: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 11, 2016
I've been on this regimen for almost two months now. I've tried everything from the drugstore to high end but none of them work! I started using the body shop tea tree line and it works for a couple months then i started break out again. I'm very oily and I get acne where I touch my face or if I drink sweet stuffs my acne would purge out. My acne was in control for a Couple of months after I came back from my vacation, my jaw line started to break out and I thought it was normal but then a couple of days later, there was pimples on pimples and it was gross. I wouldn't even go out because I felt so ugly. I came across acne. Org on YouTube and everyone said it works so I decided to try it out. I mean what is the worse could happens. When I first started using it, my face was peeling and dry and itchy. I even email the company and they get back to me the next day said it was normal ( they were super nice). My acne started to clear up the first week but then there was still pimple there and then. I was peeling for a month but THE ACNE ON MY JAW LINE WENT AWAY. I went ahead and added the AHA+ to my routine and the first night it was burning so bad which was normal so I stopped doing that then just add the moisturizer with the AHA+ together. Now my skin is clear but I still break out there and then. Now I'm able to go out with my bareskin because it's clear and it has this natural glow which is nice. I would recommend people with acne to try this because it really work and will worth your money!
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September 8, 2016
BP was recommended to me by a friend several years I recommend it to all of my friends. The only occasional problem I have with it is dryness, but then I just back off & use it just once a day. I notice if I miss several times of application, because then I get a Zit:( I also hate when I get some in my eye...ow! I too had problems with acne for years as a teenager, and I know that my parents still even get an occasional future didn't look too promising when it came to a clear face. But since I found BP, my family says my face feels so smooth, it's like a babies':) One last problem....I want to tell everybody about ACNE.ORG, but it's too awkward to walk up to someone & say, "I see you have bad acne; I can help you with that."! Someone needs to make some stickers, badges, or t-shirts so we can tell the awkward teenager that there is an answer to his/her troubles!
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September 2, 2016
Great product!
I highly recommend it. Slowly but surely --- you'll clearly see results in a few weeks.
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September 2, 2016
Best benzoyl ever!
Excellent benzoyl gel, absolutely the best. Very well priced. Glad they made the shipping prices more reasonable bc I only use the benzoyl and the oil and will never reach the free shipping threshold. If used exactly as outlined by the regimen, the drying can get pretty crazy. I actually only use the benzoyl at night and about half the amount called for. For me that seems just as effective, without the drying. I also use a different moisturizer which helped me. The key is to be patient and figure out what works best for you. I've been clear because of this gel for years. I had tried everything previous to this without success, but now my skin looks amazing.
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September 7, 2016
what moisturizer did you use?? I need one cause dans moisturizer I don't really like it burns and Justs sits on top of my skin
August 29, 2016
Patience is key
My skin got really dry during the first month of usage of BP - 2.5% but after about 6 weeks my skin started to heal nicely, I like this product and will definitely recommend it.
August 25, 2016
HUGE success
I started the Regimen in September 2015 using this BP and I have completely clear skin now. It has done wonders for keeping acne at bay, and even helping clear up redness and old scars. For anyone who has struggled with acne for 10+ years like I have, I highly suggest giving this a try. I remember at the beginning, I was very skeptical, but stuck through it and now, it is paying off. Keep up the hope and just give it a try and see if it works or you! :)
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August 22, 2016
dries me out pretty bad and burns until you get used to it. I do not apply as liberally as recommended or all over my entire face, just on problem areas. I have used benzoyl peroxide in many forms and I think this is one of the most potent ones I've used. I do not get a ton of inflammatory acne, but this nips the occasional pimple with a head or painful bump in the bud.
August 22, 2016
2 years on the regimen
I've been using the cleanser and benzoyl peroxide for over two years now, and I'm pretty happy with them! At first the BP irritated my skin and I could only use a little bit every other day, and my skin was flaky. I switched to a Eucerin moisturizer and kept going though, and I'm glad I did. After the first few months my skin got used to it and my acne has really gone down. Every night I wash my face with the cleanser, use a finger-length amount of BP, and then moisturize. My skin isn't 100% clear, and maybe it would be if I did the regimen in the morning too, but it is so much better than it was before! I think these products are definitely worth trying out. I hope they work for you just as well as they work for me!
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August 14, 2016
Best there is
So I've had bad acne for about three years now most around my jaw line, cheek and neck area. I've been using this regimen for only one week now and I can honestly say my skin is looking the best it has looked in those 3 years. I apply a little more of BP around my chin and jawline as that's my most affected area. I would definitely recommend over using your moisturiser as your skin can dry out from the BP. This has definitely changed my life and I will continue to use it!
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August 10, 2016
Changed My Life!
The Regimen changed my life and the way I feel about myself! I came back from a year long backpacking trip where my skin completely cleared up and when I came home into a very stressful situation (my dad passed away) my already acne prone skin flared up with intensity. I had cystic acne on my cheeks and jawline (at least 5-10 at a time). I had acne under my skin on my forehead, a lot of little bumps around my temples, and pimples I could sometimes pop on my inner cheeks next to my nose. I tried Aczone and Adapalene but neither worked and they made my skin look really dull. I finally stumbled across Regimen in December of 2015 so I've been using it for 8 or 9 months now. The first two months were hard. I had really dry, red skin but I could tell that my skin was healing. By month 5 & 6 my forehead and inner cheek acne almost completely disappeared besides the occasional break out. My cystic acne was stubborn but I can say now that I have not had 1 cystic break out for at least 2 months! I added AHA to my regimen about 5 months after starting the Regimen and I feel like that made a huge difference. I mix it with the lotion every night equal parts. I am so happy and confident with my skin now! It is completely clear! I cannot express enough that you need to give the Regimen time to heal your acne! The longer I stay on it the more beautiful my skin is. The only thing I have now is a little bit of scarring and dark marks that I can easily cover with makeup. I use Bare Minerals complexion rescue which has never made me break out and is really light weight! Please try to Regimen & stick with it if you're struggling with acne! It will change your life.