Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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December 21, 2009


reduces redness,scaring,and scabs, free


smell and could never tell anyone

im 13 and have started to get pretty bad acne. i was stupid and started picking at most of my acne and they became bad scabs that most turned into scars. i have tried everything to make the scars less red and smaller. i decieded to try it and i only have tried it this moring and one of my scars is already smaller and less red.
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December 17, 2009


eliminates all oil, reduces red marks, gets rid of acne fast.


smell isn't amazing

I have been using this for about 3 weeks, it seems to be working better then anything else i have tried. I am going to keep using it and give it more of a chance i broke out with 3 small pimples yesterday, but i don't really eat overly healthy I am going to try to eat better and I think I will see better results.
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December 10, 2009


Its free, its always available.


Its wee! it isnt that pleasant, although I can comprehend what I am doing its still awkard and I will never admit to doing it...ever!

I like to give everything a go when it comes to acne, the only way to find a cure is to try everything! The first time I tried this I wasnt really freaked out by what I was doing... (i dont know what that says for me) but it was difficult trying to hide it from the husband. I keep up a healthy eating regime, and my urine doesnt really smell but I was constantly paranoid, especially when people go in for a kiss hello or goodbye! After a few weeks it was apparent that the treatment wasnt for me....I got huge cysts and small white heads, i constantly felt sticky and dirty, So no, I dont really recommend it, but it may work for you. I found that using rooibos tea as a tonic on my face worked better as it contains natural AHA's. (I also drink about 6 cups per day and take 5000iu vitamin A)
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December 10, 2009


i been using other products for about almost all the positve reason in my life and nothin didnt do all that well it did but not too much like a facial wash suppose to actually clear up then i heard about urine and that help love it on my face


all i can say is i dont let people know i use urine but i do and helps .its an treatment what the heck !!!!!!!!its been a remedy and gonna stay a rememdy

lets just saay reguardless it might be weird to people but its one of the best products and even a dermologist prevents it and u sohuld love it and try it instead of judging it .lets not say this or that about something you havent try before cause ya never know just ty it please .urine is for all types off skin types acne scars pigment cancer disease and other sorts of help that urine will help
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December 1, 2009


really does make your skin glow after a few days. significantly reduces oil on face! its like a miracle!


smells but you get used to it. feels a lil bit sticky on skin.

i dont think i tried it long enough to see if it would clear up my face but it gave my skin a healthy glow like everyone says it does. it didnt seem to make my acne worse at all either. i dont think i drink enough water for it to work though. i hate water. oh and its the best moisturizer ive ever used in my whole life but it also stops oil production at the same time! its so like wow! haha. maybe ill try it for a week again and see if it clears up my face. i dont think it will thought cause i have like the most stubborn acne ever :(
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November 3, 2009


FREE, regulates oil production better than anything else ive tried, dries up cysts in a week or two, and makes my skin glow


its pee.

Im so glad ive tried this. i was using Exposed skin care before and that wasnt doing it for me. this seems to work well so im going to be using this everyday for the next 3 months and see what happens. it worked well in the last few weeks by just using it occaisonally.
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November 2, 2009


It's free, and has been more effective than anything I have tried as of yet.


Arbitrary social status preoccupations.

Have tried almost every other method available, with this being the one to completely work. It's simple, takes no effort-time-money, and has worked perfectly for me. I had moderate but frequent cystic eruptions, and poor skin tone for years. This brought out cysts, faded scars, evened out tone, and more. Acne severity listed is pre-urine therapy. Now severity is "clear".
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October 28, 2009


tightens skin, gives it a nice glow, moisturizes and takes away oiliness, reduces redness and gives you an even skin tone


it smells bad, it would be embarrasing if anyone found out, so you need to be secretive, some sensitive people may be able to smell the pee on your forehead

When applied, it nearly instantly reduces redness and it stops new spots forming/appearing. However, don't be dissapointed if a few days into the treatment you get new spots, as that is described as normal because spots are formed about two weeks before they emerge and you can't see them. Method: collect your first urine of the day, midstream (so all the bacteria that may be present are eliminated). Dab cotton wool into the urine and apply to spots. Wash off after half an hour or you can sleep with it on. If your skin becomes irritated, then use stale urine instead of fresh, stored in the fridge with a lid on for up to one week. Good luck in getting rid of your acne with the natural miracle treatment that comes from your own amazing bod. Oh and btw, don't use someone else's urine, it makes no difference, and reallly, you shouldn't use urine of the opposite sex because they have different hormones.
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October 25, 2009


Urine clears skin, makes it glow, improves skin health, reduces scarring, and is in general a miracle cure.


Smells bad, and is kind of embarrassing.

The bottom line here is this: If you are willing to put pee on your face, this is an amazing treatment. If not, stick with baking soda. Note that this will NOT WORK AT ALL if you maintain an improper diet, and will MAKE YOUR ACNE WORSE if you do not eat right. Eat lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, and avoid junk food.
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October 21, 2009


clears up acne, and evens out skin tone


the fact that it is pee; possible humiliation should someone find out

My tattoo artist was the one who told me of this type of treatment. His wife uses it on her face and back. I had moderately bad back acne and several scars from cystics. After he did a large 10 iunch tattoo on my back, he told me to wait about a monthn for the tattoo and skinto heal before starting UT; and OMG my skin cleared up nicely. No more black spots all over my upper back and no more acne. But you must keep up the therapy, although you can decrease (NOT STOP) its use over time
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