Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 3, 2011


Even skin tone
No new spots
Cysts disappearing
Scars fading
Skin looking radiant
It works!!!!!


The smell, but its a small price to pay for beautiful skin!

I have never had acne in my teenage years. Recently I went on birth control pill and it broke me out in hormonal acne. I was not getting many, two or three painful lump-like spots at the time, they took forever to get up to the surface and as soon as they would, two or three more would come up again. I was getting them mainly along my jaw line, and due to the area being so small, the scarring and the redness has made me feel very bad about how I looked. I have tried everything - vitamins, diets, various cleansing programmes, changing BCP, make-up, tea tree oil, topical antibiotics - you name it - I've done it. I have stumbled upon this website about two weeks ago and read the reviews. Bought apple cider vinegar the next day, non organic, just the regular stuff. Two weeks later - my skin is clear, radiant and I didn't get a single zit during the "time of the month" when my skin would normally go insane. I don't dilute it, just use it after I use my Shu Uemura A/I cleansing oil to remove my makeup and before shower in the morning. It really works! My skin is very sensitive yet there is no redness even upon initial application. Bottom line - try it!!!!
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August 1, 2011


Dries out acne quickly
Reduces appearance of acne
Good for body acne
Can be used as a toner
Overall effective


Mild stinging
Can be drying on skin

I used Rice Vinegar and I've found it works much better than regular vinegar. I have not tried Apple Cider Vinegar, so I can not attest to its effectiveness. Before bed every night I put some vinegar on a round cotton pad and run it over the problem areas. The scent can be a bit overpowering, but I find that you get used to it quickly, and when you shower in the morning it doesn't matter. By morning, I find that the acne is significantly dried out, bringing some to a head and others partially disappearing. This is very good for body acne, as that is what I've used it for. I really have no complaints here, and I would recommend it to anybody.
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July 21, 2011


Clears acne


Smells terrible

IMPORTANT! Use a dilution first. Start with 9 parts water: 1 part apple cider vinegar eventually working your way up to a stronger concentration over time. Your skin is most likely going to be too sensitive to handle ACV without being diluted.
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July 16, 2011


work well for all skin type
fade scars


takes time to see result
smell so... :((

better to combine half of cider vinegar with half of cucumber juice. Keep apply in your acne area for 2 weeks and u will see the result. It works wonder on my skin
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July 12, 2011


-Cleared up my troubled skin!
-Leaves skin looking very soft/clean after use as a toner
-All natural!


-Smells awful and tastes even worse. But still, if it clears your skin, it's worth it! And it goes away after a few minutes
-A bit stingy at first

I never had an acne problem growing up. However, after I went on birth control for medical reasons, I experienced the worst breakout of my life all over my face. Being 20 years old and never having had an acne problem, of course I was desperate. I ditched the pills and began a grueling journey to get rid of my acne. For many months, I tried everything - Obagi products (helped immensely with old scarring but not my acne itself), a rainbow of topical ointments from my dermatologist, organic face washes/toners, drinking aloe vera juice, supplements, changing my grooming habits, natural remedies like lemon juice and honey masks...only with slight results. Nothing worked quite like apple cider vinegar! I began to use it only a few weeks ago, religiously (morning and night after face was washed) and noticed results after about a week! I tried to use it both as a toner and as a shot to drink. It's awful to drink, so I'll be doing that minimally (I still recommend it, because it couldn't hurt) but as a toner, it totally healed my skin! And people, my acne was stubborn hormonal acne, so you know this stuff is good! Combined with dry ice treatments (available at select dermatologist offices; basically sloughs off dead skin and dries existing acne), I am now almost acne free after many months of agony. I still use a topical ointment (Veltin) after I apply the vinegar just to be safe, but I know the main reason my skin is now healthy is due to the vinegar. I can't sing enough praises about it. If you're struggling with acne, try apple cider vinegar. It's definitely worth a shot. Good luck to all of you!
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July 9, 2011


Affordable (4.99 @ Trader Joes)



I was skeptical of this one... I've tried everythingggg and got desperate... I started to wash with Purpose cleanser and then apply (1 part ACV/1 part which hazel/3 part water) toner. Every few days Ill do a mask with Baking Soda as well. I was so surprised to find that mixing a few drops of Jojoba oil in with my Olay Regenerist Serum makes a perfect mixture! I apply this before my foundation in the AM. I hardly do any touch ups or blotting all day, and I have a healthy glow again. I tried doing the 'drinking it' thing for a few days, but decided topical may be the better way to go for the results I wanted :) no complaints other than the smell
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June 28, 2011


works GREAT :)
1 bottle goes a long way


smelly until it dries

ACV has greatly helped with my acne! I started off using it undiluted which was of course silly... my skin was red for days of course. Then I started diluting it 1:1 with water and it is much much better. It felt far more natural. I still apply undiluted acv with a cotton bud onto active pimples without touching the skin around the pimple. It instantly reduces the redness and visible white tip of the pimple (not sure what to call it :) I use it as a toner, so after cleansing. Mostly in the evenings to avoid smelling of vinegar during the day, but if I am at home I will use it twice a day and it works miracles.
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June 18, 2011


It cleared up my skin in no time
Help you lose weight!
The most effective product I've ever used


The taste is strong (if you are drinking it)
And if you are applying it directly to your skin in doesn't smell very nice at all

ACV is a real miracle worker. I swear by it. I have seen it cure extremely severe skin conditions. I absolutely adore it. And it's not something you depend on. I started having acne was I was 13. I didn't discover ACV until I was 25. I started drinking it and in just a few weeks my skin cleared up. Now I don't drink it anymore and my skin is still fine. But I drink it. I tried applying it to my skin, but that didn't really work for me.
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June 9, 2011


Clears up folliculitis, kills bacteria, VERY inexpensive. You don't have to buy some specialty, organic mumbo jumbo for this to work. Just go to the grocery store and get regular old vinegar or apple cider vinegar, nothing fancy.


Can burn skin and leave it dark

I took the bad with the good here. Honestly, after taking Minocin gave me folliculitis, I couldn't figure out what to do to make it go away. Fortunately, my GP gave me Bactrim and I began putting apple cidar vinegar, and then later plain white distilled vinegar on my acne effected areas. It worked wonders!! I could see and feel the vinegar bubbling up and killing bacteria, and that sensation only lasted a few seconds. While it did kill off the bacteria with the help of Bactrim, it also left the acne and folliculitis effected areas darker, as if the skin was dead. But that was fine, because a week or so later, the skin was loose enough that I could just scrub it away and the skin underneath was like BRAND NEW, SOFT, CLEAR baby skin. The marks took a while to heal but my skin was def healthier. I tried drinking down ACV and that's just gross. I can't even shot the I just applied it topically. My acne was once severe but now it is nonexistent, so I just put "very light"
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May 20, 2011


All natural, refreshing, works great as a pH balancing toner. Can't beat the cost.


Smells like vinegar (but smell fades quickly), Slight sting especially on broken skin.

I use regular Great Value ACV diluted with green tea solution as a toner. I love it! You can splash it or dab it on with a cotton pad. It helps heal scarring and reduce redness from previous acne. I use in combination with Dan's 2.5% BP and OTC cleanser & moisturizer. I stay acne free for the most part this is a huge improvement for me considering I used to have huge cystic acne all over my face. Now it's more of an occasional little bump. Recipe: 1 cup boiling water, 2 green tea bags steeped for 20 min. 3 parts tea to 1 part ACV.
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