: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 18, 2015
Horrible product
I ordered this product for the second time and the first time I had it I got a small tube of everything and I followed the regimen for washing and caring for your face and it did nothing but make my face worse... I highly do not recommend this product, also it took 4 weeks to finally get it, and I had paid for the extra fast shipping. DO NOT get this product, it is a waste of your money and time waiting for it to finally come, I wish I could get my money back for how horrible of a product it is. Folks please take my advice.. and don't get this.
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September 16, 2015
Are you kidding me??!?!??!?!
Are you serious, Dan? I saw all the good reviews of this regimen, and look where it took me. My skin got so flaky and it looks absolutely disgusting and it made my skin to get worse and more sensitive and I am having break outs. What is this? Also, I don't understand why you charged me for another this whole kit even though I DID NOT order on September 10!!!!! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why you are saying that my order has been shipped.. Shipped to where? To heaven? Seriously, give my freaking money back. Send it directly through my bank account. I am so very disappointed with this regimen and your service. This regimen was my last hope for my acne, but you made it worse and you gave me more stress by taking my money away from my bank account even though I DID NOT order this freaking regimen again. HA. You better respond to my email ASAP and give my money back and I don't even want your regimen, your kit anymore. Take them with you and give me my money back NOW.
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September 17, 2015
YES! such a horrible product!!
September 27, 2015
Been using this for many years now. The first time I used it my skin got worse before it got better... My skin got flaky and it purged. Good thing about the flakiness was that it renewed my skin faster, hence the scars faded faster too.. Hang in there.
November 10, 2015
Please try it again and give it at least a month before you judge. My skin went through a seriously scary, flakey phase and now it's beautiful. Takes time and patience!
August 12, 2015
Day 3
this is good for clearing acne but because i have combination skin it completely dried out my skin as if i have a sunburn i dont know if its normal for my skin to start itching & burning but i am VERY disappointed in this product & its only been 3 days
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August 14, 2015
It happened to me at first, but I apply more (a lot) moisturizer in the nights and help me a lot, and on the day I use at least protection SPF 30 (société Prime & Defend).
May 19, 2015
Doesn't Work
Tried it for 2 months and nothing changed but my skin got red and tender.
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May 5, 2015
Ineffective for acne. Great at bleaching and ruining your favorite clothes and towels
I've used Benzoyl Peroxide in vain over the course of a few years (both as a wash and spot treatment) and am finally giving up. I have persistent mild to moderate acne and this product does nothing other than bleach my clothes and towels. It doesn't seem to prevent my breakouts. Nor does it seem to help existing ones heals any quicker. When I really up the usage it just dries out my skin, causing it to flake and crack, and makes things altogether worse.
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April 23, 2015 regiment
tried this product and followed directions to the T and saw absolutely no improvement. The 1st 3weeks my skin was worse but expected as there is a purging stage but after 3months of using the regiment and no improvement from before i ever started using the product I decided to cut my losses and accept the factthat i wasnt going to be one of the lucky ones where this product changed their life. Great news is they have an excellent return policy
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March 21, 2015
Worst product ever
Ive had the worst acne since I was 13 years of age. I started to look up different types of acne products and I came across this one. I bought this and it came with the 3 regimen products. I used the products correctly by following the instructions by doing it night and morning. After a week I noticed I was getting acne on different parts of my face that I never got before. I was so dissapointed and frustrated that I was getting acne all over my cheeks and and my forehead and it was so difficult to get rid of. In my experience of using this product it didn't work and it gave me more acne than needed. I strongly do not reccomend this product unless it has worked for you.
February 18, 2015
Doesnt Work for me
Ive never really had luck using BP. It just burns my skins and dries the crap out of it. I tried using it for 2 months no results but I know that some products work for others and some just dont. For me it doesnt work.
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January 15, 2015
Ouch :(
I am just finishing week one, so I will update this review in another week. I am using a tiny amount, less than a pea size, and it itches sooo bad! It makes my skin red and swollen, too. I started mixing it with the moisturizer when I apply, which helps, but I do not know how I will ever be able to apply more than a pea size amount. My skin is really, really sensitive (and possibly allergic to BP). I am slathering jojoba oil all over my face, which really helps my dry skin and decreases the irritation a little. I will increase the stars in a week if I start to get over this horrible reaction. I cannot ever give this five stars though, because this just does not seem right to me. BP does not cure the underlying causes of acne; it only treats the symptoms. This is an irritating chemical, and I cannot imagine using it indefinitely.
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December 6, 2014
Not worth it
I have been using benzaclin for 5 years now for my cystic acne and since my insurance was going to change that meant the prescription would be $200 everytime i needed some more. So i decided to try out this stuff. It just made my skin worse. I stuck with it for a month or so, I wasnt even able to absorb it either. So i switched back to benzaclin and im already noticing a huge difference after 1 week. Never again will i try the cheap stuff to try and save some money. Instead of buying this garbage go to a dermatologist instead its way better than otc crap
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