Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 21, 2009


Works better than just about everything I've tried!!!


A bit smelly.
Dried out my hand.

I've suffered from pretty bad acne for maybe 10 years, and the only thing that worked was Minocycline. But unfortunately I developed a rare drug-induced lupus from that, and eventually ended up back at square one. ACV is the ONLY thing so far that has worked so well. I dilute it a bit with water, then apply with a cotton ball. It has completely dried out my right hand though from applying it every night. But this is just fantastic! The really large cystic type acne has decreased in size, as have basically all the other forms. Even my blackheads have disappeared! Why have I only just found out about this?!?!
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November 20, 2009


It make my skin feel softer, very good and shiny comblexshion
i lowe it


cannot think of 1 ting!

Ive been using it for about a month it was wery frustrating at first because it vasnt vorking but be patient it workss ive tried evryting and this has truly healed my acne
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November 19, 2009


I have seen such a change in my skin its amazing. I drink it and use it in the morning, I use finacea at night and i feel so good. If you have mild acne with semi oily skin i recommend finacea, it helps the redness and the scars over night. epharmacy


the smell blows, especially if you are in a hot area the smell is much more strong. i dont care though, clear skin is clear skin. pain is beauty

use this stuff. its awesome, cheap and amazing!!!
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November 18, 2009


Have battled acne for at least 20 years and this is the ONLY thing that has worked well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You will go to bed with your face smelling strange- but you get used to it... and to wake up with a nice complexion makes it all worthwhile.

I have to say I am a real skeptic... I have tried EVERYTHING on the market- even accutane for my acne. Accutane took it away for a while, but it came back. Never since my teens have I been 100% acne free. I was on Duac cream before trying this and it was not working. I was also on a sulfur cream. My forehead had tons of tiny bumps and my face had scattered pimples throughout. After a couple of days THE LITTLE PIMPLES ON MY FOREHEAD VANISHED WHEN I FIRST STARTED APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!!!!! I applied the stuff straight and it tingled a bit but it's so worth it! It's been about 3 weeks now and my face is so smooth and pretty- even my minor wrinkes (I am 38) have smoothed out. I am totally amazed and speechless and never write reviews, but I just had to so someone else might benefit. I am so thankful for this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is totally worth a shot. I love not being on drugs /using worthless, expensive creams!!!!!
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November 17, 2009


natural, inexpensive, dries out pimples quickly. My skin looks so much healthier and clean!!!


none, maybe smell.

I've been using ACV for about a month and a half. I dilute it with green tea ( 2parts of green tea / 1part of ACV) and use as skin toner. Once apply ACV let it dry and use your moisturizer! My face is completely acne free right now. When I had a big pimple I applied just only ACV to the spot. next day I could see huge improvement. the pimples dried out so quickly and few more days later it's completely gone. I also drink 1 table spoon of ACV and 8 oz water right after I get up in the morning. My boyfriend hates the way it smells but we all know we will do everything if we can beat the acne.
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November 12, 2009


***Be sure to buy ORGANIC apple cider vinegar***


1) It takes about 3 weeks to see AMAZING results.
2) I smell like vinegar every night.
3) You have to keep applying it to your face daily, adding it to your skin care routine otherwise your acne might come back.

THIS IS THE BEST NATURAL PRODUCT I HAVE EVER TRIED ON MY BODY!! I AM SO HAPPY WITH IT THAT I WANT TO SHOUT IT OUT TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ACNE TO TRY IT!! Give it 3 weeks, apply daily! I apply it WITHOUT diluting it, with a cotton ball, and just rub it over my face and chest. I do this ONCE every night before I go to bed.
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November 10, 2009


Skin smoother, scars lighter and acne gone.


Strong smell.

I have been using this for about 3 weeks now and I have noticed a great improvement in my skin. I believe my acne is hormonal. In addition to applying it on my skin I also take it internally with 2 tablespoons in an 8oz. glass of water twice a day. I notice more of an improvement when I drink it than when I apply it to my skin.
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October 29, 2009


My skin feels really smooth, lighter, healthier, glowing, prevent breakouts, Reduce the oil, and CHEAP :)


Smells so strong, but I got used to it.

This is the BEST treatment i've ever had. The result is AMAZING! I used to have low self-esteem because of my acne problem. I have problem with acne since I was in middle school, now I am a junior in college, I tried so MANY different stuff, and nothing works. I went to at least 5 different dermatologists and still didn't work. ACV is the answer. Now, I feel Great about my skin :) I use it before I go to bed and wash it in the morning. Everyone should give it a try!
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October 25, 2009


Works quickly on breakouts
Helps with hyperpigmination.
Overall very impressive results.


The smell, but you get used to it. It also dries out your skin, so make sure you use a moisturizer along with it.

I've been using it for about a week and a half and one side of my face is just about completely acne free, save for a pimple or two, which is a huge improvement. The other side has always been much worse, but it's definitely a work in progress thanks to this treatment. Thankfully, it's also been helping with the hyperpigmentation I get as a result from my breakouts. (I dilute it with water and apply it to my entire face at night, let it soak in while I sleep, then wash it off in the morning.)
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October 17, 2009


Affordable, natural, safe, easy



I am 30 years old and have suffered from acne since my teens. I've been using expensive Oracea, but I quit a few weeks ago and broke out horribly. I have been using this for 4 days, morning and night I apply it and just leave it on. It's too soon to tell how it will work in the long-term, but it's looking good so far! Oh, and I'm just using what we had in the cupboard, which is not organic.. if I go to buy more, I will buy the organic. I will keep updating every week or two!
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