: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 19, 2018
Changed my skin
I started getting acne on my cheeks, chin, and forehead really bad for the first time in my life and honestly was so self conscious I wouldn't leave the house without makeup. I first used a stronger BP from another company and it was really harsh and would burn and sting my skin, I would look like I woke up with a sun burn. Plus it was so drying, my skin would peel and flake so I had to pile on moisturizer. So I'm so glad I found this BP, since it's a smaller percentage, It's still drying but not as harsh and theres no stinging . I've been using the BP at night with my own moisturizer and cleanser for over 6 months and the texture has really changed. I only have a tiny bit of scaring left and maybe get one or two spots around my period each month, which i just spot treat with this and are gone in a couple of days anyway. As long as you just keep using more and more as your skin gets used to it you'll start to see results, Its taken a long time but its been worth it! Using other products like a clay mask, glycolic acid cleanser or salicylic acid cleanser really help too.
April 5, 2018
Best Treatment EVER!
I never write reviews for products but this treatment has changed my life!I have officially been using the regimen on my face for a year and my skin looks AMAZING!! It has been a bumpy road with dry skin and horrible breakouts but if you stick through it and don't give up on this regimen i promise you the results are worth the trouble! I finally feel comfortable enough to go out in public without any makeup on and i haven't had any new acne in a few months now. LOVE LOVE LOVE these products!
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April 3, 2018
Liquid GOLD for ACNE !
This is the only acne treatment that acts as the best spot treatment that I have ever used. Whenever I get a breakout and that is, rarely ever since I started using their regimen.... I will dab a dot of this product on the pimple and boom....the next morning it will no longer be throbbing or red. I like to be extra so I try to pop it first before applying the product just to make absolute sure that the product gets into the cyst to do its magic. I have tried both ways (unpopping/popping) and it will still work but sometimes Ill get a stubborn one therefore the need for popping it first. VOILA !! The zit will literally die the next morning.
March 17, 2018
Effective for breakouts not blackheads
I used to have major breakouts in my T-Zone, but with continuous use of this product and following the regimen I got rid of my acne. Now I rarely get breakouts, and even when I do get a pimple it will go away within a week or two. I really do love this product, and there is no better deal out there on the internet for benzoyl peroxide. One note: This product did not help with my blackheads, but overall my skin appearance is much better.
March 14, 2018
This stuff is amazing!!!
I've been using this product since November and my skin is crystal clear! I saw a difference within the first week!!! I would definitely recommend this product to ANYONE!!
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March 5, 2018
game changer
game changer. I had chronic acne from age 14-25 and tried just about everything. Really changed my life when I started using the regimen. Simple, and it completely cleared me up! Thank you!
February 19, 2018
Very effective and helped clear up a severe breakout.
If you have gone from having light to moderate acne onto hormone induced mega breakouts that just wont go away, I definitely recommend 2.5% Benyzoyl Peroxide. I had weeks of inflamed spots that just seemed to trigger new blemishes. Being anti-bacterial it of course is great for preventing the new spots from happening. It is very drying but that does get better overtime. I've been using this stuff since around October through the winter months, so haven't had to worry too much about the sun (very grey and cloudy here in the UK) but on sunny days do remember to wear sunscreen. Also it does bleach your sheets, which is a bit of a pain. I did use old cases but got a bit sick of having sheets that looked a bit sad. Some people on here use disposable cases for hospitals but I found these scratchy. There is a UK company that sells disposable pillowcases for people with acne and those ones are much softer, so for now that's how I keep my bed looking nicer,
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February 16, 2018
This regimen really works as long as you follow it
I have been using this treatment for almost a year now, about 8 months, and it has completely cleared my skin. I only use the treatment from and i use my own oil free non pore clogging moisturiser and the purpose cleanser. I use it twice a day. If you've been using this for a few months and are experiencing a lull in it, then you probably aren't using enough. but it works miracles.
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February 14, 2018
The best one out there
This has been my skin's savior. I first went through the regimen about four years ago when I had minor cystic acne breakouts on my cheeks. It was horribly drying but I stuck through it. I realized once my skin got better that it's happier without the regimen cleanser, and I also switched to another moisturizer. So I have one from a company in Sweden called Basiderm. I tried switching my BP out to some products from The Ordinary this summer and my acne breakouts were much worse than it ever was before. Once I got a hold of my BP again, I went back to my old regimen and now I'm only left with scarring but no active breakouts. I have tried SO MANY products for my skin and nothing has ever worked as good and fast at making a pimple stop hurting as this. Before my skin was used to it, it first got worse, as expected. Now my skin is used to it, a pimple can go from hurting to not hurting over the course of one night. I am so thankful for this product. Please please try the regimen if you're experiencing pain, it's so worth it.
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February 8, 2018
Amazing Product. Not too Drying!
I have been using Benzoyl Peroxide for years. I started using the Neutrogena brand as a teenager, and it always irritated my skin (even with such little product). I was nervous to try such a large amount, but this has never irritated my skin as much as that Neutrogena one. I use it nightly (so I don't have sun irritation). I have noticed when I don't use it, I start to get pimples again. Also, the customer service is AMAZING! I highly recommend buying products from this website. They have gone above and beyond to help me when there were some shipment issues, and I love to support such a kind and helpful brand!!!
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