Vitamin B5

521 Reviews

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 12, 2007


skin slowly starting to improve


none that i have noticed yet

ive been taking the time release form for about 2 months now at 1 gram a day , 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night (i dont think it sounds healthy to take 20 pills a day) and it is slowly working. along with this i take a multi vitamin b tablet and eat 5 portions of fruit a day, as well as drinking lots of water fruit juice and milk.
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September 5, 2007


Skin is I'd say about 75% clearer than it was when I started. It hasn't cleared me up completely but my skin is about 100% less oily and the whiteheads are maybe one or two daily. I'm going to try to take the maintenance dosage and use the regimen.


None, really. I've noticed zero side effects.

I would reccomend this to anyone with oily skin as it did work very well on that area. Also I would say at least a 50% reduction in whiteheads. I think it would be best suited as a supplement to a regimen. I'm gonna try Dk's regimen with it.
September 5, 2007


slowy cleared up my skin to almost perfect



I take 3 small teaspoons a day and 4x500mg time released tabs b4 i go to bed... after 3 months my acne had gone, i have done this for over a year now.... i got my cousin onto this stuff and OMG its AMAZING, his acne was much worse than mine and it cleared that up perfectly too...... god bless this product.
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September 5, 2007


Reduced my body acne. T-zone less oily. Fewer breakouts on cheeks.



Was tempted to use accutane because nothing else worked. Started using SkinB5 6 weeks ago and the results have been better than expectd. Acne on my shoulders and back has almost cleared and my face is much less oily.
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August 30, 2007


Skin feels smoother and is less oily, fewer breakouts, doesn't upset my stomach.



I bought the GNC brand of pantothenic acid about a month ago because I read on this site that it can help reduce skin oiliness. I have been taking two 500 mg pills twice daily. I have incredibly oily skin, and within about two weeks I noticed that my skin looked and felt less oily. I also have mild acne, and the B5 cleared up my skin almost 100%; I can now actually get away with not wearing makeup! My skin also looks and feels much smoother. Although I still have oilier skin than most people, I really think the B5 helped, and it's definitely worth trying if you have acne. I also have a sensitive stomach and the B5 didn't upset it at all. I also like that I can get a bottle of 100 pills for around eight dollars. I didn't notice any weight loss, unfortunately.
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August 27, 2007


does help with clearing skin better than antibiotics


think hair does fall out quicker :~

Advice to Brian dont use vilantae i used it too it didnt work made it worse then i got some vitamin b5 on its own and took some pills and it helped calm the acne that vilantae had caused try it. i used vitamin b5 for some time it did help with the acne but it was like it was pushing big spots to the surface and i heared hair loss stories so i backed off after some of my hair was being lost i got scared...but my acne is still the problem so i am back on it now giving it another go but taking it in smaller dosage like only 3 or 4 or 5 pills a day and its doing the same thing its pushing spots to the surface and so im hoping after this it will start drying up the oil and my skin can become clearer. Good luck to everyone i feel your pain :(
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August 24, 2007


stop using proactiv to control acne THANKS to vitamin B5. My face is NOT oily, so far is the best oral vitamin i ever took.


haven't experience it yet, hair loss?

if you have bad acne, take 10 GRAMS of vitamin B5 everyday. First, start off with 2-3 grams for the first week to get your system use to it, then next following week bump it up to 10 grams. IT IS BETTER THAN FISH OIL OMEGA 3.
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August 24, 2007


Less deep cysts, Less oily + smaller pores. Heaps of energy!


No nasty side effects, just the uncertainty of taking mega doses freaks me out!

Hi I am 22 and I have suffered acne since I was 13. I've tried nearly every product on the market. Been on tropical creams +differn from the dr which never helped , just caused my skin to be dry and flakey. It all just gets a bit frustrating after awhile and the search for some relief never seems to end. Was about to go on diane35, but decided to give one more shot at something less internally dangerous and its been the best decision so far!!! Taking 4g b5 tablets cut into 3 doses morning, noon and night with food( thats important or you will be rushing to the toilet), i crush my noon dose into powder form and mix it with juice for better absorption. I also have boitin 150mg zinc a mult b vitamin tablet 1000mg flaxseed oil wash my face with green french clay and moisturize with 100% aloe vera gel:)
August 24, 2007





I think is working, and i will let you know in one month.i got from [link removed].Thanks
August 20, 2007


Skin much less oily. Fewer pimples


Trying to find it in shops

I've been using vitamin B5 powder for 3 months. Overall very happy, will keep you updated.