7, 2007


cleared my skin mostly


to much pill poping

I used pantothenic acid 500 mg 6-10 pills a day and I had like 30 pimples know I only have like 5 its proboly becuase I wasent taking 20 a day(I think skinb5 is writing a bunch of fake reveiws on here nobody says the brand they bought
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August 2, 2007


I didn't upset my stomach

Cons: it working?

I have very very mild acne but very persistent, I was basicaly just looking for something that wuold take care of the excess of oil of my skin. It's been 4 weeks so hasen't change a thing!I'm gonna finish up this bottle and if it doesn't start working comment back. Beware of the comments left by the companies, it is a very common practise to use forum to advertise and pilot the possible buyers' mind
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July 31, 2007


Doesn't upset my sensitive stomach.
Drastically reduces oil.
Seemed to be what finally got rid of cystic acne I was getting. Overall skin condition improved greatly with no side effects.


Lots of pills to take. I'm taking Vitamin Shoppe's Pantothenic Acid 500mg capsules x 20 per day. I usually take 4-5 at a time 4-5x a day. I just keep the bottle at my desk so I remember to take them. Tried tablets and couldn't choke them down.

It works. It's not a magic cure but it surely helped me where the dermatologist couldn't.
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July 31, 2007


Easy to use, Tastes great.


none yet

I recently posted a comment under "Acnezine" stating that i had just started to use it and that i would comment back after i had used it for a couple of months. Well it has been almost 3 months that i have been using it and it does NOT work!! what a waist of money. I stopped using it last night as my "SkinB5" arrived in the mail last night. I have heard so much positive feedback in regarsd to B5 that i thought that i would give it a try. Last night i started to use SkinB5 and so far things are looking positive. I will continue to use it and then each week report back to let you all know how its going.
July 27, 2007


increased energy, smaller pores, less pimples, less oil


a ton of pills, gas,

i started taking 6 grams of b5, 75 mgs of zinc, and a multi vitamin a few weeks ago. with in 2 weeks my face is showing improvment, smaller pores, less pimples, pimples that do show up are less severe & heal quickly (due to the zinc) i bumped my intake of b5 to 10 grams per day a few days ago & have noticed that my face is less oily than before. i have tried everything as well, even accutane. i am 31 and have been suffering for the past 14 years. it will be nice if the actually will cure once & for all!
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July 25, 2007


Skin less oily
Better skin texture


None, love it.

Love this stuff!!!! On my 3rd bottle of SkinB5 and I won't stop. Skin texture is 100% better and break outs have alomost cleared. Awesome! The key is to spread out your daily dosage, that gives me the best results.
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July 16, 2007


Very effective. Skin is consistently smoother and less oily. Never get those deep lingering infections


Swallowing tons of pills, occoasional diarreah during high dosage

I have been using B5 relatively consistently for about 5 years now. I tend to vary the dosage, high for a couple of weeks, moderate for a month or 2, then minimal or none for several weeks. This approach seems to keep the effectiveness going better for me, but I admit it is not a scientific study. No question this stuff works for me.
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July 14, 2007




Having to remember to take it every couple hours, didnt anything to stop the oily skin, I have been taking it for 7 weeks so far, I will continue to take it for another month and if I dont see results I will stop this pill popping bullsh*t

Dont let people see you taking all these pills they will think your a crack head
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July 7, 2007


Started taking 4 500-mg capsules 2xdaily about four days ago. Dramatic improvement. Did Accutane 5 yrs ago and my acne is worse than ever. The aching, dryness and testing with Accutane was terrible. And horribly expensive.


I have had zero side effects so far.

Why do dermatologists prescribe those expensive products when this is available? Could it be JOB SECURITY? Try this today. It's worth every penny compared to every other treatment out there!
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July 6, 2007
I started using AcneMiracle's B5 powder in 2003 and the stuff COMPLETELY cleared up my skin in like 2 weeks. I had moderate acne, small bumps all over my face for years before that. I tried everything: Proactiv, antibiotics, creams, etc. nothing worked as well as the B5. however, i recently ran out of my AcneMiracle B5 and their product has been discontinued (not sure what happened with their website?) so I just switched to VitaCure's B5. I'm on week 2 and I hope this is just the breaking out phase, but I am at my worst right now. I hope this stuff works again ...
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